TUESDAY 'APBIIM), 1212 PAGE TWO THE REVIEW: REIDSVH,:, K. N. C. i J (fyijf ft h 'M' NEGROE8 ARE THOUGHT. ' TO BE ENTIRELY LOYAL Outstand ing! In every community the name Certain-teed stands conspicuously for quality, good value, satisfaction, and fair dealing. Certain-teed Paints and Varnishes get their quality from the character of materials used in their manufacture and from the exactness with which they are mixed. The formula of ingredients printed on the label shows honestly and unmistakably the real worth of the paint Modern,up-to-datemachin-ery eliminates the uncertain tics of mixing by hand and insures absolute conformity to the experts' printed formula. The price of CERTAIN TEED Paints and Varnish es is based on the most -favorable manufacturing, distributing and selling costs, plus a margin of profit smaller t than is generally customary. This low price would not be possible if we had to depend upon an ex clusive paint organization to market our paints and varnishes. CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes are guaran teed togive satisfaction. This guarantee is backed by the enormous resources of the Certain-teed Products Cor poration. Whether you do your own painting or employ a pro fessional painter your in terests will be best served if you insist upon getting CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes. Any good dealer can sell you CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes. If be doesn't carry them in stock, he can get them for you. Certain-teed Roofing For factories, office buildings, farm building, jraraces, etc., CEKTATN-TEED la lb eUicleul roof. Itcoeu lean to buy, loss to lay, and leu per year ol life. It is UKnt-weiirnt, clean, aanitnry. weatner-prnoi, and fire retard aut. For residence! CKBTAIN-TKED Slate Surfaced Shingles bare all the dvantatreaofCKKTAlN-TEKD Roll Hoofing, plus artistic beauty. CEKTAIN-TKED Is guaranteed lor 6, 10 or 16 years, according to thlrknea (1, 2 or 8 ply). II you are building, or need a new roof, It will pa; yon to inyeitlgate CEKTA IN-TEED before dec-iding upon any ty ol root, ttold by to ling dealers all over toe world. CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION General Roofing Mfg. Co., GregsVarnivh Co., Mound City Paint & Color Co. Naw York Milwaukee Kaaaaa City Grand Rapida Will Chicago Pittsburgh Cincinnati Saattla NuhviD Phll.d.lphia Detroit . Naw Orlaana Indianapolis Salt Lata City Sydney Boston San Franelico Minneapolis Richmond Houston iluta ...... Laasloa Sydney Havana CERTAINTEED ROOFING sold and guaranteed by JA8. ROBIN SON,' Reidsville, Dealer In Fertilizer and Farm Implement. St. Louia Buffalo Lot Angaloa Atlanta Pas Moiooa "Boot for Reidsville and RockinfhaH" A special from Birmingham. Ala., ,ays: Reports that agents of the Cornian Government are using Kim Grove, a settle tMit near Greensboro, N ('., an linail-iu r'ers for a campaign in Incite South'rn negroes abaiiist i ho Government of the United States were i onlirmeil lv local Fedeia'l (.fonts. The. activities, according t the ollicials heriO have extended to tue toh ! co( and cotton Welts of Georgia. Alahama, the. Carolina, and parts of Florida. These efforts, however, have net with little sympathy among the ne proes, who h-ive pledged themselves in large numbers to support the Pres 'lent and render whatever service they could to it he Nation In case of war. Several attempts to induce ne groes to rise against the whites in the Birmingham district have met with no success, the ollicials declared but in some parts of the black belts cf Georgia and Alabama the Teutonic agents have succeeded In appealing to the negrores to an extent requiring some precautions. The alleged work of the Germans In the South Is believed by the Feaeril Hgents to be closely allied to the re cent exodus from the cotton belts to Northern industrial centers of large bodies of negro laborers. Rumors have reached here that farmers in some agricultural uiaincrs nave formed Ku Klux Klans to meot possible uprisings or diaffeetion. Government agents declared that in formation reaching them lea to tnc belief that, in the event war with Ger many Is declared, efforts will be nnJe b) German agents to induce neg-D?i migrate to Mexico with a view to crippling industries in the boutu which depend on negro labor. If. K. C. Bryant writing from Wash ninon savs: There nas neen mvci alK recently of German actlvuu among the whites. The Department f Justlcie would like to have direct vidence of any such efforts on the tit of Germans or o'hers. No !n.i- .ation of disloyalty on the part of !h.? negro has come to the government .f- f-.cials, Quite the reverse has been :n tlmated. 'Many' negroes have offered their services ;to the nation. It is believed, however, that Go r r.ian agents have been busy in the South with the hope of stirring up the black nnan. Definite information is what the government desires. On M-'rch 15, a prominent citizen of Pelham, wrote to Senator Overman as follows: "Please allow me to sug gest that the Southern negro be thor oughly investigated, by secret service n. en, as to how they are being influ enced by Germ in spies, and to' what effect German intrigue and plots are having upon them. You are aware, that the negroes, through their lodges, churches and preachers, are the best organized race in the United States. Under premeditated arrangements, they could arise and do much harm at night while the white rural citizens ire asleep.aa iai party , of them aid many years ago. "To detect and nip in the bud these plots by Germans among the negroes, would be a great protection to the Southern white people. "The distribution of rifles and am munition to the rural white people of the South would be another way to be prepared for any plot which may be instigate!. Doubtless the negroes are delng arcttd by !he German spies and i.vniuu.thlzers. Perhaps the depart ment has taken steps in this direction which is Indeed a wise move." Tho Department of Justice is look i g Into this and like suggestions. The New York Tribune prln'ed a 'ory from North Carolina on the ac tivities of Germans among negro resi ilnnts there. The Negro Wanted At North The story that planters In this coun ly are organizing along Klu Klux Klin lines, printed by the New York Tribune and then by the Associated I'ress, Is not rue. The so-called Ger man agents are more likely labor agents from the North down here at- knipting to get the negro frlgh'ened Mid hustle him off to the North. The North is sadly in need of help. The foreign Li borer is not much in evi dence as he was before the war, and making heavy bids for the negro. In thn whole North has been for months n aking heavy bids for the negro In fact, thousands of them have been be- "iiiled by northern labor agents and from some districts farm help Is a.' rrady scarce because of the exodus. The talk about the farmer organiz ing to get rid of the negro Is to laugh". What the farmer wants is to help the negro. Only the other day w j prln'ed : story from Atlanta which told that t lie labor problem, because of the ex odus of so many negroes, was a very serious so-called, ;were doubtless Nor ttern labor agents In disguise, and It Is time the white men of Guilford county, instead of allowing stories to obtain that they were going to or ganize the Ku Klux Klan to run the negro out, were getting busy and or ganizing something to run the kbor agents from the North out. We hive Investigated these no-o t lories and will no;; believe it true that German spies have done any work until we are shown more proof th.n Is now obtainable. We do not credit the A P. story which Birmingham agents confirm. We are rather inclined to believe' the northern labor agents bent on securing help from the South ae the ones who have set in motion the ufory which has been wildly exagger a'ed. ; The white imen of Guilford can easi ly determine the truth or the falsity of the story, and it is time to invite Ibe colored man out to some pitriodc :ietings. and this would finally settle the -.matter. Greensboro Record. TOBACCO MANUFACTURED DURING FEBRUARY, 1917 Tobacco manufactured during Feb ruary 1917 showed an Improvement over tho corresponding month last year, with the exception of snuff, which showed a loss of 451,95) pounds over February, 1916. Small cigars continue to show Increases, while cig arettes show an increase of almost t00,0iii),000 over the same month last year. Smoking and chewing tobacco with cigars and cheroots, all show big sign of trouble, will keep the little cha guns, says the estern Tobacco Jour nal. These gains, when taking into con alceratlon the freight embargo in vir ious parts of the country during the month of February, are very favorable ;nd certainly would have been larger nan the manufacturer not been ham r.cred by the freight congestion The Journal adds: The cigarette, which again shows i he largest increase, is being made the subject of much legislation, and It is well that the tobacco interests are beginning to pay more attention to this imenace. In fact it is the opinion oi many that the reason why the pro posed Chamberlain military bill at Washington is because of the objec tion of cigarettes Manufacturers of cigars, g nerally, rre asking and getting more money for their product. Very few of the manufacturers raised their prices un til they were actually forced to thru tne increased cost In the manufacture of cigars not only In the price of cigar material, but in labor, boxes, paper, twine and everything else that is connected with the cigar industry. During the month of February, 1917 the tax collected orf-manufacttured tobacco products amounted to $7,995,- 099.98, an increase of $1,276,980.12 as compare. with the collactions for Feb ruary 1916. STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS IN U. S. DURING 1916 ABERN ETHY'S SERMONS GO FAR AND WIDE JVe have some things to tell you about furnishing your house ome-making is the greatest the store and its goods is built up. T T J-j of arts. The woman who makes her house attractive is an artist. And it is so easy to be one today. When customers come to this store we like to feel that by our ad vice we are helping to make a home, not merely selling something. That is the way confidence in Today we are in a position to advise every woman in the selec tion of handsome, sturdy furni ture for her home for every room in the house. The famous Simmons line is the foundation of our stock. If there was anything better at any price, we'd have it here. UTOMIMCE-WMER CO. FURNITURE -UNDERTAKING DAY PHONF 75. NIGHT PHONES 252-W d J26J The following from the Belmont, New York, dispatch, shows that Rev. Xrthur Abernethy's sermons are wide ly read. Rev. W. E. Aberriethy of Reidsville is a brbther of Arthur Ar tnur so well known In the South and In Grcnsboro: f Perhatps the title of "the most pop ular and widely known preacher in the world" does not rightly belong to Rev. Billy Sunday of tabernacle fame, as Is generally thought, and who knows but that ar Belmonter, in the person of the Rev. A. T. Abernethy of the M. E. church, has more of a rail on the title than the ex-ball player. Several years ago and before join ing the ministry, Dr. Abernethy w en' editorial writer on metropolitan daily and it was at the time of his becoming a pastor that his newspaper friends conceived the ideri of extend ing his field by syndicating his weekly rermons. The papers now using Dr. Aberne thy's sermons have an aggregate cir culation of over' six imlllion copies weekly and perhaps half as many again readers. When this vast num ber is taken into consideration, one can readily see that Dr. Abernethy's Dernions reach more people weekly than Rev. Billy Sunday reaches In a year If he talks to a capacity udi-i.-nces twice a day for a whole year in a tabernacle the size of the one recently U3ed Record. mere were 3.160 strikes and 108 lockouts during 1916 in the United C t 411 , . . oioi?a. Aiuiuugn mere were more strikes than in 1915, there were less lockouts. The employers won In 471 end the employes in 706 strikes, 0 vere arbitrated and 542 compromised. Practically every occupation was in- volvedsomewhere. "1916." says an ex jert of the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, "will long be lemembered a3 the year of strikes. The scarcity oi iaoor ana tne rapid Increase of cost of living seem to have caused wage-earners to feel that they were not getting their share of the present prosperity and to show their discon tent by striking. Higher wages ana Shorter hours were the causes of two- thirds of the strikes last year, while a large proportion of the remainder yas due to causes connected with unionization."; A full report in the 4.pril Monthly Review of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United S totes Department of Labor. RVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE at Buffalo. Greensboro THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD The vilue and need of a newspaper in the houshold was never greater '.Kan at the present time. The great ivar in Europe now is half-way into its third year, and, whether peace be at hand or yet be far off, it an the events to follow it are sure to be of absorb ing interest for many a nonth to ce me. " , ' . These are world-shaking affairs, in ,hich the United States, willing or unwilling, is compelled to take a part. No intelligent person can ignore such issue. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and Shis pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequ. lled newspaper end The Reidsville Review together for one year for $2.15. The regular price of the two papers U $3.50. Calomel is Quicksilver and Acts Like ynamite on Your Liver Carefully Treat w Children's Colds Ksrfeet of children's olds often lays the foundation of serious lung trouble, Oa the other hand, it is harmful to continu ally dose delicate little stomachs with in ternal medicines or to keep the children always indoors. Tlenty of fresh air in the bedroom and a good application of Vick's "Vap-O.Rub' bulve over the throat and chest at the first eign of trouble, will ket'D the littla chat free from colds without injuring their di gestions. 25c, 50c, or $1.00. WAR OR NO WAR Fires Keep Coming And We keep paying My Companies Are lots more Able tobear a Loss than you are; Therefore, BE PRUDENT And insure With FRANCIS WOMACK, The Insurance ;." Mac. ;' Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quick silver. Calomel Is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite cramping and sikening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should nevor be put Into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish. stlpate4 and all knocked out ani 1 lieve you need a dose of dnge- 3 tfilomel just remember that your drug gist sells for 50 Ncents a 1 rsre botile cf Dodson's Liver Tone hie h ia en t'rely vegetable and i '-isr:r to take end is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to st' your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It makes yo clck the next day : U loses you r.i day's work. Dodson'H Liver Tone straight el a you right up and you feel great Give it to the children because It is perfectly harmless and doesn't gripe We Will Supply Anything Wanted IN PERFECT t GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING. V CRIMP ROOFING, TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, x SPOUT ING; CHIMNEY PIPE, BOTH ROUND AND SQUARE; WELL TUBING AND' SEWER PIPE. , STOVES, RANGES,' HEATERS. . LAUNDRY AND COOKING STOVES, FIRE BOARDS AND PIPING. J PLUMBING GOODS CLOSET U, LAVORATORIES, BATH TUBS AND BATH ROOM SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. GET OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB ING AND SEWERAGE CONNHOV HONS. G. Gladstone; The staff of the North Carolina State Hoard of Health in complianus M-ith a' request from the American Fublic Haalth Association today sign ed papers indicating what service they as trained and experienced health v-orkers could be counted on to ren der their signing the pipers were I.rs. W. S. Rankin, C. A. Shore, WTar reh H. Booker. L. B. McBrayer. J. R. Gordon and G. M. Cooper. Besides the services that are strictly medical r.nd of the first aid order that the doc tors thought they could lest render were those of sanitarians, sanitary en gineers, bacteriologists statistic am. gibing vaccine inoculations, the care oi water purifications and sewage dis posal, hosptiul and inspection service and general administrative work. WANTED! OLD JUNK FOR CASH We want to exchange for CASH for your Scrap Material, such as Bags, Bones, Feed Baps, Scrap Bagging, Brass Copper, Lead, Zinc, Oia Rubber Boots . and Shoes, Auto Casings, Inner Tubes, Carriage Tires, and all kinds of Scrap Metals and Iron. Bring us your material. FOR SALE : 1-One ton Truck Winton. 1 Five passenger Ford. 1 Runabout with Truck Body For. All in good running condition. Elh tr for sale' or will trade. Walker Hide & Junk Co. Dry Prizery Bldg. Opp. Depot Some Good Advice " Don't think too much of your own methods Watch other people's ways and .lei rn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious or constipated. You will find many peo ple 'ho use Chamberlaln Tablets for these aihnents with the best re sults, and will dr to follow their ev ample. viRGim mm- Restored To Health By Vinol Atlee, Vfc. "I was weak, run-down, no appetite, mj blood was poor, I could not sleep nights and was rapidly lott ing flesh, but I am a farmer and had to work. Medicines had failed to help me until I took VinoL After taking three bottles xnj appetite is fine, I sleep well, my blood is good and I am well again." OaLAVDO W. BOBJUT, ' Vinol, w'aich .contains beef aad cod liver peptones, iron and ,maagnew peptonatea and glycerophosphates, , la guaranteed for A nut-down conditions. C 1L FETZEK. Drtxp HIGH GRADE BUILDING BRICK Brick ia the most enduring! tooet secure against fire; moat comfortable In all weather most eoonrmlcal is final ant, and tha most beautiful of aay building uatsrlaL If Quality appeals to you, write na and get quotation Shipments made promptly. WILLIAMSON & HEDGECOCK, INC. Martlnsvine. Va. RICE'S "Red J" GINGER ALE n. L. RICE MANFACTURER AND BOTLESt REIDSY1LLE, N. C. - -J

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