PAGE EIGHT TILE REVIEW; EEIDSV1LL H, N. 0. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917 New hats juat. lairrived at Williams j X, fVi'u Th Mmii'h Store. I AND ROCKINGHAM , , linn Mt rwU.' urirlnp" h r t a In ' JfEWS OF REIDSVILLE THE TIMES TOPICS i " Mr. Gf. W Kinpr of w Hethel t'wnship was in town Wwlnt'silay and gave us a brief nll. Mr. V J. Wllli-uns. a prominent Citizen of New ISotMel save us an ap preciated os.II Wednesday. Mr. H. L. Moore of near Henaji waa one of Tlie Itevlew .4 callers who honored ih with his presence Tues day. Mr. M. I) HoMt-rby of tn-ar iiiillin Was among tin -m who have recently Kevii'w's $:', mi news- i Hi rolled in 'Mi paj)er club. Mr. Itatik Norm an of Koxitoro, who ban been ill at the homo of his sister. Mrs. Sue Womaek, here, h s en tered a itichiiiond hospital. Another rainy spell et. in Wedncs ttight and, continued all diy yester day. All out of door work is at a standstill in ixn.seiuence. Mr. W. CI. Uix, and inflin-ni 1 1 1 fir iner of thrt Mayli'dd unction spent Tuesday night here with friends. II'' gave The Review .i very l;is,:nt call while in the city . The Mission Study (Mass f 'Iain Street Methodist, church is He i t'i lueel with Mrs. Arch Wilkin Fri day afternoon at i.'-'a p in. Mem bers are asked to repare il:e 'ind chapter of Text liook . Mr. W. K. Trent i f Ko ite save us a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Trent is well posted on current events r.nd is an entertain iik talker, lie is hopeful that some way can lie found to avoid war between th's country and Germany. Dr. George A. Metallic, who suf fered severe injury to one of his eves when his glass) were broken while he was in his home two weeks ago, has recovereii sutticiently to leave a J'oal hospital ami return to his home. Tie is slowly improving, (ireensbni News. i j at Williams & Co's., The Man's Store Spring suits for the boys, and dad, Ko, at Williams & Co's . , The Man's Store. Wo carry a full lino of Japalac ind Lucas paints.-Heidsville Hard ware Co. Knee pants suits for the bovs, ."() to $0.iMt, ill. Williams & (.Vs., The Man's Store. LOST. C. A. I'enn's white collie dog. Howard of $."i.ou if returned lo this othee. NO. 4. Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTAIN The Isabel Craig Mom rial Society is soliciting 'subscriptions for the 'Modern I'riscilla" at $1.00 a yen- and "Needle-Craft" at 75c .a yoar in order to raise funds for the new I'resbyte llan church. Thoso desiring to sub acid bo or to renew old subscriptions please liwve or phone the mossago to Miss Louise Craig or one of 'he mem - bors. The youtiK ladies wfll greatly npproctito your help in raising funds f r this worthy cause. Tho Wen I. worth macadam, road while a little rough Is, so fa' superi or to the dirt nwids this winter that it is a luxury to travel 'over It. in comparison with the mud roads. If the county commissioners would or der the dirt side of this road sand slaved or drossexl with a suitable topsoll and the ditches cleaned-out it would be as good as ever; The rick base on the macadam is holding up well. The sail delayed side would be nsed In dry weathor and the macadam in wet spells making it, a good road for all seasons. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST. WANTED. ETC Hog Jowls at Harris Hros. Watch repairing Jas. W. Manuel. When you want your garden plough ed, ring 253 J . FOR SALK. Registered Berkshire sow. Harry N. Ware. Get your spring suit from Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Just received a car load of . No. 2 wAite oats - R. M, (llllio. Blackuiau'H- Medicitotl Hilt firick is good for stock. Every brick is guar anteed. Accept no '-substitutes, Townseiid Ilugg) Co. CmCKKN'S. - Hrlng me your ( hick- ns. 1 pay c. sh for all pout ry . Sec or phone ine befoi-f sellng. Ce"il )l, IVni'ber. u:'h Scales .S'reet., I hone 112 .1 I FOR SALK. - One good work horse. ; Apply to Jtio. R. Monro, Ksj., Rouie ; .1, Reidsvillu. FOR SALK CiiKAl', 1 good young i iiules and ' mares. A. X. V;uii- lbok, lSenaja, X. C. Ituy a Cole Plain View Corn Planter. ! nothing like it on earth. Sold by Townscnii iluggy Co. We h !,ve a large stock of buggies (ml harness, and prices are right at Townsend liuggy Co's. For .'io days we will make special prices on buggy robes. Come in and see them at Townsend Buggy Co's. (ienasco Asphalt Rooliiug put on with kleets, which is better than nails Kvery roll gua rant eed . - Townsend Buggy Co. LOST. Yellow Collio dog; white ling around necTt ; about hi If grown; stub tail. Please notiTy J. S. pin nix. We buy nails and roofing in car lots and can save you money if you consider quality . Reidsvilla Hard ware Company. COAL JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR VIRGINIA SPLINT COAL REIDS VILLE ICE & COAL CO. Buy a Mr. Bill 2-horse Corn Plant er; opens the row and completes the work at one operation. Hold by Townsend Buggy Co. FOR SALK. One fourth interest in t! h. p. Peerless engine and No. 4 Geyser separator. Bargain. Jack Hopkins, Itoidsville, X. C. Michigan Timothy hay, bran, cotton cceil feed, cotton seed meal, beat pulp and ships! uff at lowest prices R. L. .. Hubbard. Phone 246-W. Our stock Is complete. We can fur nish you with , anything needed in building a house. It will pay you tn investigate. Rogers & Cook. WAXTK1), a good reliable' cropper or iii lvnid that can tend ,'iO.uoo tobacco hills and a good corn crop. See or write K' B. Gillie, Rfd. 3, Rufhn. Fry's combination subsoil and turn ing plow can bo changed to a right or left hand turning plow. Come and let us demonstrate; Townsend Buggy Co. LOST.- On South Main Street be tween Lindsey and Piedmont, a linen it .pkln with monogram J, E. N. Find er will ploise return to Mrs. J. R. Newell. Willluiiins & Co. have just received a lot of spring suits from Schloss Bros' & Co., and they are bautles, and the price Is lower than we ex pected . HOGSHEAD HOOPS WANTED 20,000 FIRST CLASS WHITE OAK HHD. HOOPS. WILL PAY HIGH EST MARKET PRICE. EXPORT LEAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS TON, BUYER. 1 have accepted the agency for the Columbia Steam Laundry of Greens boro and will call for work on Mon day and Tuesdays flnd make delivery on Fridayg. Patronago 'solicited. W. Dixon, phone 270. j Kverybody home; well wo Ameri cans :;re not touring Kurope so you'd ! notice it, Mini the Ktiropcaus are no1 crowding our American hotels, yet the price of a .snack is more gigantic than .i Ii.ttleship. We ar- of tho opinion th:. I the government might issue sev eral rounds of rations to the boys who are soon to return home so that they could set em up. -We want tfindwich- es. not. muskets and drum corps, with I ne bojs' knapsacks and canteens well filled and our Urd"rs thrown in, wa eiiiili mi -A r-e:il t'eiist Wn n r A ii-n. ' nig to change the words ith ur apol i gy to the i juthor of "Father, dear lather, tome homo with me now", and my, I'.oys, dear boys, come home to us now, the land is all ready for plough ing. You've not struck u lick of in lust'nal toil, you've soldiered and sol-die.-ed so long. Come home, take Britain's Guaranteed Tonic Laxative, a?'d eat what you can get and be hap py it is the Spring medicine, fits vi.'u '-ight. for the work to be done. Some people bury the hatchet, but leave the handle sticking out for fu ture emergencies. l.'nlon I)eiot scenes were great, so in any gtuces never thronged even Xew ork's Grand Central. "In the Spring ,:u young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love', but gardening time comes right along do . pite the sentiment of dour old Ten- ti.Nson, and the inner man claims the rden sass as his itortion due We are tiic people to get you right for plant ing the siit-.p beans, and such, all new -;i"ck of the seeds that do grow. We know the seed business. O You re right Sue; the third finger 'f the left hand is the proper one for gearing the engagement ring, but the rem must be worn on back of hand, bis will lessen the danger of scratch ing t he diamond . Phone, write, send or come to us for your drug store needs, we are .'Piipped, and have a heart. If you can't stolid prosperity, at least don't stnjui in its way. o - Walk this wav Heine, we strive to idease . COME IN TODAY AND SEE THE NEWEST IN SPRING WEARABLES FOR WOMEN Mrs. Comic Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. BRI TTAIN'S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best (iooils Lowest Prices. Let liritta.n fill your Prescriptions. J . LOST. Ilewtoen the homes of Messrs, ('has. Fetzer on Irvin St. r.nd H. S. Montgomery, Lawsonville nve., :J smair black and gold Adel pbian pin (in Greek letters) with name Margaret Pierce on Ivwk." Find er will ploaso return to Miss .Tessi" Lawrence of to Fetzer's Hrug Store .-'lid receive reward. I I i f J ;;! .'(I c i i l i! r; t 'i '- nf. - jJHomeBank tlmt payLr Intefest 111--. 113 FEW MEN - can get rich on their alries alone but the habit of thrift-which eventually leads to wealth can be ac quired on the SMALLEST salary. Make up your mind NOW that you are going to save a definite amount of your earnings every week or month; deposit your savings in the Citizens Bank where they are safeguarded against any possible lots and before long you will have a substantial "opportunity' fund to your credit. 0 Interest at 4 per ct. compounded quarterly. Itemeniber that Armour's Fertilizer contains the genuine sulphate, potash. --sold by J. It. Shreve. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call en W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. Registered and mixed pigs for sale For prices see or call It. I). Gapen Phone 211-W, Reidsvillo. FOR SALK. Several fresh cows. Also some corn. Apply to Isiah Car- -er, Route 3, Ruffln, N. C. Armour's Fertilizers contain plenty dried blood. They don't have to buy that. Sold by J. R. Shreve. HOUSEKEEPERS Come to the Royal Cafe for Sunday dinners. Spec ial dinners on Sundays for 35c. Try some of those sweet, juicy '"Norton yams" at J. H. Burton and It'. M. Gillie's, raised by S. II . Butler, Route 5. Our lino of canned fruits and vego tables are of the best makes, All now and prices the lowest. R, L. Hubbard. FOR SAL1J. Several nl e Uerk sli ire-Poland-China shoata and pigs. J. "T. Amos, Phone 2102, Route Xo. I, Reldsville. Call 216-W and tell R. L. Hubbard and Otho Jones your wants In gro ceries and you shall havo them on short notice. 4S piece sot of English porcelain oi ly $4 M wb le thev last. Less ai i iniK)rt price now.. Yours for big bar-gains.-Burton-Chance-Walker Co. We buy windows and doors In car load lots, we dan save you money on glazed front doors, cabinet man tel sand mill work. Rogers & Cook I am in a positon to save my cus- lomers tnoney on their fertilizers in car load lots or single bugs. Big ad antago over all others. See J. H. Ehrcve. T For best fertilizer and best prices call up J. R. Shroave, He has the toods at tho right price. Contracts made before the advance in price of chemicals. English Porcelain 100 piece dining set $10.00 only a sma'l quantl v of Kngllsh goods in this country, ('f ine quick if yoii want a bargain Tturpiii Chanco Walk or Co. LOST. One Pointer dog, white with lemon spots. Had collar with jp me. Frank. Owned by J. W. (lilea. $5.00 reward if returned to W. 1!. Giles or Robt,. Hairston. NOTICE. All repair work in our store that has been there one ye;w or more will be sold for repairs if not called for by March lHth. Those who have articles left with us for repairs vill please be governed accordingly. - Morrison Jewelry Co. Tho General Commanding the North Carolina Division of Confederate Vet erans Insists that all veterans 'attend ing the Reunion at Washington uniforms. , We have samples and will be kUkI to have your orders. Coat a.nd trousers. 10, with express charg es from I)uisvillo, Ky. E. R. 11 ir ris. - Highest market pricos paid for country produce. R. L. Hubbard. FOR SALE. 1 good Nissen carry all and 1 second-hand buggy. W. S. S"tit'-rs, city. Hackney and Hercules buggies; best sold for the money Reldsville Hardware Co. Pig stock of bridles $1.25 and up. Harness, traces, collars, etc. Relds ville Hardware Co. Mattocks, axes and shovels, hoes, forks and rakes. See our stock. Heidsville Hardware Co. COAL! COAL! ONE CAR BLUE GEM COAL RECEIVED TODAY. REIDSVILLE ICE & COAL CO. Three car loads of eastern Carolina Pine shingles. Prices right. Rogers & Cook. I am at home and have resumed my work again :us physician. M. B Ab- eriiethy. Car Red Dog shipstuff and car of hoK feed just received. Prices right. R. M. Gillie. Paroid roofing, the time tested kind. Sold and guaranteed by the Reldsville Hardware Co. WANTED F will pay for use of female with young puppies' to use as foster mother, Fhone 26-1-W. W. G. Ballard. Come on . boys and get your good Kentucky' mules and Virginia horses They are broken and ready for work. Also have a nice lot of Virginia mares J. W. Ivie. DO I T NOW Plant English'Peas, LettLce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 EB0 CK TO A T LU We do our own work and are con tnt with small profits We bought our lumber before tho prices ad vanced. we haven't raised our prices We can save you money on buidlng material. Rogers & Cook MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES I represent the Continental Marble and Granite Co., of Canton, Ga., and will be pleased to submit estimates on memorials, tombstones and marble work of all kinds. Lowest pricts ard satisfaction guaranteed J. H Ben rett, Jr., Reidsv.lle, N. C. I FEIZER'S DRUGSTORE HEADQUARTERS FOR DR. HESS' Stock & Poultry Tonic Think of it! Y.egs 40c per dozen and your liens not layiue! Feed them Dr. HessToul try Panacea Every package guaranteed, Ask us Charles Fetzer "THE DEPENDABLE DRUGGIST AT IT FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS IVIGrEY GROWS IF RIGHTLY PLANTED Ijook these offerinjrs over and get our prices. They will rapidly increase in value. 2 lots on South Main Street; 75 bv 2)0 each. ) 1 lot on Redd Street; 50 by 150. 10 loU on Highland; assorted sizes and offered atiargain- prices on reasonable terms. 1 choice residential lot on Lawsonville Avenue. 15 lots in East Reidsvillo on easy payment plan. REIDSVILLE INSURANCE & REALTY CO., Inc. Our Line of Lades' and Mens Ready-to-Wear is almost complete and ready for your inspection. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR EASTER SUIT FROM US Because we have the La test Styles from which to select from. You can buy one of our Easter Suits on our Easy Payment plan and you will never miss your money. $1.00 a week pays tie bill. rAMENBAUS "Where Your Credit is Good" 9 N. Scales St. Opp. Postoffice PRESCRIPTIONS When your doc' or prescribes foi you, he expects that ycur prescripiion shall be filled according to the manner in which he has prescribed. We pride ourselves on the fact that Ve fill them exactly as he directs. Mr. Robert Dailey Is in charge of our Prescrip tion Department. H. H. Holt, Assistant. Everything in the DFug Store line. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. WGHi PHONE 61-J.