PAGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. C. TiiParuv rvrv VTirr NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM They are doing- It early all right. Sixteen shopping days till Christ maa. The wise shopper has already shopped. Mr. Robt. Halrston spent Thanks giving In Roanoke. Miss Helen Moore is visiting rela tives In Ooldsboro. DeVoe predicts unusually rough weather during this month. Master Benton PipTdn is sick with pneumonia, we regret to learn. Mrs. J. G. Staples has returned from a visit to friends in Danville. Mr. Z. II. Neal of South Boston, Va., was a week-end visitor here. Don't send away for that Christ mas present. You can get it here. Mrs. L. J. Sands has returned from a visit to relatives at Chatham, Va. Mrs. Robt. Halrston has returned from u delightful visit in Martina-ville. . 1 ! I.. 1 T : . 3 1 .-vii mo i miner irvin 01 urut'iiHi ira fne'it tho week-end here with r'H- tives. Mr. wm, Clles is in Greensboro this week serving on the Federal Court jury. The officer with his on . Main or Llndsey can get' 'em coming nd going. Several chaffeur hereabouts need something beside stop-watches pull ed on them . The streets will not get rid of the dust nuisance, until it gets rid of the speed nuisance. Miss Minnie Williamson of Burllng ; ton spent Sunday here with Mrs. Jno. G. Staples. Mr. M, A. Apple of Fuquay PflHnirH hna hnon ananrlfnir n four rinvu- here with his family. Miss Lucy Irvin has returned to the "Meadows" after spending a few day here with her parents. MIbs Evelyn Fleming lias . returned to her home in Milton after a visit to Miss Ruth Halrston. Mrs. A. G. Walters of Jackson Miss., is spending some time here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Edd Glass has returned to her home in Mississippi after an ex tended visit with friends here. Mr. Z. V. Cwynn, a prominent to bacconlst of Durham, spent the week end on a visit to his mother here. Mrs. R. D. Gapln and chlldron will return today from a visit to Greenville, S. C, and Charlotte. Unless all signs falls, the following few months will bring forth winter in a!l Its fury. Better prepare for it. Mr. J. If. GrlfTith, a prominent far mor of near Rtifrin, was a pleasant caller at The Review office Saturday. The weather continues' mild and clear; This his been the most favor able fall for outdoor work we ever kdow. Mr. 0. C. M'Intyrf of Route 1, one of The Review's most loyal friends, honored us with a brief call ;. Saturday. Mr. Rufus Trent of Rldgeway. Va., ii now with Trent and Trent and will be glad to have his friends call and see him while in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Dalley of TowneavIU, N. C, have returned to Reldsville. Mr. Dalley has accepted ft position with Gardner's drug store. The play, "A Woman Won't." will be given at Apple's School on" Friday night, Doc. 8th, for the benefit of the Wentworth .parsonage. Public invited. house Saturday night, live. 9. Pro ceeds for benefit of the schixd, Ev erybody invited to come and bring boxes . Get your dinner and' supper' at the bazaar on 'Dec.. 7 and 8 (Thursday and Friday) in the Booster Band ball.-. Oyster, salad course and ice . cream. :. Mr. M. Simpson of Route 2 ;.ve raged $26 for a load of tobacco here Friday. He honored The Re view office, with a pleasant visit while in town. Rev. nd Mrs J. F. Kirk of States ville will arrive at the M. E. parson age Friday. V.r. Kirk will preach his first sermon at the Main Street M R. church Sunday morning. 1 The la.di of the Prohbj torian hurch will Kive their annoal ba.aar on Dec. 7 and S (Thursday and Fri day) In the Booster Band ball. Buy yotir presents for Christmas there. Col. Frank L. Lambeth of Tho nasvllVe cpeut Saturday uftornoou here with his son. Bev. W. A. Lam beth, who l preparing to move to Salisbury as pastor of the First M. K' cnurca iu-rc, Mrs. Cora W. Johnston ras gone to Haw River and will attend the funer al of Mr. A. W. Haywood at Raleigh tomorrow. Mr. ITaywood, who was a son In law of the late Governor Holt, died Sunday. The Whittemore-Mobley Hardware Company announce a demonstration ' of the famous South Bond Maalleable Eanre 'which -win be .held at their .-'ore thij week beginning on Wed t isday eat lasting until Tuesday. The South Dend if one of the most popular ranges on the market, and a cordial invitation is extended house keepers to caJl and see the practical demonstration that will be made on them thia week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bethell are now occupying Mrs. Blanche Law's residence, Main and Lindsey streets, Mrs. Law will make her home in At lantlc City. Remember this paper issues vote orders in the Co-Operatlve Trading Campaign Contest on all subscrip tions sent in. The contest closes Sat urday, the 9th Inst. Dr, E. P. McBane, veterinarian, has decided to move to Greensboro from Reldsville and will practice his profession in that community. Our pwple regret very much to see Dr. McBane leave Reldsville. Lieut. Chas. T. Somers will arrive Wednesday from El Paso.Texas, having been granted a thirty days' leave of absence on account of the llness of his mother, who is conflned to her home with pneumonia. The Danville Register and Bee Co operative Trading Contest closes on Saturday, the 9th Inst. : This is the last week to secure votes. Both The Review and The Review-Observer is vote orders on subscriptions when . ..' ! for. Tho Iron WoH-s Mill, which was destroyed by fire sonic time a'to, has been rebuilt and is now running r.galn. Mr. J. It. Shreve, the pro prletor, has a new ad. in today's pa per announcing the reopening of this famous old mill. Not only the people of Reldsville should visit the Grande Theatre on Thursday, Dec. 7th, but all country people within reach of Reldsville should take an evening off to see tho most wonderful picture that has ever been produced. 15 and 25c. Mr. T. M. Jones left Saturday for Burlington, where he beomes su perintendent of the Virginia Life In surance Company's office in that dis trict. He Is sccceeded here bv Mr. K, K. Livoley of Burlington, who will move his family here In a few days. Prices on tobacco are the highest of the season. Notwithstanding a heavy proportion of very common types of tobacco, the breaks each day are av eraging well over $20 per hundred. Friday's sales were quite heavy and everybody was highly pleased with returns. The Presbyterian ladies will hold their annual bazaar in the Rooster Hand apartments on Dec, 7, where there will be on display a line of beautiful and useful gifts. The la dies have, decided 'to mark the prices 'way down, so those who seek some real bargains should be on hand on ihe 7th and 8th. , A; combination hearse and ambu lance was driven through Reidsville f'rlday night, en route to High Point. It is a handsome vehicle, electrically lighted, and has side seals and room for a cot. The driver, who Is an auto dialer of High Point, expected to drive through during the night. He brought the car from Philadelphia. Tho people of Reldsville should feel complimented that the Grande The- latre has at last secured for them that world famous moral; picture, ' Where Are My Children?" Endorsed find recommended by the lending clergymen of the county, that every man and woman should see. -.Exhibit- t d at Grande Theatre Thursday, De cember 7th. Shop early and buy it at home. This should be the slogan of every mail, woman and child who love their home town and would see It prosper. Our local merchants have prepared im never before to take care of , the Christmas shopper and : the person who cannot bo suited by the local merchants' is truly hard to please. Rev. F. L. Townsend. the newly nppointod preacher in charge of tho Wentworth circuit, has sent'."' word 1 hat he and his finii'v w!! r, fve ..u ! lie -.TV entwotth-'p rs?mtMt! on. . Thursday, Dec. 7th. The ladles of he circuit are cordially invited to Oe at the parsonage Thsrsday to extend weleomo to Mrs. Townsend. It is hoped that every one that can go will 0 there to greet the new pastor. Cards havo been received bore from Mr, Charles Brown Flintoff of Caswell county, announcing the niar- lage of his daughter, Parlea, to Mr. rvln Wilson Cobb of Danville, Va., on Wednesday, November 29th, at tho eCef'Kon Hotel, Richmond, Va. Mr. nd Mrs . Cobb w ill be ut their home after Dec. 6, In Danville. The bridegroom is connected with the A. T. Co. in Danvillo and Is well known In social and fraternal as well as in "business circles. His bride has resided in Danville for several years, hnvlng been educated for the profes sion of nursing at the General Hos pital thero. from the training school of which she was graduated nearly a year ago. On Saturday afternoon Miss Edna King eutertalnod in honor of rer house guest. Miss Eva Teague, of Le noir. Rook was played. At the conclusion it was found Miss Wat Ifngton had von the highest score. She was presented a dainty crepe de chine handkerchief.- The guest of honor was presented handkerchiefs also. ' A lovely Ice course was serv ed. Miss King's guests were: Miss Eva Tongue, Miss Wilson Watllngton, Miss Kittle Mae Irvin, Miss Marian Wray, Miss Lucy Wray, Miss Ruth Rawley, Miss Marguerite Tenn, Miss Susie Stokes,. Miss Minnie Lee Whit- temore, Miss Ruth Burton, Mrs. Dare Shreve and Mrs. W. L. Glancey. Mr. J. H. Newnam, of Madison Route- Two, called in Modany to sub scribe' for tho Old Reliable. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilson of Greensboro and Mr. R. L. Goolsby of Pleasantville, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. J. W. Wat- kins, near Oregon. Mrs. Chas. H. Balsloy, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Balsley, Mr. Wm. A. Balsley and Mrs. Kate II . Balsley re turned from Thomasvllle to attend tho funeral of Mrs. Keen, a sister of Mrs Kate II. Balsley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Talley announ ces the marriage of their daughter, Annie Mae, to Mr. Joe B. Rumbley, Sunday, December 10, 10:30 A.. M., nineteen hundred and sixteen, Stacy, North Carolina. The marriage of Mr. Thomas Ran kin of Reldsville and Miss Louise Anderson will take place Tuesday night of this week at the homo of the bride's parents in Greensboro. The marriage of Miss Effle Anderson and Mr. L. Cutler, both of Greens boro, occurs on the evening of the 19th of December. Mr. Bethel Withers, a clever younp knii;ht-of-the-grip and a rising politic fan of Rockingham county, and oth erwise a pretty good citizen, spent tho forenoon In Mocksville today "on business, giving the Enterprise office a pleasant call. Already Mr. Withers' friends are hailing him as the next sheriff of Old Rockingham. Mncka. vllle Enterprise. Squire W. D. Hfghtower officiated at a double-barrel wedding Sunday night . 1 he contracting parties were Mr. F. D Trent and Miss Marv Price Green and Mr. Wert Childross nnrt Miss Helen Johnson, all frcm Phoe nix, va. The young people came in on train Wo. 43, and after spending a few hours In the city returned to their Virginia homes to seek forgiveness of their parents. Mrs. Fannie Bulter was hostess at a miscellaneous shower given by "The Do As You Please Club Friday, Nov. 24, in honor of Miss Jewel Mo Collum. the bride-to-be. The parlor was beautifully decorated in potted plants. After an hour spent in sew- ng. a delicious salad course was serv- d. Then the prospective bride was led to a table where she found many pretty gifts such as made the heart of a bride glnd. Retween now and January 1 many subscriptions to The Review will ex pire. We hope all of our subscribers will promptly renew their subscrip tions and save us the expense of send ing out statements. The present cost of print paper leaves no margin of profit whatever on our regular sub scription price and we can not afford to send the paper longer than the lime paid for. Please renew prompt ly . The date of expiration will be found on the address. The paving on Main street Is belnp finished up this week and that street will soon be turned over to the auto speeders. As the stop watches have till stopped the residents of Main Street are raising a purse to give in prize's to the most reckless drivers. Tho prizes will be rewarded on the basis of speed, but bloodshed and bro, ken bones will add considerable points to the score of the competing channel's. Also the force of the ex haust noises of the motors will be rei-Knred in the awards. No interfer ence from the officers is apprehend ed. Messrs. J. N. Watt, K. M. Redd and W, J. Irvin Will award the prizoe. The last message of Rev. W. A. Lambeth's ministry in ReldsTille was delivered to an immenso audience on Sunday night. In his honor other churches 'of the town were closed. The subject of his discourse was "The Abundant Life". In forceful manner he told of life's opportunity, Its chance of helpfulness to others, (hereby developing self, and fi nally of tre promotion that awaits In tho vast beyond all those who have faithfully served both God and fellow man. The sermon was but the spo ken thought of what has been th? daily life of Mr. Lambeth in Relds ville, and seldom has he given his hearers so true a perception of the crystal clearness of his heart and mind. In his fine sensitiveness to all that 'is 'good and beaatifnl. and the BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST. WANTED, ETC Read the paper regularly. Good shoes at old price at Trent and Trent's. Lucas Paints stay painted. See Reldsville Hardware Co. Rootling at $1.00 per roll and up at Reldsville Hardware Co. Special dinners every day from 11:30 to 1:30 for 35c Royal Cafe. Vulcanizing shop Just opened over Vmos Motor Co. Turner & Hopkins. Oliver Chilled Plows sold and guaranteed by Reldsville Hardware Company. A complete line of dry goods, gro ceries, etc., at right prices at W. D. Hightower's. Highest market prices paid for country produce, cash or trade. W. I). Hfghtower. Two second-hand two-horse wagons fcr sale at bargains. Townsend Buggy Company. Fruits, confectioneries and nuts; big stock; high grade; all fresh, at Trer.t and Trent's. For twe..ty-rour im .'i concrete well p'pe, brick and bul' ling blocks, call on W, T. Wootton. Mgr. Bring your tubes and casings to Turner & Hopkins to bo vulcanized Over Amos Motor Co. If you want extra good beef from stall fed cattle, 'phone your orders to Michael and Cook, Phone 309-J. CEDAR LOGS WANTED. For prices and full particulars call on R. M. Gillie., West Market Street, City. TEXICO OIL Wholesalo and re call. Best oil on the market. Send your orders to R. M. Gillie, 'Phone f.4. Just received, a full line of North Carolina made shoes for men, women and children. Prices right. W. D. Hightower. GIBSON'S line of Christmas cards tags, seals, booklets and dressings., A look will be. appreciated. At Tuck er's Drug Store. NOTICE We earnestly request ev ery one owing us accounts to make payment of same by Dec. 10. Reids- ville Hardware Co. CHRISTMAS cards! baskets, tabs and seals, the biggest and prettiest assortment ever seen here, from lc. Ui 25c, at Tucker's . LOST. Shell cameo pin lost be tween E. F. Hall's residence and the Southern depot. Reward if returned to Miss Lucy Hall. STATIONERY A beautiful line for Christmas that will suit your pocketbook and eye, from 25c to $2 a box, at Tucker's Drug Store. Let us show you the many useful !"id appropriate gifts we have for Christmas."' Be sure to inclode Tuck er's Drug Store in your .hopping list. ALL TRIMMED HATS LESS THAN COST Better Make Your Selection Quick MRS. CORNIE IRVN & CO., THE WOHAN'S STORE QUALITY AND STYLE Agents Pictorial Review Patterns HAKE a NOTE NOW! That you will visit this Dr Store when doing: your Christmas Shopping You v in find something for Mother, Father, Sister, Brother Sweetheart and hriend. We are expecting you to come and look anyway. It's a pleasure to show you at Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 We have money to loan for clients oh real estate security. -Ivie, Trotter and Johnston, Attorseys; Office in the New Irvin building, next to Bank of Reidsville. breadth and strength of his thought, ; one felt his harmony with God. A more splendid message could not have heen selected With which to close his truly useful ministry here. The time, when advertisors can make the most, is when the people have plenty of mon ey and the masses enjoy high w ages, and are in the mood s use their great purchasing power. Now is tho time to ad vertise in 'this paper because people were never so well era ployed, the country never had so much wealth and advertise ing never has the businuess pulling power that it has to-av. "When you have anything to sell, advertise in our Busi ness Builders, five cents per line for one insertion; 10 cents per line for three insertions. WINTER TERM GREENSBORO Business College, Greensboro, X. C. begins Jan. 3. School establiHliiJ 13 years. Write for catalogue and r-pei'ial rates. "'''-''. A good horse for sale cheap. Will f.e'1 at a great bargain to a quick buyer or will trade for cattle. Ab'o a fine mule weighing 1200 pounds for tale. J. E. Amos. A lot of tableware to close out at near cost. Fresh and full line fancy and staple groceries; all ' clean and fresh stock. Phone 181 and 182. Your business appreciated. .STRAYED. Female pointer dog; about three years old; white With ver spots about headi Notify E. W. Staples at Citizens Bank or John II. JMon at I'iedmont Drug Co. DK'ilSS your Christmas present and fiiake it more at tt active. Ev erything needed to do this at Tuck er's Drug Store. Tags, seals, silver and gold cord, ribbon and boxes. Go to the Reidsville Candy Kitchen fer . hot chocolate and home-made sandwiches. Delicious fresh candy made every day. Buy it at home, and especially if it's made at home. For the benefit of the country peo ple, and also the town people, who can not attend shows at night, the Grande Theatre will open doors at 1 o'clock p. m. Promptly at 1:30 Dec. 7 for the prod uct ion of ,'Where Are My Children?" NOTICE Strayed or stolen Satur day night near Stacey, N. C, one dark bay horse; blind In right eye and right hind foot white. Finder will please notify D. G. Leagan, Prox imity, N. C. or W. R. Brown, Chief of Police. Reidsville, N. C. NOTICE I am In position to han dle all kinds of blow-out , rim-cuts, etc; handle inner tubes any shape, it does not matter how bad your blow outs or rim-cuts are just bring them to the Reldsville Vulcanizing Co., over Reidsville Motor Co. Thos. II. Mar tin, Manager. AUCTION SALE. I will sell on my premises near Midway church at 10 o'clock a. m., on Friday, Decem ber 22;"T916. at public auction to' the highest bidder tre following personal property: Three horses, one mule, one cow, a lot of household and kitch en furniture, foed stuff, hay, oats, Yfceat, and all farming utensils. Weldon Bird, Route 2, Reidsville. FOR SALE OR RENT. My place on Main street, 7-rooni house; ideal location. Mrs. T. F. Scoggin. Order your Christmas package from L. and P. Specialty Co., Manchester Station, Box 116, Richmond, Va. Paroid Roofing not cheapest but least expense. Big stock at olv.; price Reidsville Hardware Co. See Turner & Hopkins, over Amos Motor Go's., when in need of rv pairing or vulcanizing tubes and cas ings. . We pay cash or trade for country produce. Highest market prices. - Trent & Trent, Ware & Somers build ing, Phone 182. The ever popular fountain at Gard ner's is furnishing all cf the new soft drinks, and with them fresh home made sandwiches. FINE STALL FED BEEF. We hsve a fine lot of stall fed cattle and can furnish our customers with ex tra nice beef. 'Phone us your or- riirs. Michael' and Cook, 'Phone :V!i-j. AUCTION SALE. On Wclnesday, Deev 6, I will offer for sale, o:lc? mule, wagon and harness, buggy and har ress, plows, torn planter, corn shell er. 5 gallon copper spray, cider mill, nnd many hand tools. Also tobacco Pues. sticks, and canvass cloth; rough food,, etc . one Majestic ''range,- one White sewing machine, feather bed, mattresses, ouilts, pillows, and va rious kinds of furniture. Sale to be gin at 11 o'clock. Jno. R.. Smith, R. F. D. 5. Reidsville, N. C. FOR SALE- -Berkshire Poland China pigs 6 to 8 week old. Also a tine lot of shoats 3 to 4 months old. -J. E. Amos FOR SERVICE A fine thorough bred Guernsey bull. Can be found at all times one mile east of Moores' Mill. Fee $1.00. W. J. Jaj-rell, R. F. D. 3, Reldsville, N. C. FOR SALE. Black 10-year-old 1209 noting horse; sound, gentle, works good; guaranteed; $150. Reason selling: need the money. R. Ben Courts, Route' 5, Reidsville. Be sure to read C. and P. Specialty Go's. ad. If you have not sent In your order do so now, at once; supply lim ited; big value for 12c. Manchester Station, Box 116, Richmond, Va. ORDER NOW. Selling : fast. Christmas Packet. Contains G post cards, ;2 booklets, 6 tags, 6 seals, 8 Christmas stamps. Send postpaid for 12 cents. Order today. Something nice. Agents wanted for our line of specialties. C. & P. Specialty Co. Box Tin, Manchester Station, Rich mond, Va. You will please be notified that any thing: bought in the name of the Prac tical Farm, or under the name for J. W. Dunn for . the Practical ' Farm, must not under any circumstances be charged to anybody anywhere. In order to know exactly what we aie doing, we are determined to pay either cash in advance or cash on de livery for any and everything bought for the Practical Farm. J. W. Dunn Secretary C. & A. Association. DON'T WAIT-GIVE THE CHILDREN White Pine and Spruce Balsam If you want to rid them of their cough quickly and permanently. This reliable Cough Syrup is a favorite with mothers all over the country because it relieves the inflammation of the air passages and quickly banishes the cough. Only the finest ingredients are used in Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam, some of these being white pine bark, spruce gum, tamarac bark, wild cherry and pure cane sugar. Get a bottle . to-day and avoid . serious complications. Two sizes, plain or mentholated 25c and 50c GARDNER DRUG COMPANY Stop ihatBarkY I WHITE r I I PINE TA 1 SPRUCE Iir)