rAQB EIGHT NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Mrs. L. J. Sands ia Yisitlng relatives In Chatham. Va. Capt W. B. Mlllner spent Sunday with relaUTea in High Point. Mra. W. L. Turner of Danville, Va., is visiting her parents on Lindsey biret. V Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Butler spent the Easter holidays in Durham with relatives. Soldierg are now on guard at the Reedy Fork; Trustle just south of Baown Summit. Five hundred darkies from Winston Salem came to Reidsville on an excjr tdon trip yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lovelace spent Easter in Salisbury witii Ifev. and Mrs. Vf. A. Lambeth. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Aruos are in High Point at the bodside of their lit tle grandson, C. L. Arnos, Jr. Mr. an Mrs. D. S. Russell of An. tl-ewB, N. C, are spending a t'e.. days aere with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Osoorn. Mlsa Lillian Smith of thts student Kcdy of the- i. W. C, Greensboro, sent the week end with her parents here. Mr. Ell wood Amos of Oiik Kiilge is Ft ending Banter at hum" He nas -as Ins guest G. J. Henry f Lilesvi.le. N C. E. V. llain of Greensboro, a first class mechanic, will tuko clnrg" of the repair department u the Amos .Motor Co. garage. Miss Ku pen la Patterson Of Greeks . boro caixe over to attend the Easier dance. While here she Is I he guest Miss Ruth Rurton. Mr. George- W. Brown of Route & gave ua a pleasant visit the other day and enrolled for Old Reliable during tL6 war or longer. Mr. J. E. Aj.tios was summoned to Bigh Point Sunday night on account of the illness of Chas. Lee, little son L Mr. C. L. Amos. Mlsa Blanche Allen, a teacher In the Graham school, is spending a' few days with her parents, Mr. ajid Mrs. D. It. Allen, on Irvln street. Mr. Seddon Covington of the Export Tcbacco Company who has spent the fast elx tmontha here, will retnin to bib home in Richmond today. Evangelistic services will begin lext Sunday morning at the First Baptist church. The church social has L'een postponed until after this meet . Mr. Thomas Rankin is suffering from a severe spell of pneumonia. Hi condition, however, shows satls fcwetory Improvement we are glad to learn. Our gooa tanner friend, Mr. J. H Mador of Route2, called la the other 67 to assure us that he was doing bis part to help teed the people by raising foodstuffs. Mr. and Mra Chas. Fetzer and Mr. Paul Fetzer attended the Womack Fatzer wedding In Winston-Salem Sanday. An account of the wedding will appear in our next issue. Miss Helen Long of Rockingham and Miss Mary Sumner of Asbeville, atudenta of Salem College, Winston, accompanied Misses Hallle and Eeve lyn Allen home to spend Hasten Mrs. J. F. Wray and Mrs. C. B Heb good, who recently went to a Rlch uond hospital for treatment for ap pendicitis, are getting along nicely, ttelr friends will be glad to learn. Easter Sunday was a cold, rainy fey and the weather was impropltious fcr showing off Easter togs.The lsuai Easter parade did not materialize. No traw hats or slippers were seen ana vercoats, raJncoats, and rubbers dom inated the styles. Appropriate Easter THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE. N. 0. Better Late Than Never to Open an Account With ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY An old colored man in this town used his TRUNK instead of a BANK for the savings of several years. Result of this: Burglar re lieved him of over one hundred dollars. He has since started an account with this bank. MORAL: Use banks, not trunks, hollow logs, etc., for keeping your money. We pay 4 per cent compounded every three months r. s. MONTGOMERY, President SCOTT FILLMAN, Cashier. and large congregations were present UT euch service. .Miss Meddle O. Hamilton will be in Reidsville Saturday to confer , with cur people on Chautauqua matters, Fho will probably' make a short talk tit the RMJn Street M. E. church Sun day. Evangelistic meetings at the Mrst t'hristian church will begin Thursday April 10, 'ot 7:45. Rev. J. F. Morgan of Norfolk, Va., will asslht the pastor in these meetings. A hearty welcome i.- extended to all. Farm work is being greatly handi capped by the rains. Hut the farm-' t'rs are thoroughly awake to the im portance of raising big crops this j ear and no efforts will be spared on J their port to greatly increase the pro- ! ductlon of all kinds of foodstuffs in the county this season. Mrs. J. F. Lovelace, formerly of Reidsville died at her home in Dan illo Thursday morning, aged 53. Her death was caused by cancer. Sne leaves a husband and four children, three sons and One daughter. The remains were brought" to Reidsville Friday and Interred at Greenvlav cemetery. The newspapers are saying much ubout the Oenman spies visiting Elm Grove, six miles south of Reidsville, oi:d inciting the negroes against their government. So far as w can learn these spies (if indeed there are any) felled to make any headway what ever. Our colored citizens are as loy at as anybody In this country, NOTICE. Notice Is hereDy given that week beginning Monday, April 1'!, I clean up week In Reidsville. The hanltary Officer will make his rounds and see that each and every lot Is in a sanitary condition and provide wa- v.;He Hardware Company ens ior removal or irusu wnen same has been conveniently placed near street. M. P. Cummlngs, Mayor. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. Come to Fela before buying, we sell for less . Come to Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. 'a for spring coat suits. Cord wood for sale. See R. D Oa pen, Phone 21 1-W, Reidsville. - Lumber for Bale. Apply to R. D. Gapen, phone 21 1-W Reidsville. See our beautiful line of hats and dresaeg.r-Mrs. Sum Fels & Co. If you are looking for up-to-dato styles, you will find them at Fe'V :rore. A new line of coats, dresses ixd ' ats Just received at Fels store for Easter. FOR RENT. 9 room house newly repaired and close in. Reidsville Hardware Co. Colds are dangerous and often lead to serious results. Avoid this by using Bear's Emulsion. WANTED. Ten good drivers. Ap ply to J. T. Plott's oimp at R. P Richardson's place. For twenty-four inch concrete well ! pipe, brick, and building blocks, call ' en W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. i Big stock of screen doors and screen Mre. We can make the price. Reids- TUESDAY, APKIL10. 19W temporarily with the bride's mother Greensboro News. Lieut. Sullivan is here from Ral tigh on a short leave of absence. Mr. II. L. Hubbard and little son of Los Angeles, California, la visiting relatives here. Mr. W. E. McCollum spent the Eas ter holidays In Norfolk, Va. with re- i latives and friends. I Mr. V A. Rice who has been con-! and Cook's lumber yard. 'fined to his bed for two weeks ia I Amos Motor Co. have a oar load of Fords in transit and those who signed up will see them at once. WANTED. Local agent for IndiaL Motorcycles. Liberal contract B. I . Reynolds, Madison, N. C. We have a few corn planters at o!d prices. Buy now before they are all gone. Reidsville Hardware Co. FOR SALE. White Leghorn egtfs foi hatching and baby chicks. Phone 264W Carolina Leghorn Faro. We have made arrangementi to store fertilizer for farmers at Rogers Jno. R "Wil- Ikmn. COMPLETE DISPLAY OF SPRIG SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND HATS THE STYLES ARE CHARMING Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. very m.uh improved. LOST On Scales street a small Sgt. II. A. Whitsett has been dis-1 ring with opal setting. Reward if re charged from the Raleigh hospital turned. Grady Burgess. Reid3vllle Little Helen, the nine-year-old daughter of the late I. E. Wooton. and Mrs. Myrtle R. Wooton, formerly of Reidsville, died suddenly at the Methodist Orphanage Home In Win ston-Salemi Sunday night. The body arrived yesterday on No. 36. Funeral services will held at the residence of Mrs. Wootton's sister, Mrs. T. H. Bur ton, on West Market street this morn- frg (Tuesday) at 10 o'clock. Rev. E. N. Johnson will conduct the services Interment will be made at Greenvldw. MiBs Bertha Burton and William H Gordon surprised their relatives and Irionds by their marriage yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The ceremonv was performed by Rev. P. II. Fleming pastor of the First Christian church, at his home on Blandwood avenue, in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Burton, Miss Judith Burton and E. T. Gordon. The bride is an attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Burton ol 218 Summit avenue and is a very lovable young woman. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Gordon who live north of the city. He is a well known young man, holding a po and is at home with his family. The stockholders of the Rockingham Savings Bank & Trust Company will be held on Wednesday, April 11th, at 11 a. m. The street paving contractors are making good progress these days. The finishing work is now being done on Piedmont street and Maple Avenue. Grading and curbing work has been commenced oh Morehead street, while a force ia also engaged cn Montgom ery street. Burton-Chance-Walker Co have just received a handsome motor hearse, mode especially for them by the Mich igan Motor Co., and is cne of the nicest cars we ever saw. The motor hearse is sure to take the place of the horse drawn one, as the livery business Is fast giving over to the motor car and the UP to date funeral directors dislike to have the only horse drawn car in a funeral proces pton, as they are forced to trot toe horses all the way up hill and down a hen in a procession. With this ar rangement the distance doesn't count for much, as the family 15 miles from town oa.n have the saime quality aid services as if In town. bit ion with John E. Rockwell. Mr. services were hold at all the churches Lnd Mrs. Gordon will make their home Saw Mill and Threshing Outfits Peerless Traction, Portable and Stationary Engines, Geiser inresners. ft i'y 7TiL Wi KT'r W A jKl mid wives. The Board " ' -',& dorses the ordinance of I Vr ' " ' ' '"""v " l nd recoommends such f r' " rf74 iTV"- ' . - ' I :? ether ci'y and county :r &L 7,V&. Convicted CouuterfeUe I , ; - ' '''t-i MlZZ', i 'S;''.' -y STirf.T whatdkln t i.iuui that I . Rocky Mount to the Front. The cpv health department of Rocky ' Mount has det ermined to de crease the infant death rate of the town and to protect the babies' health at the most important period of their lives. To this end, the health department requires by lawer cry person engaged In the duties if midwifery to pass a satisfactory ex amination in the elementary princi ples midwifery, which instruction is wrnlshed by the city health de partment free of cost. This law went Into effect January 1, 1917, and according to evideat figns that it Is working effectively and is being appreciated by the peo ple. It has been noted already tht there is a marked increase in the city's birth rate which Is due to a complete birth registration, the im portance of which has been made known to the isd wives. According to figures furnished by the State Board of Health. 20 per cent of the white births and 80 per cnt of the colored blrtha in the State are attended by .midwives. It is the opinion of the Board that the high mortality of colored babies, which Is almost twice that for hite babies, is largely due to the ignorart therefora ei Rocky Mount legislation to health depart- gret the past? r Oh, uo! It s feel bad about. Route 5. W. H. Wakefield, M. D. of Char lote will be In Reidsville at the New outhern Hotel on Saturday, April 14th Ihe doctor limits his practice to eye, nose and throat troubles and makes no charge for fitting glasses in simple cases, if the glasses are ordered from him. I am now agent for the Star Laun dry of Danville and the dry cleanlEs department of the Columbia Laundry of Greensboro. Garments called for Mondays and Tuesdays and delive ed on Friday of each week. Good service guaranteed. J. W. Dixon, Phone 27o. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES I represent the Continental Marble and Granite Co., of Canton, Ga., and will be pleased to submit estimates on memorials, tombstones and marble work of all kinds. Lowest pricts ard satisfaction guaranteed J. H Ben r.ett, Jr., Reids v.lle. N. C. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Governor on the 20th day of April 1917, for pardon of Sam Thacker, con- iicted of assault at the August term 1916 of Rockingham Superior Court, arid sentenced to Imprisonment In the county jail of Rcxiklnghara county for a term of twelve months, and assign ed to work on the county roods. . Sampson Thacker, Sr.,J. R. Joyce, At torney. DO IT NOW Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 Illl FOR TOBACCO . Madison, N. C-, Jan. 27, 1917. I used 2917 bags, of ZELL'S SPECIAL COM POUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about $60,000 00 worth of tobacco grown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni iormly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs M el I and brings the money. 1 will certainly use ell's again this year J. M. GALLA WAY. FOR SALE BY KING & COBB, Pelham J. H. GLENN. StoneviHe JNO. Y. STOKES, Reidsvilld J.H.HOLLAND & C0.,Price W. 0. DOGGETLBrown Summit, T.B.WILWN, Madison WHEN THE CALL IS SOUNDED Tie New Peerless Piston Valve Engines. More power per dollar invested than y etW Tractioa or Portable Engine on the market. Geiser Threshers iest for fing the wheat. Write for catalogue and prices. U. G. NEWELL COMPANY,Distributors Railway Schedule Passenger trains passing Reidsville: No. 29 Birmingham Sped 12:45 a. m. No. 30 " ,. 2:30 a. m. No. 31 Augusta Special ..2:58 a. m. To. 11 Rlch.-Atlanta local 5:35 a. m. No. 37 N. Y.-New O. ltd. 6:29 a. m. No 44 Shltte.-Wsh. local 9:23 a. m. No. 45 Danv.-Chltte local.. 12.01 p. m. No. 36 U. S. fast mall .. 1:46 p. m. No. 43 Weh. -Atlanta local 5:36 p. m. No. 85 U. S. fast mall .. 6:24 p. m. No. 46 Chltta-Danv. local 8:22 p. m. No. 32 Augusta special No. 12 Atl.-Rlch. local , .11:11 p. .11:20 p. m. m. -New O. lfd..ll:4S p. m. They will come from tho hill and the valley, ' , " - . They- will come from the mountain and plain; From the deeps and the heights they will ..-' "rally ' At the sound of the bugle's refrain. They will come In their youth and their beauty With valorous daring and skill, . , And all will be patriot duty, And all will be patriot will. Not once will the echo, repeating. Ring emptily over the plain. But, swelled with tho voices of greeting, Redouble tho clarion strain. I From hearths that are shadowed with sor- row. From homes that are happy and gay, They will come at the summons tomor row To murch to the heat of the fray. The day when the war cry Is sounded Not one will show vestige of fear. But numbers in haste will be rounded And all will be courage and cheer. They will come from the mountain and valley, A noble. Invincible band. To the flag of the free they will rally The flag of their own native land! Lurana Sheldon In New York Times. , FETZER'S DRUGSTORE HEADQUARTERS FOR DR. HESS Stock & Poultry Tonic Think of it! Eggs 40c per dozen and your hens not layiutr! Feed them Dr. HessToultry Panacea Every package guaranteed. Ask ua Charles Fetzer -THE DEPENDABLE DRUGGIST AT IT FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS THE KIDS ARE PLANNING TO HAVE A BIG HOLIDAY April 12th Sparks World's Famous Shows wUJ hold forth In this city for a matinee and night exhibition, and the rare, unique and wonderful things that have been promised on paper will become a reality. The airy riders who, in diaphanotis skirts have been pirouetting on the expansive backs of beautiful and ppeed circus horses (see on the bill boards)' .-will be seen In all the gor geousness of tulle and seductive smile (he elephants will copy their pictured acts of comedy and go them one bet tor; the contortionist will proceed to disentangle himlself from the knot a be tied in his responsive body last year; the acrobatic faimlHe3 will turn dizzy somersaults and the clowns will work off their latest comedy stunts to the great delight of the crowds present we all like the clowns. ! There Is nothing on earth like the circus. It Is the people's show par excellence. It Is the one great Amer ican amusement that 'appeals to all the people. The merit In a big circus like the Sparks Shows Is In the fact that every thing in the show Is the very best of its kind. There must Inevitably be nding acts, but the riders are the leaders of their profession. There must be acrobats, but the acrobatlo Urtists an aerialists are gathered from the wide world, and are the best that money can procure. It Is this superiority in the qualltr of the performers that makes the Sparks Shows such a welcome visitor. Some Good Advice "Dont think too much of your owa methods. Watch other people's way and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious of constipated. You will find many peo ple who use Chamberlain's Tablets tor these ailments with the best re sults, and will do to follow their ev ample. . Read the paper regularly.1 I WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch"'. When The Pinch Comes The flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you a get them from us they will surely 'keep the wolf from the door". jet your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. KIGHf PHONE 61-J. 0