PAflK ElflHT mrvm eT REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Preaching at Sadler SchoolhouBe on next Sunday night at 7 o'clock by Rev. L. P. Bogle. The weather continues mild and pleasant. Toil i fortunate on those of ub who hare a flhort eupplyot coal. -rkan hrmaVa have been moder ate on the local market this .week.; Prices continue to boom ana are all highly pleased with returns. The election returns gave both the Democrat and Republicans pleasure and sorrow. Both factors at different times saw victory and defeat for their favorites. t. rmirth and last quarterly meet ing for Ruffln circuit will be bed Sat- j . nrday and Sunday at Ruffln. Preach- ; 11 , m both days. A full at-. tendance of all the official members is desired at 10 a. m. Commissioner J. E. Smith asks us to give notice to the public that on Sunday afternoon. Nov. 12th. it. will bo necessary to cut off the city water a few hou'i on Lindsey. Main .and riedmont streets, on account of hv tag to transfer a hydrant on Main street.- Mr. Johnston and Miss manure, two young people of Oreftiia'ioro.. came to Reidsville Tuesday tor the purpose of getting married. But the. would-be bride's mother had wired to Chief of Tolice Brown ta detain the young lady and not permit the ceremony. Chief Brown accompanied the pair back to Creensboro. On their arrlva there Mrs. Frashure relented and gave her consent to the marriage of the young people. So all ended well, and the young couple will probably live happily ever afterwards. The first shipment of machinery for the new cigarette factory has arrived and 1j now being installed in the Bur ton factory. The actual work of man ufacturing cigarettes will be begun at r-.rx early date. Work is proceeding steadily on the preparation of the temporary factory. Eight machines are now in the building, being placed, with the necessary machinery. This will be sufficient to keep ISO hands going, packing. There is still a need for more 8.ppUcatlons for employment Packers are mostly needed. This is a nice, light, pleasant occupation-ana a remunerative one. We urge our young women seeking work to send in - applications without .a. moments de lay. Work will start shortly, and win be Riven to those among tho first to start working when REIDSVILLE REVIEW REIDSVILLE, N. C. Fit For a King! You need not be an difference. expert to tell the USE SIP-WELL COFFEE . for a few davs and vou will see that it makes a coffee that is better, more whole some and more economical. It has a delicious flavor. 25 Gents Per Pound In Sealed Tins At All Leading Grocers. better pobltlona, at higher salaries are t e Riled. ,Misa Mae Smith and Mr. Junies I). Callahan, two popular and well known young people of the place, took their friends by surprise Wednesday night when at Greensboro they were united in marriage, Rev. W. A. Lambeth of Reidsville, officiating. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Smith in the presence of relatives and a few close friends of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan will make their home In Reidsville whore Mr. Callahan halds a position with the city. Mr. D. I. Roberts, a prominent farm er of Stony Creek township, Caswell county, died at his home Sunday night aiter an illness of several months. He was nearly 70 years of age. He was a Confederate veteran and had many warm friends. He leaves a wife and three chillren, also three sisters, Mrs. p D Gold of Wilson, Mrs. II. C. Har ris and Mrs. J. S. Dameron of Reids ville. The funeral services were con. ducted by Elder O. J. Denny of Char lotte at Gilliam's Primitive Baptist church Tuesday and interment was at the church cemetery. The movement to organize a Sweet Potato Growers Association has not vet been consummated. There are a number of farmers in the County who numuoi have n) nave lioitviuoo - , kiln. whorta to cam ttem will t Slillf lll il - JIHomeBank that payr tttefest 4I O o TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! Put your important papers, jewelry, and other almilar valuables in one of our Safe Deposit Boxes TODAY tomorrow may be too late. These Boxes are furnished at the moderate rental of $1.00 year-you cannot afford to take chance, of losing your valuables when you can 8et absolute protection at this low cost. LISTEN! IT IS WRONG 10 BE WASTEFUL It is wrong to be wnstetul, is reason enough why One should save, but there are other reasons xou never know one day the next will bring forth and uL good sense to build for the future. .men a man is young and vigorous he is apt to forget that some day he will be old. Every old man around you waa young one time. You will not he an exception. Prepare for cares and responsibility. Thifl institution affords the best means in ' the world to save and accumulate. r - SdLscnbe for stock in the 19th series. Books are now open. - t Rdsvilla Building & Loan Association R. B. CHANCE, President, JNO. D. HUFFINES, Secretary ty over the winter. If these people will grade their potatoes, as soon as they have been sufficiently seasoned, ami nack them three bushels in a barrel, and notify the Commercial & Agricultural Association how many barrels of each grade they have, the Association will endeavor to dispose of them. The potatoes must be grad ed in three sizes small, medium, and large. No damaged potatoes must be packed. It would be well to grade now, and pack as soon as an order to received for shipment. BUSINESS BUILDERS- LOST. WANTED, ETC How about your subscription? Read the Advertisements today! Cash paid for country produce. R M. Gillie. We sell Nissen and Spa,ch wagons. Townaend Buggy Co. I.ueas Paints -stay painted. See Reidsville Hardware Co. Vulcan Chilled Plows are sold on a guarantee. Townsend Buggy Co Several good used cars for sale cheap to quick buyer Amos Motor Co Tin v a Letz erain mill: sold on a guarantee. Townsend Buggy Co Khimn Pullers- are the best. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co LOST. New umbrella some where n hiiHiriHfis section. Return to this office. Oliver Chilled Plows sold and guaranteed by Reidsville Hardware Company. How about nice buggy, harness and rnhA? Our prices are low. Townsend Buggy Co. Lots of chickens and eggs and coun try produce of all kinds.- Cosmo Ben son, 'Phone 63. Everything good to eat at the Va- riniv Villi- Nov. 9 and 10. At Booster Bund apartments. The new store, the clean store, with a fresh stock. Lots of country pro tluce. Cosmo Benson. FOR SALE. 50 Berkshire and Poland-China shoats; also 45 pigs six weeks old. J. E. Amos. A fresh cow for sale, giving 4 gal lltr a rinv AnDlV to W. A Cox, Route 2, Ruffln, N. C. FOr twei.ty-rour inch concrete well plpu, brick and building blocks, call on W. T." Woatton, Mgr. For cash, good dry mixed wood, 2 ner cord delivered. Call 'Phone 211 W Mrs. C, II. Overman. Blackman's Medicated Salt Brick is good for horses, cows, sheep and hogs sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Paroid Roofing not cheapest but ist oxnense. Big stock at Ola price Reidsville Hardware Co, FOR SALE. Two second-hand bug gies at bargains; one set double bug gy harness. Townsend Buggy Co Buy your Christmas presents at the Variety Fair. Beautiful handkerchiefs, aDrons for every purpose, all kinds of'fancy work. ; - Dancing Class 7:30. Instructions In all modern dancing. For the month of November only, Mrs. Maude Stock ard, Reidsville, N. C. FOR SALE. Good horse and bug gy and harness, all for 7S, or will trade for beef cattle. J. H. Pritchett, Barres Street, Reidsville, N. C. FOR SALE. Small tract of land three miles West of Reidsville. Bar gain to quick buyer. . Any Informa tion see J. Roy Turner at Reidsville Motor Company. Owing to the high cost of every thing to eat It looks like every farmer in the county mould plant a patch of cabbage. I have thousands of One plants now ready to set out. Cosmo Benson.' - ' t To the Farmers. Always stop at the Climax Barber Shop for your hair cuts. We guarantee the best servtoe And sneciallze on all kinds of hair cutting. Barber & Pettlgrew. Props Next door to Bank of Reidsville. ThA r.ftftVuvlUft Blanket Co. has a beautiful display of blankets, the pro duct of Spray miUs, on display In the Webster building on Morehead street. Those in need of blankets would do well to call this week and supply treir wants. Will be here Saturday al so. Don't forget to supyly your blan FOR SALE. Good variety cabbage plants. Jaa. Robinson. Choice celery now ready, rnone 314-W. A. H. Waycaster. Come to supper bread and .butter J. W. Dixon, Phone 270. ;J rtnoflne at $1.00 per roll and up at Reidsville Hardware Co. We pay cash or trade for country, produce. J. D. McCoUum & aon. Snftclal dinners every day trom 11:30 to 1:30 for 35c Royal Cafe. ; Car load cotton seed meal Just re ceived. Prices right. B. M. uuue. Another lot Sun Rise Flour just re ceived. Give it a trial. J. u. mcl,oi- lum & Son. a n Rinert in watch repair ing, wants you to see him at Morrison Jewelry Co. urnnn RAWED. If yOU Want f vour wood sawed 'phone to iii-J Elmo Moricle. mn SAT.E Two mules coming .. .-tit V nihha ..ncya nlfl AUDIT VJ AW- 1 j CQ1 O V . - Pftldsville. N. C. wamtfd. One hundred bushels of new corn at once at highest mar ket price. It. M. Gillie. n,.v vmir flour before It goes high Will receive two cars during me next few days. R. M. Gillie. wANTF.n. Sweet milk customers; Hdiverv made early every morning. Phone 1721. Mrs. A. L. Harris. s.iharihn for stock in the Reids vIHa Building & Loan Association, and get ready to build a home. The Reidsville Building & Loan As sociation pays you six per cent inter est on your money, free of taxes. Mr. S. B. Mace gives special atten Hnn to fitting sDectacles and eye glasses at Morrison Jewelry Co's. nhiA Island Reds for sale. Hens, millets and cockerals. Apply to P. H. Williamson, Lawsonville avenue. The books' are now open for sub scription to stock in the 19th series nt the, Ttelrisville Building & Loan Association. Urine us vour chickens, egg3, hams or any kind of produce. Highest mar ket prices, cash or trade. j. ij. mc- Collum & Son. wo hettr time to start a savings amount than now. SubscriDe , ror in tha Ttntflsville Building & ntwvi -- Loan Association. WhAn BHttain fills your prescHp tions you got exactly what your doctor prescribes. Brlttain is a uniggisi Phone 300. - - We pay cash or trade for country nrniifA. Htchest market pricos.- Trent & Trent. Ware & Somers build ing, Phone 182. FOUND. Pocket book containing some money. Owner can get u uj describing same and paying tor mis notice. R. L. Rascoe. nr ,riah tn thank the kind neigh bors and friends for the sympathy and kindness to us in our bereavement. J. A. Ingram and Family. FARM FOR SALE. A nice 76-acre. well improved farm, 3 1-2 miles trom Reidsville. Bargain for qulcK Duytr. Ralnh Stratton, R. 3. Reldsvliw. FOR SALE. Plot of well timber ed land; mill track contains i.s i- Vrirc $fi0 Der acre. Lumuer u cut would pay for land. T. A. Mooro, Route 3, Box 42. Mail orders receive onr prompt and o,fni uttAntton. We have the stock lSJU u. wv- We know the drug business Wf want vniil' irade. Brittala urug Stor Phone 300. t- .-. t ndina rion't. foreet to bring your children to the Climax Barber Shop for Dutch hods ana nuater Tlrnwn Hair UUlting. J- Barber makes a specialty of this work. of mules and horses, seme nice large ones; all good work stuff, juBt fresh from Southwest Vir ginia where good ones grow. Come and see us. Prices right.-Ivie Bros. Live Stock Co. TO THE PUBLIC A. T. Penn is no .longer connected with the Ideal Barber Shop. You will ana unggs & Hall ther to serve you all the time. The Ideal Barber Shop (old stanoj Rorer Building. if vnn ar looklns: for quality In your Job printing, send your orders to us." Satisfaction guaranteed on all ,nrv PromDt delivery Wm. w. Oliver Printing Co.. Review Building. Reidsville, N. C. REMOVAL NOTICE. The Walker Hide & Junk Company wUl move to the Dry Prizery building opposite the snthnm frelzht depot on Nov. 10th. This will give us better faculties for handling all kinds of hides. Junk, etc. v take this occasion to return our heatfelt thanks to our many friends for their acts of sympathy and klnd nosa to 119 during our bereavement In the sickness and death of our beloved son. Jessie David Walker. J. D.WaiK er and Family. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. At my home one mile North of Reidsville on the old Leaksville road on Saturday, Nov. 25th, at 2:30 p. m.; 1 good pair mules; 1 cow; a lot of rough feed; 1 Peering binder; farm tools, etc. Mrs. Fannie Burton. vnn rat.e. Mv house and jrem- i.mi at Ruffln. N. C consisting of irht room: fine well of water, splen did orchard; stable; beautiful lawn orti a variety of more than fifty trees; located opposite High GnhnrJ fculldln. and fronting public vi.t.. nd Southern Railway. For n .a " " j further Information, addresa Dr. F . F. Tucker, Milton. N, C FRIDAY, NOV. 10TH, 19)6 SEASON'S SMARTEST COAT AND SUIT STYLES ARE NOW ON EXHIBIT AT THIS STORE ers combined into the garments of exceptional worth and i. : quality. The new fabrics lend themselves with beautiful grace to the lines of the new models and the results are delightfully pleasing. Let Us Show Them to You. MRS. C0RNIE IRVN & CO., TH E WOMAN'S STORE QUALITY AND STYLE Agents Pictorial Review Patterns FLOWER BULBS Hyacinths, Dutch 50c Dozen Narcissus, Paper White 30c Dozen Tulips, Single Mixed 20c Dozen Chinese Lillies 10c Each Plant early and make home beautiful, r-resh shipment just arrived. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 GEBB2BU comma soon. m. rattjort irt dun eothesyour boys too In (I'M TwAKKriT At the LAST MOMENT you may get an unexpected invitation to dine on Thanks giving. Come, get your new suit and over coat and BE READY. Do not put off buying your winter clothes any longer; ;you will lose just that much use of them. Come FIRbT to us for your clothes. You will look no fur ther; you'll find in our -store just what you want at a PRICE you'll know is right. , Bring YOUR BOYS along. We have good clothes for them, too. LL THE MAN'S STORE REIDSVILLE. N. C. TWO DOLLAR WHEAT. Is too high to be eaten np hy Weevils. We have the remedy that will kill them and keep them out. It is not expensive and you can't afford NOT to use it. We also have a big supply of RI ITR STONE i for soaking Seed Wheat to prevent rust and smutt. j r,AnnNF.R DRUG COMPANY y ket want,

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