HIE REVIEW; reidsvillX n. a FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1917 PAGE-SEVEN 'h i Vt Contents 15 Fl'"' S ALCOHOL-; I tH tr' ; ' AVcGiabldVeparadonrorAs similalinincioou uj ns-- Cheerfulness an "V3vr", . neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic i - ... n hcirUfSattt m.r ' I OartfirdSagar ConstinalionandDiarryj . vm.vhncss ana ii LOSSOFStEE ltin thercfromm imany ! facsimile Si4not I Exact Copy of Wrapper, Railway Schedule Passenger trains passing: Reidsvllle: No. 29 Birmingham Spec'l 12:45 a. m. No. 30 " , " .. 2:30 a. m. No. 31 Augusta Special .. 2:58 a. m. No. 11 Rich.-Atlanta local 6:35 a. m. No, 37 N. Y.-New O. ltd. 6:29 a. m. Nc 44 Shltte.-Wsh. local 9:23 a. m. No. 45 Danv.-Chltte local.. 12.01 p. m. No. 36 U. S. last mail .. 1:46 p. m. No. 43 Wsh.-Atlanta local 5:36 p. m. No. 35 U. S. fast mail 6:24 p. m. No. 45 Cbltte-Danv. local 8:22 p. m. No. 32 Augusta special ..11:11 p. m, No. 12 Atl.-Rlch. local ..11:20 p. m. No. 38 N. Y.-New O. lfd.. 11:49 p. m. BEAR'S EMULSION. Avoid an attack of Grippe this win ter by the timely use of Bear's Emul sion . A bottle of Bear's Emulsion for which you pay $1.00' may save you a $25 doctor bill. ' - ,- ,r in i mm Mi - i i 1 .. .. 'Z. aster Excursion To Washington, D. C. Wednesday Tickets good for four ROUND TRIP FARE FROM JV AA REIDSVILLE .... pD.UU For complete information consult nearest South ern Railway afent or write S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A., ) CHARLOTTE, N. C. H I M El II till 11 For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria A 1 TTTH TTfi .always) . ; yr . Bean the' WW' of In Use For Over Thirty Years TNI IMTUH 0O"PMT NC VOW OITT. CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers are good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper these rates are liable to be advanced in the near future. The Review and Tri-Weekly New York World .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.15 The Review and Atlanta Constitution one year each ....... . .. $2.25 The Review and Progressive Farmer one vear each . . .. .. .. $2.00 The Review and Bryan's Commoner one vear each . . .. .. .. $2.00 The Review. Metropolitan Magazine Woman's World and Farm and Home, one year each $2.10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year $2.75 Bear's Emulsion for Coughs and Colds has no equal. A trial will con vince you. . April 4 days in Washington 1 ' 1 w THE CZARINA WAS ALWAYS UNDER A GRAVE SUSPICION For more than a year the empress of Russia, liivau.se of her relationship with the house of Hohenzollern, has been subjected in entente Circles of Germnn intrigue in Tetrograd. Last j niuio acreage oc lanu unuer cultivation, August when it was reported iu Europe and particularly In the food crops, dur that Russia and Germany had discuss, ins the 'coming season. Whether we ed separate peace terms the empress; was suspected as the ringleader, In September, according to reports in Paris which reached New York, Rus sian and French secret service agents from Paris went to Petrograd to inves tigate the reported association of the empress with German plots. The re- ports which these men are believed to - . have placed before t lie czar causea mm to order the empress to be kept in a chateau near Fetrograd. vHad German Sympathies. The czarina, Alexandra Feodorovna, before marriage was Princess AliX of Hesse and a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Her close relations with the monk Rasputin, who was said to be in German pay, warrant the suspicions Photo by American Press Association. TUB CZAKIKA. that her sympathies were with the land of her birth. As to the causes of the monk's un questionable and Incomprehensible in fluence in court circles, the most eon tradictory reports have been and are current in Petrograd. One thing is certain that Rasputin had succeeded In obtaining a nv st 1 extraordinary ascendancy over the empress. One ex planation current, is that he had clev erly taken advautage of certain coin cidences and of the superstitious na ture of the c;::u ua. Rasputin leu! .succeeded, it is declar ed, in convincing the empress that as long as he was at court and could in tercede fci the young czarevitch in his prayers the boy's life would be safe. What had convinced the mother was the following incident: One day the 1,- was standing beneath a heavy pic H; 'n on the wall when Rasputin called K Ltlui. The czarevitch had only tak en n' few steps toward Rasputin when the picture fell to the ground just tvhere tho boy had been standing. The czarina witnessed the scene and in terpreted Rasputin's-intervention as. n proof of his; mysterious, power. " Child's Secret Injury. Great ' secrecy -was thrown around a Bensational incident a few years ago involving an injury sustained by the little fellow in consequence of an acci dent that befell him w hile in the cus tody of a high official of tho empire. If has been repeatedly propliesicd be could never live to see maturity. One of these gloomy prophets 'was Count Paul Vassilli, who wrote: "T!ie child, who bus been very deli cate since his birth, suffers from an organic disease of the arteries, which are liable to rupture upon the slightest provocation and even without cause. Already three years ago he bad to un dergo an operation, which .was per formed by Professor Federoff, one of the doctors w ho treated liltu in the au tumn of 1012. . . . "From 'morning to night the czare-: vitch is told that his existence Is so precious to hls parents that no enprict of his is to be allowed to pass without being at once gratified. ArrogvMit by nature, this arrogance Is fostered in stead of being 'corrected. lie tyran nizes over his servants, ami whenevei any one attemats to correct him he immediately threatens the unfortunate person with all kinds of punishments." Since the reported discovery of the association of the empress with the German separate peace plans she has been living in the chateau, where a" her mall has been censored and where she has been permitted to receive only those guests who were under watch by Russian government agents. YOU NEED A LAXATIVE Dr. King's New Life Pills will re move the accumulated wastes of win ter from the. blood . Get that slug gish spring fever feeling out of yojr system, brighten your eye. clear your complexion. Get that vim and snap of good purified healthy blood. Dr. King's New Life Pills are a non-griping laxative that aids nature's process tiy theen to-night. At all druggist 5C. - A War Wedding. At Blastead. Surrey, England, Miss Go'ustnUh, a munitions worker, war married to Gunner J. W. Long. The lr!de wns r.Wrcd In oremll. nnl psrtr- rf the bride's girl friends als wore their working clothea. wfk $1 y v.1 Jf , , -y FOOD PROBLEMS ARE VERY DANGEROUS ONES At the moment no other factor in the national situation la of greater impor tance than intelligent, precautionary preparations to secure the largest pos- are to have war or peace, the popula- tion must be fed, and if unfortunately weather conditions should be unfavor able and the yield no better than last year's," the food situation next whiter will Iks so much worse than it Is now that we may well take alarm while there is yet time to provide against the possibility, says a statement by a large , ....41 l 1 1. . . national bank of New York. The present crap year began with a large carry-over of all the grains, but It will end without reserves, and the whole world will be dependent upon the crops of 1917. The beginning is not good. The Argentine wheat crop, now harvested, is so nearly a failure that there will be little for export, and the com crop will be not much better. The Australian wheat crop, which, like that of Argentina, is harvested in the months of our winter, is estimated at 13'.),302,O0O bushels against 187,1'JO, (HX) last year, but fortunately there Is a carry-over estimated at 80.000,000 bushels. A semiofficial report puts the condi tion of French whiter wheat at 05 per cent against 74 last year and states that, owing to lack of fertilizer and want of proper preparation of the soil, the yield will be below normal The crop of Holland is unpromising and of England backward. In the United States there has been a shortage of moisture in the principal winter wheat states. The plant is not known to be injured, and there is yet time for sufficient moisture to come, but if it was under a snow covering the outcome would be better assured. A freeze has cut ofT the early vegetable crop in the south ern states, which would have soon re lieved the present scarcity."' Unueual Conditions. There are unusual features in the situation which deserve attention. The high wages paid in the town indus tries have been drawing labor from the farms, The men t ome to the towns for winter work, and last spring--they did not go back to the country, and they are not likely to go back this spring, particularly if Industry receives a new stimulus from our entrance into the war. The farmer's outlay for seed and all expenses are higher, and, while high prices for products are- usually expected to stimulate larger produc tion, they may not do so this year. In ordinary times we can draw on other countries to make up for domes tic shortage. We have frequently im ported potatoes from Europe, and the effects of not being able to do so now are apparent It is Just as Important under present conditions to have re serves of food as reserves of car tridges. -When so much is dependent upon a good crop it is the part of pru dence for tha entire community to con cern itself about the situation from the beginning of the season. There are certain common vegetables which make up a large part of the food supply, such as potatoes, beans, onions, etc., which do well in all parts of the country and can be grown in a small way without machinery, whose production this year In ample quantities should be assured beyond chance or doubt. This garden production can be greatly increased if a popular . Interest, is awakened and systematic efforts are made to place idle town lots and nearby tracts at the disposal of people who are willing to work them. GIRLS! HAVEXMASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY 25-Cent Bottle Destroys Dandruff and Doubles Beauty of Your ' Hair Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not, itch, but what will please you most will be after a lew weeks' use, when you see downy hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair.. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is amaz ingyour hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have appearance of abun dance; an Incomparable lustre, soft ress and luxuriance. Get a 23-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toi let counter, and prove that your hair in as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by care less treatment that's ell you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. f According to modern etiquette, the amethyst is the only stone which may be worn during mourning. Sloans Liniment For Rheumatism The torture of rheumatism, the pains and aches that make life un bearable are relieved by Sloans lini ment, a clean, clear liquid that Is easy to apply and more effective than mussy ointments because it pene trates quickly without rubbing. For the many pains and aches following xpoBure. sprains, strains, and muscle soreness. Sloan's Liniment Is prompt ry effective. Always have a bottle handy tor gout, lumbago, toothache, backache, stiff neck and all external peins. At druggists, 25c. BOSTON WOMAN . RECOMMENDING IT TO HER FRIENDS Popular Boston Lady Says Tonoline Has Proven a Godsend to Her It is always interesting to listen to the statements of our friends, and es pecially when you know they are sin cere and honest in what they say. Ad ded interest is created in a statement coming from one who has spent a lifetime in Boston, where she is well known socially. Such a person is Annie Stewart, who resides in Boston and is possess ed of the respect and confidence of her associates, and is willing for any one to call on her to verify the fol lowing signed testimonial. "I have suffered with stomach trou ble for the past seven years. It took the form of Indigestion and dyspepsia. I had dizzy spe'ls and headaches, and after I ate a little food' it would fer ment and cause gas to form in my stomach . I had pains all over my body, and was chronically constipated. My liver was torpid, and I felt gen erably miserable. I had doctored and had been in a hospital, but received no permanent relief. I was so ner vous and restless that at night I could scarcely sleep. The grs pressing un der my heart caused palpitation, and when I arose In the morning I was just as tired as when I retired . About two weeks ago I began to take tono line, and I can truthfully st;te that it has done wonders in my case, I aim feeling like a new woman and can eat any kind of food . I sleep the night through and have no more aches or pains; in fact, it has cured me. and I am recanimending it to all my friends, as it has been a Godsend to me." -. -.-''. ' Gardner Drug Co. sell and guaran tee tonoline. There are numerous symptoms of this trouble that tonillne can relieve In fact, any of the following may de note affections of the stomach: In gestion, dyspepsia, belching of wind bad breath, sick throbbing headache, poor complexion, night sweats, that tired feeling, costiveness, coated tongue or a poor complexion. Caution: As tonoline is recom mended as a flesh builder those not wishing to increase their -weight-'IS pounds or more should not take it con tinuously. Awful Thought. , Favorite foods that mother used to make were the topic of conversation at the boarding house table. After nu merous interchanges came a lulL Then a callow youth, whom bashfulness usually kept silent, broke it with this bombshell: "Dl-d-d!d sn.v of you ever eat sauer kraut with whipped cream on it?' New York Times. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Don't Stay Constipated, Headachy or Bilious, With Breajth Bad Stomach Sour No odds how bad your liver, stom nch or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfort able you aire from a cold, coatipation, indigestion, billlousness and sluggish bowels you always get relief with Cascarets, Don't let your stomach, liver, and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascareta tonight; put an end to the headache, bllliousness, dizziness, ner vousness, sick, sour or gassy stomach, bad cold, offensive breath and all the distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, hap piness and a clear head for months. AH druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their little insldes need a gentle cleansing, too. 5,000,000 Corns Lifted Right Off I Try 2 Drops ofMagio "Geta-It There's a wonderful difference be tween fretting rid of a corn now and the way they used to try to pet rid of It only four or five years agoi ''aots-It" has revolutionised corn history. It's tha only corn remedy "Set Joit Prop. f C.t-It Now Tomorrow I'll JuitlVel That Corn iUgbtOff and It's Oonet" today that acts on the new prin ciple, not only of shriveling up the corn, but of loOBenlnfr the corn off so loose that you can lift it right off with your fingers. Put 1 drops of Gti-It" on that corn or callus to nipht. That's all. The corn Is doomed sure as sunrise. No pain, cr trouble, or soreness. Tou do away once and for all with toe bundllns; bandages, toe-eating salves and irresponsible what-nots. Try It get surprised and lose a corn. "Gets-It" Is sold verywbere, JSe a bottle, or sent on receipt of pries by EL Lswrencs V Co, Chicago, 111. Sold in Reidsvllle, and recommend ed as the world's beet corp remedy by Gardner Drug Company. E W Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stoniaph Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderiul Remedy. Unlike any other for sto.-.v nch ailments. For sale by druggis.s everywhere, NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Rockingham county, made in special proceedings entitled, "Emmi-u Nance, widow and W. K. Nance, guardian, et al. EX PARTE," the same being upon the Special Proceeding docket of said county In said court; the undersigned commissioner duly appointed by the court, will on the 14th day of April 1.917, at 3 o'clock p. m. in front of the Bank of Reidsvllle on Scales St in the town of Reidsvile, N. C, in Rockingham County, offer for sale to the last and highest bidder for cash, reserving the crop of small grain now on the place, that certain tract or parcel of land lying amd being in the county of Rockingham, end State of N. Carolina, Simpsonvilie township adjoining the lands of Miss Nannie Wilds, J. E. Nance and others, and boonded and described as follows: Lot No. 2-Beginning at a atona in the original and Wilds line S. 86dV 'V. Thirty and 60-100 chains to a stone in said line, S. Twenty-six and 75-100 chains to a stone, W. Nine and 52-100 chains to a stone, N. i.wenty-slx and 75-100 chains te the neginniug, containing , twenty-five rcres, more or less. For better, and ucurate description of said property, see deed of conveyance of same from J, E. Nance et a to W. B. " Nanoe. the father of said petitioners and the late husband of the said widow Em ma Nance, in the office of register of deeds of Rockingham copnty, N, C. duly recorded in Book No. 146, pages 38 etc. - :,-..'-.- , This the 7th day of March 1917. W K NANCEi Commissioner D. II. Parsons, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed on the 1st day of April 1915, by R. C. Collie and wife to the undersigned trustee to secure the payment of a certain note, and the conditions of said deed of trust not having been complied with, and having been re quested to do so by the owner of said note and deed of trust, I will in front of the Stay Grocery Co.. near Ruflln.' N. C. on the 31st day of March,, 1917.' at 3 o'clock p. m. expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular the stock of goods, wares and merchandise belongng to and com pose the Stacy Grocery Co.; also ali, accounts on the books of the Stacy Grocery Co. Parties desiring to buy the stock as a whole are invited to Inspect the same before the daa oE sale,'. .' ' This March 1st, 1917. j P. T. STIERS, Trustee j EXECUTOR'S NOTICE I Letters Testementary under tha will of Willam C. Smith, deceased, hav-, Ing Issued to the undersignd from the Superior Court of Rockingham' County, notice Is hereby given to t persona Indebted to said Estate to come forward ind make immediate paymen; and to all persons holdlnr claims against said estate te present them duly provea, to the nn darraigned for payment, on or be:or the 17th of February 1918. or th: io lice will be pleaded in bar of the;t x- covery. JOSHUA R. SMITH, Execu -r William C. Smith, Dec-1 -set This February 17th. 1917. Hunter K. Penn, Attorney ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified a admhi.str rtx o ine estate oi jonn Anuais juuuuaa, u ceased, late of Rockingham Count ! N. C, I hereby notify all person k deb ted to said estate to make inun! diate settlement. AH persons havlr! claims against said estate are requef ed to present thera to tho undersignc on or before March 23rd, 1918, or th notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery. This the I7th day of March, 1917. (Mrs.). NANCY. E. THOMAS. Admrx., John Adam Thomas, De Hunter K. Penn. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. f Having duly qualified as Execnt of the last will annd testament Joseph Richardson, deceased, noti is hereby given to all parties owir the said estate to come forward ar make settlement at once; and allpp sens holding claims against said i' late are hereby notified to prese tbera to the undersigned, duly ve fled, on or before the 19th day of Ft ruary, 1918. or this notice wUl t pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 19th of February, 1917 R. P. MITCHELL, Executor Of the Estate of Joseph Rlchardsoi.

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