the revtot? eeidsvitle, y. a PTWWY. MARCn SOlli. 1917 PAfTBFIVE LEAKSYILLE-SPRAY Mr. Chue. Burton, who is attend ing school at the S. H. S., spent Sun day with his parents near Reldsvllle. Miss Mayme Manes is confined to ber room with an attack of la grippe. Mr. Rufua Howlette end Miss Mln alei Trail were married at the home ol Mr. Jeff Turner Monday after noen, Rev. T. M. Green offlcintlng. Mr. Harden Eanea spent Sunday In Danville. Mr. Harry Walker visited in Greensboro Sunday. The preliminaries of the 5th annual detente held by the schools throughout the State will be held Friday eve- sing of this week. V Spray High Sohool will be represented by Oscar Thomas land Gaylord French on the 1p.fflrmatlve, Geo. Carter and Stuart Bondurant on the negative. Sunday was observed as Mission nry Day in the Spray Baptist Sunday School. After the study of the lesson a very enjoyable program was render ed oa the Missionary Work of the Bap tists. An offering of $60.00 was made to home and foreign missions. Miss Ethel Krantc, who has been teaching at Brim, N. C, the past session, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jones of Char lotte, who have been visiting Mrs. Jones' parents In Lenksville for the past few days, returned Thursday. Mr. H. C. Burnett of Axrton, Va., whoi has been with Company L, 15th Infantry, and later Company A, 2nd in fantry, visaed his brother, J D. Burnett, In Spray this week. OREGON The .debate at Ok Grove on Friday night was enjoyed by quite a crowd cf eager ' listeners . The query was Resolved, That Washington deserves more honor for defending, his country than Columbus did for discovering It. Washington was made to outshine all in his glory by Jaimes Smith and his colleagues,, and it was very easy seen that he was the first mn of the nation in the hearts of these speakers. While the negative side, led by J. W. Somers, gave' great credit to their hero, they could not shade the great leader of the people; so said the judges who voted 2 to 1 In faivor of affirmative. There will be a mock trial at Oak Grove School House Saturday night March 31st. A pig has been stolen oi not stolen els the case may be. However, the culprit will .sure get jus tice, the case will be tried by real lawyer. The public is cordially in vited, : Miss Willie Mae Somers was guest of her aunt. Mrs. W. L. len, Sunday. , Mr. Jesse Somers visited Oak Grove section Sunday. Mr. Thomas Strader. was to this neighborhood Sunday. Mt. Carmel is solme sort of a rook piayer but he can't beat Oregon. Easter is almost here and we hope all the young folks will have a good time fishing. Misses Wilie Mae Somers and An nie Smith spent Monday in Reldsvllle shopping Mrs. G. W. Smith and daughter visited Mrs. W. S. Smith Sunday There will be preaching at Mr G. W. Simith's Sunday night. El- the AI- in the visitor CITY SCHOOL. DEPARTMENT (Under the above department The Review1 will publish from time to time short articles on educational topics and other items of Interest In connec tion with the schools. It is the pur pose of this department to acquaint the people to some extent with the underlying purposes of various school activities as well as with the more visible and tangible results of these activities. In short, the purpose is to attempt to let the people know what the schools are trying to stand for and how they are trying to stfeund for it.). i W. R. Stamley hope to see a large crowd out. Mr. W. B. Eanes, of Axton, Va ssent a few days this week with his K Frank R g flnd nroiner, , snenn n. cues. i no former la thtnk'ing of ,lovtlng in Spray. Mr. Albert Manley leaves in a. few days for Chester, Flat. , where he has accepted a position. ' .' Mrs.-A. R. Goodwin and daugh ters, May Bind , Adelle, of Birming ham, Ala., are visiting relatives in Leaksvllle. v Mr. Jesse Grogran has returned to his home in Spray after a month's ftey at Ashevtlle. Mrs. J. W. I vie and Miss Knithleen ivie returned Sunday from, a visit to Richmond. Mrs. W. C. Rogers has returned from visit to relatives in Ehatern Virginia. D. F. King returned Sunday from a business trip to Atlantm. Ga. MATRIMONY The closing exercises of Matrimony Graded School will be given in . that school house on the evenings of April the fifth and sixth, beginning each evening at 7:30 o'clock. The program will be as follows: -. 'l;'ts THURSDAY EVENING. Exercises ' by the primary grades. Play Old Mjaid's Club one hour t-nd thirty minute. FRIDAY EVENING Exercises by the seventh grade. Song Seventh Grade. Reading Good Night Paflat Eva .King.;. .. - J Recitation Jeremiah's Courtship- Annie Price1. .', Play The Widow McGinty'. Sev enth Gijixie. . ' y... :".: u;;. , Closing Song Severn h Grade. Everyone is invited to attend. Manufacturer Tells What Country Can : Turn Out Daily. "The United States is in a far better position than any otiier nation has ever been in times of peat e." said Guy E. Tripp, chairman of the board of an important electric and manufacturing company, recently. "So far an my knowledge goes," he added, "there are In this country greater facilities al ready established, operated by large organizations having experience in the manufacture of munitions of war. than have ever before existed in any country not actually at war. "In our own company alone, and we are only oue out of a great many, we have facilities immediately available which have a machine capacity of 2,000 six-inch high explosive shells per day. and there will be available on April 1, after the completion of a contract -we now have in hand, additional facilities with a proved capacity of 5,000 eight inch and 123 twelve-inch shells per day. One brunch of our company, which is now engaged In manufactur ing rifles for Russia, has an ultimate capacity of between tt.OOO aud 7.00f per day." MT. CARMEL The winter still continues wet and farm work 'fe at a standstill. Not a furrow has yet been plowed in this section this spring. There is plenty of tobacco plants in this section, but the wet weather will cause the crop to be a late. Rev. F. L. Townsend . filled his regular appointment at Mt. Carmel Sunday and a large crowd was out. Mrs. T, M. French Is on the sick ist her many friends will regret to learn. Miss Bessie Wall of Salem visited friends and relatives in this section the past week Mr. and Mrs. HaJmer Chrisman of Oak Grove visited the hitter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. French Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Sparks of Lauder's visited their daughter, Mrs. R. H. Ellington Sunday. Mr. W. J. Vaughn and family of Lauder's visited Mr, and Mrs. Ed Dixon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. French were guests of Mr and Mrs. Dan King near Bethlehem recently. Mr. Ed Powell and family of the Nance section visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ellington Sun day.- ; Messrs. Roy Hill and Ernest Vaughn and Misses Mary Vaughn, Minnie REIDSVILLE WINS DEBATE In a preliminary debate held here Jast Monday night, between the James tewn and Reldsvllle high schools, Charles Smith end Archie Wilkinson upeld the negative of the question for the annual s:ate-wide. contest end de feated the Jamestown representatives by a two to one decision of Messrs. P. W. Glidewell, Eugene" Irvln and E. N. Johnson. The question is "Resolved, that the Federal Govern ment should own and control the railways." As usual, Reidsville will debate l.'igh Point and Winston-Salem in the State-wide contest, which takes place next Friday night, March 30. Messrs. Frank Hall end Nathan Womack will uphold the affirmative against High r ointf in Winston-Salem, while Messrs. Smith and Wilkinson will go to High Point to debate the negative egainst Winston Salem. In Reldsvllle, Winston-Salem and High Point will debate at the graded school auditorium at eight o'clock. Mr. William Hosier will preside and Mr. Bryant Tickle will act as secre tary in this fcnomentous $20,000,000, 000 debate. High Point will repre sent with Messrs. Carlton KlrKnwm end Morelamd Lynch, who will uphold the affirmative, while Winston-Salem will send Messrs. Allan Wright and Percy Powell to defend the negative; Mr. Edmund Watt, Officer of the Day, will see to It that the railways are enther transferred to the govern ment or properly regulated, according to the decision of the judges. Mr. William Harris will accomp-amy Reidsville's affirmative team to Wins- eto-Salem, as alternate. Mr. William Hester, who was alternate to High Pnint will remain in Reldsvllle on account of responsibilities imentloned above. , , Debate at Eight o'clock. 8TONEVILLE . Miss Ililde Moora returned to her home in Roanoke Monday morning af ter spending a week here with reVi Uvea and friends. Mr. Eugene Scales attended the marriage of Miss Opal Allen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Allen Sun day. Mrs. Jennie, Carter spent last Friday with Mrs. Fannie Scales. Mr. Cecil Carter and family left for their home at Princeton, W. Va., on Monday. Mrs. Carter had been visit ing her mother, Mrs. J. A. Thomas since her father's death. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Taylor left for their home at Siloam Monday after spending two weeks with their par enls. 1 Mr. Galloway Thomas of Winston spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. A. Thomas. Mrsi Dimes left for her home in Texas after spending several months here with her brother, Mr. George Mitchell. Her brother, Mr. Tom Mitchell, accompanied her as far as Greensboro. Mr. John Kelly Fulton spent Sun day with friends in Martinsville. Mrs. Mary Cloiyborn spent several days with her brother, Mr. Jim Price. Miss Palulne Grogan is home from school at Dan Valley. Miss Virglna Lindsey's school has closed at Sharp's Institute last week. She is now home for the summer. We are glad to see Mrs. R. H. Robertson able to be out again after being housed up for a month with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thomas of Reidsville and children spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Billings has a very iick baby. We think there is "little hope of its recovery. Mrs. Clara Baughan's school has closed at Barnes' School house and ihe has returned for the summer. ... Mr. Buslck Taylor of Winston-Salem spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks . . Hope Almost Abandoned When She Found Remedy Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Relieves Chronic Case of Long Standing. After a long period of suffering with liver and bowel trouble that brought on piles, which she had tried many remedies without obtaining relief. .Mrs. Mary J, Jewell, of Berrien Springs, Mich.., heird of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin and obtained a bottle from her druggist. This sim ple inexpensive laxative compound bsought almost immediate relief and Mrs. 'Jewell wrote to Dr. Caldwell about her case. In her letter Mrs. Jewell says: "I had tried so many things for piles without being helped at all, I had about given u hope of ever being any better. I knew it was the condition of my bowels that caused them, and (lifer I had tnken a bottle of your Syrup Pepsin I knew it was Just the medicine I needed . I am very grate ful to you for sending me the little book the advice and Instructions it gives would teach anyone howto get well and how to keep well." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combinatiin of simple laxative herbs jvlth pepsin, free from opiate or nar cotic drugs, and is mild and gntle in its action bringing relief in an easy natural way, without griping, or other pain or discomfort. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cld wells Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents a Dottle. To avoid imitations and in effective substitutes be sure you get Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's sig nature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the bottle is racked. A trial botOIe, free of charge can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 455 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. and solictior be 1x3 inches, and ' tickets for comnniissioners be 2V43 inches, prln.ted on white paper. By order of the TOWN COMMISSIONERS Reldsvllle, N. C, Murch 29th, 1917. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION Upon motion em election for mayor and commissioners,, recorder for the ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of James D. Glass, deceas ed, late of Rockingham County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ngainst the estate of the Eaid deceased to exhliblt them to the undersigned, duly proven, on or before RICE'S ' Red J" GINGER ALE recorder's court and solicitor for the (jie 28th day March, 1918, or this notice in REIDS VILLES WATER SUPPLY A few days ago it was mentioned these columns that the seventn grade pupils wre making -ai study of Reidsvllle's water supply, in connec tion with, their" s udy of hygiene Be low is submitted a report made by a young citizen on that subject. All the pupils submitted reports which were well worth publishing. This one has been selected as being the best all-round report The source of the water supply of Reidsville is Big Troublesome Creek E!out four miles south of here. This town of Reiidsvllle, N. C, is hereby ordered to be held upon the 1st day of May 1917, kb provided by law, and Mr, Jas. D. Womack is appointed as reistrar for said election, and W, L. Ourdner and J.B. Hazell for judges of said electloin. It Is further ordered that the tickets for mayor, recorder will be pleaded In bar of their recov ery. ' . All persons mdebted to said estate Villi please make immediate payment. This 28th day of March, 1917. fMrs.) LELIA M. GLASS, Adm'rx. of James Glass, deceased J. R. Joyce, Attorney. fl. L. RICE MANFACTURER AND BOTLER REIDSVILLE, N. C. Williams & Co. have just received a lot of spring suits from Schloss Bros' & Co., and they are beauties, and the price Is lower than we expected. place was chosen because it was the Hill and Gillie of Nance visited at j nearest place where an abundant sup- Mr. and Mrs, T, M, French Saiur-1 niy could be obtained,. v day evening. Mr. J. -W. Somers-and his cou3ln, Miss Willie Mae Somers Visited Mr. acd Mrs. Tom Allen near BcUilehem Sunday. Miss M ry Vaughn of Nance visit ed in this section the p-.u week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sharp of Lau der's visited the latter's parents, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ellington, Sundays; Wrecked and Refloated by Ocean. In January, 1904, a tidal wave left the British hnrk Avenger high and dry on a small island in the gulf of Mexico. Last July another tidal wave swept the vessel back Into deep water. Now, aft er vacation of twelve years ashore. Hhe is once more in the merchant se:r-ice. OAK GROVE The rainfall has been quite heavy the past month and the farmers are behind in their work. Wht is the matter with old Oregon j tell r to wake up and tell us her dream . , ' . . The pound ptrty given by Miss Elisa Strader last Saturday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Vi Mr. John Scearce visited his friend Miss Joseph Harvel at Ruflin last Sunday and reported a nice time. Mr. Fletcher Strader was in Dan ville the past week on business. Oak Grove tons organized a debating society. WTe think it is a good thing md no doubt it will benefit our com munity as well as individuals. There will be preaching t Mr. G. W. Smith's Sunday night. Everyone is Invited. A New German Super-Zeppeinv. ' If the Tuurgjuier Zeitung is to bb credited, says the Scientific American, a new super-Zeppelin has recently been tried wer Lake Constance. Ob servers on the Swiss shore report that , the airship has four gondolas, nnder the foremost of which was suspended a small car. apparently intended to be lowered for observation purposes. It is stated that a definite armament Is installed In chambers built in the sides tr the envelope and that at the stern of the vessel was suspended an air plane which on being released flew away inland. Knee pants suits for the boys, J3.50 to $10,00, at Williams & Co s., The Man's Store. LAUDER'S Mrs. Carrie Page visited her moth er, Mrs, Tallie Smith, one day last week, . Misses Edna and Annie May Sparks spent Sunday with Miss Annie Lon don. The rook game given by Miss Sallie was enjoyed by their Mends. Mr. W. J. Vaughn and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dix. . Mrs. Willie Lauder is on the sick list we ere sorry to note. Master Butler Coram, when cutting on a tree, Saturday, happened to meet with a bd accident by cutting hira telf . .. The Busy SquJre. Reminded by his wife. Squire Porter the other day recessed court In Ashta bula, O., cranked his auto and raced heme, where "he hoisted the rear end f his car, attached a belt and Btarted the butter churn gone from court sev en miwrtea. At the source the water is very dirty buO it is not polluted. The witer runs into a wooden race, the mouth of which is covered with wire netting to keep out trash, leaves, sticks, etc. The water runs through this race to a twelve Inch . wooden pipe covered with tar and sawdust and is pumped to Reldsvllle by a large electric motor which runs continuously eighteen out of every twenty-four hours . When this water reaches the town it runs Into a settling basin, .havitng id capacity of 150,000 gallons. In this basin the alumn Is put in to settle ibe mud. After that the water goes through a gate into aiother settling basin which holds also 150,000 gal lons. In this basin the chloride of lime is put In to kill the Infectious bacteria. After running through both settling basins the water runs Into a filtering i basin. Here the water soaks through four feet of stnd and seeps through fen lateral pipes. After running through this sand bas in the water runs into the clear bv siins holding 500,000 gallons. The water, after going through thU nmrftss which takes lahout four ta comoartlvely pure. It la ' analyzod every pionth by the State Board of Hygiene. The analysis for tho mnnth of Januarv was the best for some time. From the clear basin the water is pumped into the tank or into the pa trons homes. Some of the water we use cctnes from tho tank but the most of it is pumped directly from the clear basin. The town's loss on tho water plant for the yer of 1916 w-as $6,347.49 but this loss was made up by a gain on the light plant, Some reasons tor this loss ere leak ing pipes, leaking fire hydrants, and fat rates in the houses . The town lso loses some of its revenue by free i, re of Witer n the public schools extinguishing fires and sprinkling the streets. The school children should be can-, ful not to use any more water than r.ecessary. 1 FRANK GILES, Seventh rade. . On Dinis island, in oue of the lakes of Killarney.. Ireland, is a plane tree whi h has the reputation of being the EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE! til . JJffi arc We Copyright Hart SchaiiucrcV Marx Come to the BIG STORE and Be Outfitted. Both Men 3 and Women s Departments complete in every line handle nothing but DEPENDA BLE GOODS. Everything for Men and Boys. Everything for Women except Millinery. Our CLOTHING department is complete in every detail. Dresses and Suits for the Tots. See them. Don t Fail to See Our Line cf Corsets cnlv fur of Its kind in Ireland.