PAGE SIX THE REVIEW: EEEDSVLL L, N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1917 RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the sure St way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is no ST An ? Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, I Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, i Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25& 50c $1. LEAKSVILLE-SPRAY Ss9s3iqssiV PROFESSIONAL CARDS EDGAR H. WRENN. JR. LAWYER Ttoidsvllle, N. C. Mrs.' B. R. Stone was visiting her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. agge In Leaksville the past week. Mr. Floyd Alley of Martinsville, vis- lied friends in Spray Sunday. , Mesrs. Harry Kagge, James Darl- lington, Austin Murray and John Sut ienfield representing the Leaksville Graded School left Wednesday for t.hapel Hill to 'take part in the -fifth annual debate held by the Debating Union at Chapel Hill. I Miss Lillian Matthews of High ' Point, has returned to her home af ter a visit to friends in Leaksville. I The pulpit of Spray Presbyterian church was supplied by Rev. J. V. . Armstrong of Spray M. E. Church in the itnorning and by Rev. R. E. White of Leaksville Baptist church at the evening service in the sickness of the pastor, Rev. R. O. Lucke. Rev. R. E. White and T. M. Green, pastors of Lea'svijle-Spray Baptist churches, attended a meeting of the pastors of the State held at the First church In High Point last Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Hanes, and Misses liallie and Minnie Hanes snent Saturdav in Office Over A. 3. Price & Co.'s .Store i Danville, "' ' ' ' - , ,, - Mr. Eugene .Patterson of Richmond Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Anna Pat terson in Leaksville this week. Miss Ethel Godfrey of Elizabeth City, N. C. is visiting friends in Leaks ville this week. Leaksville Drug Company have moved In the Williamson building re modeled for than on Washington Si reel, Leaksville. Mrs. K. T. McXameJ has returned to her home in Roanoke after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. T. M. Green, who has been fick for quite awhile, is convalescing. Misses Alberta and Blanche Hala lip of Gifard, 111., have come for an extended visit to relatives here. Messrs. 0. T. Halzlip and Y. T. Mat thews spent a few days last week with Mr. iiaizlips parents near HeidsviUe. Messrs. Jno. Wilson and Ralph Fsr rel spent Saturday In Greensboro. Miss Angele Millner, a Red Cross nurse of Baltimore is visiting rela tives In Leaksville. Misses Anna Slddons of Martins ville and Virginia Rlbble of Atlanta Ca., spent a few days last week with Mrs. J. B. Wray at her home on Washington street, Leaksville. The commencement exercises ol the Spray High School were held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights of last week. An account of the excellent program will be given In today's Issue, IRAK. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attrition to sealing estate Practice to all courts, except Record scs Court. Office In Ms Buildma over A. 8. Price & Co.'s Store. P. W. GLIDE WELL ATTORNEY T LAW Prompt attention to all matter Intrusted. Practice in all courr. Office In Ciusens Bank Bnlldlng MAJOR T. SMITH LAWYER Office over Burton & Pearaen.s Sh t Store. A general practice of the law including settlement of estates art jostmeot of insurance collection of claims, etc, ten. Practice in all court tc. Practice In all courts. A. 0. I VIE B. C. TROTTI' JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTTER & JOHNS TOF Attorneys t Lv Offices la the new Irrln BuUdlni MXt to Bank of Reldsville. J. R. JOYCE Attorney at Law. Office In old Citizens BtrVBniidta Practice in State via Feden Sjowts. -'';' Loans negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. Reldarllla, N. 0. Special attention to negotiation loans, settlement ot estates, bnyla and selling real estate. Israrant adjusted. Practice lr all cowls. Office In Lambetb Buildlnj, Or Ba-lffs Office. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. fecial attention to negotiation e loans conduct and settlements e estates; baying and selling real ef Ute. Office, Cltliens Bank Bldg J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank riulld mg. opposite Confederate Monument fUGlDSVILLH, . . . . .'. .. . . N. C McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Pracilce la all oomrts Mr. McMlcbael will be In the Raid Tille office on Tuesdays. Wedn1yi rkorsdays, Fridays and la Udlso on Saturdays. SMITH-PANNILL Married, on' last Thursday morning at 11:30 o'clock at the Wentworth M. E. Parsonage, Hon. Jonn R. Smith of Martinsville, Va. the well-known commonwealth attorney, of Henry county and Miss Sallie Pannlli, one of Martinsville's pretty and popular leaders In the social set. Rev. Frank L, Townsend, the pastor of the Wentworth circuit, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Smith boarded ' No. . 36 at 1:30 o'clock for Washington and New York. For bears Mr. Smith has practiced his profession at the bar of Henry county and as commonwealth's at- lorney has made quite a reputation in looking after the Interest of his State in the criminal prosecution of law breakers. Mrs. Smith, is a daughter of nhe late David Pannlll of Pittsyl vania, the well-known welter and his torian. She Is a niece of the late Attorney John T. Pannll of this coun ty and the couple have entered matri monial . life -with 'the good wishes of hundreds of friends in both Virginia and North Carolina. They will reside at Martinsville. WILLIAM REID DALTO ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Reldsville, N. C General practice of the law In BtaU sd Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Bt fates administered on and seUIed Roal estate bought and sold. E. B. WARE 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Tulloch'a Store. Loans negotiated. Prompt Attention. r DR. J. R. MEAD0R ' 0ENTI8T Office over New ClUsnns Bask. Residence Phone 9035. Tbone til. t DR. JULIUS S. WELL!" -" NTAL SURGrON OEce aver Fetwr Tackir's Dm Rtore. 'Phone 1M. , O S. FULK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER All Work Guaranteed Phone 55. P. O. Box 204. ReidiTUle. N. C. When you have anything to sell, advertise in our Busi ness Builders, five cents per line for one insertion; 10 cent rcr lino fr three insertions. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot I5e Cu'cd by local ppllc3tlms. aij ; Hum ciiuot rtach the diseased porion ot the ear, There Is only one way to cure catarr hal deafness, and that is by the con stitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed oomli Uon of the mucous lining of th JWu jtuchiaa Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it 13 en tirely closed, Deafness la the result Unites Un irflamatlon can be reduced aid Lit tuba resto.el to i's condition, hearing is k':troyed forov f. Many oases of de if or as ') cuii by ct Th, I'Mri Id an inamd condition of the mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through 'he blood on the mucous surfaces of he system. We will give One Hundred Doll.ira for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O RUFFIN Miss Sue Chandler was hostess last Tuesday to the Lad.'es Aid Society at her lovely home on Broad street. In cne absence of Mrs. liaker, Mrs. T. W. Stokes, vice-president conducted the meeting, reading the scripture lHson and leading in prayer. At this meeting the ladies planned to give a play In the auditorium of the school 'Hiilding in the near fuiure. During the social hour Miss Chandler, assist ed by Mrs. C. V. Wharton, served an (ce course. During the 'commencement exercises ;1 the Ruflln Graded School which vas held last week an unusually in teresting program was rendered. Rev t lcveland Hall of the Ephlphany church, Danville, prt-a hed the bacht laureate sermon to the graluatlng cldss which was steady enjoyed by oil present. On Wediif:day fohown.g an interesting prrgr,tx consisting of n. arches, drills, rectlations, e:., was rendered by the intermediate grades. I taught by Miss Clayton, a vocal solo and instrumental music by Bessie Lillard, all of which was appreciated by the large audience. On Thurs- ;ay evening a reading coniesi was f;iven, the medals for best elocution. etc, being won by Allen Holderb nnd fc'adie Burton. On Friday evening the graduating class, composed of tho following young ladies: Misses Vir ginia Ferrell, Mary Stokes, Lssle T alley, Mary and Alice Chandler, ac r.uitted themselves in a creditable manner. Mrs. Gounyer has returned to her home at Stovall, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Baker, and children. Miss Nettie Blackwell of the Quick section spent last week with Miss Virginia Ferrell. Miss Lottie Tucker of Milton visit ed friends at Ruflln last week.. Miss Pricie Gibson of the Pelham school faculty is at home for the sum- aier vacation. Misses Marjorie Worsham of the Q.C. V., Greensboro, spent last week end with homef oik's here. Miss Mabel Anderson of Lawrence vii'le, Va., is visiting her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, Hagood. Dr. Earle Worsham. who retrunea fr.m the border some time ago, spending some tin e at present with his parents . here Miss Sue Lee Carter has returned to Wentworth after a short visit to relatives here. ' Bad Cough? Feverish? Gripy. You need Dr. King's New Discovery lo stop that cold, the soothing bMsaia ingredients heal the irritated mem lirames, sooth the sore throat, the an UseDtic Qualities kill the germ and your cold is quickly ' relieved. Df, King's New Discovery, for 48 yearp has been the standard remedy for coughs and colds in thousands ot l.omes. Got a bottle today and have tt handy In your (medicine chest for enne-ha. colds. crouD. grippe and all bronchial affections. At your drug gist, 50c. . To do work for animals that the Red Cross does for human beings is the aim of the American Red Star Animal Relief, which has been organized under the auspices of the American Humane association by Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs Frederick W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. Orm nilson and other society women of New York. lu cuse of war the society proposes to send ambulances and sur geons to the battlefields to care for wounded horses and dogs lu the serv ice. It also plans civil relief where au imals are affected by plagues, famines or epidemics. OHIO WOMAN'S WISH For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women BcUffontaine. Ohio. "I wish evcrv tired, weak, nervous woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for ..Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinol ;'nudo me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do mv housework with pleasure." Mrs. J. V. Lam boh v. We guarantee mol for all weak, run-down, nervous, debilitated con ditions. C. H. FETZER, Druggist YT7 w. v:.vs MSA m oRe Most Beautiful Car inyimerica ' believe that in this new Paige Stratford "Six -5 t " you will find every essential, every feature, every detail that go to make up luxurious motoring It is a great, roomy, seven passenger car pie 'eminent, not only for the beauty of its design, but also for its sumptuous finish and equipment and the mechanical ex cellence of its design and construction. You will have to see it to realize these domi' . nant features.-, You will have to ride in it to realize its comfort and power. You will have to drive it to realize its ease of control and the little physical exertion its driving requires. -',. ' .. '' We believe this new Stratford, at $1495, the Fairfield "Six -46" at 1375, and the five' passenger Linwood " Six ' 39 " at $1175, offer the greatest dollar 'for 'dollar values in the entire motor car field. Stratford 'ix:5i" seven-passenger, $1495 f"-o. b. Detroit Fairfield "Six -46" seven-passenger, $1375 f. o, b. Detroit Linwood "Six'3c five-passenger, $1175 f. o. b. Detroit Brooklands"S!X''jiw four-passenger, $1695 f. o. b. Detroit Dartmoor 'Six j9" 2 or 3 passenger, $1175 f. o. b. Detroit Lmousine "SiX'51" seven-passenger, $2750 f o. b. Detroit Sedan ' Six 51" seven-passenger, $2300 f. o. b. Detroit Sedan "Si .v?" five-passenger, $1775 f, o, b. Detroit Town Ca Six-5i" seven-passenger, $2750 f. o. b. Detroit Paige-D etroi t M ot or C ar Company Detroit, Michigan ' B. FAULKNER, AGENT, REIDSVILLE, N. C. THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD in The value and need of a newspaper the houshold was never greater tuan at the present time. The great var in Europe now is half-way Into its third year. and. whether peace be at I hand or yet be far off, it an the events to follow it are sure to be of absorb ing interest for many a monto. to cc me. These are world-shaking affairs, in which the United States, . willing or unwilling, Is compelled to take a part No intelligent person can ignore such issue. THE THRICE-A WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We , offer this unequalled newspaper and The Reldsville Review together fcr one year for 12.15. , The regular price of the two papers is ?2.50. LOOK for the "Climax Barber Shop" when you want a first-class hair cut or shave. We guarantee to please you. Barber & Pettigrew. The word "ilate" is often incorrect ly applied to vessels of gold. It is de rived from the word "plata," which in Spanish means wrought silver. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the There is an old saying hat "Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee," but as everyone knows you can help Na ture very much and thereby enabte It to effect a cure In much less time ihan is usually required. This Is par uularly true of colds. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy relieves ths lunjts, li quifies the tough mucus sad aids in its expctoraUon, allays the cough and aids Nature In restoring the sys tem to a healLhy condition. Plasm Horse Sense Gentlemen, we want you to understand tile vhIii n( buying from B. S. Motley & Co. in Danville. For that purpose were going to tell you something about this big concern every week in The Re view for some time to ccme. We've recently bought the entire stock of Hodnett, Ad kins & Mobley Co., and that, added to our already immense stock of hardware, gives us approximately a $1 15,000 set of merchandise for you to make your selections from. We'want you to know that it's iust "plain, common, horse sense" for you to do your buy ing at the store with the largest stock. We sell Vulcan Chilled Plows-cant teat 'em, can you? We sell corn planters, mowers, farm tools of all kinds, paints, varnishes, fencing, roofing, Cream Separators, Gas engines and practically everything that any GOCD hard ware store carries-and some things none of them tell. In feme lines of the New Stcck we've got a little more than we want to carry and we're making good sized reductions. Better ask ns atcut it ben ht ie B. S. MOTLEY & COfi PAN Y, Danville, Va.