FAGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVLLIj F. N. 0. tfEWS OP EEIDSVILLE , AND ROCKINGHAM "Envy" today at the Grande. Mrs. Felix Miles la attendng the Women's Missionary Convention In Greensboro this week. Dr. J. W. McGehee accompanied Mr. A. J. Whitteunore of Wentworth to a Richmond hospital Tuesday. A potato in the hill will soon be worth three in a store, which means s that they will be very valuable, at "tfrat. i Mr. Wm, J; Penn has returned from ; Paris, Ky., where he has been en caged In the tobacco business for ome time past. Mr. L. It, Ware, who has been in business for the past year or more at Hopewell, Va., and H-iltimore, has returned to Reidsville. Mr. O. A. Bristow who has been confined to hfs home on Sharp during the past few toys is able to out aguin M friends will be glad to lcr:i Miss Sallie McGehee of Koanoke, ho has been spending a few days here with Dr.K rid Sit. J, V. .McUc- ree, has gone to Madison for a vis to relatives, Mr. J. IS. WatkiKs of Sjatesvillo was here yesterday j,ti;i:x j.ver ca route from New York -where he ac companied his wife and lit' la son on a visit to relatives. North Carolina soldiers Miie from Cuba Just after the .0iuniah-Ajneri ram war on the "Vigilancia," one of the three boa's sunk this week by a German sutunarine. ; Mrs. J. B. Fulk, of Rocklnghaim unty, is a patient in St. Leo's hob jital where she underwent n opera- .ion for appendicitis yesterday morn ng. -Greensboro News. J. R. Butler of Reidsville, under vent an operation yesterday morning ,t St. Leo's hospital and was reported o be resting as well as could be ex ected. Greensboro News. Rev. W. N. Johnson, corresponding ecretary of the Baptist State Con enMon at Raleigh will: preach. At the aptlst church Sunday night!. Rev. '.. N. Johnson will preah Sunday lorning on "God's Plumb-line and :eidsvlHe.M The Reidsville Baseball team has een reorganized. Mr. Abe Wornack i the new manager and Major Glad .one has been placed on the board f directors. The stockholders have ireed to put out the strongest team i the State. The ladies of the canvassing com ittee, in connection with the Co-op alive Idea, are requested to meet at p. m. Friday afternoon in the C A. Asoocfetlon hall, Co complete rangeraenU for canvass. All ladies addition to those already on this mmlttee, who are Interested in this jrk are cordially invited to be pres t. ;,. The Third Regiment has returned 3m the border and the men are now camp at Raleigh. Just when the iidsTlle organisations will reach here ; problematical, Some assert that ,ing to the serious condition of af 'sb In general they may not reach me any time in the near future, but leas present orders are , changed ey will probably be back home with- the next week. Beginning about April 1st E. C. lite and Company will operate a Jlt y service between Leaksville-Spray d Reidsville via Wentworth. They 11 operate a sixteen passenger BuicK d make three trips daily Mr. Slate U have charge of the transportation rt of this business and the public 11 be assured nothing but the best service. They will announce their pilar schedule later, rhe millinery opening of Mrs. Sam Is & Co., held Wednesday and ursday of this week, was a great :cess. Miss Schafer, the etliclent 1 artistic milliner, in charge of the play, deserves great credit for the mtiful showing made in the niilll--y department. Large number of fair sex from bo h town and coun visited Mrs. Fels' store and com nented the proprietors on their utiful exhibition. he eighth grade class held its nthly meeting March 16. The pro m for the afternoon was a de)atc, question being; "Resolved: That in try Life is More Beneficial than y Life" was upheld on the afllrma- by Lucile Palmer, Charles Neal , Anna Waycaster, while Grace .nee (84id Thomas Wray represent the negative alone, 'owing.' to the ence of Wade Stockard,: the third tker for the negative. Good talks e made all, but the judges decided favor the afflnniative. The honor members of this class for lust month were George Irvin, Thomas Wray, Wade Stockard, Jack Barber, Elizabeth Turner and Helen Smith. It will be good news for Reidsville people to know that the manager of the Grande Theatre has booked for next Tuesday, March 27th, for one (iay only, Clara Kimball'' Young in "The Common Law." This picture has postiively astounded and delight- ed the American people wherever shown In the larger cities. Manager Davis is to be highly praised for his energetic efforts of giving our people the best there Is in motion pictures. THE TIMES TOPICS FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1917 NO. 8. Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTAIN Rockingham county farmers who wish to grow more feedstuff this year will do well to consult the State de partment of agriculture through th; county farm demonstrator about tne prowlng of soy beans in this county. At the present time the soy bean as 3 feed crop is receiving a greet deal of attention. It has grown well in the cast for many years, and recently the western counties have taken it up. Pertain kinds of soy beans luve grown j well in the mountain counties. Mr. J. W. Dunn was startled on Wednesday .morning 'to 'receive infor i.iutlon that Mrs. Dunn's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Buckin-i fif Tryon, N. C, had a narrow es cape with their livos when their home was burnt to the ground Monday night jir. Dunn is a strong believer in pre paredness against fire and has shown some anxiety over our conditions in Iteidsville. He says th-U a town (lik'j Tryon) that Is not prepared to pro tect life and property is not a place Hi to live in. "No Broad For Sale" just think of such a notice s!aring you right in th9 face, and you hungry, wh- t would you ao 7 We are pretty certain wnat we a do. Of course you'd do as did the poor devils in Russia, b't General Hun ger overthrow the capital, and put a new set of harness in the shafts. We here in OLD CAROLINA have our .voes and anxioius 'moments, but we have the sweet sense of security and 'treedom never yet as fully known by any other nation, strikes ana rumors of strikes may reach us, but fortu nately they are all rumors and not realities. And we get enought toeat. We worship as we want to. end we serve our country when we are need ed, and live by the law. doing our best at all times. The future must hold much of good for us, so let's go lifter it, be up and doing, get the ground ready for gardening and come to us, we have the Garden Seeds that do grow, and reasonable in price, and they are Woods, so you know the rest. o Turnip salad making it's appear wee but it too is of the Spud family, a Icetle bit of deliciicy. AS YET. Russia Is not now where she was when she fought Japan, Russia is now a wonderful country somehow. We would give the names of some of its Uatriots but then who'd pronounce them? Think of the quartermaster sergeant having the name of Vladimo cheesahowhiskey. end Dontknowker ehunsky, let's pass the fritters. , o No such thing as headache from in ligestion, when you take Brittain's Guaranteed Tonic Laxative. -o The Bachelor's lawn party at Went worth lias been postponed to March 3l8t. remember the date, ask Estelle. o It's a waste of time for a clock to run fast. M . ' .. ' prepare ror fcaster Noise is not exactly synonyms with I tl . , 1 .Wl . . 1 - , , .1 l.l.. ....... , f ovsuuu, AU,t (Mir: Ulll a. IIlULtJ rilUK6 a noise, but our claims for fair deal ing and knowing how should appeal to you as sound. . o Another match Henry, smoke up end smile. Right this way fellows, have a seat Julius. Commissioners Smith and McGehee were in a landslide at Lexington Mon day night while returning from Char lotte on train No. 32. Only the fact that yhe heavy brace timbers held back two large boulders from the track saved the train from serious h rm when the engine ploughed Into a landslide under the Center Street bridge. The pilot was completely torn from trfie locomotiive as It plowed its way through five or six feet of durt, but the engine nind cars held to the track until the train came to a standstill. The r.r-iin was within fifty feet of the slide which covered the track to a depth of several feet, when oi glneer saw the danger. He Instant ly applied his brakes and a porter rat the rear threw on te emergency brakes on the rear car to prevent serious trouble from buckling or umping. Some of the passengers were thrown against the backs of Feats in front of them, but none sus tained Injury. - BRITTAIN S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Let Brit tan fill your Prescriptions. Best (roods Lowest Prices. BUSINESS BUILDERS-', LOST. WANTED, ETC Garden seeds at Harris Bros. Seed oats and clover seed at R. L. Hubbard's. A nice assortment of fresh cakes. Harris Bros, Get your spring suit from Williams 4 Co., The Man's Store. All kinds of seed oats, clover and grass seed. R. M. Gillie. New hats Just &rrived at Williams & Co's., The Mam's Store. Nice line of new spring hats Just in at Williams & Co's,, The Main's Store. WANTED. A good farm band. Apply to W. Sid Burton, Mclver, N. C Spring suits for the boys, and dad, too, at Williams & Cos., The Man's Store. ."' We carry a full line of Japalac and Lucas paints. Reidsville Hard- ware Co. ,'.. .'..'. ,,' Knee pants suits for the boys, 3.50 to $10.00, at Williams & Co's., The Man's Store. Hackney and Hercules buggies', best sold for the money Reidsville Hardware Co. Plenty of feed stuff on hand, in cluding some beet pulp. Prices right. -R. M. Gillie. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call cn W, T. Wootcn, Mgr. Mattocks, axes and shovels, hoes. forks and rakes. See our stock. Reidsville Hardware Co. Registered and mixed pigs for sale. For prices see or call R. P. Gapen, Phone 211-W, Reidsville. WANTED AT ONCE. 25 girls or women to work in Reidsville Paper Box Co. Good board and reasonable rates can be secured in town. See or write w. ii. roy, Mgr. ueiasvuie N: c. ;y. Misses Johnson and family of Route 6 wish to thank their many triends and neighbors for the nuany itcts of kindness shown us during tho recent illness and death of our sister, liss Lilly May Johnston. DO IT NOf Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. fucker's Drug Store, PHONE200 Phone orders are appreciated at our store. Call 84 for quick and polite tervice. J. D. McCollum & Son FOR RENT. Five room cottage furnished, with bath; location best, near business part of town. Apply to 42 Main Street. LOST. Auto State number 180S be tween Reidsville and W. K. Gibbs' residence. Please return to the Amos Motor Co. Fresh lot of Sunrise, flour just re ceived. Give it-a trial. Every pound guaranteed to please. J. D. McCol lum & Son. We buy nails and roofing in car lots and can save you money if you consider quality. Reidsvilla Hard ware Company. Our stock is complete. We can fur nish you with anything needed In building a house. It will pay you to Investigate. Rogers & Cook, Garden end field seeds, we have tnem. Red Top and Sapling Clover reed 99.08 per cent pure. (Quality counts.) J. 1). McCollum & Son. We buy windows and doors In car load lots, we can save you money on glazed front doors, cabinet man tel sand mill work. Rogers & Cook. WANTED, 25 hands and several good teams to begin work Thursday March 22 at or near R, P. Richard son's place about one mile from Reids ville. J. T. Plott; Reidsville, N. C. LABORER'S WANTED. Wanted fifty laborers. Will pay 15 cents per hour Permanent work for several rionths. R. T. Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors, Reidsville, N. Cv. HOGSHEAD HOOPS WANTED 20,000 FIRST CLASS WHITE OAK HHD. HOOPS. WILL PAY HIGH EST MARKET PRICE. EXPORT LEAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS TON, BUYER. I have accepted the agency for the Columbia Steam Laundry of Greens boro and will call for work on Mon day and Tuesdays and make delivery on Fridays Patronage solicited. J. W. Dixon, phone 270. . ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. June Glass wishes to announce to the public and his friends in the country that he is now one of the managers of the firm of Glass and Burton who cater di rect to the appetites of all, in the operation of the Ideal Cafe, Morehead ttreet, Reidsville, N. C. Your pres ence and patronage most respectfully asked for. , I have loaned out the following books which I will be glad to have returned: The Iron Trail, The Heart of the Sunset, The Leopard's Spots. The Clansman, The Lone Star Ranger, The Shepherd of the Hills, The Victory of Allen Rulledge, Capt Warren's Ward;,. Capt. Dan's Daugh ter, The Window at the W'hite Cat, The Husband's Story, Love Insur nnce. The Winning of Barbara Worth, V. V.'s Eyes, Everybody's Gaulesance, The 13th 1'omnund.ment. R. L. Ellington. Big stock of bridles fl.ES and up. Harness, traces, collars, etc. Reids ville Hardware Co. Williams & Co. have Just received a lot of spring suits from Schloss Bros' & Co., and they are beauties, and the price is lower than we ex pected . Anticipating your needs for Easter we have just received new shipments Suits, Coats, Dresses, Shirt Waists and Easter Hats Oar stock of WASH FABRICS, SILKS and WOOL DRESS GOODS is complete. You will be pleased with the variety of new weaves, styles and colorings. Come in and make your selection today. Irs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. . EE fl BUY YOUR CLOTHES ON u 1 3 UJ The High Cost of Living Gets a Slap in the Face Here SPRING OPENING Tomorrow and All Next Week of Smart, Attractive Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, FOR LADIES V-V,. '. Tailor-made and Ready-to-Wear Suits FOR MEN. LADIES, VISIT OUR OPENING ' Tomorrow we make our initial show ing of beautiful Dresses, Suits, Coats, and accessories. We want YOU to see them. We want to tell you about our really wonderful system of credit . Think of dressing in the very height of Fashion at a dollar a week! You can dress just as well as your neigh bors, even tho' their income is twice as much cs yours. Think about it but come to the opening. Not One Cent Extra For Credit! MEN, Let Uf Take Your Measure We've made suits for a bunch of young fellows here this spring and they're ALL delighted with them. We want to meke you one. We take your measure and a small amount of cash. In about ten days you've got a swell TAILOR-MADE Suit and pay the rest at a dollar a week. We guarantee the fit and the wear. We expect you "here tomorrow how about it? Nat One Cent Extra For Creditl 9 North Scales w A LITTLE DOWN AND ANENHAU3 Opposite P.O. A DOLLAR A WEEK Parold roofing, the time tested kind. ""Sold and guaranteed by the Reidsville Hardware Co. AUCTION SALE-LAND Good Tobacco Farm-To the Highest Bidder SATURDAY, MARCH 31-2:00 P.M. At Jonathan Bayn's' Store, Xew Bethel FARM of 108 acres, a Rood tobacco frm in the best neighborhood. Improvements consist of dwelling, stable, tobacco barns and wther buildings. Knonn as the Jess Moore firm. Trms:--One fourth cash; balance one, two and three years. For further particulars see or write REIDSVILLE INSURANCE & REALTY CO, Inc. F. B. KEMP, Pres. . B. R. STONE. Sec and Tra- When The Pinch Comes WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". The flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely 'keep the wolf from the door". Get your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGH f PHONE 61-J.

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