THE RETOWr ?HE NEWS IN BRIEF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE ' Ground has been' broken in Wash ington for the new representative Methodist Episcopal Church. SoutU, to which the Methodists of 16 South ern States hare contributed. The building is tobe of Georgia marble end will cost 1400,000. The Baltimore Conference of the Methodist ..Episcopal Church, at tho opening pi, its annual session In Hal timore, adopted a resolution express ing Us appreciation of the diiil.'ult jnobtems confronting President Wil son and pledging him its entire sup port. The trlut of 108 coal corporations nd 66 individuals located in West . Virginia and the western part of Virginia, Indicted for alleged viola tion of the Shenniwn law for arbitra rily increasing the price 6t coal, has been set for May 7 in the Federal court in New York. Stripes and pointed to the Oarrlzal (Mexico). Incident as one of the many times the negro Jiaa cheerfully laid down his life in support of the gov ernment's foreign poll.clea. The Georgia Legislature has pass ed a bill which barq liquor from the State absolutely except for medical mechanical and sacramental purposes under rigid restrictions. President Wilson has refused to pardon Maury I. Diggs and P. Drew Camtnetti, convicted In San Frjncis co of violating the white slave law They mist serve prison senten c-s Camninettl is a son of Unjled States Commissioner of Immigration Ca'ul uett. PRICE PRQ3PCT8-OOD A BEAUTIFUL OPERETTA , , FOR COMING 1917 CROPS One of the tnoet cAarmin even . ' j 'iRs of music will' De-glVen to the peo- Every day and every, hour In the (Pie of the Leaksville, Thursday April day, men are asking what effect Is all 12,n 'n the auditorium of the Leaks of this war talk going to have on the Ve-Spniy Institute. , i no oyerwiia iv ds preseniea is markets when we came to convert the crop that Is yet to be made into money. Of coursa, If tobacco is to be Irw and the demand for the weed light because of war or for any other , 'ancers wl b charming in " union udu uewtunn in reason, the planters will put in thort crop; that is, if they can by any entitled "A Japanese Flower Garden." The chorus, consisting of twenty vo of the prettiest maidens in all this county and the twelve ballet their their b.auty Miss Adeline Neal of Reldsvllle, The Gowror of Alabama has is sued peremptory orders to the Atior lit y General to file impeachment ire ccedings against Sheriff Batson of Jefferson county, Ala., from whoae fail D. D. Overton and six other pris '. oners, three under sentence of death recently escaped. Overton and two others were killed by posses who at tempted to arrest them. TEN TESTS OF PROGRESS FOR YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Gov. Cornwallis of Virginia has is sued a statement to all the people of that State urging that any indif ference in the present war crisis be supplanted by real American spirit. The Governor in his statement calls npon patriotic organiztions, commer cial bodies and civic societies to adopt regulations pledging support to "the President and those who sur round and aid him." Rear Admiral James Oliver, chlet of naval Intelligence, has been nam ed by Secretary Daniels as Govern or of the Danish West Indies, which ; was liken over Saturday by the Unit ed States. The ceremonies of trans iffr took place at St. Thomas and In Washington on the same day, Secre tary McAdoo delivered tbegovern ment's warrant, for $ 25,000,000 in pay ment to the Danish minister. Comptroller Williams finds that the assets of the national banics of the country on March 5 aggregated more .than f 16,000,000,000, exceeding by more than J5.O00.00O-the combin ed resources of the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the Bank of It aly, the Bank of Spain, the Bank of Norway, the Bank of Sweden, the Swiss National Bank, the National Bank of Denmark, the Bank of Ja an and the Reichsbank of Germany. Rumors In Wilmington to the ef fect that German agents were seek ing to Inuuence the negro population to at least remain inactive in the event of actual hostilities between the two countries called forth a strong denial on the part of the negroes. In public meeting they declared that the black man has always been willing to shed his blood for the Stars and person." Here are ten agencies of progress which we believe no neighborhood can afford to be without: ,1. Proper church and Sunday School organizations. 2. A three-teacher school with In struction in egriculture and domestic science, and school library patron ized by both old and young. 3. A community hall or auditorium lu connection with the schoolhouse, suitable as a place of assembly tor whatever meetings the neighbor? wish to hold. ;..''.' 4. A local "farmers' organization. 5. A club for farm women. 6. A "community league", meeting quarterly or oftener and embracing alt citizens. 7. A community fair held each fell 8. A young people's club, probably embracing debating, imusical and dra matic features in addition to Indus tr'al features such as corn cluh and canning club work. 9. A "credty union" or mutual sav ings and loan association to encour age thrift. 10. A neighborhood baseball term or other agencies of recreation . Credit your neighborhood with ten points for each agency of progress It lias, and see how much It lacks of making a perfect score 100. The Progressive Farmer. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Yeara winter as there was last winter and that prices will be Just as profitable to the grower. Southern Tobacco Journal. Mway bears the Signatur of Constipation and Indigestion These are twin evils. Persons suf fering from indigestion are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Ro bert Allison, Mattoon, 111., writes that vi hen she first moved to. Mattoon she was a great sufferer from Indigestion and constipation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a ood part of the lime. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble; so that she has since felt like a different U. C. STATE COLLEGE BOYS READY TO ANSWER CALL The North Carolina State College :n its slightly more than a quarter century existence, has turned ' cut over 3,500 men trained for military duty. In case of hostilities with a for eign foe, which now will prove a po tent factor In upholding the miilltsry record of the Old North State. The ; war department recognizes tnese military and technlioal colleges , in case of emergency and keeps ac- lively in touh with the colleges anl': its graduates. - Several of this year's graduates have expressed their Intention of re f ponding to a call, and It seems to, nave reached the point where one or ! more men from the West Raleigh in j stitution go into the service of their country every time the needs of tha ' war department are made known and ljtube resto.ei to i'n m.rnul condition, hearing is iuctroyed forcv-' i . Many oases of uo'ifnrsa ar-i caiu- .; by- ci -Th, vrio. 'Id an In'lamvl condition of the mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of he system. We will give One Hundred Dollars lor eny case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,. Toledo, O means obtain any accurate informs-1 .vl10se voice has won for her so many tion on that subject. Hence the .n- expressions of praise will appear as ouiries. rlie Queen and ia.ll who know Mlm j It is the opinion of experts and Neal will readily agree that the stntisticians that the- growers . oan queenly roll will not have to be as- xake no mistake in putting in the aunied for she naturally appears in I usual size crop, and some of them go tiut position daiy. . as far as to say that they will do wen There will be eighteen tiny tots to enlarge the acreage this year. who will dance their way Into the The crops have been short for-the hearts of every spectator. Flowers past three years, end during last yeer Hnd music, and scenes from Japanese there was not enough leaf tobacco m iand, the land to meet the actual demand, ; jt wju De a rare entertainment and and that is why the prices for last worth going miles to see. year's crop went so high. There will m1s8 Martha Taylor who has been be just as great a demand, and per- iong recognized as perhaps the great fcaps greater, all of this year and j est musical genius in the county Is next year. War with Germany cer- arranging the entire operetta with tainly will not in any way curtail this in9 exception of several of the music denuand. This country is not, now fli numbers. Miss Taylor is giving shipping any tobacca to Germany and j i,er personal supervision to all the de has not shipped any of any consea-j tails iand success is already assured.! quence there for three years. There j-lne proceeds are to be used In fur will be little if any curtailment of the jnishlng tne music room at Leans-! demand from England, France and vlie Graded School. Many of the the other European countries other MusIc lover8 of Reldsvllle, Went than Germany. The consumption of worth, Stonevllle. and Madison luavei me wcra in me unuea ouiius is ir,irPftdv s imifled telr Intention to at, I creasing every day in the year and tend Jt wJ11 be a musical trext. the Japanese calls for Virginia and North Carolina tobaccos are growing j catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured rapidly.. More leaf will certainly be bv ,ocal applications, as they cannot called for this year th n last, and any eacn the dIsea&ed portlon of the ear, V irginia grower who curtails his crop Tnere ls only one way to cure catarr, on account of the war talk will make ; hal deafna. an(1 that l Bv the con- mistake. This does not mean that I 8tltutlonal ,relaiedy. Catarrhal Deaf- luo 8"c" ""um iMaui. cToijr . lj68s ls cned by an inflamed condl- able acre in tobacco. ' On the con- UIon of the mucoU8 iInlng of tn9 j. trary, they. ought to make sure of ; uti)l.h,aa Tube when thls tuDe ,3 ln. huge crops of eatables first, and then flamcd you baYe & mmbung B0Und or riant ouyil of the tobacco they can f i,0prfect hearing, and when It 13 en manage succesfully. It Is amost cer- l(r(,ly closed, Deafness Is the result lain that there will be Just as .much Tjni6S8 inflamaOon can be reduced aemand ror tne lear next ran ana J ''':'i i" " - ' .'J . j I Saved JMV ? .... "I want jib 'tell you what, wonderful benefit, 1 nave re- ft r . celved from the use of .Tliedford's BlacJc-Draign writes 5? ' Mr.Svlv;jn Wnnrli. nf niftnn M?ll Vv KJ r "It certainly . has no ; equal for .la grippe, bad 'colds, t liver and stomach troubles. .1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had he measles, they went In 'on her, but one good dose cf Thedford's z Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no i more trouble. I shall never be without O O O O 8 O O 8 O O o o o o In my home." For constipation, Indigestion, headache, dlzzf- J ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar b ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, rs reliable) gentle and valuable remedy. () If you surfer from any of these complalnti, try Black- O Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five O years of splendid success proves Its value. Good for young and old. or sale everywhere. Price .25 cente. :oi ....... TMSl .. oooooooooooooooooooaococcu Young .Farmer Falls to Dath Tom Brown, aged 29, a well known young farmer of Witt, came to his death Wednesday through ian unfor tunate accident. Suspecting that his barn was being robbed of hay, he de cided at nightfall to wait for the sup posed imaruder in the barn and he left the house and went upstairs in the tarn. It is presumed that he he lost his balance while reaching cutside of window to close It, for his dead body was found half an hour after he had left the house by Edward, McNlchols, on whose plantation tne Brown family lves. There were no marks of violence about his body, but his neck was broken. Brown was the sen of Mr. and, Mrs. O. W. Brown and was a thoroughly popular man of that neighborhood. Danville Register Great Interest was manifested by suffragists of the State ln the con ference of the National Woman's Par ty held in Charlotte, Saturday March 31st at the Selwynn Hotel. Miss. Doris Stevens and Miss Beulah Amidon from the Washington head quarters are in North Carolina to form a permanent branch of the members for the purpose of securing favorable action on the suffrage amendment. Whits Ants. The tallest structure, compared with the size of the builder, is the hill of the termites, or white ants. If the houses of men were proportionately lofty the humblest residence.would be a inlle ?'.Igu. Patronize our advertisers; MRS. MELTONS LETTER To Tired Worn-out Mothers Jackson, Miss. "I shall feel repaid for writing this letter if I can help any tired,' worn-out mother or housekeeper to find health and strength as I have. "I have a family of five, sew, cook and , do my housework and I becamo vtry much run-down in health. A friend asked me to try VinoL I did so and now I am well and strong and my old time energy has been restored. Vinol has no superior as a tonio for worn-out, run down, tired mothers or housekeepers.'' Mrs Jv N, Meltoit, Jackson, Miss. C H. FETZER. Druggist. LADIES, Garments Dry Cleaned or - Dyed. "Equal to, New" , ...'...,, '';-''. . '..' . ,- ' , . '.- .''''.' . We Absolutely Guarantee Our Work R. L. HUBBARD, Agent, Reldsvllle, N. C, Phone 246-W. POWELL'S DRY . CLEANING & DYE WORKS, .'.............-.-......Danville, Va. iJigcst Diy Cleaning and Dy "Works in the State of Virgin i a. tOSKBSEl IT3 A PlR1!? iMiniu) Ji MM. A pfiD W irAJT IMIiiLi a You can see the latest Styles and Fashions at THE MAN'S STORE We how have on display: HATS that please. They give the finishing touch to the man who w and TIES, that blend out in color to meet the season's taste. SHOES in latest styles; they fit better, look better, wear better, and add to the ease and comfort of man. SUITS in all the latest styles and fashions. It will be to your interest to look our spring apparel over. WILLIAM S. & COMPANY Y THE MAN'S STORE

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