TUESDAY. DEC. CTII, 1916 f'AOEFOUB THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. C. Its Reidsville Review TUESDAY AND FRIDAY THE REVIEW COMPANY (Incorporated.) MANTON OLIVER .. .. ..President It. J. OLIVER 8ec. and Treat, WM. M. OLIVER .. .. Vv Preldent $1.50 PER YEAR (Entered at the postofflc I Relds rtlle, N. C, as second clan i: , 0 matr tor.) AMERICA FIRST AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY FINANCE 6hoot the first one that writes It Xmas . o Now Jf Carolina will only put a crimp in that Virginia baseball team next spring! o Both Taft and Bryan are to visit JMelgh this weok, but no political significance is attached to their in vasion of the Capital City. o The News and Observer notes that the high cost of paper did not stop the sending out of bills on the first vt the month. o but heeds the call. lUlae these other things and then let tobacco be the money crop. If a farmer relies upon tobacco for everythlnr, he Is up against it good stiff and hard and will always have his nose on the grind stone. Diversification is the only hope of the farmer, and If you will pick out the successful farmer of to day, you will find his raising a little of everything. He has realized that this Is his only salvation. Of course tobacco is now selling for more mon- i ey than it has for a decade, and we are afraid that many farmers will lose their heads next year and try to cover the earth with the weed be cause of this fact. They will forget the lean years of t ho past when thoy barely got enocgh out of their crop tt run them - many of them being "run" In debt. The good prcos tnis year will place a majority of them on their feet, financially. We hope, however, that they will not forget that their safety lies in one word diversification. That is their salva tion, and they should not forget this great and important fact. The farm er who raises enough to "live at home and board at the si-me place" is the farmer who is forcing ahead these days. CHRISTMAS SAVING) CLUB IDEA IS GROWING FAST -o The man In town and city is en couraged in many sections of the country by increase in wages, which comes handy in these days of high coat Of Jiving. ' o ' We don't protend to say that the Democrats of the Tenth would take atything by unfair methods, but it is a foregone conclusions that a major ity of the Republicans in those dig rings will see to It that they get ev erything coming to them, at least. -o THE WRONG SPIRIT. We want to say amen to the follow ing from the Danbury Reporter: The f-rmer who would have high tobacco ; n l cheap flour and cheap moat and cheap estton goods, shows the yellow MT,ak. It Is Just as Important, as far an the United States is concerned, th it the wheat growers Of the West, the cotton planters of the South anil he hog raisers of the. Middle. West sbculd live as that the tobacco farm er f North Carolina' and Virginia Phfi'd live. If the tobacco farmers of North Carolina and Virginia have n' better business sense than to let the Western wheat and hog raisers pet their tobacco money away from them !t, is their misfortune. They onlv o'-e to blame. And if they would c( rret such a bad habit, they would e-'sily bo able to pay the cotton farm er for what little cotton we use. "Open Window Week." "Open Window Week" Is to be ob nerved the next few days in New York City in connection with Tuber culosis Week. This movement was inaugurated by the City Health De partment to call attention to the aluo of fresh air In the prevention and cure of tuberculosis. The date of "Open Window Week" has been fixed from December 4 to 10, Inclu sive, the same as that of Tuberculo sis Week. Ppocial feature days during the week will be obserrved as follows: Open-Window Day Monday, Dec. 1th. Medical Examination Day Tues day, Den, Gth.. Walk to Work Day Wednesday, Doc. 6th. Sanitary Workshop Day Thurs day, Dec. 7th. Children's Health Day Friday, De cember 8. Sunshine Sabbaath Saturday, De cember !Hh. Sunshine Sunday Sunday, Dec, 10. To make Tuberculosis Week popu lar and its observutalon feasible and t the same time worth while to ev erybody is the Idea of the "Open Window Week". Everybody can op en their windows on Monday, walk to work on Wednesday, clean up shop on Thursday and get out in the sun shine either Saturday or Sunday. And when all of this is done In one week erbody is the idea of the "Open nnd cures tuberculosis, it will be ffund to bo worth while, and 'tuber culosis will be found to have been set back not a little distance. Christinas savings clubs ure destined to bo: nine jiopulur throughout tlu L'nlt ed States in view of the great kucccn these novel liist!t'.:ti'ii.s have been in Chlcnso. t'liicMgonns put :.h),(mhi Into their own Christinas stockings (Ids year through I he medium nf ('lirlstums sav in;.' Hubs. A doen nf tin" city h hanking Inst! tin ! n s whi'li ,l,u',e introduced this syMem nf saini; I li i nigliout the year tcuaiil a In-duay :urd report Uic ,-nr-rui: ci' in -re lli.ui :.i ,( t such in-, counts ii I M'e cut lmi;si ic in their in doivi 'iient i if i,e scheme. Oilier bank w hli Ii Invc rot tried the plan an imiiiiee their intention of taking it up dl.tii .: the minim:' year. Ii inkers de clare that the clui.s air a nre.it (level oper n ik-e Mixing l.,;l.d and prt-di' I that !'iil . it I l.i: 1 of the ( hiiM ni.'ls in counts -will he turned over to perni:i nent sa i : i s hank funds. The (.'I'tieral plan i.f t!:e savings I clubs Is the same hi u'.l of the banks. , It oiks :' r a fifty week season with a j certain deposit em h week. There is n wide range In the classification ,f de- iposits. The lowest calls for an initial i deposit of 1 cent, with 1 cent lidded.), e.'h h week, the final payment being ,Vi 1 c. i,is nnd the total fund n cuinulated j I-'.T.'. A straight weekly deposit nf J c in -:. Mites the top cla-s. Interest of per i-rit is allowed on the savings j ill Mo: t of t he hanks. "Our ( 'hristnins Savings club has be j come a very important depart incut with j us," said 11. (,'. I.iiyeock, vice i.residen: of the People's Stockyards Stute bunk which U Just finishing its fourth sav iiigs club season, and claims to be tin pioneer In Initiating the piactice. "A. a starter for permanent savings ac- argument can be advanced against (he use of gas for cooking. Realizing that the Installation of gas for the purpose of cooking and ironing. In the town will receive con sideration from the citizens of Kedsvllle, the Association has arrang ed for a demonstration of cooking and lighting, on a small scale, to be riven in the auditorium of the Asso ciatlon next Saturday afternoon, De cember 9th, beginning at 4 o'clock. At this demonstration full Informa tion will be afforded as to the initial cost of Installing cooking ranges, and method of operating. The ladles of the town are cordially invited to be present at this demonstration. Many of the citizens of Reidsville have, from time to time, expressed the hope that coal gas might be available for this purpose at some future date, but estimates of the cost of installation and operation have proven too high for consideration. The acetyllne gas is better adapted for the purpose of cooking, and will be found much more economical. AN EXCITING TRIP TO NO MAN'S LAND A trip Into "No Man's strip of ground bet we n lines nn i be Soni!::e . rout in I Is described In tiie follnwln:; wrifVn by a se,-ni:.l lleii'enai, Irish r- -in, All day Mr"M!'iii ':' I: the DIVERSIFICATION IS THE REM- ': . ; EDY. '. The last issue of the Madison Messotmer had this timely diversifi cation sermon: Strange to say, wo see that the farmers of Iredell county are beiii-j urged to raise more tobac co. We believe that this is the first section of North Carolina to urge this As a matter of fact, in tobacco sec lions the farmers have for the past several years been urged to raise less tobacco, and more corn r wheat, rye, oats, p'i' itoes, etc. In other words, to raise enough meat and broad for t remsek e i and enough food stuffs for their stock more cattle, hogs, etc. This Is t.ho kind of doctrine tiny Is being preached In tobacco-raising countries, and it is the only kind of doctrine, that will place a farmer on his feet and keep him there, if ho ooooooooooo o oooooooooo $1,795,000,000 IN LOANS MADE BY U. S. TO EUROPE O O O O o o o c o o o o $;,iiyii.m10'X o ' o Loimy mailrt hy Amfiiican bankers to. the l.(.-ll;,;c; i-m pou'ers uf Kur-opo and ''ni.au.i since llu ;u tu-Kitn now I' ijiicvlina t $ l.T.'j.ix "'.Ch 0. thp tnnii") I.i.it ti'.ui.sartiiiiis bains as fnlli , v, m :'..'. Armlo l''ri'n.'h credit Fn H ; lai'ish : . netal In in . ,..'',.....'.. ... ; , . Si'cntnl lirili.sll cullutcrHl loan Kn ncli :.-ii!l.iteral loan. . ., Ki cui li eeiti!':er(,::i! err, lit City or I 'in Is 1 lii n . ....... French nuiiiici; al i.ian to Cilicrt (if MmilcallX, Ly nns jiial M :' rsoilh p. I;ussHin 1'iiii'i ( iri'Ui cil i , . , Kusi.tn Inan ( liiisecii i h! ) Wheat fur, base crniit (l:ritl -:-lu ................. Oillaclian loans: ' 1 oniliiim . . . ............. I'rovlnclal .Municipal . . . . . ..... Open credits In London.. no ., .! i.fio i lllii.Hlil.lliii) GO, i ), I n) ;,n,iMi,iiea L."),")0().iHiO r'jo.niw.ooi) ; ,V,,flll,iiKI fti.mm.diHi K,Oii.i,(hx) Total ., .Il,7:if,,0iX),i)(T() OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo v - THERE IS nothing more comfortable or satisfyinp thnn a Lome properly built according to your own ideas. ; ' OUT OF such an investment you gain more pleasure than from the rental of the finest home in town. PLAN to build a home of your own as soon as you can and come here for the materials. . St'! counts iit t a t'rent thing. This year We hud ,oort accounts, h gtiin of 1,400 over last year, and the savings amount to $1115.000. Fully l,::o. of the deposi lorn will transfer their accounts to 1 1 1 - -regular savings I anl;. Our 1017 club opens I tec. 1, nnd we are making piite a eaiiipai'ii and exptn-t a big iu '!'(';. r-f ill uiemlieishiji. We've had to 'lilarge our (lepai tiin nf considerably to handle the crowd," Mny Persons Learn to Save. "It gives us a pal a,;ial touch with t lie depositors," said Miss t'lara I?rad ley, cashier of the club. "It was a new idea to tlieiu to be able to save in small .amounts, and they like to talk with us about it. One man explained that he had never saved a. penny in twenty three years, but that this idea had In terested liiiii and given him a start. Many parents carry accounts for their children in the S'wil'rr :;an:tifs. We find the ''!-""'cii:-;!r' cl.-K- s of .deposit one of the l'a orite-i here. It calls for an initial deposit nf ;'.'.."o and a deposit oi 5 cents less for each succeeding week." The People Trust :unl Savii,:;s 1 nnk. one of the two o .,i institutions which have Christinas saunas chilis, reporled I he grea i est nicinlje: s!iii :i n.l largest to lal saved. "Ve have between IL'.ot.O and l.'i.ouc aceomits," saM V.. A. lli.itz, assistani cashier, "and sland ready to pay out !f5.(Ml0. About LTi ier ct",!i of It wii'". go into permanent savings account. We've laid to add nine wii'dows an, next season we -expect to in in. He a' least 15.(M'0 iiccoinits. With us tin 'Jilney' elul.i is the l'aVirile savings uietliod the depositor ' beginning." with a '.nickel mid iiddim: one each week, the fiu il payment being ..'J."0. .'V'.' hav'e also been sueees.sf.il With va''ilt:oll sav ilr.es ciui'S, which rtin for the same pe. iriod, 'fifty wei'ks, and pay, at dilTerenl seasons, one. in summer, ciie in the fall, etc." A lar;re iiiniil.er of t'bicaio banks have taken op the -i'lc-i. Mini nil of them are loud iu their praise of .the ChrUst. mas saviir's elul s. i man w I through wearing t; recomP'einie'l fur tin he bad a "Mighty" I f to the I, ..IP. nil '; opi' the wounded '',, f e !.'.'.! ' iy !n ,-i i.:. 1 i ;1 be'-ii burled a: richt wrist, but ' , . I inn be':, i t. I'. C. M.. ve to go Land," the the battle N'ter. : i an ';('Jt : were t hey : one hot was on !. l.'.'W o:n;V. DEMONSTRATION OF GAS COOKING and did not are n sen;' for iniv ..c. The fir t ,f our boys t come t!il"i;gh was riding on nn ninii- 'atici. v:tU a ! aml.'iged nrrn. H" wnl it t ' s and shouted "HltLrhly" i s lv wc:i: by. - Then t''i'!e : th" ' ci rn;: n ris oiiers. TI.e oiai c "s ve.-y 'superior," but the men looked badly shaken. As one party went I'.v a luinniy s:;.i'iteil, "It's a fine day. Frit." .1 IVltz j laughed and said. -You're right." t To 8?":H r- Bodies. 1 On Tue.Mlay I hud to go no to No Man's T.and with a X. ('. O. nnd ten men to try to find the bodies of two of nur ' H. crs and get Identification disks of nny of the men. One of the men Collapsed en route from the ef fects of a -pn-s nttm.-k .of the I'l-evious Week, and ihen we plowed through the awful i):;.u iookinu for the' dene a lior ribl tas'. . Wlieii -f ::i't t ear our gr-'C '. the enemy I , irnieeie e 1 beliiii;. s-n I '.eft my men in a t:cacb ..ml v.e:t up it lone. Tl' -y ii'.,'in'e 1 cue on e:i -h side of me., (mil I here wasn't liflyen yards beiween i:;e . if was cy'.v '.he soft ground tint sit "(" 1 me. Ai'nuether I had to (ioii.L.;, al lit liflnen of the beau tits, at ii w h ii 1 ' ot u in front all the bodies '(i. i c n either buried by shells in' t'.' ; eel .1 pioneer . parties, so the .pill, i ,'. ' ..s i.i vain. T-.i add to the IV ti i. Ir rained iptite bard, nnd they ("i'tiel C.v t'l i' liipe guns on me. (in :-ie ii I'll jennu'v we b.".l a tiiile and a half of. ,'v:ic.:;t"y to negoti ate, :i!t! it v. -i-s j'lttrd witii s'p'U holes, so progress va s'.ow'.- We hud I ecu In the Auditorium of the C. and A. Association Next Saturday Afternoon. A representative of the J. B. Colt Company has been in Reidsville for Rome time past taking orders for the installation of complete . acetyllne lighting and cooking plants, with I considerable success, --upward of thirty of these plants having been lo cated in the homes of our prosperous and progressive farmers. Th'o Commercial and Agricultural Association is interested In the In stallation of these plants, because It knows that better lighting of the farm home, and pleasanter conditions for the housewife, tend to make farm life more attractive, and has a direct bearing on the monetary value of the homestead. The method of cooking hy gas has been too well tested out to need any recommendation by the Association, hut a synopsis of the advantages might prove of interest. They are: 1. Rapidity in preparation of food. 2. Economy. About $1.00 per month will pay the cost of cooking for an average sized family. 3. Cleanliness. No dust, soot, or unpleasant odors about the house during meal times, and no dieolora llon of cooking ulensils entailing la borious scrubbing, after the prepara tion of meals. 4. Absence of unpleasant heat In consequence of building up wood or coal fires for cooking. The moment tl.e cooking is started, direct strong heat Is available; the moment tfle operation is finished, the heat ceases. 5. Absolute safety in the matter of fire prevention. The gaa is under perfect control at all times. Many more advantage might ba named in fact the arguments are aQ of an affirmative nature; no poaalbl rrawliipj nl leaving its. to walk in Interval -"be; briti'.ip'.' v ' 1 saved i.:-- f-; : StrncP The :. the 'l en s... across a si'.. the man po was hit. W nnd . found ic through ti.e I i right shet'lc'cr ng a C'cn Ii, uiel bef'tre !-c-l re:' I "or 'e.red the men : . le; i 'e v. ith six pit'-es wc.'u . t.'i. 1. 1, I, of i , i.t-se. t.'ie rear. This 'formatioti l i'i;ig wipe i (Hit. ty Shell "moments, a lis s!:-'!.., ' t'.s all across o, -nd, and wpen half way it b'.li'sl iiuiie pear us., tuid :t br.t i pe in front;, of me e . t i: in i in.r i. a - 'i ! i hole !'. I'."1 i i n s'i t lean .-.o, also hit in' the I five i-'.-ics in the f . ). ainl I ban-v.-e wi j'e. i o ered uher .-ii.'ll burst l'iglit. ii rm. The X daged liipl up. bt!' With blond, a. i I a three yuids a ,v."y at:-!' covered. us with dirt. "e canie l t bet bny on a stretch er dn our shoulders for over tw i miles, and he never conr dalned or grumbled.' fjlthoii:r!i the grunt :fl v-jis rough and we had to jolt him sometimes. Tbei e was iilso nncilier man bit in the .shoulder, but ho could walk and smoked his pipe and talked of "Blighty." These nieii are woml : ' ' and we should think of them and v, hut they suffer when we grumble v iieii our little fingers ache. The doctor told me that our bandaging was successful and that the boy would live, but I nev er thought that he or any of us would ever fret through alive. Neglected Colds Grow Worse A cough that racks and irritates the throat may lead to a serious chronic cough if neglected . The healing pine balsams in Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Hon eyNature's own remedy-will Boothe will be easier, and the antiseptic properties will kill the germ which retarded healing. Have it handy for croup, sore throat and chronic bron chial affections. Get a bottle today. Pleasant to take. At all druggists, 2bc. . . TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS I am iifrnin running on full time nnd in good shape making best meal that can be made. I buy no corn l :t on the cob, and that the very best. 1 am bran-i new and with Bushy Mountains frocks and plenty o' water and the finest crop of good sound corn. Non. can equal me in making meal for the table. My pro ducts are sold by Harris Bros, Kascoe, Hubbard & Co., and many other of tliebest leading merchants of the town, OLD IRON WORKS MILL To Stop Self-Poisoning. For blurred and coated tongue, bil iousness sour stomach, indigestion constipation and other results of a fermenting and poisoning mass of un digested food in the stomach and bowels, there is nothing better than that old fashioned physic Foley Ca thartic Tablets. Do not gripe nor sicken; act promptly. At Gardner's. Widow Rejects Plan to Scatter Au thor's Oust Over Land He Loved. The a Iks of Jack Loudon, the au thor, have just been burled on a hill side of his Clen Kllen ranch, In Cali fornia. The original Intention was to scatter the dust mrr the land he loved, but by Mrs. London's direction a concrete re ceptacle whs prepared In the hillside. There, without ceremony, hi the pres ence of Mrs. London, a few neighbors and the employees of the ranch, the urn containing the ashes was placed uml the receptacle sealed. Our Bnamess Builder tor vaults J Constipation Causes Bad Skin A dull and pimply skin Is due to a fcluggish bowel movement. Correct this condition and clear yourr com plexion with Dr. King's New Life fills. This mild laxative taken at bedtime will assure you a full, froe, r.on-griping movement in the morn ing. Drive out the dull, listless tool ing resulting from overloaded intes tines and sluglish liver. Get a bottle today. All druggists, 25c. The Review and Bryan's Commoner $2.00 rer year. ML - frn ARE YOU PREPARED FOR CHRISTMAS? To Find Just What You Want In A Nice Suit or Overcoat . And At The Price You Are Willing TO MAKE IT EASY COME STRAIGHT TO BOYLES BROS., REIDSVILLE, N. C. I Removal Notice! We respectfully announce to our friends and customers that we have moved our place of bu siness into the Co-Operative Warehouse Building opposite the Southern Freight Depot, where we will have much better facilities for transacting our business. We will appreciate your business whether large or small and will give you a square deal and the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Walker Hide & Junk Co. Read the paper rfulrl7 vy. , . -. , . s "(: . ' T . i. . . v ,1