TUESDAY, JAN. 1G. 1917, THE REVIEW: REIDSYIf.LE. N. 0. PAGE THKffK TVIINUTES COUNTY CQ,MMIS-v , . SIONERS fc DECEMBER '4; f916 Board met pursuant to adjourment with the following members present It. E. Wall, Chairman; J. L. McCol lum, L. W. Matthews, A. V. Sands and VV. A. Webster. After transacting some.) unfinished business and receiving from Mr. J. W. Dunn, in behalf of the Agrieul lural and Commercial Association, the following very appropriate re marks: "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen : It would, we, fet l, be hardly in keepii:g with tthe fitness of things to permit your Board to adjourn with out some acknowledgement of theser vice it has rendered to Rockingham County during the past year. As secretary of a sister organization working for the benefit of the whole of Rockingham County, it hns been my pleasure to come before your Hoard at times to ask your co-oper-tioil in carrying out measures for public improvement. At Hueh times I have been received with courtesy and the representations of our asso ciation have been .met in a broad f-pirit of fairness and public spirit 'hat has beenvery helpful to all. The association I represent occupies a position of less responsibility than that of your Hoard, being educational s'Ml suggestive in charater. while you gentlemen are saddled with difficult task of administering the funds of! taxpayers over the whole of Rocking ham County. That you have dis charged this onerous duty faithfully and intelligently during the term of your office is the opinion of myasso ciation. and, I belive, the opinion of the taxpayers of the whole county and while I- am not charged witti such a duty, yet I feel that I am not misrepresenting the taxpayers of Rockingham County when I say that your retiring members carry with mem me appreciation or the citizen ship of our county, and the good wi1: of (everyone wilh whom their official tfuties brought them in contact." The Hoard .adjourned sin? die The following members o1' ne hw ly elected Board was sworn in by Jas. T, Smith, Clerk Sup"rior I'o'irf: R. E Wall, L. W. Maitliows. W. A. Webster and J. S. Wells. WitTiout retiring the Bku-cI 1111; ri mously elected Mr. R. E. Willa Chairman. Cpon the assembling of the new Jioara of Commissioners. Mr. J. W I'unn on behalf of the Commercial A-: Agricultural Association addressed them as follows: , "Gentlemen: It has been my priv . vilege to say a few word 3 0 ;ipiro ciation to your Hoard upon the com pletion of its years of service, f now claim f like privilege with regard to yourselves, and oiu behalf of the Com. mercial & Agricultural Association of Reidsville to extend hearty congratu lations 'upon your assumption and re sumption of the office of Commission ers for Rockingham County. We d frire to welcome your new members and to assure you of our -earnest de. sire to-cooperate "with you in every good work fpr (he advancement of tr.e best interests of this county. "Your Board carries a heavy re sponsibility in the administration of the affairs of a county comprising sixty square miles, and covering such diversified condition, all of vhieh is transacted during your ses sions in the circumscribed space of these four walls. That you are able to do it as successfully as you have 1ri the p."? sneaks well for your faith fulness to duty and your deep inter est in the welfare of the community that has elected you to office. I would advance. however, without any thought of intruding upon your con ception of your policy for the coming yar, the hope that the question of bettor roads for our county and the maintenance of existing roads, may be the dominant not of your adminis. t ration. Much good work has been done in the past year in '.construction;, little in the maintenance and some splendid thoroughfares, just fresh from the- construction gang, are al ready beginning to show signs of wear, while the macadam road be, tween Reidsvillo and the county seat s very rapidly approaching complete disintegration and unless something is done soon, it must become a re proach to our whole county, I do not speak for Reidsville alone when 1 refer to this road. It is a thoroug fare that carries equal Interest for Spray, Stoneville, Leaksville, Madi son and for every resident north, south, east and west in Rockingham County. It leads to ourj county seat find I believe, you gentlemen, will feel that, it is a matter of county pride to have it put back where it once stood the best road in all Rockingham County. "I do not wish you gentlemen, to take me as favoring anything like a bond issue for road construction pur poses. We have gotten along so far without having recourse to this but I do urg that no picayunish eplrlt operate with your Board to prevent the eipenditure of such sum as Is necessary to place the macadam road and all ether thfroughfar3S in' -the county in good condition and to main, tarn them in. that condition for the future. - "I do not believe you will have any opposition, if you adopt such" a policy. Our floating Indebtedness in the coun ty is somewhere, I believe between one' bund red and one hundred and atelle, ,the payment of which would C G McCollum, Services as make "no appreciable difference In the! Deputy Sheriff Went worth Tel. Co., Phone 1 services Co" If and C II .. Crescent Printery, . Supplies for C S C office . .' J G Wall, Lumber . . .... Mainly Purcell, Waiting on insane fo months Wentworth-'Merc. Co., Co. Home supplies . . ...... V A Stacy, Ditto Smith & Fagg, Work for Co. Home R G Mitchell, Co 11 sup. . . Shade Martin, Ditto S G Jett, Services as Coro- 7Hr A A Walker Bridge work .. !1 G Gladstone. Courthouse. supplies C P Wall. Exp. as Chairman Co. Election Board .. .. R R Sutten field, Services as Registrar Englo Printing Co., Printing tickets, for election .. .. W S Wilson.Judge of election John Wilson. Ditto .Tno W Irving, Jailer . . I) M Hand, Judge of election ,T. W Rice, Ditto . . , J S Mitchell, Ditto T A Caston, Ditto . . Jas V Price, Services in election . . tax rate. A elmillar expenditure now for road 1 maintenance and" "con struct ion would be a most wise pro cedure and I sinceroly hope it may recommend itself to your Hoard to Mtlopt such a eo"rse. ( I might be, permitted to refer to such a specific instances ro quiring immediate attention and conv fng under the heading of road con struction, I would ask that you con sider the advisability of widening the new road connecting Wllliamsburz tnwnsip with the Caswell county live from 1 24 to 26 foot span. I am I 1 ssured bv those who signed the pe-' tition for this road that it could be :1 ie without any gv.b'ung or heavy work and a 20 foo road at this point, ccnnoctltir with the snleadid sand- day road yon have already built be !v.e 11 Reidsville and Williamsburg Township would be, if properly main tained, a splendid monument to your wisdom and earnest effort for the betterment of conditions in the coun ty. "I would also like to bring to your notice, without a recommendation for its adoption-a suggestion that may prove a solution to the embarrass ments aerompanying our recent po litical campaign' throughout the coun ty We are not all thoroughly ac- oualnted with the road system of the 'ounty and at times. I am informed, cnipaignerfl were placed in positions f. to say the least, embarrassment when confronted in the small hours of the morning with diverging roads and with limited or 110 knowledge of diree'loii. If I may m;.ke Fhe suggestion I belive it would tend to increase traffic throughout our county v.'ere metal signs to be place;! at every cross road or where thorough- fan's diverge from the main road stating where the diverging road leads to. This suggestion I will leave with you gentlemen, and indeed anything I may say or have said, ex cept such acknowledgment of your nast splendid performances, must be taken in the spirit of helpful cooper-ration by the association I have the honor to represent, and which Will he found at all times willing and ready to cooperate with yourr Board in any and everything that is calcu lated to improve conditions in our county." T. L. Gardner being sworn in as Sheriff and his bond being recom mended by Attorney Ira R. Hum phreys, the Clerk of the Board was ordered to turn over to him the 1916 tax books. On motion the Register of Deeds, J. P. McMichael. his bond being ap. proved by Attorney Humphreys, was sworn in . On motion the Supt, of Roads Goo W. Estcs, his bond beimg approved by Attorney Humphreys, was sworn in by R .E. Wall. Chairman. On motion Supt. of Roads is in structed to top the approach to the Woolen Mills bridge ot Draper so as to make it impossible for vehicles end .horses, the bridge having been condemned . -motion supt, ,01 Koads is in structed to make the extension Of the rand clay; road from Thompsonville to the Caswell line twenty-six feet. On motion Dr. Ellington is in structed to order, an air cushion for Emily Dixon, On motion the Supt. of Roads is I instructed to topsoil the small piece of road from Jim Carter's to the ma cadam road near Percy Gunn's. The following accounts were allow ed out of the General County Fund: .1. L. McCollum, Services as Commissioner .. .. .. .. 76.50 A. P, Sands, Ditto .... 77.88 Ira R. Humphreys Services as County Attorney .. V. lfiO.oo Joe Moore. .'Lumber .. .. .. 13.83 N'annie E. Wright. Boarding Jury . . . . ,'... . . .... . . . - 65. Oo Jack Saunders. Waiting on Court .. . . .'. . . ... . Hi. 00 V. H. Kemp. Sheriff, Paid Court stenographer . . . . . . fiO.00 I! . Kemp. Sheriff, Rebate on tax .. . , , ... . . ... . . . s. Of? lr. Wr. A. Payn'O, Registrar Vital Statistics .. .. "'15. R0 W. C. Jones. Registrar in election ... , .. 16.70 V B Kemp, Paid discounts,. 328.71 F. B. Kemp, Paid coupons . . RiiOO KB Kemp. Jury tickets 475.90 W C Smothers, Bridge work 19.00 C W Jackson. D. S., Te'e- , phone expense .. ...... lfi.03 C W Jackson, P. S. services 4.20 C W Jackson, Capturing still 20.00 C W Jackson, I) S Services . .60 Ed Jones. D S services .... .21.10 J J Worsham, D S services 23.20 Joel H Moore. Janitor and conveying pris. .7.: . . , . , . 16.15 W R Belton, D S services . . 7 . 60 Dr.. Sam Ellington, Profes sional services .... .. 31.00 W A Webster, Services as Commissioner .. .. .. 84.80 L W Matthews, Ditto .. ,. 84.90 R E Wall, Ditto . . . . . . . . . . 90.60 F S Walker, Demonstration work two months ... .. .. 100.00 J S Carter, Supt and exp. County Home .. .. .. .... 93.08 R E Wall. Paid freight on car of coal .. .. .. .. .. 158.54 Mrs Fenner Wilson. Outside allowance 7.50 Rascoe, Hubbard & Co., Co. - Home supplies .. .. .. ., 19.27 T J Carter. Lumber .. 47.37 Martin Saw Mill Co, Lumber 46.35 B Madlaon'. Bridrwofic.-. Whittemore 4b Mobtey, Jail R M Parish . . , J H Hamlin n L Snead J F Fulp -. S F Terry . . D W Wariner Ceo T DaVis . G C Matlock M L Barker . . .... .... ,T W Bennett J B Matlock T W Field - T J Simpson J R N'eal T W Fulcher W T Robertson R M Jones . . .... R S Smith . . . . . . .... F M Alcorn .... .... . . H'L Blackwell M D Holderby . , W F Prultt . . :.. R A Cox . . W T Pearman . . . . . . Jno G Price . . . . ...... W G Sharp A H Garrett . Jas N McCollum . . . . , . . J I) Womack . . . . . . . . . D W Johnson . . . . . . . . Race Clark , , . . .... . . . J P Jones .. .... It S Sledge .. .. ., ...'..'. Ed Jones , . . h A Price . , . . .... . . , I S Hopper '..'..- J A IM-ice .. .. . . .. .... . il C Martin .. .. .. .. ... J H Ault . . . . . . .... . V W Stephens ...... .. . Albert Young .... . . F L. Anderson . . . . . , . . . V Price .. .. .. .. .. . II II Williams . . . . .... J L Leak . . . . . Geo W Bilker . . . , . . . Hub Brown . . .... . . .'.. . T F Rankin . . . . . . . . . . ... II F Hutchens . . . . J J Ratliffe .. .. .. .. ,. A N McCollum .. .. .. .. .. J W Somors .... . . , . ., ,. P H Williamson . . . .v D E Purcoll . ..' ; , ... . , . T.-Z Lauten .... :. . ',. . ; I A Shreve . . , . . . . . . . I B Fagg .;'... . . . . . . i T il Priddy . . . . . . ..... . It J Martin .. .. .. .. .... W-L Fitzgerald .. .. .. .... I W Fagg . . . . .. I R Butler . . .. ,, -."' .-'.' J W Irving . . . . . . . . . . Sid Wilson . . . . . . . . . A J Hudson . ... . . . ... . . W Carter .. .. .. .. .... T li Wilson .. .. .. .. .. S M Wilson . . . ... , . . . f B King. Outside poor . . . . C H Peitigrew . . . . , . Meador Supply f'o.- , , . . . . I M Lester . . . . . ... 1 P Poole & Co .. .... . . . . . . D Joyce . . . . , . . , , . 1 Baughn . . .. . . .. . , . . Harris Bros. . ... . . . .... Tr S G Jett, Services as Cor- - ner . . . . . , . . .... .... feel II Moore, Janitor . . . ... .1 f Sharp, Services to Public Health .. .. .. .. Margaret L Young, Making tax receipts . . . . Wentw. Merc. Co., County Home and Jail supplies ; . W D Hightower, Ex. insane Alfred Carter, Pigs for Co. Home . . . , . . . ... . . ... . F P Cahill. Services In Elec tion . . . . ... ... , . . , . . L B Barnes, Ditto .. .. .. .. The Review Co., Pub. min, August and Sept. .. .... J S Tulloch, Clothing for Co Hvne .. .. .. .. .. "erry Undertaking Company, Pauper coffin . . . . ...... J V Grogan, Exp of lunatic W A Manley, Ex. insane. . I eaksville Gazette, Printing Court Calendar . . . . .... Smith Sta'& Ptg Co., Print ing tax receipts and sup. The Review-Observer. Prtg. health notices .. .. ., ... Salary Fund, C B C services "ior November .. .. .. .. Whlttemore & Mobley. Co. 3Iome supplies 4. CO 5.76 15.50 3.71 10.00 81.01 6.00 3.70 1 . 00 3.30 6.50 2 . 00 4.00 2:. ('.) 10.21 27.7n 2.00 4.00 116.15 2.00 2.00 4.00 2 . 00 2.00 2.00 18.94 2 . 00 2.00 2.00 14. 6 16.11 2.00 2.00 15.05 2.00 4.90 10. 84 2.00 17. 4.00 2 . 00 6.00 2.00 2.00 16.63 16.48 2.00 ;2.00 2.00 . 4.80 12.45 2.00 ifi if 2.00 2.00 2.00 12.40 2.00 6.i0 2.00 2.00 16.61 16. b2 16.66 : 2.00 2.00 16,04 I M D Holderby, Juror in Cor oner's case 2.50 E C Wright, Ditto 2.00 J A Benton. Ditto 2.00 F T Burgess, Ditto 2.00 J II Champion, Ditto .... . . 2.00 Dr G P Dillard, Ex insane.. 2,00 Dr Swranoy, Ditto 4.00 Reidsville Flour Mills Co., Farm supplies . . .. .... 9.50 Reidville Paper Box Com pany, Court expenses .. .. 3.2a Walker Evans Cogswell Co., R. D. supplies 12. aO O I, Robertson, Juror in Coroner's Inquest 2.00 Perry Undertaking Company, Pauper coflin 5 .00 Burton, Chance, Waiker Co.. Pauper . coflin'-, and Court House supplies . SI'. 75 C F. Hubbard, Juror in Cor oner's inquest 2.00 S II Smith, Ditto 2.00 Went worth Tel. Co., Phone s. rvlce Co. If. and C. II . 5.91 R M Durham, Juror In Coro- rer's case . . 2 . 00 W 11 Shumate, Ditto 2.00 J T Gauldin. Lumber .. .. 3.8 Pete Moore, Conveying pris. 3.50 L W Matthews, Services and exp. as Com'r 13. SO R E Wall, Ditto 13.50 R 0 Mitchell. Co. Home, Jail ami C II supplies 83.83 ('has Smith, Outside poor-.. 9.00 Harris Bros., Outside poor 3.00 Calvin Lester, Outside poor 4..tu C L Minor, Outside poor .. i.ou E M Townes, Outside poor.. 4.50 A J Dixon. Outsde poor 12.00 Cty Gro Co, Outside poor.. 4.50 J J Worsham. Outside poor "J.uu Glascock Stove Mfg Co., Jail supplies 26.54 all Furn. Co., Stamps, tel egrams, and exp. R. E. Wall. Chairman . . 12.74 H E Boone, Burial of Vet. .. 16.00 Robt . Cobbler, Special allow- J H Burton, Supplies 418.39 J S Carter, Corn .. .. .. .. 24.00 K O Mitchell, Supplies,. Reidsville Cone. Const. Co, Material R G Gladstone, Supplies . . . Jno D Pearman. Damages . . S W Mitchell, Topsoil .. .. Joel H Moore, Corn and blacksmith work j ! Went worth Merc. Co., Sup 6.95 70.89 6.05 575.00 5.00 20.76 9.05 Exp. of escaped 1 . 50 14.50 6H 3.7: 2.;.0 153.12 8.85 46.08 j 12.52 ! 22.50 D G Jones. Burial of Vet. 5.00 20.00 $3,947.56 The following accounts were allow ed out of the County Road Fund: W. C. Smothers, Topsoil .. 59.00 O M Wingfield, Salary and 2.00 2.oo 2.00 15.7.H "- 4.90 , 2.00 18.V9 16.21 17.39 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 4 . 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2-00 2.00 2.0(1 2.00 5.30 12,30 2.00 36.00 18.00 31.50 6 . " 3 . 00 22.50 6.00 9 . 00 W P Ware, Wneat for Co brarm .. .. ..... Jno W Rea. Conveying win ,10.00 1 22. SO 2.70 15.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 20.18 5.00 7.00 7.00 1.5' 50.99 3.00 19.90 14:81 18.00 .3.09 expense Will Stevens, Labor-.. .. .. Ernest Carver, Labor . ... . . Wiley Fulp, Labor . . Charlie Ferris, Labor .... .. A B Odell, Labor , . . . Dewey Clifton. Labor . . P J Turtle. Labor Joel H; Moore, Blacksmith work ........ . . . . . . Chas. L. Jones. Salary ar1 expense . . , . . ... . , W H Madison, Guarding : . ... C H Hamlin, Guarding .. . . C L Smith. Labor ... .. .... J D Ellington, Guarding ... ' W II Brando, Guarding . . .. R L Goolsby, Salary ... .. A L Williams, Salary . . .... John Walters, Road work . . ike Brando, Labor .. .. .. , Freeman Lamberth, Labor. . Will Perkins, Road work ... John Lynn. Road work . . Idola Smith, Road work S J Dunavant, Salary and expense . . . . . . . . . . .... Thos Lovings, Work on rpal machinery ... . . . . Thos Lovings, Ditto .... . . Dr. Ellington, Services at, camp ... . , .. ... ' i ... J H Ault, Treating mule . ., . , Harris Bros., Shoes for camp Whittemore & Mobley, Sup . Reidsville Recorder's Court, Costs . . . . ... .'..' . . , .,' W D Wood lief. Expense of Wilkes prisoners .. .. .. Dr j W McGehee, Services to camp . . . ; . ... S W Mitchell, Topsoil . . Meador Supply Co., Supplies S W Rainey, Coal . . . . ...... "10m W'iikins, Blacksni. work Britain's Drug Store, Drugs W R Brown, Exp, of prisoner R B Chrisnion, Road work I J W Jones, Corn . . ...... Rascoe. Hubbarl & Co., Road supplies . . , . . , . . . . R M Gillie, Ditto . . . , . . J E Garrett, Ditto. . . . . . John Q Wheeler, Corn for rd. C H Pettigrew, Road supplies W' C Waynick, Boarding road hands , . . . . ..... .... Wentworth Mercantile Co., Supplies for camp .. .. .. H Smii h & Pro., Black- smith work OdeM Hdw. Co., Supplies .. Jack Saunders. Supplies . . . C A Flynn, Supplies . . . . J W Brame, Corn .. "... J S Carter, Corn . . . . .;. . Lenox Castle Teleph. Co., Phone service .. . . . . . . Smith & Fagg, Blaclcsm wk. B F Robertson.hogs for camp Reidsville Flour Mills, Sup, B F Robertson. Salary and supplies . . . . . . . . . ,.. Powell Bros., Corn for road Toliver Carter, Topsoil .. .. R O Mitchell. Supplies .. .. Mrs O M Wingfield, Making bed ticks .......... Texas Co., Oil .. .. .. Seay Harneas Co., Supplies J D McCollum. Beans . . , . Leaksvilla-Spray Grocery Co, Supplies . . . . . . , . road hands .". ...... , . J W Neal, Salary and exp. repair force . . . .... .. MtT Chilton,- Exp. f Stokes brlsonera .. .. .. v -'. , ' . - !- ' , . -l ' 47.95 7.70 15.50 26.00 35.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 15.27 77-.!Y 5.00 11,67 20.00 25 . 00 25.00 40.00 30.85 5.63 20.00 3.75 9.38 9.69 2.00 91.50 8.15 13.90 J S Zigh convict G L Morefleld, MiiTi and but ter Tom Southern, Road work. W I) Hlfilitower, Road exp. W W Joyce. Corn . . . . B F Robertson. Exp. as Rd . Superintendent Nannie, Thomas, Boarding convicts at 15c a meal .. W D Covington, Conveying . pris. to road Gilmer Brosf, Supplies for camp W T Ledbetter, Blacksmith work 'I B McCargo, Exp. of Sur ry prisoners Reidsville, Cone. Constr. Co. Material Robt Harris & Bro., Tobacco J II Joyce, Boarding road hands j B A Key, I) S, Exp. of Surry prisoners Bethell Withers. Beef .. .. A W Dunn. Rec, Cost of Recorder's Court . . . . , Penn Hdw. & Furn. Co., Supplies W R Brown, Conveying pris. to camp . . j B F Robertson, Pigs .. .. Rockingham Auto Co., Ma chine work R. E. McCollum, Boarding The following accounts were P. wed Out of the Salary Fund: F. B. Kemp, Salary as Sher iff to Dec. 5 282.25 F H Kemp, Allowance for clerk hire F B Kemp, Stamp account July to Dec. . . . . J P McMichael, Salary as Register of Deels . . .... Jas T Smith, Salary as Clerk Superior Court . . ...... J P McMichael, Stamps Oct. and Nov. .... EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts Like Dynamite On Your Liver. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel Is. It's mercury; quick silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. . Calo mel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system: When you feel bilious, slufegish, constipated and all knocked out and 1 ,.1;,,, ., i - .1 j 0 00' ' JlJU uvt-ii a uuse 01 uanjjrjrous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large Settle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start ycur liver without stirring you up In side, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone strength ens you right up and you feel great. Give It to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe. 10 .70 .00 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 3 . 75 30.05 2.00 20.00 ! 8.50 I REIDSVILLE'S MOST PROMINENT LAWYERS, DOCTORS, ETC. aI- 50. 00 30.00 166.67 491.69 14.00 $744.61 The following accounts were al lowed out of the Township Road Fund: i W. C. Smothers, Work in f Leaksville .. .. .. .. .. 12S.25 P II Simpson, Work in New Bethel . . . . . , .... : . 7. 00 German" American Mills,' Work in Leaksville . , 7.50 N A Amos, Work in Madison Township .. .. .. 64.00" H I) Kallam, Work in Price Township . . . . ...... ,. 62.00 T A Case. Work in Mayo . . 2.40 W F Evans, Work In Reids ville and SlniDsonville . . 34.00 E J Newnam, Work in New Bethel . . 8.50 S P Knight, Ditto .. .. .... 8.35 W J Cardwell, Work in Reidsvillo and Ruffin , . .. 93.51 E. W. FOWLER O. S. FULK FOWLER & FULK j CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS All Wrark Guaranteed Office over llarrls Bros. Store Office Hours from 7 to 9 P. M. IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estates. Practice In all courts, except Record er'! Court. Office in Fels Building, over A. 3. Price & Co.'b Store. - - ,.- , ' GLIDE WELL & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to all matter ntrnsted. Practice In all courts. Office In Citizens Bank Branding. MAJOR T. SMITH LAWYER Office over Burton & Pearson.a Su Store. A general practice of tha law, ncludtng settlement of estates, ad ustment of Insurance collection of claims, etc, tec. Practice In all courts, claims, etc. Practice in all courts. 6.00 17.00 4.50 26,46 111.30 33.50 2.70 20.00 218.70 25.75 10.15 2.10 l.fcO 1,59 . 13.8S. 1 .00 I 61.03 j 18.54 .32.50 I 120.59 ! 21.00 10.15 18.85 4.20 1.95 4.75 32.00 34.00 " ' $415.51 Meeting continued December 11th, 1916 at 9o'clo k. J. P. McMICHAEL, C. B. C. 2.50 18.75 32.00 29.08 116.00 17.00 43.58 . 7.70 .90 52.9.') 2,25 2.47 53.01 50.50 100.40 118.19 MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1916. Board met pursuant to adjournr ment with the following members present: R. E. --.Wall, Chairman, W. . Johnson, L. W, Matthews, and J. S. 'Wells. ; On motion the Sheriff is ordered to transfer $5,000.00 from the sal ary fund to the credit of the school fund . . On motion Judge Ira R. Hum phreys is elected attorney to the board of county commissioners be ginning December 1st. On motion Jas. T. Smith is ap pointed custodian of the courthouse i with authority to hire janitor and look after the water works. On motion it is ordered that the road from Settle's bridge to Stone villo be topsoiled as per previous or der and the road to be let to con tracts If proper contract can be made; if proper contract can not be made it laT understood and agreed that the road supervisor, Who now intends to consolidate road forces, shall divide said force and build said road a per previous order. Board adjourned to meet January 1, 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. J. P. McMICCHAEL, C. B. C. D. IVIE B. C. TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON (VIE, TROTTER & JOHNSTON Attorneys at Law Offices In the new Irvln fiullding nxt to Bank of Reidsville. J. R. JOYCE Attorney at Law. Office in old Citizens Br-k Bulldla Practice in State nu Federal ioorts. . Loans negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. Keidavllle. N. C. Special attention to negotiation at ans, settlement ot estates, buytM aid selling real eBtate. iDioranM .djusted. Practice lr all courts. Office in Lambeth Building. Ore lffs Office. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTOTNIY AT UmV clal attention to negotiation o loana conduct and settlements 01 estates; buying and selling real m : tate. Office, Citizens Bank Blfig JM. SHAliP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank tJuild ng, opposite Confederate Monument REIDSVILLE, . . . . ... . . . . . ti. a $3797.25 What To Do For Bad Colds If you want a cough medicine that gives quick and. sure action in heal ing colds, coughs or croup, get Fol ey's Hooey and Tar. It hoals In flamed or swollen membranes In throat, chest or bronchial tubes; breaks up tight coughs, loosens the phUgm, makes breathing easier, stops tickling in throat. W. F. Thomas, Summerville, Ga . , writes : "Foley's Honey and Tar Is a most efficient remedy for coughs, hoarse ness, etc. I havo used it with excel lent results." For sale by Gardner Drug Co. JAS. W. HOPPER ARCHITECT, niome 131-231 Leaksville. N. DR. J. R. MEADOR denti8T Jffice over New Cttisens Bank. Residence Phone 9085. PhoOtf 8T BEAR'S EMULSION. If you are weak and run down Bear's Emulsion Is a splendid tonic and tissue builder. Avoid an attack of Grippe this win ter by. the timely use ot Bear's Emul sion. - McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice la all eovts Mr. McMichael will be la the Raids rllle office oa Tuesdays, Wednesdays rauredays, Fridays and la Madlsosi m Saturdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOlT ATTORNEY AT LAW Rtldsvllla, N. & General practice of the law la BtaU vnd Federal Court. Money loaned oa real eatata. Ks ates administered on and settled, Seal estate bought and sold. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS - - RENTAL UKOCON fioa over Fataar- as TacJtorl Drtj Btora. TadM '----" '

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