FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, 1917 PACK SEVEN riXK REVIEW: REIDSVILL W.'N. C. Children Cry for Fletcher's J IM The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature . of - and has been made under his per 72: sonal supervision since its infancy. t-GCCCJuftZ Allow no one to deceive vnu in thls. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM CNTU. COMPriV, MmW VOWK CITY. - Railway Schedule Passenger trains passing ReidsvIHe: No. 29 Birmingham Spec'l 12:45 a. m. No. 30 " .. 2:30 a. m. No. 31 Augusta Special . . 2:58 a. m. No. 11 Rlch.-Atlanta local 5:35 a. m. No. 37 N. Y.-New O. ltd. 6:29 a. m. No. 44 Shltte.-Wsh. local 9:23 a. m. No. 45 Danv.-Chltte local.. 12.01 p. m. No. 36 U. S. fast mail ..1:46 p. m. No. 43 Wsh. -Atlanta local 5:36 p. m. No. 35 U, S. fast mail ... 6:24 p. m. No. 46 Chit te-Danr.. local 8:22 p. m. No. 32 Augusta special ..11:11 p. m. No. 12 AtL-Rlch. local . .11:20 p. m. No. 38 N. Y.-New O. ltd., 11: 49 p. m. BEAR'S EMUL8I0N. Avoid an attack of Grippe this win ter by the timely use of Bear's Bmul ' slon. A bottle of Bear's Emulsion for which you pay $1.00 may save you a $25 doctor bill. CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers are mod for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper these rates are liable to be advanced In the near future. The Review and Tri-Weekly New York World . .. . . . . $2.15 The Review and Atlanta Constitution one year each .. . . .. .. .. $2.25 The Review and Progressive Fanner one year each .. .. .. .. .. $2.00 The Review and Bryan's Commoner, one year each .. .. .. .. .. $2.00 The Review, Metropolitan Magazine, Woman's World and Farm and Home, one year each .... .. $2.10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year $2.76 Bear's Emulsion for Coughs and Colds has no equal. A trial will con- j vlnce you. Easter Excursion To Washington, D.C. Wednesday, April 4 Tickets pod for four days in Washington ROUND TRIP FARE FROM REIDSVILLE . . . . $6.00 For complete information consult nearest South ern Railway a?ent or write E BURGESS, D; P. CHARLOTTE, N. C. SAUNDER'S SCHOOL Saunder's School closed March 24 with an entertainment. The teacher, Miss Reeves Roberts deserves much credit for the splendidly gotten up1 and well rendered program, , which was as . follows: ' . Welcome-MVade Younts. Sdng Glad Welcome school.:'' I Can Speak Allen Thomas, A Lost Doll Esther Cox. Give the Little Boy a Chance Jno. Turner. Song-rBfing Back My Kitty Pri mary Grades. Our Hired Girl Ruby Younte. Raggedy Man Bessie Roberts. A Boy's Pockets Joe Bennett. Hayseed Drill by six boys and six girls. V Mama's Help Frarales Thomas . A Boy's Lecture Marvin Younts Pantomine: Jesus Lover of My Soul Frances Carter and Lucy Wilson. Sunbonnett Drill by eight girls. Love's Old Sweet Song Misses Moore said Alcorn. Play :The Pull Back stt girls. Aunt Katura's First Visit to the City Miss Moore. ' , Play: The Dispelling of Big Jim eight boys. ' 1 Song: Dixie Land eight boys. Song: Vacation by school. Mrs. J. W. Roberts is very sick at her home. . Miss Annie Hundley visited her sis ter, Mrs. Sam Thomas Sunday. Miss Amanda Alcorn of Sadler was a week-nd visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alcorn. Mrs. Jnraes Crafton and daughter, ot Sadler, spent Saturday here vis iting relatives. Mliss Nell Alcorn is home arter teaching school at Dan River the past winter. ' Miss Katherlne Moore is visiting Miss Nell Alcorn. Messrs. Harry and Russel Cox spent Saturday in our midst and made music for the closing of Saunder's School . Teacher's are alwtays glad to see the Messrs. Cox when they are coiner to have an entertainment. Mr.o Garner Dix of Mayfleld was visiting friends here Saturday. Misses Scsle and Elsie Wilson ere at home from Hickory Grove where they taught school the past winter. Miss Reeves Roberts, our school teacher, left for Reidsvllle Sunday where she will spend a wek with her cousin, Mrs. R. L. Snead. We are very sorry to give her up and hope she will be with us agaiin next win ter. . ' Mrs. Jeff Rutledge of Stokes is .vis iting her father, Mr. D. L. Caudle. Rev. Howard HartseU of Leaksville attended the closing exercises of the Saunder's School. - , Mrs. F. A. Roberts spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Roberts. Mr. F. A. Hobert? has nearly com pleted his store house near Daii Riv er. We all wish him much success hi his new business. Mies Bettie Dallas has cojme home from St. Leo's hospital where sue wteis operated on for appendicitis. Rev. P. H. Gwynn filled his regu I ' r appointment at Saunder's School House Sunday. , Mr. Russell Dallas has returned af ter spending the Winter in Leaksville where he held a position with Mr. B. rV Me. Miss Mary Dallas of Leaksville In stitute spent the week-end with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dallas. Mr. F. M. Roberts ; and daughter, Ethel, spent one day tost - week in Danville, having her eyes treated. Mr. Russel Dallas has bought a new horse. Mr. D. L. Caudle has put in a phone. We will have another room added to our present scool house, bo lar a large amount has been subscribed and more is expected to added to the already small sum during the count ing seasons Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter spent Sunday with Mrs. John Carter. PERUNA in Your Home A housewife must give the first aid in colds, coughs and other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy cften saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs and colds, and that it is always to her The Family Safeguard The experience of one woman, given herewith, is typical of thousands of let ters that reach the Peruna Company from grateful friends who have found their hom es incom plete, and their family safety in danger without PERUNA. Colds and Catarrh The great weight of testimony that has accumu lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the market proves it, beyond question, to be .the reliable family rem edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, coughs, grip and derangements of the digestive organs. This proof is published from time to time and many families have profited by it. . ,,"Hr? ' PERUNA tm Ufekt bra f jmm CMnainca. Can it ritk 7l tmi k fortified quit uiUea alUclu. The Peruna Company, Columbus. Ohio V ( -r 7 Mre.Goorite Parker, 419 Water St., Mao ash a. Wis., writes: We have used Pe runa in our family for a number of years, aud have found it a perfectly reliable medicine. It soon rids the sys tem of any traces of a cold, and pre vents serious con sequences. '! began uslnl It for catarrh, which I suffered with a Hood many years. but had not been very serious until recently. Since I have taken Peruna the dropping in my throat has discontinued, and my head and nose are not so at6pped up in the morning. I am pleased with the results, and shall continue to use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh. "I heartily recommend it as an honesihnedicine." What it does for her it la ready to do for you. r. SAYS DRINK WATER IF YOU WISH TO GROW FAT AND PLUMP .THIN MEN AND WOMEN Do You Want to Get Fat or be Strong? $100 Reward 5100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one' dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in. all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being great ly influenced by constltuional condi tions requires constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Medicine js ta ken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, giving the pateint strength by building up th consti tution- and assisting nature In doing its" work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all 75c. . The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or s'uffing it with it with greasy foods: rubbing on useless "flesh creams', or following some foolosh physical cul ture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes untouched. You can not get fat until your digestive tract properly assimilates the food you eat. Drink a glass of cold water four or five times a day and take the follow ing preparation known to reliable druggists almost everywhere, which seemingly embodies the missing ele ments needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich, iat-iaden blood. This preparation is called tonoline, and much remarkable testimony is given as to its successful use in flesh building. Tonoline which comes in the rorm or. a non-inju-rious tablet, taken at m'eals and mixed with , the digesting food, tendsto pre pare fat, flesh and muscle building elements so that the blood can readily accepted and carry them to starved portion of the body. You can readily picture the transformation that addi tional and previously lacking flesh ma- kin material should bring to your cheeks, filling out hollows bout ayour neck, shoulders and bust disappear ing, and your talcing on from 15 to 30 pounds of solid healthy flesh, tono line is harmless, inexpensive, effi cient. Gardner Drug Co., haveit and te authorized to refund your money if weight increase is not obtained as per the guarantee found in each large package. Caution: Tonoline is recommended only as a; uesh builder , and while excellent results in cases of nervous indigestion, etc., have been reported, care should be taken about using It unless ai gain of weight is desired . STRONG EVIDENCE Is the Statement 0f This Reidsville Woman exper- Backache is often kidney ache; A common warning of serious kid ney ills. " A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" Dont delay-r-use Doan's Kidney Pills. : Profit by Mrs. Pettigrew's ience. ' Mrs. J. W. Pettigrew, Lawsonville Ave, Reidsville, says . "I had been having trouble with my kidneys and it showed itself in different ways. I was dizzy and nervous and my back hurt all oyer. I didn't sleeep well and mornings I was all tired out, I used Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Brittain-Penn Drug Co., and they gave me prompt relief, making me strong and well In a short time." LATER TESTIMONY Over three years later. Mrs. Petti grew said : ("I still think Doan's Kidney Pills are an excellent medi cine for disordered kidneys ." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't eimply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the samel that Mrs . Pettigrew has twice publicly, recommended. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. YOU NEED A LAXATIVE DrV King's New Life Pills will re move the accumulated wastes ot -winter from the blood. Get that slug gish spring fever feeling out of yojr system, brighten your eye; clear your complexion. Get that vim and snap of good purified healthy blood. Dr. King's New Life Pills are a non-griping laxative that aids nature's process, try them to-night. At all druggists 25c. SPRING COLDS ARE DANGEROUS Sudden changes of temperature and underwear bring spring cold wltn stuffed up head, sore throat and gen eral Cold .symptoms. Dr. Kings New Discovery is sure relief, inu happy combination ol antiseptic bal sams clears the head, soothes the ir itated membranes and what might have been a lingering cold Is broken up. Don't stop treatment when re lief is first felt as a half cured cold is dangerous. Take Dr. King's New Discovery till your cold is gons. ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to announce that I am a can didate for reek:tion to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of the Record ers Court of the town of Ridsville. Any and all support will be duly ap preciated. EDGAR H. WRKNN,. JR. Reidsville, N. C, March 26, 1917. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to say to the voters of Reidsville that I am a candidate lor the office of Prosecuting Attorney of Recorder's Court of 6aid town, atid will appreciate your support in the coming election to be held May 1st. r desire to thank those who loyOy spported me two years ego in any un avoidable absence. If elected to said office I 6hall endeavor to do my full duty and fulfill to the best ot my abil ity every trust imposed in me. Respectfully J. M. SHARP This the 26th day of March, 1917. 1 Thousands IraSe' for. rmy of Stomach Stftftrrorm I WLerJ to Health By ZMormouB Single Dose. Stomach Trouble causes a multitude of ailments, and often results in Gall Stoats, Yellow Jaundice. Acute and Chronic Indigestion, Appedicitis, Con stipation, Auto-Intoxication, Gas Pres sure, Fear of Heart Disease, Cancer Rnd ulcers of the stomach and Inteo tines, etc., etc. One dose of Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy has proven suc cessful in thousands of cases of Stomach Trouble. This explains Ite enormous sale. Hasbeen taken and is reccommended by Physicians, Justice the Supreme Court, Congressmen, Lawyers, Nurses, Ministers, Farmers Educators, Mechanics probably your own neighbor. Many owe their lives to Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Thou sands say It has saved them from the knife. Contains no alcohol or habit forming drugs. FREE booklet on Stomach Oilments. Address Geo. II. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago. Better yet obtain a bottle of Mayr's Won derful Remedy from any reliable drug Fist, who will refund your money If It fails. BRING ME YOUR BICYCLE FOR QUICK REPAIR. ALL WORK GUARANTEED LAND SALE Under the Power of Sale contUr.erJ in a Deed ot Trust of date April In, 1913, executed to me by Martha Sou thard, the terms of which have noi been complied with, the said Deed of Trust being found on record in the office of Register of Deeds, in B:j:. 177, page 103, at the instance of ;hn holder of the paper therein secure-. I shall at the Court House door li VVentworth at noon, on MONDAY THiS 7TH DAY OF MAY, 1917, sell lor cash io the highest bidder, a tr.ct of land in New Bethel Township, a J Joining the lands of James South .nl P. J. Carter, Pink Carter and others, on Brushy Fork Creek; Beginning :st a Stone on the West Bank of fail Creek, Jas. Southard's corner, in R. M. Jones' line; thence South Vj di vvesL t3Vi i-oies to a stoni;, near a locust tree; thence North 87 d. West with P. J. Carter's line 39 Poles to a Stone; thence North S7 d. West with P. J. Carter 28 Poles to a Pine in his line; thence through the Surrey, North 8 d. East 34 Poles to a 3 ton..; thence South 87 d. East 21 Poles to a Stone in R. M. Jones' line; with his line South 3 d. West 6 Poles to a Stone; R. M. Jones' corner; South 87 d. East 37 ft Poles to the first station and containing 224 acres more or less,. EUGENE IRVIN, Trustee This the 20th day of March, 1917. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an ordsr of the Superior Court of Rockingham county, made in special proceedings entitled, "Emmiaj Nance, widow and W. K. Nance, guardian, et ai. EX PARTE," the same being upon the Special Proceeding docket, of said county in said court; the undersigned commissioner duly euppointed by the court, will on the 14th day of April 1917, at 3 o'clock p. m. in front of the Bank of Reidsville oa Scales St in the town of Reidsvfle, N". C, ta Rockingham County, offer for sale, to the last and highest bidder for cash, reserving the crop of small grain now on the place, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Rockingham, and State of N. Carolina, Slmpsonville township" adjoining .the lands of Miss Nannie Wilds, J. E. Nance and others, and boonded and described as follows: Lot No. 2 Beginning at a stone In the original and Wilds line 8. 85d. W. Thirty and 60-100 chains to a stone In said line, S. Twenty-six and 75-100 chains to a stone, W. Wine and 52-100 chains to a stone, N twenty-eix and 75-100 chains to the beginning, containing twenty-Ova ecres, more or less. For better and a curate description of said property, bee deed of conveyance of same from J. E. Nance et al to W. R, Nance, the father of said petitioners, and the late husband of the said widow Em ma Nance, in the office of register of deeds of Rockingham copnty. N. C duly recorded in Book No. 146, pages 38 etc. This the 7th day ot March 1917. W K NANCE, Commissioner D. H. Parsona, Attorney. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE IM TOWNSHIP LINE Notice to hereby given that petition will be made to the Board of County Commissioners of Rockingham County; at their regular meeting In May xJl7, at Wentworth North Carolina, to have a portion of the Reidsville-Williams-i-urg township line changed la the fol lowing place and manner, to wit: That the proposed change or alteration ot 6aid line to begin at the point- of inter section of this line with Manly's Mill Creek, and to follow said creek as It meanders In a northeasterly direction to the point of its intersection with the RuffLn-WlUL".m8burrg tov.-nshlp line. That to to say, that all tt thit ot Williamsburg township ly ing north and west of the said Man'y's Jiill creek be transferred to, and : ide a part of, Keiisvnie towncnip: ae- slred to be thus transferred being more particulaily described s fol lows: Beginning at the pont in the Reidsville-Wlllt .msburg tewmhin line intersected by Manly's Mill Creek, thence in a northeasterly direction with said cree't to Ihe p Jnt of Its Ir tersection with the Ruffi l-Williamsburg township line, thence west with: the Reidsvllle township, thence south with ihe Reddsville WUUamsDurs township line to the beginning. MAJOR T. SMITH Attorney for petitioners This the 22nd day of March, 1917. Get your spring suit from Williams , Co., The Man's Store. TO THE VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF REIDSVILLE I hereby -announce myself a candi 0Rte for the position of Solicitor of the Recorder's Court for the town of Reidsville, N. C. I will appreciate very much your active support, and If elected I pledge you a faithful and Impartial administration of the law. P. T. STIERS Full line of Iver Johnson Bicyoles handle tie best tire that ar9 sold "risk Tires" J. M. MOTLEY West Market Street NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a deed ot trust executed ca the 1st day of April 1915, by R. C. Collie and wife to the undersigned, trustee to secure the payment ot a certain note, and the conditions of said deed of trust not having been complied with, and having been re quested to do so by the owner of said note and deed of trust, I will in front of the Stay Grocery Co.. near Ruffin. N. C. on the 31st day of March, 1917, at 3 o'clock p. m. expose to sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular the stock of goods, wares and merchandise belongng to and com pose the SUcy Grocery Co.; also all accounts on the books of the Stacy Grocery Co. Parties desiring to buy the stock as a whole are invited to inspect the same before the date of tale. This Ma-rch 1st, 1117. P. T. STIERS. Trusses :