TIIE REVIEW: REIDSVTL1. E. N. a TUESDAYJAN. 10917. t : r. ' 1 or HEID3VILLE Aim RooHNanAM Yesterday ww old-fashioned "bad" winter day for a fact. You can not afford tt miss the "Pie Party" an4 the "Cake Election" on Friday night. Look up and read the local about the "Pie Party" and the "Pretty Girl's Calce" In another local. Rev. F. L. Townsend will fill bis yegnilar appointment next Sunday .ight In the Wentworth M. K. church. You will laugh and laugh and eat plo and cake and have lots of fun if you will go to Wentworth on Friday Bight. "Around tre World in 80 Days," from i Jules Vern, greatest novel, in Hix partB, at Grande Theatre I uesaay matinee and night. A box party will be given at the Sandy Cross School next Thursday nteht, January 18th. at 7:30 o'clock. Public cordially invited. Corporal Stuart has recruited Jus. I). Rons of Wentworth who has been fent to Culunibus barracks for train ing In the coast artillery. Tobacco breaks have been only Moderate the past few days owing to to unfavorable woathnr. Prices on til grades continue strong. Rev. Howard Hart.e!! of Leaks Ville conducted- services at, the Epis copal church hare Sun.l iv night. His rpiendid sermon was hoard and enjoy ed by a large congregation. The Citizens Hank has recently placed two Hugant bronze signs on the corners of Its blinking building which attracts much favorable atten tion and adds considerably to a city like appearance of that busy corner. Prof. T. W. Andrews extended an in vitation to Rockingham Chapter U. 1). C, and the veterans of the Scales Hoyd Camp, to be present at the Lee Memorial exercises at the Graded School Friday, January -19th at 2 o'clock p. m. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Rockingham Building A Loan Association will be held at C. & A. hall Thursday u'ight the 18th at 7:30. for' the election of directors and ofllcers. All stockholders are urged to be present, The regular xnonihly meeting of the Irving Literary Society was held in the Graded School chapel on Thurs day ofternnoon. The roll was called by the Secretary and the minutes of the preceding meeting read. Officers were 'elected for the remainder of the year as follows: President Sara Watt; Vice-President, Elnia Crutch- OUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB Closes This Month In order to accommodate our patrons we be open on Saturday, Jan. 20, from 3 to 5 p. m. Call and start a club and be assured of funds next Christmas. A few cards left in all classes. ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY field; Secretary - Treasurer; Irene Ntacey; Critic, Maude Hooper; I'ross Hecordcr, Annie Smith. Mrs. Wray asks us to say that the Library will be open, on the 17th. at which time she requests that all books I o returned . They are still joining the "Christ mas Savings Club," conducted by the Rockingham Savings Rank & Trust (.'). The Club will be open the balance of this month, and those who antici pate gftting into a good thing should proceed to get busy. The Guilford Chapter V. 11. C. has invited the Rockingham Chapter to attend a reception' ant an entertain ment at the home of Mrs. K. J. Jus tice in Greensboro on January 19 at '.i o'clock p. m. All memliei'B who can attend please notify the presi dent, Mrs. B. F. Hall. NOTICE SALE I will at the home of the late J. K. Homers on Saturday, Jan. 'M, M)17. at 12 o'clock m. offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der for wish, one horse, one two horse wagon, set of harness, farming tools, household and kltch.es furni ture, one cow. This cow belongs tq the estate of J. K. Somers, deceased. Also two good horsee, lot of feed, 35 barrels of cornn, 2 hogs. 3 calves, buggy and harness, belonging to J. 1). Homers. This January 10, 1917. J. I). Somers. All ladles, especially mothers, are invited-., to the lecture on Mothers Problems, given In Reidsvillw on Wed nesday, Jan. 17, at 3:30 p. m., in the Sunday School room at Main Street M. E. church, by Charlotte E. Write, National Lecturer of "The Child Conservation Ieague of America." The speaker has a message of vital In terest having spent much time in teaching and study of the child. Como out and hear her. No charges. NOTICE. I have accepted a po sition with the American Tobacco Co.. and sold my entire Interest In Rascoe-Hubbard & Co.. to Mr. R. L. Hubbard, who pays and collects all Mils and assumes all rasponsitiiUI ties. Mr. Hubbard has my best wishes and I hope my friends will i continue to trade with him. Thank ing you for the past business for the past two years, I am yours truly, V. L. lUiscoe, CARD OP THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for their kindness shown bs In the sickness and death of our son anl brother, Jno. W. L Thonpson. G. M. Thompson and Fam. ily. BUSINESS BUILDERS. LOST. WANTED. ETC Watch repairing Jaa. W. Manual. WANTED, Boarders. Apply at the Reidsville Seminary. Wilson'a Hot Blast Coal Stove for tale. Apply to J. W. Bethell. The "Pie Party" at Wentworth next Friday night. Go! It will be great FOR SALE. Thoroughbred Tam worth Pigs, all ages. Oscar Wind sor, Corn Jug Farm . FOR SALE. Two Young milk rows, fresh to pail. Apply to Islah Carver, Iluffln, Route 3. For tweUy-four Inch concrete well pipe, brick and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootton. Mgr. WANTED Good second-hand car ryall, preferably 3-4 Nissan or Spach Jno. R. Smith, Forshee, N. C. Room For Rent. Furnished or un furnished, modern conveniences, near n. Mrs. J. D. Jacobs, Lindsey St. "WANTED. A good, gentle horse or mule, from elevon to thirteen hun dred lbs. Jno. R. Smith, Forshee. FOR RENT The Webb cottage on Piedmont street. Five rooms; all modern conveniences. Apply to W. A. Trotter. Wo buy nails and roofing In car lots nnd can save you money if you consider quality. Reldsville Hard ware Company. "Majestic Range," best made. Imitated, but not equaled. Nine on hand at old prices. Reldsville Hardware Company. Wo always have the proper mater ials and best of all we know what to do with your orders to guarantee you absolute satisfaction. J. S. Ilutcherson; The New Spring Fashions iri S'C-flDiRT WADT You'll find it a real pleasure to look them over. Come. Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. Read the paper Tegularly Watch repairing Jas. W. Manuel. FOR RENT. Farm of 87 acres six miles of Reidsville. Liberal contract tor good tenant. H, It. Stone. We have money to loan for clients on real estate security .-Ivie, Trotter and Johnston, Attorneys; Office in the New Irvin building, next to Bank of ReidsviHe. FOR SALE. A good pair of mules wagon and' harness, a good . horse, buggy and harness. Cheap for cash or easy terms to right buyer. W. F. Burton Spring Samples are ready fouyour inspection as usual. We are well equipped with latest Introductions o the mills, foreign and domestic. Call in and see for yourself. J. S. Hutch, trson. FOR SALE. A nice lot of Green view Brand tomatoes, home produc tion; price ?1.40 per doz., (No. 3 cans) without case; $1.50 per dozen with case. Apply to D. C. Smith, Rfd, 2. Reidsville. N. C. Anyone desiring some good farm ing land at a bargain, either large or small tracts, would do well to see me. A safe investment for one -who wants a home cr a speculator either. John R. Smith, Forshee, N. C. Ladies, you can earn big money selling our beautiful line of fancy and staple wash fabrics. Exceedingly en joyable work. No money required. Experience unnecessary. Our goods are in demand our prices low. Our representatives are enthusiastic over the results. Secure your territory now before it's taken. Write for particu lars immediately. References neces sary. Old Colony Textile Co., 294A Broadway, New Cork. WSSBR Forming A Habit Lots of people "formed the hab it" of buying their drugs at TUCK ER'S for three years and we ap preciate it. Won't you do likewise this year? It will save you money, Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 HE M CIGAR 1U 11 n F171 0RY njinr XI ill i v I CO IS NOW IN OPERATION AND PLEASANT WORK FOR MORE GIRLS AND LADIES IS AVAILABLE Wee Pay WQnafle LcsanrtrDQinig Only Girls with satisfactory references are employed. Nice rooms with good board can be had at satisfactory rates. We will be glad to show what the work is to anyone seeking nice, pleasant, profitable employment.- DW(2s(tDai(B ai(t qdob Furnish reference with your application and you will be notified when to report for work The Amerkaum Tote .? ' .' V Co Address all applications or WMr. J. P. CorineU, ReidsviHe, N. C.

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