AGE SIX TUESDAY. DEC. GTII, 1916 THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. C. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS : t KODSYILIE'S MOST PROMINENT i UWYERS,DOaORS,ETC. E. W. FOWLER O. S. FULK FOWLER & FULK CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS All Work Guaranteed Office over Harris Bros. Store Office Hours from 7 to 9 P, M. HOW TO BORROW MONEY IRA E. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estate practice Id all courts, except Record r Oourt Office In Fels Buildin orer A. 8. Price & Co.'s Store. OL1DEWELL & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt mention to all matter intrtste'. Practice In all coun Office In Citizens Pnnk linildlns iIJORTT SMITH LAWYER Office OKii Burton & lVirsoTi s 3h e Btore. A general practice n iu j m Including settlement of estates, nmTi nf Insurance olloctl"n claims, etc, tec Practir in all courts, claims, etc. Practice in all courts. STirJ. IVIE B. C TROTTE JULIUS JOHNSTON ad of Through a Federal Farm Loan Asso ciation. 1. Ten or more farmers wanting loans must organize the association. 2. No man can get. a loan for more than $10,000 or less than J 100, or for less than five or more than 40 years. 3. Borrower must lie, or about to become, the owner of the land offered as security, and engaged, in its culti vation. 4. Borrower to use money for the following purposes and none other: (a) To purchase land for agricultural jhcs; '(b). to purchase equipment, fer tilizers and livestock necessary for the proper and reasonable operation of the mortgaged farm; (c) to provide buildings and improvo the mortgaged land; (d) to liquidate indebtedness of the owner. 5. A board of five directors must. tn elected by the members of the association, and these directors must Joct ' a president, vice -president, hoc-retary-trasurer. and a loan committee of three members. C. The loan con, mitt' l- je (in. lands of all m repf rt s of .h se a .' . rether ith other nee 'ion. must be forward. (! ' tary to the district Fclcnil land bank 7. if the district land bonk and the Federal Farm Loan Board, upon exa rulnafjun, find that all require ments have been complied with a barter will be issued and the lonna granted. - Progressive Farrtjer. CONTEST OVER NANCE WILL PUT OFF TILL NEXT COURT must ap-m'l iiiMJil.l- m cro- ME, TROTffciK & JOHNS TOP Attorney!, at Law Office In the new Irvln mtfxt to Bank of ReMflvllle. " j. R. JOYCE Attorney at Law, Office in old Citizens B" Practice In State hv.u oarts. Loans negotiated. Pulldlm Bulld". Feders HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAV. Special attention to negotiation o loans: oonduct nd settlements ''. estates; buying and selling reM Uta. Office, Citizens Bank Bldg FERCY T. STIERS Lav Attorney and Counselor at Reldavllle. N. C. Special attention to negotiation loans, settlement ot estate, boyi and selling real estat. Tnaarmn adjusted. Practice If all rouru. Oflce In Tsmbetb Bulldlnjr. Or JM. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank Build tag. opposite Confederate Monument REIDRVILLB, .. .. . ,. .. NT. C J AS W. HOPPER ARCHITECT, none 131-2.11 Iflk(iv1!le. N. C DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST Office orer New Citiwna Bank. Residence 'Phone I6S-L. 'Phone 281. McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW I'ractlee In all oorV Mr. McMlchael will be In the ReC tile office on Tneadays. Wednfadsf ratirsdays. Fridays and In Madlso on Batnrdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOh ATTORNEY AT LAW Reldavllle, N. C Oeneral practice of the law In 8tat and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Bs totes administered on and set tled Real estate hnJught and sold ! Bad Teeth and Rheumatism. ; A few years ago when attention i vas first called to the fact that rheu matism was often caused by defec--,e tee'h. it. was something new ev c.i to t he nieillcal profession. How ever, modern medicine soon accepted the fact, the truth of Hie stai . -merit having been well testd. and is now ranch concerned with the prevention of diseases at this source. The laity too are accepting the fact and are waking up to the seriousness of its meaning. That a decayed tooth could cause anything so serious as joint rhocrna tvsrn was hard to believe, so investi gatons were made to see just how the teeth, tonsils, gums and other purls of the mouth when disease af .ecfed the -different P'irts or th.v body. The result of the investigations have been astonishing. H was found that oral infections, such as bad teeth, di seased tonsils and suppora rt ing gums. C'used by Ulggs' disease or 'abscess es, not only cause muscle and joint rl ell mil l is, but ki'iiii'v troisjjles -tiephritia ..or ;Brigh-1s diseases -'heart in feet io .'l.s, slom'icii .' ulcers?... diseases of the blood vssels, glandular Infer-'; (ions, sklti diseases. Including boils, and various infections of the nervous system such as neumtis, neuralgias and sciatica. Bad teeth are no longer the inno cent deformities they, were once thought to be. 'I hey .disqualify men for the army, children for school and men and women, for a long useful life, pes.ides' harboring, disease germs in their cavities, they hinder the proper chewing of the food, which in turn hinders proper digestion, and nutri tion. Like diseased tonsils and spongy pus formng gums, they ero de poisons that are devitalizing and deadly to the other members of the body. The will case of the late Terrell II. Nance, although on the Superior court docket for trial Monday, was not reached and goes over to the next (mm of court. However, a motion was made by Mr. PaceV. attorney making all the heirs parties to the suit. This probably means a long drawn let;:il battle for possession of an. est, lie the testator himself said was worth less than three thou- s-.nd dollars. 'The will filed for probate shows that it was executed on the 28th day of June, PiO.O, with C. T. Martin and f! . A . Frye as witnesses. Mr. Nance died on the 2!rd of May, 1015, and announcement was made ;tt the burial tnat he bad left his property to H. C. ."ace, and this caused comment at the lime. But when the will was filed if was found that Miss Tarde Nance, a n.ece, was named as legatee ami that Mr. Pace was only the executor. It was also found that the will was in Pace's hand writing and that it had been in his possession all (he time. Ii - 'iso found 'hat Mr. Pace c';t;ni. e! "e v, I refused to fi'.'c '' . ;i : ill us he terms f the Jiill with the leratr-e. l'v ens' ruing the tirm "natural i'fe" to mean single life the executor lays claim to the property. In other words, she was not to marry, they (i ntend. ll'it this can not be estab lished even, if it was material, for Mr. .Nance lived at the home of his niece seven months after she was marrie.1, ai.d' not the kind of man who would live at any one's home he dis liked. MVs 'an i. (now Mrs. Murray l liv- j ci wimi hit i ncie i eneii pve years during . viXrh time i he sewed and placed her earnings with his and to gether liiey invested in property and !i ans. And it was for the purpose of ' 'il.'iig lier about their joint itivest e cuts and the matter of the will 'hat lie visited her after her mar riage. The fad that coumiol from outside the rumt.y has been brought into the suit, indicates a long drawn battle, notwithstanding the assurance of her uncle that the executor would see l.liat. she got the properly without. ...,'iv suit whatever. The will reads as follows: H. Nance, do hereunto c.y. my hand and seal this the 28th day of June, 3909. T. II. NANCE. eal.) Witness: ('. T. Martin (i A. Frye. If I Can Live.. If ive I can make some pale face brighter, and to give I'cond lustre to some tear-dimmed eye. Or e'en impart One throb of comfort to an aching heart, Or cheer some wayworn soul in pass ing by. If I can lend A strong hand to the fallen, or de fend The right against a single envious strain, My life, though bare, Perhaps, of much that seemcth dear and fair To us t,f earth, will not have been in vain . The purest joy. Most near to heaven, far from earth's a!!- - I- bidding cloud give way to sun ami shine: Ami 'twill be well. If en that day of days tee angels tell mi me. She did her best for one of Thine. Helen Hunt Jackson. Sloan'a Liniment Eases Pain Sloan's Liniment Is first thought of by mothers for bumps, bruises and f.pralns that are continually happen ing to children. It quickly penetrartes and soothes without rubbing. Cleaner and more effective than mussy plas ters or ointments. Fot aches neural gia pain and that grlppy sorness af ter colds. Sloan's Liniment gives prompt relief. Have a bottle handy tor bruises, strains, sprains and all external pain. For the thousand whose work calls them outdoors, the pains and aches following exposure are relieved by Sloan's Liniment. At all druggists, 25c. Our Business "Builders for -e"itaj CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing ofiera are good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper mesa rates are liable to be advanced in the near future. The Review and Trl-Weekly New York World. . 52.15 The Review and Atlanta Co-.stltution Tri-WewKly), McCalls' ftuga zine, or Southern Farming one year each The Peview and Progressive Far mer, one year each $2.0') The Review, Metropolitan Magazine, Woman's World and Farm and Home One year each .. .. .. .. ., jz.10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year 2 75 TVE- CAN REPAIR YOUR OLD WA TCH Dt Squad llcaliii Living Not So Cheap Chii ;: to tic ha inoii ;.! Ill loner liolieii ; 1 i ." I that ri led. turn In DR. JULIUS S. WELLS FNTAL eu"toroN ffflce jyer 'Fet3r & Tacker'a Drmv Rtore. 'Pbon 10ft. ' W. G. MYERS ENGINEERING ' 'and SURVEYING '.. MARTINSVILLE. VA. HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick la the most enduring 1 moat eecure against flrv; most comfortable in all weather 1 most economical in final tost, and the most beautiful of any balldioc mat3rial. U quality appeala to you, write us and get quotations. Shipments made promptly. WILLIAMSON ft HEDGECOCK, INC. MartlnarlUe. Va. t i u i jlunt'a Tur" la absolutely guarantci-a to cure Itch. Edema, Ringworm, Trfttr. or ny skm )iase; or portfh8ie,tr4,o- 4li.ttrfu!'y "refunded. Sold lor ioc the STONEVILLE Mr. Clyde Thomas from Oak Ridge was at home on a visit to his par- j cuts last. week. Miss Mary Dalton of Greensboro Was visiting Miss Nell Taylor last week. Mr, Bert Martin of Madison was In town recently. Misses Nollio Taylor, Ruby Thom i s. (lertrudo Glenn, and Messrs. ("yile Thomas and Frank King did tosed to Oak Rldgo Sunday afternoon We aro glad to note f h t A 'm nev I'ugeno Trivett( in nhf (' lie imt after a long spell of sickness. Miss Mabel Glenn has been confln de to her room on account of shik ness the past 'oek but Is able to lie back at her duties at Bethany. Miss Anno Garrett was the attrac tive visitor of Miss Mary Joyce last week; .. .. Miss Carrie King of Walkortown was home a few days of last week Mr. L- L. Self from Mayodan was iimong the throng of visitor! this week. Cough M:dlcine For Children Mrs. Hugh Cook. Scottsville. N. Y.. pays: "About Ave years ago when we were living In Garbutf, N, Y., I diw: tored two of my children suffering from colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it jiu;t as repre sented in every way; . It promptly checked their coughing and cured their colds quicker than anything J ever used." Obtalnablo everywhere. 4- iJ'M VSTABI.ISHED I7:j illoTt Jrercs LikToC fur M Jiufut:turer la the World IUCliFAT TRICKS PAIO FOR .:--.RAW FURS Ship your furs ta uh. We pay all exprc ur.d mail charges Write fur our price list 1 -. -i t : 1 ' x' -... v l:'tr " I State of North Carolina ;toclinghnm County. I, T. If. Nance, of the aforesaid county and State, being of sound mind.' but considering the uncertain ty of iny earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and t est anient : ' . I. My executor hereinafter mimed shall give my body a decent burial .'iiitable 1 o I he wishes of m v friends and relatives arid nav all funeral i expenses together with all my just debts' out of the first monies-which tray. 'come into his hands belonging to my estate. 2. I give ami devise to my. niece. Carrie Nance, daughter of J. 11. Nance of Coft'een, I!T7nois, after ail just and honest debts are paid the balance of my entire estate so long as she - maintains', her natural life and' make." her honie in Illinois or here in Rockingham county, State of North Carolina; Otherwise I give my entire estate .'after, all' my debts are paid to my executor. Incase I should live longer than my niece. Carrie Nance,, I give my entire estate after all just debts: are paid to my executor. P My executor shall in case of my sicknoss see that I am well, cared tor. f. I hereby constitute and appoint ny truly friend II. C. Pace, of the 011 nt y of Rockingham, State of .North' Carolina, ''my- lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute ihis my last will and testament ac cording to ' the true intent and mean ing of the same and every part and , clause thereof, hereby evoking and j declaring utterly void all otherwills J and testament by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I, the said T. lie 1M I1" Oil tlcc are day. Ti dii ii p('i;u Jial tin a ib i "it i .'is to )' 'V, how '.'. a IV . uts (4 l! . ,..,( d --.c j, e ivlll U !' litis iuicnth an iMe. Weil l'.d I 1. I'H' c in inisiinder test." said 11 to sliuU' (i;r par ks can live .now there ni- ui-f in Chicago who ' than .!') (cuts it a in of the I wflvc ii.i't lias been live ii dh hU-Ci up three' t' a ha :i;,t heavy oimds; I- ig 1 ti tle l- stand- OR SELL YOU A NEW ONE WE WANT TO DO YOUR REPAIR WORK ON WATCHES, JEWELRY AND EYEGLASSES FOR THE GREAT, BIG REASON TA A T WE'VE GOT THE MA TE RIALS AND KNOW HOW TO DO IT h.IGHT AND THE PRICE WILL BE REASONAHLE. IT WILL PA Y YOU TO COME TO US FOR THE SATISFACTION Ol R WORK WILL GIVE YOU. OUR STOCK OF WATCHES IS THE LARGEST WE HAVE EVER HAD WITHOUT AN ADYANCk. IN PRICES. MORRISON JEWELRY CO, d nit Ir ias: j -!)., r .-- :;' ' I'.ao to I til .Tan, fames F. fHi(Mtl ec in- t hi ' ive re s'i'l 111 e ll ,'!l oiv. nt ; the -I'll luc pee ;i!c tab'e ia-:" t ,. ,.,-e'. .---- v vif op the market. Mi. foi ty i.Mt rick- of ;.rt of La -J. -'I'd l.e prices Is ligations.. Butter last few tip. Issued of Chi use mi. niaki Ids 72. 1 GREAT m it - it f U i I ' Si ' .ILLS i.Jf li'k i Jflt C- I In S 'inrcla c .Ma Uoiirht some Mnrshnll. wh viinii i t" N.i-'.vi;:.'. lud eet I'otatUcs.. ami Mrs. n I'l'crial'iriLT bake them, fomid in ( tie. !'?; a jeweler. 1 i"i -.'ct of u-old mlic.l.lcd goiiT was valued at 'v MBS. SLACK'S LETTER To Mothers of Delicate Children Palmyra, Pa. "My little girl had a chronic cough and wus so thin you could count her ribs, and bhe had no appetite. Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs. Neiliert asked me to try Vinol, and now she is hungry all tho time, her cough is frone, she is stouter and has a more healthy color. I wish tverv mother who has a delicate child would try Vinol." Mrs, Alfred Slack. We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret tonic, to make - dedicate children healthy and strong. C. II. FETZER, Druggist oooooooocooooooooooooooooo o o o o O o o o o O 0 o Ho) Saved GM's life "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit. I have re ceived from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had .he measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without THEDFORD'S o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o o o o o o O in my home. For constipation, Indigestion, hecdache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black Draught. It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for yourrs and old. Por sale everywhere. Price 25 cents; o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J ,1 "A V- IN PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY In order to reduce slock we will close out our entire line of Winter Millinerry at greatly reduced prices Our stock is large and the styles the very latest. Pleaie call and see the splendid bargains we are offering. MINNIE LEE JONES HAT SHOP JUST RECEIVED I ; Car Load Of : - I :;:;;:;19I I Can make prompt deliveries cn I Tcuiirg and Runabouts J :Amos;M I u-i CCCQGQQCCCGQOQOQOQCtfQCQQCO