PAGE EIGHT TTIE REVIEW: REIDSVILLSC, N. 0. NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Dr.. L. L. Sapp of Milton spent sev : eral days here last week. Miss Margaret Boyd of Washington is visiting relatives here ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams, Jr.. March 28. a daughter. Mrs. B. P. Anderson of was visiting relatives here Saturday Services at the Episcopal church utxt Sunday night. I'ubllc Invited. Mr. Ben Williamson of Saxapaha v ' t-pent) Sunday here with his sister Mrs. Dora Mills. Mr. Zeb Blxckwell of Wlnston-Sa lcm has been spending a few days ' here with relatives. Postmaster H. S. Galloway of Win ' ston-Salam; spent Saturday and Sun day here with relatives. Miss Sue Howard of thu student body of Couverso College, Spartan bnrg. Is visidng her sister. Mrs. S O. Jett. ... Lieut Gordon Watt. U. S. M.. spent a few days with relatives here last week, leaving Friday to report at Norfolk. . Midway School will preKenl tne "Courtship of Miles Standiah"' Friday evening. April Cth, 1917 at s:0'o p. m Everybody Is invited. The local tobacco marke' will cloa April 30th together with the Danville Winston-Salem and other large mar keta. All the smaller nuirketg hav closed, but Reldsvllle . will keep opbii until the last of the month, The law firm of Glidewell & Roher.. has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. P. W. Glidewell will retain hts rfflce in the Citizens Bank building and Mr. Roberts will maintain oftlce3 in both Reldsvllle and' Madison. Catot. W. B, Millner aaks us to re quest every member of Company j be present at the armory Tuesday tight, the 3rd for the purpose or ra organization, etc. The 25 per 1 1 1 ' TUESDAY. APRIL APRIL 1 New Interest Period Starts in ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Deposits made up to and including Apr il 5 will bear interest as of April 1st. compounded every three BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC i Our rate months. $1.00 starts the account. D. and R. S. MONTGOMERY, President SCOTT FILLMAN, Cashier. on the library, rt ceut. peace-pay la now in force, The ma t ) . ter will bo thoroughly explained to ' all by Cari Millner.. ; Raleigh Walker convicted at the , December 1916 term of Rockingham court on the charge of retailing and nerving a 12 month's Jail sentence, . was granted a pardon contingent on rood behavior. He secured executive clemency through the efforts of Mr Held Ray of Spray News and Ob i i server. '. The Penn Suspender Co. of this face, is branching ou.t Until recen'ly wey manmaciurea oniy en s garters luu cuojrauiivi o. A uvj ma jiisvt inc-u- vfaturing ladies' garters, sleeve hold er and leather belts, making a big . shipment of these goods last wee i This is a progressive concern and it i it turning out a class of goods tltat i& extremely popular. Madison Mes- -: senger. We have been requested to an ' aounce that there will be aaubcn'- t'oa dance at the C. & A. hall on tl:e tight of April 9th, faster Monday. jicicecs win oe 2.uu lor me unncora . including the partner." A fee of" ten" cents will be collected at the door from those who cometo hear the' mu sic. Hood's orchestra will play aad tie dance will be opened with a inarch. Dancers are urged to be on the floor at eight-fifteen, AU above Jt expenses will be used to Improve th3 school grounds. - The Saturday Evening Post in a re easily by calling most cases. Miss I5esHie Ilrannon of Danville is visiting Miss Bessie Hightower. A very attnrMve sign has recent.' been erected In front of Brittain's I 'rug Store. Miss lluyler May of Keysvilie, Va , . ... . . X tH IT Kf n is vjsiting ner utuni, ivirn. su. u. n. tLewson on Main street. Mr. W. W, Meador, a well-known Confederate veteran of near Wer.t v orth, called in to see u8 yesterday Mr. Johns Martin will leave tomor row for a trip to Oklahoma to visit i otiie relatives. He will make the trip by automobile. The county commissioners held their monthly meeting at WentwortU yts' t-rday. Numbers 6f citizens were present to advocate work on various public roads. Mrs. Susan Thompson, wife of Mr J, T. Thompson, died at her nunie or Barnes street Saturday afternoon. Her death was due to brain trouble. She was 45 years old and leaves a husband and live children. The funer al service wiu conductoi by 'Re,' M X. Johnson at Lowe's church Sunday afternoon and interment was mado ai Lowe's cemetery. Mr. Geo.. A. Miller, proprietor . or the Purity Beverage Company of Dan villa spent yesterday In town. His (("ii)anv inaniftcturea Ay Oc.i, a new and' pop iw' clrtnk :. from i hi cl.'.in,l co'M-c : a fern la. aUo Ited V. rd ginger ah Mr. ?-' .ier niddo n--rangementa to open a distributing plant in Reldsvllle. Mr; John B, Razell will have have charge of the Heidsville branch ! The Birmingham, contractor who was authorized by Secretary Burlo t on to sow the postofflce grounds with shrubbery, has completed his wor and has been paid over $330. By cc tual count 239 plants wore . put In, some of these being evergreens tnd others slender saplings and Httn trees.f While the soicitude of the post master general for the Federal lot in Pcnvllle is being appreciated, t!i)ro pre a number, wno neiieve ui uiu green gros wa3 sufficient decor itlon lor the post office i. nd that money u. uld 'mve be?n h lor aproprlatcd if Improving postal facilitlos here. r.invllle R'glst?r. cent issue made a plea for a. larger ueeiof public libraries by the people The condition of the people of who' have the advantage of easy nc-1 Stokes county was never better than cess to them. The libraries gener the present with the execeptlon of tie ally are well equipped, and the libra j class of farmers who depend on bttv riana are anxious to help people find ing "'their supplies instead of raising Jest the right book or bit of informn-! them . They are up against it good Moa, but although this Is the case, tne cannot get these benefits unless be applies for them. Men and womn write or call onthelr daily papers or information which they could obtain and strong. Prices of everything to p'. are sky-high, and thoee who must go in debt forr flour, hay, chop and meat are unfortunate. But the farm- who grew his supplies, is resting er Saw Mill and Threshing Outfits Pccrfess Tr? die p, Portable and Stationary Engines Geiser Threshers. asy on his oars. The prices for breadstuffs and meatstuffs, which aro grinding his neighbors, are water on his wheel. Money is plentiful, the banks of Stokes county showing re sources of nearly half a million dol lars. Danbury Reporter. Caswell Superior Court is in session this week. Messrs. Glidewell, Joyce, McMIchael and Dalton of the Rocking ham county bar are in attendance. Judge Harding is presiding. A special term of Caswell Superior Court w;1J n so convene ai raneeyviue nexi week, presided over by Judge Justice. Through his skill in marksmanship ; Clinton M, Griffith of Pelham( has i qualified as a marksman In the U. S. Marine Corps acording to an official bulletin from Washington. At a re cent trial he made an excellent score at low and rapid fire winning a medal and an Increase of pay. This keen eyed young "man is with the U. 8 Mnrines who are busily engaged in restoring order in the little Republic of Haiti. While peace has been v tablished throughout the greater pa-t of the West Indian Island, and occas sional fight with bandit? and other lively happenings provide plenty of txelteraent and adventure for he Pel ham boy. Clinton who Is a son of Albert Griffith of Pelhanv enlisted iij the United States , Marine Corps at the Winston-Salem recruiting station on Nov. 13, 1916. The return of the guardsmen to Reldsvllle brings an interesting side light on the stay of the troops on th border. Some of the members of the guard are firmly convinced that the danger from Villa haa never been oO great as some of the agencies wou'd Iiave led the country to believe, but tnat there was some danger there is no doubt. The presence of the troops on thei border In all probability pre vented much that might have hap pened. El Paso, however, was Inter ested in the troops remaining on the border for commercial reasons main ly. At one ttme there were fifty thosand troopers in that section of the country. Many thousands of these iioldiers finally found way Into the marts of trade in El Paso and other border towns, but mainly in El Paso. Every man probably spent at lest ten dollars a month while he was on the border. In addition to the mon ey the soldiers themselves spent tio presence of the army made it neces sary for the government to spend a vasit. amount of money tor supplies nrd equipment. Commercially tne Merlcan troubles were a great thtug for the border cities. Garden seeds at Harris Bros. Seed oats and clover seed at R. L. Hubbard's. A nice assortment of fresh cakes. Harris Bros. Come to Mrs. Sam Fels & Co.'s for spring coat suits. Just received car shingles. Town send Buggy Company. Corn Plititers f 13 . 50 and up. Townsend Buggy Company. Cord wood for sale. See R. D Ga- pen, Phone 211-W, Reldsvllle. Letz Feed Mllils are the best sold by Townsend Buggy Coanpany. Lumber for sale. Apply to R. Gapen. phone 211-W Reidsville. See our beautiful line of hats dresses. Mrs. Sjim Fels & Co. Tyson & Jones and Guilford Buggies bin sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Harness bought before the advance will make special price. Townsend Puggy Company. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. WANTED. Wood choppers. Will pay $1 per cord. See or call R. D. Gapen, phone 211-W. ' Big stock of screen doors and screen v ire. We can make the price. Reida- Ville Hardware Company. Registered and mixed pigs for sale. For prices see or call R. I Gapen, Phone 211-W, Reidsville. Shingles! Shingles! Shingles! We have them and prices are right. ; Townsend Buggy Company. WANTED. Local agent for Indiat. Motorcycles. ? Liberal contract B. Reynolds, Madison, N. C. FOR SALE Beaiutlful Black Pony, Phaeton and Harness to match. Vor frrther Information see or address W. J. lrvln, Reidsvile. SALESMAN WANTED to solicit or ders for lubricating oils, greases and P'.ints. Salary or commission. Ad dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, O. ' WANTED AT ONCE 25 girls or women to work in Reidsville Paper Box Co. Good board and reasonable tvtes can be secured in town. See or write W. II . Foy, Mgr. Reidsville N. c . - LABORER'S WANTED. Wanted fifty .laborers. Will pay 15 cents per nour Permanent work for several months R. T. Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors, Reidsville, N..C "' HOGSHEAD HOOPS WANTED 20,000 FIRST CLASS WHITE OAK HHD. HOOPS. WILL PAY HIGH EST MARKET PRICE. EXPORT LEAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS- TON, BUYER. W. H. Wakefield, M. IL of Char- lote will be in Reidsville at the New Southern Hotel on Saturday, April 14th 1 he doctor limits his practice to eye nose and throat troubles And makes no charge for fitting glasses in simple cases If the glasses are ordered from him- V ''; AUCTION SALE .I wUI sell at my home in Reidsville on Saturday, April 14, one pair mules, wagon and harness one buggy; nousenoia ana Kiicnen furniture; fanning utensils, etc. Sale 10 start at 2 o'clock. Mfe. J as. D. Glass, Reldsvllle, N. C, March 25, Prepare For Easter Anticipating your needs for Easter we have just received new shipments of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Shirt Waists and Easter Hats Oar stock of WASH FABRICS, SILKS and WOOL DRESS GOODS is complete. You will be pleased with the variety of new weaves, styles and colorings. Come in and make your selection today. ' ' . ' ( Mrs. W Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. 0":lv?T- NOW Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants '.'. I Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 1 1 v -;.'V,' ., f-1 p ' - wm FETZER'S DRUGSTORE HEADQUARTERS FOR DR. HESS' Stock & Poultry Tonic Think of it! Eegs 40c per dozen and your hens not Uyiuij! Feed them Dr. Hess?oultryPanac:a Every package guaranteed. Ask us Charles Fetzer "THE DEPENDABLE DRUGGIST AT IT FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS EUctrical Furnac at Philadelphia Mint Cheaper and Faster,. An eleetrlcul melting furnace of new design and said to do the work of nine old style gas furnaces more cheaply and quickly soon will le installed at the Philadelphia mint to melt copper and nickel for coinage. It will have a capacity of 700 pounds of metal. The old style furnaces rarely melted more than eighty pounds at a time. The present m ethofl involves placing the metal in graphite crucibles, upon which Is turned a powerful gas flame. The new furnace will Introduce the heating medium into the .metal 'itself, and, in stead of a crucible, a firebrick furnace with silicon glazing will be employed. The European war has affected great ly the cost to the government of melt ing mctul because of the difficulty iu securing graphite crucibles. An infe rior article, rarely lasting more than three meltings, now is being used at a cost approximately seventeen times as much as fornierly4 Had 790,000,000 Bottles of Wine. In 1915 the French government dis tributed C1S.O0O.000 bottles of wine among the armies, each ninn and offi cer receiving half a liter a day. Last year there was a considerable increase, the total n mount requisitioned reach ing 790.000.000 bottles. ZELi'S JUU III! Will ill FOR TOBACCO - Madison,' N. C, Jai. 27, 1917. T u,ed 2917 baes of. ZELL'S SPECIAL COM POUX D FOK, TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about $60,000 00 worth of tobacco crown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. .ELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni formly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs ell and brings the money. I will certainly use well's again this year J. M. GALL A WAY. FOR SALE BY , KING & COBB, Pelham. J. H. GLENN. StooeriOe JNO. Y. STOKES, Reidsville J.H.HOLLAND & CO. Price W. 0. DOGGETT.Brown Summit, T.B.WIL10N, Madison Burt 90 day oats, Virginia Grey Win ter oats, Sapling and old-fashioned red clover seed. Harris Bros. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES I represent the Continental Marble end Granite Co., of Canton, Ga., and w ill be pleased to submit estimates on memorials, tombstones and marble work of all kinds. Lowest prices ai d satisfaction guaranteed J. H Be rett, Jr., Reidsv.lle, N. C. Tie New Peerless Piston Valre Engines. More power per dollar brested than i:j c&er Traction or 'Portable Engine on the market. Geiser Threshers best for 3vzg tie wheat Write for catalogue acd prices. FL G. I'EVF1 1 CO'.IPAIIY, Dhlrfctcrs "t 1 W "1 tri'in" - 1 1 MTflUMfBi J '"""ft -Tr-T I AUCTION SALE-LAND Good Tobacco Farm-To the Highest Bidder SATURDAY, MARCH 31-2:00 P. M. FARM of 108 acres, a Improvements consist her tuildiugs. Known as At Jonathsn Ba)nrS' Store, New Bethel good tobacco frm in the best neiihborhood. or dwelling, sUble, tobacco barns and oihi the Jess Moore farm. rm8: One fourth cash; balance one, two and three years. For further particulars see or write REIDSVILLE IliSURAJXE & REALTY CO, be. P. B. Ktf P, Pres. v. TX. STCNT. fee "d Trsu DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partnership on tbe practice f kw heretofore existing between tae undersigned has been dissolved as of date, March 29tb, 1917. The busines intrusted to the firm will be concluded by both members as originally agreed. The dissolution is by mutual consent of both members of the firm. This March 31st. 1917. P. W. GLIDEWELL, J. Ix ROBERTS. ..' OftOttOOH00HHCHKH3HeH I - ' WAR AND HIGH PA ICES I may cause a "pinch'. When The Pinch Comes Tl a pmcn , me flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us. tHey will surely ''keep the wolf from the door". Get your , Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY THOSE 14. RGIU PHOriE 61-J. R