THE REVIEW: AELDSVIf.L rC. X. Q FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1917 on the siik MAYODAN Bora to Mr. and Mrt. Tom Leham on February 6, a daughter. We are glad to note that Mrs, R. II. Martin who has been very sick is re covering rapidly. Mr. C. L. Harris who has bt;en very ill is recovering nicely. Mrs. Dot Gann who has been on the hick list for the past week is improv ing slowly. Mrs. Fletcher Caldwell is sick list. Miss Elsie Martin has been vith la grippe. Miss Hattie Bailey was on the sick list last week but is able to be out t work agilii now. Mrs. Will Turner and The'mia Turn er were siofc last week. Miss Helen Tesh was forced to miss attending school on account of sick ness last week. Mr. ('. N. Southern's two children li.ive been very sick with severe colds but are better now, we are pleased to say. Mrs. Shelton, who live on Madison Route 3, is much better now after a uple of weeks' illness. Mr. Joe Martin left Monday for BasHiett, Va., to attend the burial of a rel.Uive. Rev. Edwards and family have moved to Philadelphia to live. Miss Sallie Wall has taken Miss Robbie Wall's position and Miss Robie ha taken Miss Willie Morphis' Dlace In the Mayodan Graded School. Miss Annie Smith of the school fac ulty of the Mayodan school spent the week-end in Stoneville. Miss Mamie Bennett, principal of the Mayodan Graded School, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Dalton of Madison Route 1. Mr. John Burgess of Ridgeway, Va.. was a week-end visitor to his cousin Mrs,. Laura Walters. Mr. Charlie Reid spent Sunday in Reidsville. Rev. R. S. Howie preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mrs. Bob. Barham and children will leave soon for RoawVke. Va where Mr. Barham has a position in the ma chine shopa there. Mr. H. J. Walker and going to move away soon, Mends regret to learn.' '' Misses Kstelle Harris Tesh spent Sunday with Petersons. Sheriff T. L. Gardner of Reidsville was in tow n recently. The Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. H. H. Harrison on last Thurs day afternoon. The guests were in vited in the cloak room,,' Rev. S. Mor ton waa asked to conduct the devo tional exercises and after reading the the Seriptu- - and prayer ho gave them 'm eii' ur.iging tall;. After this Mrs. HarnVii n served tea, cakes, can dles. The l. dies present were: Mes dai wesW. N.. Pooler, S. P. Tesh, Prank Matthews. Sherman Reynolds. Jim Roach. Tom Crews. Everett Nelson, Sam M.'rtin. J. W. AustinMisses Sue Alley and Annie Smith. The Club under the leadership of Mrs. Harris on is -doing a grent charity work in 'Mayodan and is fortunate in having such a good leader. Mrs. Rob. Heggie and children spent Wist week with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Gib son on Stoneville Route 3. The B. V. P. U. will meet rext Sunday at the hmie of Mr. Will Turn er at 4 o'clock., ; .Mmsria. Charlie Walters, and Will Price chaperoned a crowd of little fefks to Madison Sunday. Those pres ent were Misses Mamie and Kather Ine Tesh, Kunice Martin. Lillian Wal ters, Ki'c" IVirhim. Ruby Price, Louise Barham, and Master Wcldon Johnson- They all report eil a good time. Mr. and Mrs. M. J Cor-tts of Avalon vfeited Me- and Mrs. Bob Smith Sun day. .': The new company store has Just received its charter and will be ready for business soon. Rev. C. W. Glidewell of Trogdon Farm spent Saturday 'with his son, Mr. John Glidewell. Burning of plant beds is the order of the day by the fanners. Mr. C. L. Harris preached at Reedy Creek at four o'clock Sunday to a crowded house. Mr, Berrier, Superintendent of the Sunday School reported a ull attend ance Sunday. Mr. Charlie Fallin and falmi'y of Madison spent Sunday with Mrs. Laura Walters. Mr. Estan Freeman wept t i l.'nion .Mills to get his w7o v.'i) has b.'en vi-iting her parents,. Mr. Sam Donovant of Spray spent Hie day last week here. Mr. Rufus Martin has resigned his position as policeman. Mr. Nyt Pickett was in town Mon day on business. Mr. Lamberton of Madison was in I ij vvn Tuesday on business. . Mr. Kal'am was in town Monday iooking for his mule that got away from him Sunday night. Mr. Clyde Johnson spent Saturday rnd Sunday in Winston. Mrs. Dicks of Stoneville w-as in town Monday Mrs,. Rooxie Walters is spending quite a while with her husband who is running a barber shop in Martins ville. Va.. to y are their many and Helen the Misses GROOM'S The wheat and oat crops seem be a failure this season. Elder John R. Smith will preach at New Hopo the 4th Sunday at 3 o'clock. We hopo a large crowd will attend. Miss Maude Wall was a visitor at the home of Mr. Will Manley on Route 6 Saturday. Mr. William Stanfield and Mr. Stephen McKinney of Mclver were visitors in this section Saturday and Sunday, Massrs. Ellison and Prescott Mc Kinney of Mclver spent the week-end in this vicinity. Mrs. George Brown of Staicey vis ited friends and relatives in this sec tion the past week. Miss Laura Wall visited at the home of Mr. Will Manly Saturday afternoon. The -party given by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Manly Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. Robt Haizlip was a visitor at the home of Mr. Will Manly Sunday ftemoon. Mr. Willie Garrison of Mclver was a visitor in the neighborhood recently- A largo crowd attended the singing school at New Hope Saturday. They will hold their next meeting Saturday the 24th at one o'clock. We hope a! large crowd will be out. Mrs. Whitt Brown and children vis ited Mrs. Delia Somers of near Law onville one day the past week. Whooping cough and measles seam to be all the rage in this vicinity. The widowers are taking the day in this section and the writer thinks the young men had better look out and keep their eyes open if they do nrt care to be left. Mr. A. G. McKinney was a caller at Mr. J. H. Wall's Sunday afternoon. The Mt. Carmel writer thinks he is some "scribe" and we think it would ue. wise for the farmers of this sec tion to read the Mt. Carmel items and stop reading the Progressive Fanner and other farm papers for awhile. Mr. Nortman McKinney was in our midst Saturday. The Valentine party gi'. en by Mr. Charlie and Aurealsus Saunders Wed nesday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mrs. A. A. Walker of Route 6 visit ed Mrs. J. H. Wall Friday. Miss Minnie Hooper of near Thomp sonville was the guest of Mis'sos Lucy and Ollie Wall recently. Mclver items seem to be rather in the background here recently. Mr. Harvey Tate of near Mclver was in our midst Saturday night. Mr. Earnest Shumate of this section crossed Hogan'si creek Saturday as is his usual habit. MT. CARMEL The weather has been very unfav orable for preparing plant lands this week. But fortunately most ever ne has finished burning in thin scl t;on. The dry freeze last week has caused the wheat to look as if half of it is Killed. But wo trust there will ue a lull yield in this section. The oat crop is ailinrst a comr'a'e failure and now begins to look like s ime of us will have to "et our share from the western farmers Mr. Silus Stnuk-r has returned trom Richmond where li w 'i emp 'V et! by the ". irnni" H i' -y ami Pow Co. lor the pa . year. 'V un'!o stand that he will try hit link at r.iifing tohac -, ' :s yea Miss Jliry Vaughn of Nance spent a few days the past week with her axmt, Mrs. T. M. French. Mrs. G. D Ellington visited friends and relatives in Reidsville Saturday. Mr. E. M.. Gunn anil family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Strader on Route 3 Sunday. ' Mr. Edward Dix and fimiily visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vaughn neai ; Nance Sunday. j Mrs. Lula Allen of Reidsville v'sited , her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Al- j len, near Bethlehem Saturday and j Sunday. It seems that some of our farmers j have taken the good-road fever as they have been seen making a split log dreig and as soon as the weateer favors they will be out trying it. Choppings are all the go in this section these days. Mr. Robert Hudson of Ruffih spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hudson. Rev. F. L. Townend will fill his regular appointment at Mt. Carmel Sunday at 3 p. m. We hope to see a large crowd out to hear him. The next regular meeting of the Mt Carmel Local Union No. 1643 will be held at the school house Saturday February 24. at 2 p. m. sharp. Mem bers are urgently requested to be present. We understand that one of our young men thinks that Sunday night, February 4th, was the coldest nignt tnat he has ever experienced in his life. It is reported that he had been to, seen his best girl and while return ing was caught in a snow storm and upon arriving at home he pulled off his shoes to retire and the next morn ing they were frozen fast to the floor. It seems that all of the family and some of the neighbors had to make a t'ial attempt before the shoes were rele eed from the floor. The mattress on the bed was also frozen to the foot board the next morning. Relieves Serious Case Of Chronic Constipation Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Corrects Conditions That Seemed Hopeless After suffering from chronic consti I at Ion until she was so run down she was unable to do any kind of work, di-s 11, A. Frees, 2U9 Adams St., Day ton. Ohio, obtained a bottle of Dr. Cildwoll's Pepsin and used it with such gratifying results that she con tinued the treatment and has written to Dr. Caldwell that her condition is iigain normal, and that she wants to recommend Syrup Pepsin to everyone who suffers with constipation. ir. laiuweiiB syrup repsin :s a combination of simple laxative herbs with Pepsin, gentle in its action and free from griping or other pain or (I'Yeomfort, It contains no opiate pr narcotic drug, and while acting readily on the most stubborn case of .nac tive bowels, Is absolutely safe for the tiniest babe, so that it is the idea! family laxative and should be kept on 1 and in every household for use when needed. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin costs only fifty cents a bottle and is sold v V. . wJ'in'il.V pit vii1 n in I 'I- ' , ' in v i i i I'll1' f ?h ' 1 vli tmi' I t ? i i -I, i v : I IMissH.A.hecs'w'K in drug stores everywhere. To avoid imitations and ineffective substitutes be sure you get Sr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a faosimilie of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4L3 Washington St., Monticello., 111. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That g the euresl way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is LI MB ME NT Coo J for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism. Sprains, 3 cuts, Curns, 25c 50c $1. AtallDealew. Wy. 1 iiuiiim in ill i i ii UK, I I PROFESSIONAL CARDS REIDSVIIIE'S MOST PROMINENT LAWYERS, DOCTORS, ETC. FUN! FUN! let No Innocent Man Escape At the gieat Mock Trial under the auspices of the Reidsville Public Library in the Graded School Auditorium Friday Evening, March 9th. One of our most respected citizens will be charged with LARCENY OF A ROOSTER REGULAR COURT RULES STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS LUDRICROUS SITUATIONS. AN EVENING OF REFINED FUN LOCAL HITS GENERAL FUNSTON DIES SUDDENLY AT SAN ANTONIO Tired aching feet feel re freshed after an application ot bloan s Liniment, do not rub, it penetrates and soothes. .Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for rheu matic pains, neuralgia, gout, lum bago. sprains, strains, toothache, bruises and muscle soreness. At all druggUu. 25c. 50c. and $1.00. Meeting of Bachelors Club The Bachelors' Club held its regular txieeting, Monday evening, February 9, at the Bachelors' ITall. The Club was called to order by the president and roll called by the secretary. Two new members were enrolled. ... The majority of the members hav ing thought it best to secure a wild ft"(t, ordered it from the jungles of Africafi. but on account of the late Act of the German Imperial Govern ment, was delayed by the transporta tion company. Provided the goat is not blown up by the pesta of the sea, the Initiation will take place at the next meeting. Matters of striking importance were discussed, such as: What course bachelors, should take; "Why girls are so deceiving; and How often the boys should call on the ladies,." Having carried out the program suc cessfully, refresments were served und ench member reporting a Jolly time, the Club adjourned at 10:43. Major General Frederick Funston commander of the Southern Depart ment of the United States army since February 1915. died suddenly at a San Antonio hotel Monday night a few minutes after he had finished dinner. He collapsed while seated in a lobby of the hotel talking with friends, and was playing with little Inez Silverberg of t)es Moines, Iowa, when he fell un conscious. . Death was: almost instantaneous. Funston was 51 years old. Ever since March, 1916, when he was placed in command of all United States forces on the Mexican border, General Funston had worked at an un usu)l pace. At critical times in bor der developments he frequently re mained on duty twenty hours of the twenty-four. The handling of regulars dinposed at various stations on the border, the Pershing expedition and, of late, re-arrangement of regular troops while providing for the return of nationpj guardsmen have entailed an enorfmous amount of detail work, probably exceeding that which fell to any commanding general of the Unit ed States army since the civil war. Prices 25, 35 and 50c. Tickets now on sale at Tucker's Drug Store. Open at 7:30. Court Called at 8:15 Lingering Coughs Are Dangerous. Ge rid of that tickling cough that iceeps you awake at night and drains our vitality and energy. Dr. King's New Discovery is a pleasant balsam remedy, antiseptic, laxative and promptly effective. It soothes the ir ritated membrane and kills the cold germs; your cough Is soon relieved. Delay is dangerous get Dr. King's Kew Discovery at once. For nearly fifty years it has been the favorite remedy for grippe, croup, coughs and colds. Get a bottle today at your druggist, 50c. E. W. FOWLER O. S. FULK FOWLER & FULK CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS All Work Guaranteed Office over Harris Bros. Store Office Hours from 7 to 9 P. M. EDGAR H. WRENN. JR. LAWYER Reidsville, N. C. Office Over A. S. Price & Co.'s Store IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estates. Practice In all courts, except Record tra Court. Office in Fels Building, iver A. 8. Price & Co.'s Store. GLIDEWELL & ROBERTS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to all matter ntrusted. Practice in all court. Office In Ciuzens Bank Building. MAJOR T. SMITH r LAWYER Office over Burton & Pearson.s Sn 6 Store. A general practice of the law,! including settlement ot estates, ad-' mstment of insurance - collection of claims, etc, tec. Practice In all eoortav clalms, etc. Practice In all courts. I . D. IVIE B. C. TROTTER JULIUS JOHNSTON j VIE, TROTTER & JOHNS rONj Attorneys at Law J Offices In the new Irvln fiu'Idlnc iext to Bank of Reidsville. Stiff, Sore Muscles Relieved. Cramped muscles or soreness fol lowing a cold or case of grippe are (vised and relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. Does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy ointments or plasters and penetrates quickly without rubbing. Limber up our muscles after exercise, drive out the pains and aches of rheumatism, aeurrlgia. lumbago, strains, sprains and bruises with Sloan's Liniment, Get a bottle today. At druggists, 25c. JUNIOR MEETING Mr. Numa R. Reid, Deputy of the Jr. O, U. A. M. of the 14th District Coun cil of the Counties of Casweil and Rockingham we,nt to Randleman yes terday to attend a Junior celebration of Washington's birthday celebration given under the auspices of Randle man Council No. 31. He was invited to speak on the subject, "JuniorHm What it. ?' ins". Mr. J W: Sechrest. Deputy of i)ia trict in v.:ich the county of Randolph is included iand Mr. L. D. Mendenhall, National Representative, were also on Uie program. The Junior Order is very strong in Randolph and Guilford counties while Rockingham claims nearly thirteen hundred Juniors. I Constipation Makes You Dull That draggy, listless, oppressed feeling generally results from consti pation. The Intestines are clogged and the blood becomes poisoned. Re lieve this condition at once with Dr. King's New Life Plls; this gentle, non-griping laxative is quily ef fective. A dose at bedtime will make you feel brighter in the morning. Get a bottle today at your drues'st, L5c. Wentworth's Ladies' Aid Society is giving another play and ia sufficient proof that there will be lots of inter esting scenes and good singing. Feb niary 23 is the date. February 23. Fix it in your mind. Remember the play. SHOPPING! is EASY at our store. So many goods and useful things to select from At Old Prices We are showing the largest stock of Drnggets and Rugs ever shown here. Prices are lower than the mills are asking for the same goods now. We also have Furniture, China and Glassware at prices much lower than you expect with the advance on all other goods you buy. AH we ask is to come in and see for yourself. We Give Profit Sharing Coupons URTON-CHANCE- J. R. JOYCE Attornoy at Law. Office in old Citizens Br.?- Buildlaj Practice In State na Federal Joarti. : -Loena negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. Rftidavllle. N. 0. Special attention to negotlatloo oC ne. settlement ot estates, bvytat" nd selling real estate. Iasoraa djusted. Practice in all court. Office In Lambeth Balldlnf , OrO a1ffs Office. ) HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. eclal attention to negotiation oa loans? conduct and settlements of estates; buying and selling real es tate. Office, CItisena Bank Bldg J M. SHARP ATTORfEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank Build UK. opposite Confederate Monument EIDSVILLE, .. .. .. .. .. N. a JAS. W. HOPPER ARCHITECT, turne 131-231 LeaksvCle. N. O. DR. J. R. MEADOR ) OENTI8T ifflce over New Citizen Bank. Residence Phone 9085. Fhone 181. IERCQ.. FURNITURE -UNDERTAKING 8 AT Root for ReidarJle and Rockinghamr' McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Pracdce In all oocrts Mr. McMichael will be In the KeUx tile office on Tuesdava, Wednea47i "nidays. Frldars and In Uadlsosj n Saturdaya. vVILLIAM REID DALTOH ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsville. N. C General practice of the law In Btata Jd Federal Court. Money loaned oa real estate. ates administered on and settled, Seal estate bought and sold. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS DENTAL SURGEON 3 lice over Fetser ft Tacky"l Drr 8 tore. Thone 101

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