THE REVIEW; REIDSHLL E, N. C. PAOE FIVE LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY after spending Bome time lh, Winston. Miss Opal Allen spent the week end with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen. She was accompanied by Mr. Abe Knight. Mm Kate Kallam and son, Henry, Al T"IJ I DAY, FEB. 23, 1917 Miss Lottie Green of Roanoke Rap iH N. C.. is visiting Mrs. G. W. Jones. Miss Margaret Huftlnes of Bodford, Ind., who has been spending some time with relatives in Leaksvllle.left Tuesday for a short visit in Dan ville.' Mr. and rs. Victor C. Jones tf Albemarle. N. C, are visiting Mr. Jones' mother in Leaksville. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Clark were in New York a few d:iys last week. Mrs. Clark went from there lo Bos of Mayodan Route 1 visited relatives in our midst Sunday. We are glad to leam that Mr. G. C. Lewis is improving ater beln? sick tor some time. . ee. ton to visit relatives, and Mr Clark returned home Saturday. Mrs. Harris Nelson and baby, who have been guests of Mrs. Moiehead for .several weeks, have returned to their home in St. Haul, Minn. Mrs. Garland Voss of Greensboro is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Patterson, this week. Misses Lucy Wray and Sadie King, teachers in the schools., spent the week-end with their parents in Ueids- Mr. Glen Robertson and Miss Al !ie Ramsey were united in marriage at the home of the bride Saturday evening at 1 o'clock by Rev. T. M. Green . Mr. Edward Hodgin of Greensboro visited relatives l(ere this week. Mr. Jesse Grogan has gone to Asbe rille for a few months' stay in the mountains for his health. The History Club met with Miss Elizabeth Taylor Saturday afternoon. "The Judgment" wis the topic dis cussed at the meeting of the 1$. Y. , 1', U. at the Spray Baptist church Sunday evening. A very interesting j meeting was held. SYSTEM OF SPYING IN THF LARGER TOWNS AND CITIES RUFFIN , The pie party which was held at the parsinage on the 14th under the au spices of the Ladies' Aid, proved i ike a success financially and otherwise. "Rev. Mr. Smith married a couple at the parsonage at 7:30 on the same evening. ,5 Mrs. Lou Alice Sergeant of Rox bnro spent several days at the home of Or. Wharton. Little Alice Whurton. who has been suffering with a very malignant type of measles, has about recovered, we are glad to leam. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. War iner on the 20th, a d;(ughter. There is also a new "Wright" in trwn --K. 0.. Jr. . The Ladies' Aid Society held their January meeting with Mrs. Horace 'farter.- Owing to rainy weather only 12 members answered to roll call. Mrs. W, II . Baker was elected pres ident for the ensuing year and Mrs Tom Stokes was elected as vice pres ident to serve with her. After the business hour Mrsi. Carter, assisted bv Mrs. C. Wariner, served delightful refreshments. One of the enjoyable teatures of the afternoon was a letter lo the Society from their ex-president, Mrs. L. P. Bogle, now of Swalnnanoa. Rev, Mr-. Smith has just returned from a short visit to friends in Win ston Salem . Mr. John A. Benton is home again efter a stay of several days in Wash ington, DC. Misses Jessie Roberts and Pearl Sheridan of St, Leo's hosipital, Greens boro, visited home folks here last Saturday and Sunday. Misses Lelia Chandler and Janie Lewis of the Draper school faculty b pent last week-end with their home folks here. Miss Maymie Ferrell is spending Kme time in Baltimore. 'Squire John A. Gibson celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday last Wednes day. With the prevalence of smallpox and dyptherla through our section Dr. Wharton has been kept constantly on the go around regardless of weather tnnditions, bad roads, etc. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harris of Reidsville visited relatives here last Sunday. . Mrs. Tom Stokes was hostess last Tuesday afternoon to the February meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society. Rev. Mr. Smith was present, read the Srlpture leson and lead in prayer. Ater the business part of the meeting was disposed of, "rs. Stokes, assisted by Miss Mary , Stokes, served cream find cake. Several new members have been added to the lfst during the year and many more will enlist during the coining year. We are g'td to hear Madame Ru-! hoof report that new pews are to be j and it is said that the German system The administration espionage bill, providing severe penalties for sp ing on matters of national defense and punishing conspiracies to viohite American neutrality, was passed Tues day by the Senate 60 to 10. Washington is honeycombed with nests of spies and so are the cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Norfolk. New Orleans, Galves ton, San Francisco and other seaports, says the Washington Star. There has been a rather complete system of espionage in Washington since the European war began. Here tofore intelligence officers of the vari ous European governments have been more occupied In ascertaining the moves of each other than in ascertain ing moves if the United States gov ernment. But it is believed now that some of this expert attention has been turned upon Washington activities, al though, as an Intelligence oflicer of a foreign nation put it: "Whut's the use? Any possible op ponent of the United States knows nil about this country's affairs that is de sired to be known anyhow!" Little Secrecy In United States. This remark recalls the fact that ; there lias been very little secrecy about United States military affairs in years I gone by, owing to the system of pub 1 lie hearings and the system of making j public the liilormution in regard to ! hearings on military affairs before con-H ! gressional committees which has been i in vogue in the United States. Several years ago. when Major Gen eral W. W. Wothorspoon. U. S. A., re- tired, was chief of the war college, a ! Japanese prince visited the United i States and was shown through the war j college. Just before his arrival Ocn j eral Wot het spoon was showing a friend through the building and pointing out j some of the systems in use, which, he said, he proposed showing the prince. General Wothcrspoou's friend ex pressed surprise that such entirely j complete courtesies should be placed at the disposal of the distinguished vis itor. General Wotherspoon replied: "Oh, well, the prince will know all about this anyhow before he gets here The Japanese bate a pretty good intel ligence system." Queer Happening In Washington. Queer things, however, have been happening in Washington the past few days. Splendid looking limousines of a character not used by ordinary mes sengers have been seen standing in numbers before the doors of European embassies as early as 6 o'clock in the morning, when the ordinary worker in Washington has hardly turned over for his last nap. Queer things also have been happening in connection with the use of the long distance telephones These have come under the notice of observing; persons, who' have readily unaerstoou mat tne intelligence o;u era of various nations could give ; i ex planation of them If they 'wanted to do so. It is proper to add, perl.., ., that such explanations might be forthcom ing from the department of investiga tion of the department t: .utice of the United States too. The British intelli'""e system Is be lieved to be" the b. . i thing of Its kind ever put into operation in the world. It is kro- -i o be in charge of Captain Guy C. ,;, R. N the young est captain in ' British navy, an Aus tralian, who t - us much at home in the country 1hhm ., of Long Island as he is in Wash;.. ..uii. Captain Gaunt is de scribed : hose who know him as the idc. . ..e romantic type of modern iutel!i( officer, a man of indom it::i :." iiergy, to whom could possibly be i.. jilied the old fashioned detective phrase, 'Tie never sleeps." Great Britain is watching out for the intelligence system for the allies on the eastern coast of the United States, and Japan Is watching out on the west ern coast, There la now a new officer in charce of the German intelligence system III the I mted States. He makes his head quarters in the office of a big German steamship company, fl fact well known to the allied intelligence officers. The Geruiuh system, however, is said to Lave met with some reverses recently. Cogs in the machinery have slipped We have several Suits left that will go at our Special Sale price. Come and get fitted up. Come and see for yourself the extra good values we are offering BOYLES BR CO. Our Aim is to Start Each Season With New Goods oiaa To My Morning Egg. Twenty-five hundred cases of Chinese eggs passed throiiKh OKdeiisburg yester day bound for New York. News item. It may have been In fur Chce Foo The air was rent by "Tuek-tuck-coo" When you were laid Thnt is, supposing fowls Chinese Like of western pedigrees, Call spnde a spade. In fancy I can see a bird With queer back hair and legs absurd Triumphant strut, The while some little pigtalkd chit Seeks for the treasure (were you it?) About the hut. I fear to chip your outer shell, Although so far as I can tell It looks all right. But China's far away, I wis. And I confess a prejudice la appetite. Maurice Morris In New York Sun. WAR NOW COSTS GREAT BRITAIN $29,000,003 A DAY In asking the house of com mons to give t.:-u" government $2,7o0,000,tt';. .;'. .' expenses until next June rhtuicellor of the Ex chequer Iior-JL- Law stated that the war ; now costing Great Britain !'l -,XO,000 a day, an In crease f $0,000,000 a day since the b. inning of the financial year. .March 31, 191G. If Is estimated that 25 per cent of Iniubut and from 20 to 30 per cent of salmon are Included in the entrails, head, tail, etc. TONOLINE IS BEAUTY AID, ANNOUNCES SPECIALIST I Mildred Louise Talks of Interest to Women. put in the Methodist church in the near future and a new coat of paint added to tV outside, j DAN VALLEY The people have been busy Ing plant land in this vicinity. Misses Minnie and Marg.uret Lauten gave a party last Wednesday evening. After playing games, a delicious sup per was served all departed at a late hour declaring a most delightful time. Miss Lucy Prithcett of Reidsville who has ben visiting har uncle, Mr. James Lewellyn. returned to har home Friday accompanied by Miss Aunie Lewelynn. Married at the home of Rev. R. S. Howie in Madison on February 8th t 3:30 o'clock, Mr. Sam Lewellyn and M:ss Ethel Joyca 'e are glad U see Mr. Willie Bark er out again after a few days' illness. Mr. J II. Adkins killed a seven month's old pig one day lift week weighing 178 pound. Mr. Joel Snyder returned home is not accomplishing as much as it did at the beginning -of the war. Spy's Real Nam Disclosed. j When the spy 'on der Goltz was nr f rested In Great Britain while trying to uurn. f make his way back to Germany utidw j a false name and a false Anwiean I passport he was confronted in Great I Britain with bis real name, whieii is ! Wachtermanii. a name, it was said, j that has not up to this time been j known even to the department of jus j tice. He heard It pronounced for the first time since be left Germany-yea r I before. Von der, Goltz, it will le re called, was known as Iiridirman Taylor. "Listen ins In" on telephones, on wire less, the hunting for tips and clews to codes, is prving on. all over Washington and the big seaports of the country. As health is a first aid to beauty this story, told by Mildred L ise. beauty specialist, of Boston, Mass, b of unusual interest. "I can recommend no better health giver than tonoline,' said Mildred Lou ise. "I was for many months a vicMtn of stomach trouble and nervousness. I had suffered terribly from pains that followed eating. Headaches also would add to my worries. Poor di gestion finally brought on nervous ness. "Relief came, however, when I look the advice of several women who said, . "Take tonoline.' "Not long after I started the tono line treatment, my parents began "to j remind me of the improvement In my condition. And because health is the quickest way to beauty, the Improve ment was particularly noticeable in my face. iitl'L.I ...II.. .31.1. frt- T iihl loiiuiijitt ruauy uiu 101 nir . can not say. I am so grateful that I j hra very willing to recommenl ton oline publicly." Tonoline is a purely vegetable prep aration which goes to the seat o common maladies stomach and kid ney trouble, catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes, liver , oil rrents and Impurities of the blood and quickly restores proper action. Tonoline is beine exnlained daily to many people at Gardner Drug Co s. Notice: As tonoline Is a wonderful flesh bulldervit should not be taken by. any one not wishing to Increase his , weipht ten pound.- or more. Although : many reports are received from those ' who have been benefitfpd by tonoline j In severe cases of stomach trouble and ; nerbous dyspepsia, chronic rniistlpa-1 tion, etc. .! 50c; BOX FREE -- ' Rubber Made From Fish. Freshly caught sea fish are said to h the principal ingredient of an artificial rubber of Dutch invention. - February 23. Fix it in your mind. Remember th play. FREE TONOLINE COUPON j ; American Proprietory Co., I Boston. Mass. ! ! Send me by return mail a 50c box J t of your celebrated flesh builder. I ' enclose 10c to help pay postage I and packing. "THE SCHOOL BOY" So many boys make a big mistake, By not going to school for their a An sake. The boy is not always to blame, I'pon the parents Its an awful shame. It he is not at school, he's leafing around, Getting In mischief all over town. A boy of this standing is never any good; tie's never at home to cut a stick of wood. So dull Is the man's brain he cannot see That his boy needs an education as you and me. Some parent's say their children have nothing to wear, That's a poor excuse, the untrained brain Is there. Some don't like the Superintendent and the teachers too. tf there's , any disagreeableness the fault is in you. If your boy is ever expelled from school. You can just bet he's en Rule. broken the Gold- Your child may come home with some spiteful tale, Simply all he needs is just a good frail. Some parents may think the writer is a fool. But your child will regret th it he never went to school. -R. IJ. RICE, Reidsville, N. C. HOPE. ) Hope is the most beneficial of II the affections and doth much to the prolongation of life if it be not too often frustrated, but en tertaineth the fancy with an ex pectation of good. Bacon. Perhaps Right Governor Bickett has announced he will not' pardon H. A. Hayes, who was convicted of embezzling funds from the Orphans Home of the West ern North Carolina Conference. Hayes was sent up ten years. His son has been working hard for a pardon and ill henjth was urged as the reason. The Governor perhapsi cannot under stand why a iman who would steal the money of orphans should be turned ioose. And especially when all had a right to expect better, things from the man entrusted with the funds. It doesn't look like Governor Bickett is going to maike a record asi a pardon governor. Of course there are times i when a pardon should be granted, and 1 again many are pardoned when they ? should not be, Hayes should serve his full tiime and be thankful it wasn't a longer sentence. -Greensboro Rec Patronize our advertisers. Rememer the date -February 23rd the place, County Court House taa play "Scenes in a Union Depot." SPEOAL OiiflfolbairDg &3 For a limited time we will fill orders for the following club of newspapers for only . . . . REIDSVILLE REVIEW, Semi-Weekly . $1.50 ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Tri Weekly .... ... 1.00 NEW YORK WORLD, Tri-Weekly . . 1.00 PROGRESSIVE FARMER 1.00 WEEKLY ALABAMA TIMES .25 HOME FRIEND, Monthly ... . .25 Total $5.00 All six papers one year each for only $3.00. This is an exceptionally attrac tive offer. You get a total cf 532 pa pers for only three dollars. This offer good until April 30, 1917. Send orders to THE REVIEW CO., Reidsville, N. C. ii