1 PAOESIX y vf ' THE REVIEW: REIDSVtLLE, N. C. FRIDAY, FEB. 2.3, 1917 - ; .... tttt r n I J wam m finmn . : mp WmAjMlMm SUBMARINE ON DRIVING OUT CATARRH If people knew how the prudence of catarrh is a cotmtant mi'iiac, thoy would have none of It. It Infests some part of the delicately adjusted Dociy ana manes u ujuhhh, thus throwing on the other orarn more than their nharo of work. It affonla a carefully prepared geeil bed for the ernis of colds, Krip, tuberculosis and pneumonia. It bo disarranges Nature's delicate plana as to make possible astlmi.i. hay fever and other respiratory dis orders. It spreads until It becomes systemic, thus Involving mutiy or gans and debilitating the entire system with rcrimis results. Catarrh is easily neglected, and It rarely K'ta well of Itself. Jt needs proper medicinal correction. For almost half a century many thousands have f und h 1 In 1'c runa, a valualdn tunic with special ethcacy In catarrhal condition. The aim Is to clean out waste mat ter, to dispel the catarrhal Inllam matlon.and tone up t lie whole sys tem. Its users willingly testify that It has done all this and even more for catarrhal sufferers. What It has done is the best proof of what It will do. You may rely on Peruna. In tablet form It Is pleasant to take and oasy administer. Manilla TublelK are the I d i: a 1 laxa tlve and liver tonic. T h e y have HO UlipleUK- a n t effects anil do nut form a hab it. 10c, The Peruna Co ColumbuH. O. THE ROYAL CAFE We take ilci'stiro in itirmiiririhtr that we have secured the sen ices Ol Mr Haywood Snann as Caterer it the Royal Cafe. Mr. Swhiiii is one of the most compel nt rati it rs in the eonntiy ar.d vie are sure nur patrons will appreciate his ,sei vices. We serve all the deli cacies of the season. Our regular 35c din ner can't be beat. Dinner and supper pat ties .served On -hurt notice THE ROYAL CAFE 0. W. GWYKN, Manager CARTRIDGES for your Pistol or Revolver You want depend able ammunition, i ..i . ... I wnmer lor target worn mJ or other shooting, ammu- ryrjf . nition in which the scicn- f tiiie combinations of materials shell, powder, bullet and primer have beea worked out by 'experts.. ' N matter wliat the mats or caliixr, we can supply you with Remington UMC world taadard cartridges to fit your piatol or revolver. VV 1 UTT K M Oil K -Si C X.L K V HARDWARE CO. Wood's Special Grass tf Clover Seed Mixtures Beit for Permanent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up In proportion as experi ence has shown best suited for the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood's Seed Catalog for 1917 Rives full information, to gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices of any f arm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD Cf SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Sow Wood', Ewgreen Lawn Crati foe beautiful gffen lawni. Write for special Lawn circular. to nr Tl? jIcvipw ani nrvaio Cc union er $2.00 ir year. ACTIVE SERVICE Its Commander Has Almost Superhuman Task. MENTAL STRAIN IS GREAT ; Technical Skill of a High Order and Tireless Endurance Are Required. Men Must Be Temperamentally Qual ified and Almost Perfect Specimens of Physical Fitness. The submarine, with the memories It ' raises of u (lestl'in'th c rareer, dwarfs ami shadows the luml wnrffiri' if t'- j iliiy. The .Hiieressf ill silliliuulne coni muiiiler Is the must nkillfiil ciiisair of the time - perhaps not i-ijualed in uny time, lie has all the military quail ties. There Is a marvelous mec hauical ! grip hi his set work and soiuethliiK more. Nerve and eiidurunee murk his 1 mamiKemeiit even of an ordinary mu iieuver, nerve which is as rare ns ln- i spiral ion, wliii h, Indeed, Is often a kind of inspiration. Hut this ollh'er's iliialltieH reach higher than mere me ehaiiieal skill. His powers of observa tion, his command over himseli' und his command over the cut and thrust of the torpedo fiUht ure wonderful. He cannot be surprised. He Is ever ready to accept a challenge, and once in ac tion he must not wilt out of the most appalling nit nation, says the New York Sun. Qualities of a Commander. There Is much mystery about the BUlunarlne commander. The (lermans. who should know, have written noth ing about him. Our olllclal and au thentic knowledge is due to Italian naval authorities. He Is, they assert with truth, a machine, hut more than u military ..machine, and technical knowledge and mechanical skill are not all. He is ever u lighter, but he Is not wholly a lighter. He has prudence and singular patience. He Is not mas tered by the dust and detail of the moment, but looks calmly and serious ly at great actions, thinking, planning and, above all, seeing into the future. This is t he .secret of bis success, of his magnetism and Ids linn hold on the Imagination and will of his crew. lie appears to be little known. This truth Is the theme of aii authoritative essay on the physique and training of the otlicers ami men of a submarine which appears In the current number of the Annall di Medlehia Nuvale. The commandant's part Is perhaps the most ditllcult work in the whole range of naval warfare. The manage meiit of such a delicately balanced -.mechanism makes u , tremendous de mand upon the mental and physical powers of its operator. The following Is a description of the kind of being upon w hom the safety of the craft, the Hufety of the crew and of numberless people In passenger ships depends. Great Mental Strain. "Admiralty orders us.slgu to a ub marine (the context shows that a ves sel of about 1,100 tons Is meant) two chief otlicers, a commandant and an officer to take his place. During sub mergence the commandant has control j of several complicated mechanical cou- j nectlons. II has to regulate the speed, j keep the ship level, attending .to. the depth and course. For every attack he j has these things to look after: Poise and launch the torpedo, read and re read the -objects hi the reflectors of the periscope. It Is evident that the brain Is thus subject to an extraordinary fa- tlgue which cannot be 'continued for any length '.of time. How many myste rious losses are due to hralii fag, to the smallest thing going wrong With the oflieer's vision or nerve? The eyes are apt to grow tired, (he sight to lieeoine dim, owing to the strain of .looking into the glass of the periscope by the feeble' light of the tossing, endless waters. If one eye be used the light Is perhaps belter employed, and In this way stron ger but monocular vision tires more quickly than the vision df two eyes. Soon the limit of endurance is reached through the great bodily and eye strain." ' y In the crew of the submarine there must be technical experts to attend to the torpedoes., the electric motors, the steering gear, the horizontal planes, the. machinery for letting In air or ex pelling water; there .are electricians, llrcmeu,, oilers, polishers and others ; more like the sailors' of ordinary times. German -sailor of this type whom the writer has seen were remarkably, deft, j with a facile neatness that seemed In compatible with such merciless employ-, meiits. They were quick and light, qualities that are Indispensable to men who must overcome two physical force -the pressure of the' air, which tends to rise lu a submarine under wa ter, anil the blood pressure and temper attire, which also rise. VS '.'I t" VS 'c ?S VS IS IS IS VS JS VS !!: is t vs is VS tsr COW IS SOLD FOR $5,000. At mi Hiirtion sale of registered Itolxtciii -I-'rlehm cattle, held re ecntly In Rome. N. Y., Cramelle Tty Ormsbv Tube, reputed to vs VS be the world's " champion milk producer under four years, was vt rilil fr -. IklO Twantr.ftruiilhoF ..r I thoroughbred llolstelns were jjf. sold at ait average price of $100. Sj each. it BfffiSffUffMrfflfHffMf' i irnen cronp t,un i oscjri u-Wkdizzj zjklU-HRZa m fh ' Treat Externally The old method of dosing dohoate little etonwha with nauseous drugs is wrong and harmful. Try the extormd treatment Vick's "Vap-O-Kub" Halve. Jut rub little OTnr the throat and chst. The va pors, relead by the body heat, loosen the choking phlegm and ease the difficult breathing. A bedtime application insures .ini.il Un. 2.rc. 60c. or Sl.uu. , vjClftlSALVE WOMEN EAGER TO SCRUB OR SPY Otto Wan! lo Drive Autos For Uncle Sam. SHOW PATRIOTIC SPIRIT Women In New York City and In All Other Parts of the Country "Flock to the Colors" to Help In Case of Con flict. "There will be lots of women to hold the hands of wounded soldiers in case of war, hut we're ready for real work. I'lit us down lV,r scrubbing floors or anything." These were the actual words and this was the general spirit of a line of women volunteers that crowded the registration room of the League For Women's Service in New Yolk to give their names as candidates for aiiy tasks the men must leave undone if war comes. The same patriotic spirit is being shown by women all over the country. More than l."0 registered personally during the tirsT-day in spile of the blustery weather. Hundreds more sent In their names. Iiozens offered their automobiles for ambulance service if war comes. A woman who said that she had served with Lord Kitchener and an other who said that she knew all the German' .methods of spying were among those who offered their serv ices. A full Hedged woman engineer wrote down her name. Women who had cofne in their own motorcars offer ed themselves for any kind of menial service. "I have driven my own automobile for the last six years and would be willing to do so in the service of the country." said one wealthy woman. To Meet Teuton Methods. "I think I might be of some service In ease of war." a woman wrapped in furs suggested. "I lived in Germany: tor tittecii years, and 1 have seen a great deal of their -methods of spying In the present Kuropean war. I'm Eng lish. Io 'you. know that there are hun dreds of German-spies in this city?" "You etui get me at any time," an other quiet little woman offered hesi tatingly. "I drove an ambulance un der, Lord Kitchener lu England and would be glad to do anything that I could here." Another woman offered herself for packing -bandages. Ilef hiisband was a doctor, she said, and she knew that he would' hot le willing for her to do nursing, as he wouldn't, consider her competent. Hut she was a good ban dage packer,; slie said. "I am an Australian and would like to be helping England. Since I -can't do that I want to help America," one declared. "I'll do anything that no one else wants to do." No woman aviator appeared during the day at the League For Women's Service, but the American Women's Defense league suld that several girls t had been taught to fly last summer -j and would be ready to do their parts ; if need arose. j D. A. R. Begins Its Work. "The greatest amount of service any group of -American women' have ever offered to their country," is the Ideal of the 05,000 Hauglitcrs o: the Amer-: lean Hevolut ion, w ho w ere called to organize for possible war by their president-general,- Mrs. William dim ming Story. The L.'uo chapters raised flW.OOO for the Ilclgiaus In three; weeks. They will get 'together hospital supplies and list women for service in war. - At the various armories the guards- ; men's wives, even those who had met : with such ditliculties while their hus bands were ut the Mexican lorder, 'Were' show ing an unflinching spirit in the expectation of war. CASTOR! A For Ir 'ants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years 1iwayp Larg the rJ Sign.Uur" of Winter Brings Colds to Children i A child rarely goea through the f whole winter without a cold and e try mothed should have a reliable rem ' ;itly handy. Fever, sore throat, tight' chst and croupy coughs are sure p.ymuUm. A dose of Dr. Bell's Pine; I Tar Honey will loosen the phlegm, i HMieve the congested lungs and stoD tn oougn. us antiseptic ptne twl-t s neai ana sootne. tor croup whooplnjr cough and chronic bron chial troubles try Dr. Pell's 1'lne Tar Honey. At Ml druggists, 25c. An Avoided Judicial Murder By RICHARD MARKLEY One morning a comely young woman entered a pawnshop and offered a dla-I mond ring ns security for a loan. The broker, after examining the stone, look ; ed mi the inside of the ring and saw the initials E. A. I!. to J. S. "What is your name?" asked the broker. ' "Julia Aiuory." J. S. might mean Jane Severance, a' widow for whose murder Andrew Bow ers was to bo hanged, the next day. : The pawnbroker informed the police, and tlie woman w as arrested. Juiia Amory upon examination broke J dow n and confessed that she had mur-j dered Jane Severance. She said that' she had been a seamstress in Mrs. Sev-j dunce's home, had seen the ring In a ' box of silver articles an. I jewels and j had coveted it. She had gone into Mrs. j Severance's room to possess herself of the jewels and, being discovered, had, been obliged either lo kill the owner. or spend a term of years in prison. The culprit's story was probable enough, but there was one flaw in It. Why did she offer the ring for pawn in the very town where the murder had been committed and on the day before the supposed criminal Was to be executed lor the murder? Itelng questioned' ns to her motive, she con fessed that her main object was to visit tin' scene of her crime. j Andrew Bowers was a young man j about twenty-live years of age. Ho, had become acquainted w ith the wid-, ow, who was thirty years his senior, I and she made a ward -of him. One I day she showed him a box in which j she told him there were articles that, concerned him. In case of her death' he was to possess himself of it. She j kept it on the top of the stone founda- I tion to the house between two joists i supporting the floor above. Bowers wus seen with Mrs. Sever ance Just before bedtime on the night of the murder, lie claimed to have' left her at 11 o'clock. She was fnd dead the i ext morning. One of the prosecution's witnesses ut Bowers' trial swore that Mrs. Severance had told her that she intended to leave all her property to Bowers.. 'This was a strong point against him. No will wus found, and Bowers, fearing one might turn up in his favor in the box, kept his knowl edge of it a secret. As soon as the authorities were con vinced that Julia Amory 's confession wus true they released Andrew Bow ers, but not be fore'. they had confront ed him and her. They took him to the prison where she was confined and left him With her for a few minutes, the detectives keeping within:: hearing. Nothing was said between the two at least nothing was overheard and I u.'ter he had been permitted to look at her for . a few. minutes he withdrew from her. On rejoining his keepers he told them that he had never seen her In Mrs. Severance's home, but that didn't prove that she had never been employed there, for ho had never lived at the house, and there were times when he had not been there for months. After his release Bowers went to the house where Mrs. Severance had lived and iHssessed himself of the box she had told hitn contained articles that concerned . him. Hidden under some old silver tableware be found a will leaving all her property to him. There was a second paper, which read as fol lows: ' "Ten years ago I was obliged to send Susan Dugau, my cook, to the peni tentiary for stealing a valnable brooch from me, She was very bitter against me and said to me, 'When I get out I'll fix you.V I have since lived In the. fear that she would keep her word. If anything happens to me she will have caused it." Shortly after finding this paper Bow ers appeared in the district attorney's office and showed It to him. But be fore telling where he got It he asked the attorney to telephone the peniten tiary for information concerning Susan DugaiK A reply tame that Susan Du gah had been discharged from -the penitentiary on a ' certain date that was found to be eight days, before the murder was committed. Her arrest was ordered, and Julia' Amory was re.' leased.: - The morning after Julia Amory had left the prison she appeared at the dis trict attorney's ot!i ;e ..'in company with Andrew Bowels. She told the follow ing story: 'Several years ago this-man left the place where he lived to seek his for tune. We were betrothed, and I prom ised to wait for him. When I heard of his arrest for murder It was a great shock 'to- me. Being convinced of his innocence. I laid a plan to cheat the state out of a victim. He had given me an engagement ting without -any marking. 1 bad the initials put in it the last two letters being those of the murdered woman. Then 1 offered the ring In pawn that 1 might be ac cused of the murder. The rest you know." Then Bowers told bis story: "When 1 was takeu to the Jail where the woman who eoufessitl was eon fined 1 recognized niy betrothed. - She gave me a h'k f cant ion and slipped Into my band a pair telling me that if I were released to disappear; she would later oCfer proof of her inno cence." Bowers then produced the box Mrs. Severance bad told him of and showed the will. Susan I'ugau paid the penalty of her crime, and the state missed commit ting a Judielsl murder. Overwork, lack of fresh disturbs their functions. the sensitive lung tissues. fill should be taken promptly for or wnen sirengin is lowered trom any cause. Its high nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refuse Alcoholic Substitutes Which Exclude the Oil. SEVENTEEN BILLS GALL FOR SPY PROSECUTIONS Reported In the Senate and Pressed For Early Passage by the President. The seventeen bills drafted by the department of justice to give the fed eral government greater power In the prosecution of spies, conspirators and offenders against American neutrality have been reported to the senate by the Judiciary committee. Acting Chairman Overman expects to call them up for action at the ear liest possible' moment. They were fa vorably reported to the house the other day and will be pressed for early pus sage there also, in compliance with a request from President Wilson. Among the bills are measures to pun ish spying on any work of national de fense, forgery or fraudulent obtaining of passports, destruction or crippling of foreign ships in American harbors, conspiracies to Interfere with the ex port of munitions and many other pro visions suggested by the plots of for eign sympathizers since the war began. TO BUILD SHIPS FOR ENGLAND San Francisco Order First Placed by Britain In United States In 50 Years. "It is the first time in iifty years that Kngland bus ordered a ship built in -the United States,", said an official of the Union Iron works of San Fran cisco in announcing recently that the! concern had closed a contract to build; throe 10.000 ton steel freighters fori British firms. I The price was not made public, but j speed, it was said, was a feature of the contract, which called for the comple tion of the three ships within eleven mouths. USE "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS WHEN CONSTIPATED When Bilious, Headachy, Sick, Stomach, Bad Breath, Bad CoMs. For Get a 10-ceut box. Take a Cascaret to-night to cleanse your Liver, Stomach and Bowels." and you will surely feel great by morning, you men and women who have head ache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have headache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Ca8carets or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts cathartic pills or caster oil? Cascaret s immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. . Remember a Cascaret to-night wilt straighten you out by morning. A JO-cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; a clear head 4 nd cheerfulness for months. Don't fcrget the children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy High ly Recommended. "I'm thoroughly convinced that it Chamberlain Cough Remedy that if a fair trial it will cure the most se vere cold . I cannot speak too highly cf it as it always cures and is pleas ant to take," writes Mrs. Charles Saxby, Litchfield, 111. Economical Power of Printing W. M. Oliver Printing Company, air, mental strain or any sickness Stubborn coughs tear and wear Bill hard coughs, unyielding colds, GIRLS! HAVE WAVY THICK. GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Save Your Hair! Double Its In A Few Moments Try This I Beauty If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and Is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try landerine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme diately disolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nic8, heavy health hair if you have dandruff. The destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre, its strength and ita very life, and if not overcome it produces a fev erishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots loosen, famish and die; Uren the hair falls out. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, fadexl, dry or scraggy or too oily get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardness of everything else advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it no dandruff no itching scalp annd no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually why not now? , CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers are good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper these rates are liable to be advanced in the near future. The Review and Tri-Weekly New York World .. $2.15 The Review and Atlanta Constitution one year each .. ., ...... 2.25 Che Review and Progressive Farmer one year each . The Review and one year each . .. .. ?2.00 Bryan's Commoner, ......... ?2.Q0 The Review, Metropolitan Magazine, Woman's World and Farm and Home, one year each .... ... $2;10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year $2.75 The Thrice-A-Week New York World The value and need of a newspaper in the household was never greater than at the present time. The great war in Europe is now half-way into ita third year and whether peace be at hand or yet far off, it and the events to follow it are sure to be of absorb ing interest for many a month to come. These are world-shaking affairs, in which the United States, willing or unwilling is compelled to take a part No intelligent person can ignore such issues. The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 .per year and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unqualified newspaper and The Reyiew together for One year for $2.15. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Chmaberlain's Cough Remeay a Fa- vorite For Colds. J. L. Easley, Macon. I1U in speaking 'f Chamberlain's Cough Romedy says "During the past fifteen years it has been my sister's favorite medicine for colds on the lungs. I myself have ta ken it a number of times when scfter ing with a cold and it always relieved me promptly." W E OFFER YOU QUA LIT Y Of the Highest Character PRICES LOWEST POSSIBLE SERVICE Efficient and Prompt. REIDSVILLE, C.

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