THE REVIEW; RETOSTtLLB, N. 0. PAGE SIX FRIDAY, MARCH 2, .1917 i f WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Fulton, N.'Y. "Why will women pay out their money for treatment and receive no iteneiii, when so many have proved that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will make them well ? For over a year I suliereu so from female weak ! ness I could hardly stand and was afraid to ro on the Street alone. Doc tors said medicines were useless and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly w-:l nnil run fin nnvfcind of work. " M :a. Nelmk Pheii-s, -care of II. A., ll.V.U. No. r, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who s :!fers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could e the let ters written by women ma.;- - well by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetal Compound. If you have bad sympt .;ns and do not understand the can.-, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham M.-.'i.-ine Co., Lynn, Wfass., for helpful advice civen free. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Rockingham County. In the Superior Court liefore the Clerk. In the matter of tho Estate of .Mitis Emma Badgett, Insane. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Roeklnghnm County, North Carolina, made in I tie special proceeding entitled "In the matter of the estate of Miss Emma Badgett. Insane," the undersigned Commissioner will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1917. at two i'dock p. m., In front of the Dank of Madison. Madison, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or lot of land lying and being in the town of Madison, Madison Townshop. Rockingham County, North Carolina, on what was formerly known as Acadomy Street la the town of Madison, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the North side of Acad emy street in the town of Madison (rt front of II. F. Wiley's new home at a t-tone; thenco ruining North 125 feet to Williams line; thence Westerly with Williams line 100 feet to an al loy; thence South with im alley 125 feet to said street ; thence E;;sf. with said street 100 f. I to the first station and containing about 12,000 feet of land, more or less. See Deed Book 91, page 301 . This 7th day. of .February. 1017. J. M. SHARP, Commissioner. CARTRIDGES for your Pistol or Revolver You want aepend" able ammunition, whrther for target work or other shooting, ammu nition in which the scien tific combinations of material) shell, powder, bullet and primer have been worked out by experts. No matter what the male or caliber, we can aupply you with Remington UMC world atandarii cartridgea to it your piatol or revolver. VV 1 1 1 TT EMOl IE- MOLL E Y HARDWARE CO, - - - CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers nre ' good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print piper these ( rates are liable to be advanced in the j near future. -- - -.'.- The Review and Tri-Weekly New York World 12.15 ; The Review and Atlanta Constitution one year each . . .. .. . . . . f 2.25 The Review and Progressive Farmer I one year each .. .. ..... .. $2.00 The Review and Bryan's Commoner. one year each .. $2 .00 The Review, Metropolitan Magazine. : Woman's World and Farm and Home, one year each .... .v $2.10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine! and Woman's World, one year $2.75 ! ; The Review and Bryan i Connnoncr $2.00 ier year. 1, 000 MOTOR CRAFT ITS. NAVAL EXPERTS BUSY AT DE SIGNING SWIFT VESSELS TO KEEP WATCH ON OUR COASTS IN WARTIME ONE HUNDRED READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. DEADLIEST FOE OF THE U-BOATS The navy department has begun preparations for the building of a iik torbiiat palm! Heel fur defense ngiiinst German 1 '-bonis I Ii.-i t might cross the Atlantic to prey on shipping or to enter American harbors in onieli of batile ships. A'. Loring Svviise.v of Swasey. Ray mond a l'..-e, Boston ship architects, li:.M been e.ilie'l to Washington, it Was learned, to,o ch,i.-:e of the o)i hlrueiioii in private shiioards of motor patrol boats, to he equipped with fore and aft guns wireless, sea rehl iglits a ml unique bombing devices. Simultaneously with the call of Mr. Swasey to Washington to take charge of this work, Admiral Knight has noti fied the oliieers of the various civilian patrol .nuadi"iis. computed o!' private ly owned mntoilioats. to hold their men subject to call. There are 1,MH) power boats on the Atlantic coast enrolled In the civilian niotorhoat patrol organiza tions, of these probably 100 could be firmed and equipped for defensive work against submarines and be ready at short Mot Ire. Onr Thousand of tha Boata Needed. Yachtsmen estimate that not. fewer than 1 . k m boats of a type of widen , only a few exist In the I'nlted States! today would be necessary for the: proper patrol of the coast. In view of the speed with which patrol boats were built for England, It is believed 'that tho l.Ooo boats could be built In much; less than a year to substitute or sup plement the work against submarines that may have to be done in the first instance by private owned volunteer; craft. The Culted States has now two! types of .patrol bouts that were con structed for test and as a guide for yachtsmen. One of each type has been j constructed, and both boats, one thirty-j five feet In length and the other sixty- j six, are capable of doing twenty-live to i thirty miles an hour. j While the government and motorboat : men are preparing for defense against i submarines, the question of netting the i harbors has come to the front A num ber of navy experts deny that it is es-; sentlal to ml the harbors against the. possible invasion of submarines, whiles others Insist that" if-one submarine j should get into a harbor where a per-! Hon of the -Atlantic Meet Is lying the i havoc would be tremendous, as each torpedo would count to tlie full. So ! far as can be learned, the navy depart- j ment Is Inclined to rely at the start In any case on protection by the patrol boats, tin nigh urged by -'civilian yachts men to proceed promptly with the prep-; arntlon of nets for all harbors likely to be frequented by any portion of the At lantic -.fleet- ' ':: . .. Patrol Boat Moat Effective. Patrol boats supplemented by nets, wire and bomb devices of various kinds have not been more than sufllcieut for . England's 'protection against the sub-: marines.' While the patrol boats that spread out In .fanlike circle after 8 submarine has submerged for escape are the most effective instruments de-j vised for submarine catching, it wasi learned from u reliable source that England a few weeks ago was celebrat ing the destruction of the hundredth German submarine."-.. This number is great or small, according to one's point of view. Considered in the light of the difficulties of tracking and "nailing" submarines," it would be large. But au thorities in this country agree that Germany probably has now .'100 subma rines, of w hich many are of n trans- atlautic type. The view is rather .widely held that there Is not a great probability of Cer-j many attempting to raid American: coasts, though it Is believed that she would in-case' of hostilities send sub-j marines to attack the coastwise shli plng. Arthur F. A Id ridge,, editor of Rudder, in the course of a recent dis cussion concerning the possibilities of oUr liiotol'boat patrol, cited the fact that r.."() pntrol boats were built for England in .".:!." days. If the govern-; ment on the advice of .-sir. wasey shotitd now proceed to build n stand ardised uiotoi'bout patrol it Is believed that the several big shipyards equipped for such construction could beat this record and turnout 1,hk boats in a few months. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children (n Use For Over 30 Years Mway bears ttie sln,itur of oPRING COLDS ARE DANGEROUS Sudden changes of temperature and underwear bring spring colils with stuffed up head, sore throat and gen era! cold symptoms. Dr. King's New' Discovery is sure n lief, this happy combination pi antlsepcab .sams clears the head, soothes the ir- ltated -membranes and w hat '-might i have been a lingering cold is broken up. Don't stop treatment when re lief is first felt hs a half cared cold is dangerous. Take Dr. King's New Discovery till your cold is gone. MI GUARD SAYS U BOAT CAMPAIGN IS DOOMED TO FAILURE Best Protection Against Subma rines Is Gun Mounted on Mer chantman, Asserts Trans atlantic Traveler. English and American voyagers on the steamship New York, which has Just arrived from Europe, are unani mous, so far ns opinions could be gath ered, in I he conviction that Germany hail already done her worst In sub marine warfare and that the destruc tion and capture of the undersea craft by the allies was going on at. a rate disastrous to the Berlin government The weapons used most tITootivcly against submarines, it was said, were guns mounted nil meivhaiit vessels, guns o,' uiuships convoking merchant . men and nets. Guns mounted fore ami alt on mer chant nun w ere .said by many to be fili the protection against .-iibniarines needed. me Anteri an citizen who had been abroad for many months In a posiiion thai nihlii enable him to have accurate information, but who was not free to let Ins name be used, expressed this belief emphatically. , "(Mil of seventy eight armed mer chantmen which were attacked by submarines," he said, "seventy-four succeeded in destroying or driving off the submarines and in reaching French poits untouched, two arrived disabled by torpedoes and two were sunk. On the other hand, so far as 1 have been able to learn, every unarmed and oth erwise unprotected vessel that has been attacked by a submarine has been sunk. "Germany's assertion that she will shut off England from the wOrld by the use of submarines would be paral leled if Lloyd George w ere to announce tomorrow that he intended to send an army of ,r(iH,(!Oi men into Berlin next week. We couldn't do It, and Germany can t do what .she threatens either. I am surprised that people in America take the threat si seriously." AN EASY WAY TO REDUCE FLESH Drink Hot Water and Take Tassco Haven't you often wished for a medicine to reduce your flesh? Some thing that does not require dieting i or calisthenics? Well, right hero you a:.ive it in 5-grain tassco tablets. I which you may secure at Gardner Drug Co. I They are pleasant to take, perfectly . I'.anailess and cause no restrictions i Of habit or eating, and reduce the i flesh, little by little, until you are down to the number of pounds you ' wish to weigh. Too much flesh is undesirable, as most quite stout peo 1 pie will readily admit, and it detracts ! frcoro line's good appearance; makes i clumsy and short of breath. There isn't any reason why anyone should be too stout, when there's this much-tried, perfectly satisfactory re medy at - Gardner Drug Co. Tassco tablets (don't forget the name) are rcerijiiimended by physicians and are guaranteed to be perfectly harmless Refuse substitutes, if you can not come to our store we will mail taaseo to you , - .'.lie BOX FREE FREE TASSCO COUPON THE TASCO CO, Boston. Mass. Send me by return mail a f0c box of your wonderful obesity treat 'ment. 1 enclose 10c in .silver -'or. .stamps to help pay postage ami packing. ; e i his Simp a Household Necessity Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Should Have a Place in Every Home Constipation, or inaction of the bow els, a condition that nearly everyone txperiemes with more or less fre quency, is the direct cause of much disease. When the bowels beciuie clogged with refuse from the stomach ; loul gases and poisons are generated i tnd unless the congestion is (piii kly j lelieve the system becomus weakened end most susceptible to attack. . Various rciiiiedies to relieve const! .1 im- prescribed, but- many of ' these contain catthartlc or purgative t gents that are harsh and violent in i their action nil shock the system, j The most effective remedy is the eo-fir bintion of simple laxative herbs with : pepsin that is. sold in drug stores un- der the name of Dr. Caldwell's -Syrup j Pepsin . The Hon. John I). Kebter of j Brandy wine'. W, Va,, who has repre sented his district in the State Legis lature for six years, writes that he uses Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and lino's It a splendid laxative, easy to take and mild, yet positive in its ac- Hon and that it should bo in every household for use when needed. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold by druggists in all parts of the United States and costs only fifty cents a nettle.. It contains no opiate or nar c old weather aches follow exposure. Soothe and re lieve them with Sloan's Lini ment, easy to apply, it quickly penetrates without rubbing. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. For rheumatic pains, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, sprains, strains, bruises and stiff sore muscles, have Sloan's Liniment handy. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. a Rosemary. Rosemary . the charming name of the plant that's for remembrance, is not only frequently found in folklorian leg end, but has been esteemed also from the very dawn of history for its "es sential il," its "sweet, water" and its; fragrant dried leaves and branches. In ; the middle period of English history j it wt always a special favorite in gar- dens and was used for strewing upon: the floors of dwellings and upon case-' meats and also, of course, for garden embellishment. Loudon Spectator. I ilow nbout vour subscription t STOMACH AGONIES DUE TO POISON One Dose of Remedy Sweeps Pain Hundreds of Thusands Restored Mayr's 'Wonderfcl Remedy is unlike any other. It sweeps the bile and Poisonous Catarrhal Accretions from the System, Sooths and allays in firlxation in the Intestinal Tract the cause of serious and fatal ailments, such as Gall Stones, Appendicitis, Acute Indigestion, Cancer and Fleers of thf Stomach ajid intestines. Yellow Jaundice, Constipation, Gastritis. Auto Intoxication, etc,, etc. In every lo cality there are grateful --peole who owe their complete recovery to Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. Thousands say it has saved thoa from th-i knife. The most thorough - 'system-cleanser known.. Contains no alcohol or habit forming drugs. FREE booklet on Stcmaeh Ailments. Address Geo, II. Mayr.,, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago. Bet ter yet, obtain a bottle of Mayr's Won derful Remedy from any reliable drug gist, who will refund your 'money if it fails. Laxative cotic drug, does not gripe, and is recommended as a family laxative, mild enough for the tiniest babe, yet sufficiently powerful to act easily on the strongest constitution. To avoid imitations and Ineffective substitutes be sure to get Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. See that a fac slpnilie of Dr. Caldelle signature and his portrait appear on the yellow car ton in which the bottlo Is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W B. Caldwell, 455 Washington St.. Montl-cc-llo, 111. r i'ijl !, ii t s FOR Madison, X. C., Jan. 27, 1!17. I used 2i17 bnzs of ELL'S SPECIAL Coy. POI ND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about (i0,(XJO 00 worth of tobacco grown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. ELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni formly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs well and brings the money. I will eerMinly use ell's again this yar .1. M. GALLAVVAY. FOR SALE BY KING & COBB, Peiham J. OlENN, Sloneville JNO. Y. STOKES, Reidsville J.H.HOLLAND & CO. Price W. 0. DOGGETT, Brown Summit, T.B.WIU0N, Madison LAND SALE By virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court in a proceeding for the tale of land for assets' to p iy debts etc, the administrator of Nelson Johnson, deceased, will on the 17TH DAY OF MARCH. 1917 AT TWO O'CLOCK P. M. in front of the Confederate Monument in the town of Reidsville. sell for cash to the high est bidder, subject to confirmation of Court, of three parcels of land, lying near the town of Reidsville, on the Southern Railway, just South of the Edna Cotton Mills. All of said lands lying on the West side of-said Rail way, and all fronting on said Rail way, except the last named below, as follows: ONE LOT or parcel, adjoining the lands of Vick Howard. Newnam Howard and others, fronting in said '.tailway 193. containing 3 1-2 acres more or less, on which is situated a residence and other improvements, sad bidding to begin at $435.60. ANOTHER LOT adjoining the lands of J. H. Redd, deceased and others, fronting on. said Railway 200 feet, and containing two acres, more or less, the bidding to begin at ANOTHER TRACT adjuininp the lands of Adeline Johnson and others and in the rear of her lot, part of the way. containing 3-4 of an acre, more or less; the bidding to begin at ? 15.10. J. II. HAMLIN. Admr. of Nelson Johnson. Dec. This the 7th day of February, 1917 NOTICE North Carolina, '-Rockingham County. In the Superior Court. R..M. Sharp, Administrator of Sallie B. Sharp, deceased, - vs. J F. Godsey, Dosha Fields, Bet t?e Huff and Jan6 Harlcss, and the heirs of Helen Godsey de ceased, to-wit, Mrs. J. D. Rhea ind- Bartley, and the heirs ) of Helen Godsey McKinney to- ) wit, . - , , ) and ) NOTICE The defendants above named to wit, J. F. Godsey, Dosha Fields,1 Bet e Huff and Jane Harless, and the heirs of Helen Godsey, deceased, to wit, Mrs. J. D. Rhea and Bartley, and the heirs of Helen God sey McKinney, to-wit, Mrs. J. K. Tay lor, , J 1 and will take notice that an action entitled js above has been commenced in the Superior court of Rockinghajn coun ty, to sell certain lands described to Hhe petition totaling about 38 1-2 acres belonging to the estate of Sallie B. Sharp, deceased, for the purpose of making assets to pay debts of said estate; and the defendants will fur rJier take notice that they are re quired to appear at a court to be held by the clerk of the Superior court of said county on Monday, the 12th day of March. 1917, at the court, house of county, in Wentworth, North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, o rthe plaintiff will apply to the wjurt for the relief demanded in said complaint. ' JAS. T. SMITH. Clerk Superiir Court. This 7th day of February, 1917. NOTICE Entry No. 1413. tato of North Carolina Rockingham County To the Entry Taker of Rockingham County John F. Dixon of Rockingham Coun ty, State 'of North Carolina hereby enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in said County and State, the same be ing vacant and unappropriated and subject to entry, said land bounded as follows: Begins at corner of Real Estate land X. with said lino three hundred yards t? Lawsonville Road in Hirris line thence with hs line South twenty de grees West three hundred yards to Geo. King's corner thence East ono hundred yards 10 beginning contain ing four acres. JOHN F. DIXON Entered . this 13 day of February 1917 J. P. McMICHAEL Entry Taker TOBACCO LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of tho Super ior Court of Rockingham County macte in the Special Proceeding entitled "Ida R. Smothers, administratrix of A. J. Smothers, deceased, vs. W. S. Smothers, Nettie Smothers Sharp and husband and others," I will on MON DAY, THE 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 1917, at half oast one o'clock. In frnnr of the Court House door in Went worth, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash (ten per cent to be paid on the day of sale and balance in thirty days) one tract of land containing 135 1-2 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Geo. M. Ross, J. Settle Sharp, W. G. Sharp, F. F. Sharp, J. D. Pear man, Mrs. Minnie Sharp and others, and known as the "A. J. Smothers Home Place". The said tract of land has been recently surveyed and blue print may be seen, giving the ex act metes and bounds. Parties inter-, ested are invited to view the premises ft any time. Sale made subject to confirmation of Court. IDA R. SMOTHERS, Commissioner. Ira R. Humphreys, Attorney. NOTICE. Cnder and by virtue of the powor tont-.ined in a Heed of tnist executed by T. J. Walker to P. AV. Glidewell, Trustee for A. N. Vanllook, dated Augvist 20. 1910, and due February 1. 1917. and the term of said deed of trust not having been-complied, with and having been requested by the holder of said deed of trust to sell the property described therein to make said debt, I will', in front of the nizens Bank in the town of Reids ville, at 1 o'clock p. m. on SATUR DAY, THE 17TH DAY OF MARCH 1917. expose to sale at public auction 'o the highest bidden for cash the following described lands: A certain Tact or parcel of land lying in Wil liafsburg Township, Rockingham County,: North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M. D, Walters,' Jeff D. Garrett estate, E. M. Redd and oth-' era. and containing 65 acres more or less. Being the tract purchased from Robert Garrett by T. J. Walqer, and the tract on which the said T, J. Walker now lives. This the 14th of February, 1917. P. W. GLIDEWELL. Trustee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary, under tho Will of Mrs . Emeline P. Rich, de ceased, having issued to the under signed from the Suporior Court of Rockingham County, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and make im mediate payment; and to all persons holding claims ngainst said estate to present them, duly proven, to the un dersigned for payment, on or before the 5th day of February 1918, or this notice will be be ploaded in bar of their recovery. F. L". SIMPSON, Execctof Emeline P. Rich, Deceased r:hi3 February 5th, 1917. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having duly qualified as Executor of the last will annd testament ef Jcseph Richardson, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all parties owing the said estate to come forward and Take settlement at once; and allper sens holding claims against said ps tate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, duly veri fied, on or before the 19th dsy of Feb ruary,191S, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 19th of February, 1917. It P. MITCHELL. Executor Of the Estate of Joseph Richardson. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Having qualified as admrnistritor of W. H. Ferguson, deceased, late of Rockingham county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Peiham, N. C, Rfd. 2, on or before January 24th, 191S or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All rersons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This the 24th day of Jan.. 1917. J. W. FERGUSON. Admr. W. H. Ferguson. Deo.