PAGE SIX TUKHlAY, APRIL 10,' 3917' TTfK REVTFW: KKIDSVILL K N. C. RUB OUT PAIN 4 with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is liniment Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own si ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, 9 tuu, Burns, etc 25c 50c $!. At all Dealers. Editorial Comment on Wilson's Message A CHILD GETS CROSS SICK AND FEVERISH WHEN CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If Tongue is Coated Clean Little Liver and Bowels If your little one's tongue, Is coated, it ia a sure sign the stomach, liver and ixjwels, need a penile thorough cleans- When your child Is cross Following are. some editorial com ments on President Wilson's address to congress: From Hie New York World.) President Wilson's war address to ints at once congress !s more than an expression of peevish, listless, pale, doesn't aleep, a nation's patriotism. It is an appeal eat or act. n turally; if breath is bad, to every Instinct, every impulse, every stomach sour, system' full of cold, tradition of democracy. Tho case of. throat sore, or if feverish, give a tea the American people can rest upon no 1 Hpoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," bhrher plane than that upon which ' bnd jn a few hours oil the, clogged up President Wilson lias placed it, and his j constipa'd waste, sour bile and undi atatemeiit of reasons is no less admlr- L(M,p,i food will eentlv move out of PROFESSIONAL CARDS EDGAR H. WRENN. JR. LAWYER Ueidsrille, N. C. Office Over A. S. Price & Co.'s Store IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW . Special attention to settling estate? Practice In all courts, except Recorl rs Court. Office in Fels Bulldlnt otw A. 8. Price & Co.'s Store. GIf IDE WELL & ROBERTS ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Prompt attention to .ill matter Intrnated. Practice in ail count Office In Citizens Bank Bnlldin. able than' IIs statement of means and methods. President Wilson has driven straight to the heart of the issue, and congress must respond. There can be neither hesitation nor halting. Every consid eration of national defense, of national honor, of free government and free Institutions, of world welfare, de mauds that congress follow where the president has led, for In the solemn words uttered by Wood row Wilson rests the hope of democracy and the hope of mankind. Rejoices In Finding a Leader, From tho New York Sun. For those ultimate words of firm ness, of American resolution, of Amur lean 'self respectmuch of tho previous Indecision, of rhetorical subtleties of evasion, could be forgiven. The coun try will rejoice that It has found a leader ready to lead In the direction to which duty to ourselves and duty to the common Interests of humanity and of democracy alike unmistakably anf unerringly point. MAJOR T. SMITH LAWYER Offle OTer Burton & Peareon.s Sn StOM. A general practice of tha law tncladtnf settlement of estates. . ad taatmrat of Insurance collection ot claims, etc. tec. Practice In all courts alalms. etc. Practice in all courts. A. D. IVIE B. C. TROTTIr JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROT rER & JOHNSrOI Attorney at Law Offices In the new Irvin Bn'ldlti txt to Bank of Reidsvllle. J. R. JOYCE Attorney at Law. Office in old Cltleens Br- Build! Practice In State nd Fedart govts. r Loans negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law ReidarlUa. N. a Special attention to negotiation ' loans, settlement ot estatea, baylsi and selling real estate. Imuran adjusted. Practice lr all courts. Office In Lambeth Building, 0rr Saiffs Office. HUGH R. SCOTT TTOTNIV AT LAW faedal attention to negotiation conduct and settlements v states; buying and' selling rel a tate. Office, Cltlieni Bank Bid J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office OTer old citizens Bank Build log, opposite Confederate Monument RKIDSVTLLH, ........ . . N. C McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice In all eoarts Mr. McMIchael will be In the KetoV Till office on Tuesdays, WednMf rkursdays, Fridays sad la Hadlsot on Saturdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOK ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsvllle. N. C. General practice of the law in Btau and Federal Courts. Money loaned, on real estate. Bi tates administered on and settled R-l estate bought and sold the bowels, and you have a well, phy ful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative-." Millions of mothers keep it handy be cause i hey know its action on the btomach. liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a litle glv en todoy saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot t'c of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle.' Beware oi counterfeits sold here, Get the gen uine made by "Culifornia Fig Syrup Company." North Carolina of all the 4) States (1 the Union has the smallest per rentage of foreign born lnh bitants over t9 per cent, of her population are American born. Other Southern .smtes have from one to ten per cent. Kirclgn born while nuany Northern Sutes including New York, Massa (i.usctts, Pennsylvania, Illinois. WIs ( ojisin,' Minnesota, and nearly all .he Itorky Mountain States have from thirty-five to more than fifty per cent foreign born population. The pursst American blood is found in North Uir- iiia. There are hardly 20,000 foreign horn citizens in this good State. NEW PRICES ON ICE AN AGED WOMAN Telia How Vinol Made Her Strong In her eighty-second year Mrs. John WkkcTsliam, of Russellville, Pa., says: "I was in a run-down, feeble condition and had lost flesh. A neighbor asked me to try Vinol, and after taking two bottles my strength returned;. I am paining in flesh, it has built up my health and I am feeling fine for a woman of my age; so I get around and do my housework.' The reason Vinol was so successful in Mrs. Wickersham's case was be cause it contains the very elements needed to build her ud. C. H. FETZfiR. Druggist. t Owing to the increased cost of l. bor, coal, horse feed and everything else that we have to buy, we are forced to make a new schedule o? ice prices effective April 2 as follows: 300 lb. Blocks .. fl ic 150 lb. Blocks .. .. ., ... . ,. 65c 100 lb. Blocks .'. .. .. .. .. .. '4ic One half cent per pound on pil cuts less than 100 pounds. We still have plenty of coupon books, assort i."d sizes, based on the above prices. All books and ice are cash. .We thank you for all past patron age, and assure you we will appreci' tile your further orders. J. R. NEWELL "No Praiie Too High" For Wileon. From tlu New York Tribune. The Judgments of the moment are frequently of but transitory value. Vet, reading President Wilson's mes sage to congress at the moment of its delivery to congress, It seems one of Crow Fonder Delia Blackwell ROUTE FOUR The Lawsonville School closed Sat urday night, March 31 with the follow !ng program rendered: Song, "Tramp, Tramp," School. . Welcome Address Marjorie McGe Lee Butler. Recitation Annie Wilson Butler., Play Sewing Society. Negro Dialect, "Uncle Bill on the phonograh and Air Plane," Dewey Lee. Pantomlne, "Abide With Me" Maggie .ynn. Play Josiah goes a Courting. Solo Absence Makes the Heirt the great documents of history, re echoing In fl new and yet the original spirit the great words of Lincoln. "With malice to none." No praise can lie too high for the words and the purposes of the presi dent. Never in all the long period in which, he has directed American poll cy has he seemed to come nearer to the Idenl of the American people, the Ideal of a president who should lead. All over the world there will be Americans who will find In the dec! slon made by the president a cause for new confidence and hope. . Choice Now, Kaiser or President. From the Boston Post " There can be little doubt that con gress will immediately translate the president's requests Into legislated au thority. Nor can there be this morn ing any more who dare to say that the people of the United States will not stand with nnd for their government The oral "slacker" must cease his per nicious work. The choice is now be tween the Oerman kaiser nnd the pres ident of the United States. The divid ing Hue is sharp, with the sharpness of a sword. A New Battle Cry For Freedom. From the SprlnKflld (Mass.) Republican. In the most momentous hour of our history sluce the civil war the nation's chosen leader has made the fateful de cision which duty und-honor Impose, and . congress and the people, will give him loyal support. It is no half heart ed war for which he calls. He rlgStly sees that having gone so far there can bo no compromise. America must help win the war, and the more speedily the better. But never was a war message couched in terms revealing a more earnest and sincere love of peace. The people of the south have learned to see In Abraham Lincoln their true friend. Time will come when the German peo ple will see that In all the world they have no better friend than Woodrow Wilson. Day Irene Blackwell. Play Mrs. Willis Will. Pantomlne, "Home, Sweet- Home' Nannie Brown. Song Massa's in De Cold, Cold Ground. Play Femine Bravery. Negro Dialect, "Bro. Watkins Fare well Sermon.' Cleve Bfeckwell. Pantomlne, "Rock of Ages" Sadie I ee. Play Switched Off. Dancing the Minuet Song Good Night. AN EASY WAY TO REDUCE FLESH Drink Hot Water and Take Tassco Jiaven t you, often wished for a medicine to reduce your flesh? Some thing that does not require dieting or calisthenics? -Well, 'right here you aave it in 5-grain tassco tablets which you may secure at Gardner Drug Co. They are pleasant to take, perfectly haitmless and cause no restrictions of habit or eating, and reduce the flesh, little by little, until you are down to the number of pounds you wish to weigh,. Too much flesh is undesirable, as most quite stout peo ple will readily admit, and it detracts from one's good appearance; makes one clumsy and short of breath. There isn't any reason why anyone should be too stout, when there's this much-tried, perfectly satisfactory re medy at Gardner Drug -Co. Tassco tablets (don't forget the name) are recoimimended by physicians and are guaranteed to be perfectly harmless Refuse substitutes, If you can not come to our store we will miall taasco to you. 50c BOX FREE E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office -over Tulloch's Store. Loans negotiated. Prompt Attention. I DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST Offlca orer New CiUswns Bank. Residence Phone 9085. Thona 281 DR. JULIUS S. WELLS "TNTAL TVPrrot. Gllce orer' Fetsr ft Tuck!rs Dr. , etore. Phon 100. O S. FULK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER All Work Guaranteed Phone ES. P. O. Box 201. , Reidiville, N. C. JAS. W. HOPPER ARCHITECT, jtsra 131-231 LeaxsrCla, N, 0 A Moit Noble Utterance. From the Providence (R. I.) Journal. Millions of hearts this morning will greet with joy and prldo the word that sets un free. It Is an additional source f gratiticatlou that this word, la Its dignity, Its high sentiments and Its passionate protest, will take rank with the most noble utterances that hare ever been delivered from the presiden tlal chair. FREE TASSCO COUPON THE TASCO CO. Boston, Mass. Send me by return hiafi a 50c-box j of your wonderful obesity treat i mient. I enclose 10c in silver or j stamps to help pay postage and , I packing. i - PAIGi feS mi zWi w&A vft!Ma4 vis 3Rq Most Beautiful Car intmerica u m km r v T HIS new fivepassenger Paige Iinwood "Stx-io quality has simplified the actual physical effort of driving a motor car. We have tried to design and manufacture in this Linwood a car which a wom?n or youngster can drive with ease and safety: See the Linwood, ride in it, drive it and see whether or not we have succeeded. The motor is tremendously powerful and flexible. The gears shift noiselessly with a pressure of the finger. The brake is quick, easy and sure. The entire control will give you a new conception of pleasurable and luxurious driving. You will not only enjoy it, but you will be proud of the Linwood, because, in audition to its mechanical excellence, ' it is a Paige "The Most Beautiful, Car in America." Stratford -"Six-5 1 ' s3V-:-;--:- -enuer -Fairfield "Six-46 ' seven passenger -Linwood "Six-'';"''' Vivt-passcngcr -Brooklands "Si x-) 1 ' ' four-passcriaer -Durtm(xr "SixW 2 or 3-passenger Limousine "Six-Si" seven-passenger Sedan "Six-5 1".. seven-passenger - Sedan '-'Six-39" five-passavcr- -Town Car VSix-5 1 seven-jia'sscngcr.; Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company Detroit, Michigan roll $140? f. o.b. Detroit $1375 f o.b. Detroit $1175 f. o. b. Dttro r. $1695 f. o. b. IXti cit $1 175 f. o. b. Detroit $2750 f. o. b. Detroit $2300f. o. b. Detroit $1775 f. o.b. Detroit $27 5 Of, o. b. Detroit J. B. FAULKNER, AGFXT REIDSVILLP, N. a Dragged Into the War, I From the Philadelphia Record.J We have been dragged into war by the hud faith of the German govern ment. Its contempt for treaties, its repudiation of the restraints civiliza tion lias been laboriously endeavoring to impose upon belligerents, its con stant 'V loin t ion of our rights. Call For an Aggreeeiva War. From the Pittsburgh Gazette Tlmea.J With convincing directness the presi dent mnrshalcil the mournful facts that have been necumuluting since Feb ruary. 1!U5, We cannot go in alone: we cannot draw out by ourselves; we mutit undertake war In full recognition of what that act Implies in the existing contest between autocracy and democ racy or do nothing and be ground ii. the dust. Could Reaiat War No Longer. From tbe San Francisco Chronicle. The president has resisted war uutt he could resist no longer. If the German kaiser, by wantonly at tacking us, has brought on a date of war, we cannot help it. There remains but one course for any loyal American to take, and that la to carve oat a peace, that will be lasting. ( Plafiint Horse -Sens Gentlemen, we want you to understand ill? vulut? of . buying from B, 5. Motley & Co. in Danville. For that purpose were going to tell you something about this big concern every week in The Re view for tcme lime to ccme. We've recently bought the entire stock of Hodnett, Ad kins & Mobley Co., and that, added to our already immense stock of hardware, gives us approximately a $115,000 set of merchandise for you to make your selections from. We want you to know that it's iust "plain, cemmen, horse tente" for you to do your buy ing at the store with the largest stock. We sell Vulcan Chilled Plows-can't teat 'em, can you? We sell corn planters, mowers, farm tool of all kinds,' pairts, varnishes, fencinr, roofing, Cream Separators, Gas engiresacd practically everything that any CCCD hard ware store carries-nd some things none of them sell. In feme lines of the New Stcck we've Rota little more than we want to carry and we're making geed sized reducticts. Belter atk us utout it ten Lue B. S. MOTLEY & COflPANY, Danville, Va. tf2 mm mm mm. mm mi. m A'

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