TWO ANNUAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT J. R. JOYCE t. ii i J : (Continued from Fage 1) operations being conducted on the practical farm, purchased by a former director and strong supporter of the Association, Mr. T. Jefferson Penn, and turned over to the Association by him with the object of giving practical demonatraton to fanning methods being advocated through the press. Owing to the excessively dry fall no clover was planted, and but eight acres of rye wero laid down; work of clearing off second growth pine has been steadily progressing, with a view to bringing every avail able inch of land under cultivation upon the opening of spring, and a model tenant's or helper's housa constructed on the property at a cost of (350. Three brood sows of good pedigree and also a pedigreed male have been purchased, and it is the intention to demonstrate at this point the raising of pork upon green food, with a minimum of dry grain, and at low cost. The farm offers splendid op portunity to put into effect the doc trine of diversification, for which this Association stands, and it is hoped good results may be accomplished through this diversification. But probably the moat effective work, and one that will have the most far reaching, and beneficial ef fects on agriculture in our county, was accomplished when upwards of one hundred and fifty acres of our . chocolate and gray lonra lands at arious points .throughout tho county were laid down in alfalfa during the month of September. These plot s, varying in size from one to ten acres, were prepared and seeded under tho supervision of your Vice-President.-, and under the stimulation of press notices and advice offered by your secretary. Tbey have invariably' been successful, and today splendid stands of alfalfa are on view at almost every point of the county, and their owners In many instances, being encouraged with the facility of getting a good stand under proper conditions, have expressed their intention to material ly Increase their acreage during the f&Ikot the present year. The splendid returns that will accrue to the own ers of these plots cannot fail to at tract the attenion of every farmer in our county and 1 would not be sur prised if this experimental work were to result In completely revolutioniz ing our farming mothods. The successful picnic and barbe cue held under the auspices of the Association in 1915, was duplicated on August 2bth last, anl was an oc casion of real pleasure. While I am heartily in favor of anything that will tend to convey to our friends throughout the county a realization of our unselfish interest in their wel fare. -1 cannot help venturing the opinion that something of a more educational character, combining-the spirit of hospitality together with eoe of real progress and advance ment, would prove more attractive to the farmers of our county and their families, and assist in bringing to pass what we all have at heart, namely the greatest good to the greatest number of our citizens. If i might be permitted to make the suggestion, it would be that gather ings of this character in the future ' ehould be in the nature of a county lair, spread over a period of say three days, and embracing In its program exhibits of stock, poultry, the textile products, for which our county is fa mous, also exhibits of tobacco, and to acco manufactures, the product of the farm orchard, and garden, with exhibits of canned goods, and every conceivable product raised, or that ought to be generally ralwed, on the farm, and all Interspersed with rid ing tournaments, band concerts, and thor plasunt featurta of the rural lift of our community. - Immediately following our annual meeting last year, tho Assocation tendered to its members a banquet which took place on February 22nd. tnd proved to be an occasion that will not soon be obliterated from the memory of those who participated is its enjoyment. The principal on that occason were, Mr. F. II. LeCaume, of the Norfolk & Westorn; Mr. Z. P. Smith of the Southern Hallway, and the Hon. A. L. D rooks f Greensboro. Two hundred and fifty- members and friends of the As sociation partook of a splendid re past provided by the ladles of the Presbyterian Church, and the delight ful evening without doubt contributed to the development of increased in terest in the Association throughout the county., In the early part of the year some interest was manifested in a propo sition for the development of a hotel mructure for Reldsville that would be more in keeping with our splendid citizenship, and assist in the develop ment, not only of our town, but also f our county, by bringing to it many who are debarred from that pleasure because of insufficient accommoda tion, and the lack of a hotel supplying the comforts and conveniences de manded by many people of this day. Correspondence was had with Messrs. Longest & Tessier of Greensboro but mlng to their absorption in large . t-lepmcnts nothing was done, I cannot help feeling that among the : needs cf our community, that cf a suitable hotel, that will prove more representative of our citizenship is. most pressing and I recommend this matter to the consideration of our new board of directors. Several efforts were made in the early spring to interest the merchants of Reldsville in an organization, hav ing for its purpose the building up a buy at home' organization, and the rivl imnrovement of business conditions in ReldBVille. Nothing de finite however, resulted; and for lack of definite cooperative efforts, I feel much trading that, ought to be aon in Reidsviile is being carried to n id towiiH. to our detriment. 'considerable publicity was given to this feature through The Review. II im effort to awake a good health; public uplrit. but for lack of interns and cooperation on the part of thos. most Interested, the movement fniloi cf Bueeess. i-wilim thiit the development of tht social side of our natures ought to nin concurrently with that of an in dustrial character, the Association in MiguratPd a series of monthly At Homes, which were maintained thru unmnipr in the auditorium mil. .... n nd until cold went her, and inability to beat the room, caused their dis continuance. These simple evenings of song grew in popularity with our people and proved without doubt u success. It is hoped they may be re t,.,i with ihe coming of warm weather. The hearty thanks of this association ore due to the many Kmu Mends who so willingly helped to make these evenings pleasant, and we are not without hope that they 'iad some bearing upon the increas ing love of good music apparent to the citizens of Reidsvillo. industrial Development That a larger measure of develop ment of this character In our town cannot be referred to with satisfac tion at this time Is in no manner due to lack of activity on the part of your Association, or its directorate. We have- cause, in the acquisition of ad ditional Industrial development on the part of our good friends, -the Ameri can Tobacco Company, for roal con gratulation 4he extent of which has hardly yet been borno in upon om people, and were your Association unable to point to any other develop ment during the year that has passed into history, there would be more thun enough reason for the genera tion of a hearty spirit or optimism in the location of a factory of the character of the Cigarette Factory of the American Tobacco Company. The proceedings leading up to the decision of this companp to select Reidsviile as the point for this de velopment, were conducted through the officers of a friend in tho person of Mr. C. A. Penn. who thereby prov ed his friendship, at one and the same time, for the company whom he has the honor to represent, and the town that is so proud to claim him for a citiaen, negotiations pro ceeded in a most smooth and satis factory manner between your direc torate and Mr. Penn, who is Vice President of his company; the neces sary guarantees were freely conced ed by your directors fno financial ob ligation, or exacting being involved.) and on Friday, January 6th, the man ufacture of cigarettes was begun, in a temporary building, and the purpose of the company is to break ground, tnd to proceed with the erection of one of th most modern, and up to date plants in tho country as soon as It will be feasible to do so. While the number of hands at. pros at work is small, It Is .the: purpose of the company to Increase this num ber conservatively until an organiza tion has been built up with a capa city of ten million cigarettes daily. That this will be the successfully ac complished may be regarded as a foregone concli!i!,;:i. The maximum to be employed in this plant will reach 800 hand, and a payroll will consequent;.- k.o distributed in Reids vlllo aggregating 'Home seven or eight thousand dollars per weok. As an auxiliary to this development to provide the necessary housing fa cilit.i38 for a larger population, there was developed through this Associa tion a company the Fidelity Invest ment Company and this company is now incorporated and doing business In Reidsviile. In addition to this step to 'cooperate with other -Interests working for the benefit of our town, private Individuals have guaranteed the erection of 57 dwelings. and some of these are already under con struction, and no 'misgivings may be felt as to complete housing facilities for whatever help may come to Reids viile to obtain work In this plant. Suit Ohio boarding accommodation also bas been provided by a public spirit ed citizen in Dr. J. II. Thacker. Early in May the Association de veloped that Messrs. A. V. Victorious & Co., of 87 Leonard Street New York were desirous of organizing a knitting mill in the the South. Communica tion wag had with this firm, and ne gotiations begun, resulting in bring ing Mr. A. V. Victorious to Reidsviile on several occasslons; the subscrip tion of $16X00 to take care of the pre ferred stock In a $50,000 corporation, by. our. citizens;-the gift of a -free nite by Mr. James A. Walker and the clearing away apparently of all ob struction to the realization of tho In dustry by our town. . Upon the architect coming to look over the ground with a view to im mediate building operations, it devel oped that the water main did not go within 1580 feet of the location, al though it appeared to be understood that the water was within a few feet of the site, while negotiations were Being conducted. Upon representing tho matter, to the Town Commission ers the stand was taken by them that inasmuch as the site selected was 100 feet outside- the corporate limits, they would not feel jusuneu in making the necessary expenditure of $2500 to complete the connection and they made counter proposals, which did not prove to be acceptable to tho promoters. While negotiations were proceed n.g, with a view to satisfying all in terests involve the town of Pulas ki, Va., made the- promoters a very a' tractive-proposition, with the... re mit that he deal fell hrocgh. tho in Ml poing-to Pulaski, where it is now in full operation. This failure to secure- tho firt In dustry sought after by our Associa tion "was the cause of much heart burnings, and was most bitterly felt oy our secretary who had labored faithfully for months on ibo propo sition. The time has arrived now when such auxiliary development would be most opportune for our town, as it would afford work which cannot, be cause of lack of special qualifications cbtuin employment In the cigarette factory. A development to take care of the surplus labor coming to Reids viile will be most necessary in the immediate future. Town Improvement Through the efforts of our Associa tion there has been effected in Reids viile an improvement that, without doubt, must be the cause of self gra t.nlatlon to every citizen participating I refer to the three miles of asphalt paving now being completed. There is additional cause for congratulation. In the fact that contracts made by; the company 'in other towns for aim-1 ilar paving; since the Reidsviile con tract was signed, have been based (,n a price cf about 30c per yard in advance of (hat obtained here. Tho original contract made for our streets was a blanket one. witn a pro vision for scaling the price down to a minimum of $1.40 contingent upon a certain number of yards paved. I iwiuwe the provision has been met, and we secure the advantage of the minimum price. I hope that, before the contractors wind up their opera tions, everv available street in our town will be covered with, a hand some coat of asphalt, and that the. mud scourge, from which we have suffered so long will be relegated to a memory of the past- Publicity While the handicap of keen finan cing prevented that measure of pub licity to which our town and county are strictly entitled by their natur al and other advantages, still a great deal of adventitious advertising has boon secured, with little or no cost, and Reidsviile is better known today to the outside world than over be fore. Our Association has manifest ed an interest in the preservation of inr natural resoiirtvls; particularly our forests in the western part of tha State, and their relation to re cent floods that so seriously affected large area of our commonwealth, and we have not hesitated to express an opinion on the denudation of our forest lands as a contrlbutary to ine increase of danger in natural pne- nomena. Thft unfair retention of our Nation al Guard on the border has also been th snhlect of considerable corres pondence and has brought Reidsviile into the limelight as a champion or fair play-and the further thrashing of this question is liable to bring additional honors to the Association nd good to those most intimately concerned. Your secretary has also contributed to monthly and weekly magazines articles that have drawn public attention to Reldsville and Rockingham County, while many or his comments upon current events in The Reldsville Review, have been en dorsed and copied by leading and in fluential newspapers. Hundreds of booklets have been distrlbutd broad cast during the past year, and the i envelope In use by the Association has been commented upon more than nee by correspondents indeed I know of no better advertisement regarded with a view to economy as well as utility, than the adoption of his envelope, with small changes, by our "business houses. There is one phase of advertising the continued reiteration of undeniable facts that never fails o secure results. Good Roads Your Good Roads Committee has done splendid work during the year that ts gone. Upon the completion of the sandclay road through Wil liamsburg Township. It took up the matter of the connecting link be tween its terminus and the Caswell County line, and secured l5rnature to a petition with a guarantee of 450 days work of men and tenia, and free topsoll, and rights of way, for the purpose of meeting our good frlends of Caswell County. This stretch is now in process of construc tion, and I believe it will be a great stimulus to good roads In Caswell County. In all this good work the committee has had the faithful, un tiring and energetic assistance of our secretary. The committee also inter csted itself la the Greensboro thor- ouKhfare. and obtained some assist tance from the county commissioners calculated to render that road more passable, and all this work has had a stimulating effect through the county and will bring a reward in time. Gentlemen, while, we have much to look backward upon with regret, wfi have still a great deal that we can recall with satisfaction. There is a growing inclinaton ou the p'm of the landholders, Of our county to depart from the single crop system, and a keener desire for information upon crop rotation, and restoration of abused soils. There never existed a better opportunity to press home, by percept and example, the folly of abandonment to the single crop sys tem than the present, and I am more i- convinced than ever before thst in the adoption of a wise system of diversification lies the road to wealth and happiness in Rockingham Coun ty. I hope your Association will con tinue its unselfish, efforts to benefl' not ono township or one town or vll lapp. but every section of the dear old county of which we are all so proud, and I sincerely reeomend to you a steadfast adherence to the principles upon which your Asportation Is founded keeping ever before you the .promise that "he who endures to the end shall be saved". No great move ment was ever carried to succeSs without difficulties and disappoint ments, which in the last analysis but sweeten the fruits of labor, I do not Irnniv n llf.llv (if TlieTl Who .''"ft dOttll" nated by less selfish motives than hre the members of your Associa tion, and I am proud, to be permitted to contribute my small quota of work find financial aid to the furtherance cf the splendid objects we hive in view. We have now reached a cru cial period in the history of our or ganiation, having successfully weath ered the storms and- difficulties of its first two years of exigence, but I am convince! that with a continu ?nce of that loyal support.' and con sistent persistence in working along ourr prfscnt lines, results of a nature that will be most, eminently satis factory to every member of our or Ionization will achieved. You have before you tonight the task of selecting men from your number ...,, ..hail trnirtn tliR destinies of the Association through Its most critical v o" e r year tho third of its existence;. I sincerely hope that your selection shall be. made with wisdom, and that your new president will, at the close of 1917. feel as grateful to his direc torate aa I do after completing my term of office. t cannot close my. address without referring to two agencies that have contributed largely to the success un doubtedly attending our operations as an organization for the upbuilding of our town and county during the past year. You will doubtless recog nize) tfliese twcV );encie before I intention them, but mention them I must, and that in terms of the heart iest enthusiasm The Reldsville Re view, and the Secretary, Separate and apart they would have proven invaluable aids to our Association, working as units, but when combined and working together with a whole hearted desire for the attainment of those splendid results we all yearn for they have accomplished result that call for my most emphatic ac knowledgment. I unhesitatingly say that whatever good has been accom plished, and whatever progress has been made, has been due largely to our secretary and he has been, splen didly supported by the quick and willing cooperation of The Reldsville Review whose space has been gener ously contributed free of all charge for the dissemination of Association Items, and articles from the pen of our secretary treating matters rela ting to the improvement of conditions in every phase of life in our com munity. I congratulate our Associa tion upon the splendid service it has always been able, during the past year, to count upon from this source in its campaign for improved farming methods in Rockingham County, and I am encouraged and I am sure our Association will feel greatly encour aged in the prosecution of this splen did and unselfish labor, by the mag nificent utterances of the Chief Ex ecutive of our, State, whose remarkks at his inaugural proved a practical endorsement of what our Association has been doing, and what. I most eanestly hope, it will continue to do along this line in the future. I extend to you. gentlemen, who have supported me by your advice and assistance in some trying situa tions, my heartfelt thanks for your close and earnest cooperation, and I most snloerely hope that your new board will enter upon its duties with that deep sense of the possibilities of our Association, without which no great or lasting good can be ac complished. Respectfclly submitted, . J. R. JOYCE . President January 12th, 1917. INSANE MEN have epileptic fits, ne men have "Stockard & Wlm blsh fits." We moan in clothes. There fore be sane and let Stockard & Wlmbl8h make your Spring Clothes. We will guarantee you a fit. Subs crib today Prefers Chamberlain's. "In the course of a conversation with Chamberlain Medicine Co's. rep resentative today, we had occasion to discuss in a general way the merits of their different preparations. At Lis suggestion I take pleasure in ex pressing my estimation of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. , I have a fam ily of six children and have used this remedy in my home for years. I con sider, it the only cough remedy on the market, as I have tried nearly all kinds." Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County Republican-JJews Syiacuse, Kan. WANTED! FOR CASH HIDES. TALLOW, WAX. WOOL, FURS, SCRAP RUBBER, BONES RAGS, FEED BAGS, SCRAP METALS AND IRON. WE PAY 75 CENTS PER HUN ORED FOR BOOKS AND MAGA ZINES. WE BUY ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL. PROMPT RE TURNS MADE ON ALL OUT OF TOWN SHIPMENTS. Walker Hide and Junk U, Reidsviile, . - N. C i PHONE 137 KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Undeniably the largest and best equipped business col lege in the Carolinas. Book keeping, Banking, Shorthand, Typewriting, Stenotypy and English branches taught by a large faculty of experienced teachers. All graduates are given a life membership in our Employment Department free of charge Handsome catalogue giving full information concerning any department of our school sent upon request. I I I I KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE RALEIGH, -: or :- CHARLOTTE HIGH GRADB BUILDING BRICK Brick is the most enduring I most swear against fir; moat comfortable fax all weatbari most economical la final cost, and the moat beautiful of any building material. II Quality appeals to yon, irriU na and get quotations. Shipments made promptly. WII.LIAM80N A HEDGECOCK, INC. UartlasTlUe. Va. The Eeview and Bryan V vuiuiuuuc: w Kt jtcmu. f .... Fred DeGrotte Wholesale Bottler of Coea-Gola And Dealer in Fruits We return tbanks to our mapy friends and patrons for past liberal patronage and assure them we will strive harder than ever before to merit a continuance of their custom and to retain their con fluence. Prompt service and guaranteed satisfaction on all goods handled by us will still be our. motto for 1917, wnich we hope to make the banner year In our business. Wishing one and all a Prosperous New Year, we are Yours to Serve, Fred DeGrotte Bottler of Coca-Cola Asthma-Catarrh t and Bronchitis Can Bo Greatly Relieved by the New External Vapor Treatment. forming drugs for these troubles. Viek'a 'Vap-U-Rub" Bulvo is applied externally and relieves by inhalation as a vnpor and by absorption through the skin. For Asthma and Hay Fever, melt a little Tick's in a spoon and inhale the vapors, also rub well over the spinal column to relax th nervous tension. 25o, 50c, or $1.00. We Will Supply Anything Wanted IN PERFECT GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING, V CRIMP ROOFING, TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUT ING; CHIMNEY PIPE, BOTI,I ROUND AND SQUARE; WELL TUBINQ AND SEWER PIPE. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, LAUNDRY AND COOKINQ STOVES, FIRE BOARDS AND PIPING. PLUMBING GOODS CLOSETS, LAVORATORIES. BATH TUBS AND BATHROOM SUPPLIES OF , ALL. KINDS. GET OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB ING AND SEWERAGE CONNEC TIONS. R. G, Gladstone. WAR OR NO WAR Fires Keep Coming And We keep paying My Companies Are lots more Able tobear a Loss than you are; Therefore, BE PRUDENT And insure ) With FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance Man. 3s

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