i TUESDAY, ' APRIL 24, 1917 rrra review reidsvillk n. a PGE SEVEN 75 years ago everyone wore homespun- y and, likewise, everyone used hand-mixe paint. To-day, when machine-spun cl is so much better and cheaper, no would think of wearing homespun. Many people are still using hand-mixed paint, however, because they do not know that LEAD and ZINC PAINT VKWt GALLONS WEARS LONGER one lt v iTT 31 Ki 111 F will save them money and labor. Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint is simply made of the same ingredients the old-time painter used : Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, and Pure Linseed Oil. The only difference is that Devoe is mixed by machinery, 500 gallons at a time. Therefore, it is always absolutely uniform in. strength, color and covering capacity. We guarantee Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint to be pure. We know it contains no whiting, silica or other worthless materials. Stop in and ask for Color Card. WH1TTEM0RE & MOBLEY HARDWARE CO., Inc. Galvanized and Rubber Roofing Pipe and Fittings Paint and Oils REIDSVILLE. N. C OLD GLORY'S CALL. JHE local Tobacco Market will close for the season on Apr! 30th. All smaller markets already have closed and the large ones close on April 30. .. .. O "O 0 0 1 O O O 0 0 0 0. By Order of THE REIDSVIUE TOBACCO BOARD OF TRADE. That's My 1917 Powerplus, Boys! Beauty, eh? Train or trolley schedules don't worry me. Tieups on the roads don't keep me from getting to the shop or home. And Sundays ! well, that's a big day lor me and my 1917 MMotocucle With Powerplus Motor Tou fellows know someihin about mechanics. Look at that Triple Stem Fork, 3 H gallon Gasoline Tank, Webbed Reinforced Frame, Adjustable Handlebars, Cradle Spring Frame that's great construction, for you. You can't turn out niftier work than that. And how that Powerplus does perform oa hills and the straightaway! You men ought to get out and shake a leg in the country. Make new men of 'you. The dealer in our town hers has just the machine' you want Powerplus, Light Twin Side Car for the folks, and Bicycles with or without Electrical Equipment. B. F. REYNOLDS MADISON, N. C. A?ent For Rockingham County "Boot tot Es'idarJlt ind Bockingti&r"' Amid the din of battle cry I hear the call; our country's call. We would have peace with all ' the world, ' , Would keep OLD GLORY still unfurl'd And have her floating In the breeze nd sail our shops o'er peaceful seas. But hark! a despot tells the; world, "You have no, rights on land or sea, My submarines, they guard the seas, Your ships must Ball just where I please, So furl your banners, take your ease Cntil my foes come to their knees." ,'Your ships imiust stay out of my zone, Our allied foes we would destroy. 'Tis ruthle8 war we wage today. And if you do not like our way Jast try our ready hand to stay, Our submarines will say thee nay." Sons of the sires of Seventy-Six, Old Glory calls! Old Glory calls! God gave us pathways through the seas, He bids us use the heavenly breeze Nor have we ever bent our knees A king or kaiser's will to please. Ola Glory calls; the tramp is heard From lakes to gulf; from sea to sea. Millions are ready for defense, We read the news with feeling tense, We seek no scrap, but common sense Bids that we drive invaders hence. Tls sad to hear a call to arms To see our gathering hosts arrayed, But freedom's battle hath begun. "Tls sadder still to see the surf Dedlm'd by despot victories Won And freedom slain by Goth and Hun. Sons of AMERICA, be true, Nor ever flinch from duty's call. Old Glory's banner is unfurled; , We'll sail our ships around the world ' To despot answer now is hurl'd, "Old Glory still remains unfurl'd.". Selected. CULTIVATE ALL LAND SAYS SECRETARY LANE Secretary Lane appealed to holders of land made valuable by government reclamation work to put all their available- soil in food crops. He said land in excess of 700,000 acres made useful by the, government and not, under tillage If planted would produce ?!5,000,000 worth of food this year. "Loyalty and patriotism, as well as bconomie necessity," said the secre tary, "demanded that you get busy and put this land into food crops this ear and next. The United States cannot perform- her Just function in the world crisis in which we are now precipitated unless our farmers do i heir full duty. , "These lands are not public lands. They belong to private owners and if hey do not utilize their property, the time may not be far off when our na tional needs will require confiscation und government cultivation. No one Is entitled to that which he does not use." Stop Left Over Coughs Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will stop that hacking cough that lingers from January. The soothing pine balsams loosen the phlegm, heals the Irritatod mtbranes, the glycerine relieves the tender tissues, you breathe easier end coughing ceases. . Don't neglect a lingering cough, it Is dangerous. Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is antiseptic and pleasant to take, benefits young and old, get it at your druggist today. Formula- on ttie bottle. 25c. Two Girl Heroes. Telephone girl in Rulo, Neb., frlghten fd robbers from hank by firing revolver, and daughter of sheriff at Trenton, Tenn., saved negro prisoner from mob by running away with jail keys. WONDERFUL STUFF! LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS! Apply a Few Drops Then Lift Corns Or Calluses Off With Fingers No Pain. LAND SALE. Under the Power of Sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed to me by B. D. Kallam and rife Leila A. Kal lam of date December the 27th. 1912, rnd recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deels, in Book 170, page 513, the terms of which have not been complied with, I shall at the Court House door In Wentworth at noon, on MONDAY, THE 28TH DAY OF MAY, 1 917, sell for cash to the highest bid der, a certain tract of land in Price Township, adjoining the lands of ""7"' a" tlu""" n- r1; D itht com,ne municipal election to be lie Rakestraw, J. W. Grogan and oth-! he,d May uu 191?K - l8:fhBien!n?nf of8r LhCnCI' The CIub als0 def" thank ev i,? i T one who so loyally supported him wiucio lUti JJU1CO IU pJlJLd ill JLScLVlU DISSOLUTION NOTICE The partnership on the practice of law heretofore existing between the undersigned has been dissolved as of date, March 29th, 1917. The business intrusted to the firm will be concluded by both members as originally agreed The dissolution is by mutual consent of both members of the firm. This March 31st. 1917. P. W. GLIDEWELL, J. L. ROBERTS. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION Upon motion em election for mayor and commissioners, recorder for the recorder's court and solicitor for the town of Reiidsville, N. C, Is hereby ordered to be held upon the 1st day of May 1917, ee provided by law, and Mr.-Jas. D. Womack is appointed as registrar of said election, Geo. W Bcker and J. B. Hazell for Judges of raid electioin. It is further ordered that the tickets for mayor, recorder and solictior be 14x3 inches, and tickets for commissioners be 2x3 inches, printed on' white "paper: ' j ny oraer or tne TOWN COMMISSIONERS Reidsville, N. C. March 29th. 191. FOR MAYOR ' The "Cummlngs- Club" hereby an nounces the candidacy or M. P. Cum mings for reelectJVn to the office of irayor of the town of Reidsville in , NOTICE State of, North Carolina, Rockingham County. Superior Court Before the Clerk. Ella Ferguson ) against , ) Charles G. Ferguson and ) May Firguson, bis wife, W. ) h. Ferguson and Pearl Fer- ) jruson. his wife, James W. Ferguson and Edna Fergu son, his wife, Bessie V. Lew is and Jerry Lewis, her hus band, Permeli S. Enoch and '.Veldon Enoch, hor husband, and Leonldas L. Ferguson. )- CE. No humbug! Any corn, whether hord, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out, without a. particle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and is a compound of, ether discovered by a Cincinnati! man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or cillus. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callus. Instant ly the soreness disappears and short ly the corn or calus will loosen and can be lifted right off with the An- This drug freezone doesn't eat out the corns or caluses but shrivels them without even Irritating the surrounding skin. Just think! No pain' at all; no soreness or smarting when applying: it or afterwards. If 'your druggist don't have freezone have him order It for you. RISE, COLUMBIA! (Dedicated to Woodrow Wilson, Pres: ident of the United States.) Rise, Columbia, with thy mighty buckler, To defend thy rights on the pathless seas! While thy proud heart swells righteous ire At the Teuton's, lawless decrees! with Though peace-loving, as thou art .long. suffering, Thy patience cannot bear this weight ' of crime Heaped by Teuton power on weaker lands In foulest wrong of all earth's time. Great waves of blood, of agony, of '' fear ' - j Rise in accusing flame to the watch ing stars! j Put at last must halt thiis mad career . For now its cburse is Columbia bars! Xallam's line; thence with his line North 80d East to a rock In said Kal- jlam's line 41 poles; thence South with J N'ancy and Mary Kallam's line 67 with said line to a red oak 84 poles tbence South with William Smith's line 62 poles to a black gum; thence West with said Smith's line 80 poles to pointers; thence South 120 poles to a red oak , in John T. Smith's line; thence West with John T. Smith and henry S. Kallam 67 poles to pointers in Winston Kallam's, line; and con taining 125 acres, ihore or less. This the 19th day of April, 1917. II. R. SCOTT, Trustee. LAND SALE Under the Power of Sale conUineo. It a Deed of Trust of date April 10, 1913, executed to me by Martha Sou thard, the terms of which have not been complied with, the said Deed of Trust being found on record in the office of Register of Deeds, in Book 377, page 103, at the Instance of the holder of the paper therein secured, I shall, at the Court House door in Wentworth at noon, on MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OF MAY, 1917, sell for cash o the highest bidder, a tract of land in New Bethel Township, ad Joining the lands of James Southard P. J. Carter, Pink Carter and others, on Brushy Fork Creek; Beginning at a Stone on the West Bank of said Creek, Jas. Southard's corner, in R. M, Jones' line; thence South 2 d. West 68 Poles to a Stone, near a locust tree; thence North 87 d. West with P. J. Carter's line 39 Poles to a Stone; thence North 87 d. West with P. J. Carter 2$ Poles to a Pine in his line; thence through the " Survey, North 8 d. East 34 Poles to a 3ton.; thence South 87 d. East 21 P0IB3 to a Stone in R. M. Jones' line; Ui.ncc with his line South 3 d. West 6 Poles to a Stone; R. M. Jones' corner; South 87 d. East 37 Vi Poles to the first, station and containing 22 M acres more or less. EUGENE IRVIN, Trustee This the 20th day of March, 1917. two years ago and will greatly appro date any support in obtaining his re election. THE CUMM1NGS CLUB prll ISth, 1917.' FOR RECORDER. I announce my candidacy for re-eleo- tion for Recorder, Very respectfully, IRA R. HUMPHREYS. Reidsville, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to announce that I am a can didate for re-elction to, the office ot Prosecuting Attorney of the Record or's Court of the town of Ridsville Any and all support will be duly ap predated. ; . . . EDGAR II . WRENN, JR. Reidsville, N. C, March 26. 1917. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to say to the voters of Reidsville that I am a candidate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney of Recorder's Court of said town, and will appreciate your support In the coming election to be held May 1st. I desire to thank those who toylly spported me two years ego in my un avoidable absence. If elected to said office I shall endeavor to do my full duty and fulfill to the best of my abil ity, every trust imposed in me. Respectfully J. M. SHARP This the 26th day of March, 1917. Ves, Columbia, with thy ships, thy buckler, Stretched In defense of Right over the ". , sea Thou canst stand, despite the "war lord's" rage For the Peace of Humanity! -Sarah Spotswood Fontaine Sampson Woodsdale, Per :pn County, N. C- The Blood is the" Life The blood is the life because it Is the nutritive fluid. If the blood be comes very impure, the bones, the muscle and other parts of the body pre iipaaired and finally become dis eased. Slighter variations in the quality of the blood, such as are often brought about by breathing the bad all of unventilated rooms, have equal: ly sure thugh less plain ill effects on the nervous system. Persons that have any reason to be lieve that the r blood is nat pure should begin to take Hood's Sirsa- pirilla at once. This melicina has dne more than any other in cleasing eriching ad revitalizing the bload and giving strength and tone to ail the jran- and iunct'ons. If you want to be entirely satisfied. insist on having Hood's. Accept no .ubsiitute. ' i i otii rour sahacrlpUosif NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE IN TOWNSHIP LINE Notice Is hereby given that petition twill be made to the, Board of County j Commissioners of Rockingham County I at their regular meeting in May 1917, I at Wentworth North Carolina, to have I I portion of aie Reidsville-Williams t r.rg township line changed in the fol owing place and manner, to wit: That the proposed change or alteration o! viid line to begin at the point of inter section of this line with Manly's Mill Creek, and to follow said creek as it iveanders in a northeasterly direction o the point of its intersection with he RuThnAVilliamsburrg townshls !is.e. That is to say, that all of that P-. rtlon of Williamsburg township' ng north and west of the saiu Manly's creek be transferred to. and made apar of. Reidsville iow!"-h'p; the ,uxt . Wil'ia.uvl.ur,"; tcpship oe ired to be thus transferred being pore particularly described es fol lows: Beginning at the pont in the rieidsville-Williamsburg township line ntersected by Manly s Mill Creek. ence In a northeasterly direction lth said creek to the point of ltf rtersection with the Ruftin-WiLtomi -urg township line, thence west witn the Ruffln -Williamsburg Township 'Ine lo the Reidsville Township, tbence ?cuth with th-? Reiusville-Wil i;ns urg line to the beginning. ' MAJOR T. SMITH Attorner for petitioner rtls the 22nd day of Msrcn. 1917. TO THE VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF REIDSVILLE I hereby announce myself a candi dete for the position of Solicitor of the Recorder's Court for the town of Reidsville, N. C. I will appreciate very much your active support, and If elected I pledge you a faithful and Impartial administration of the law. P. T. STIERS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICC. Having duly qualified as administra te r of Rachael Mooney. deceased. Mate of Rockingham County), notice is hereby given to all persons Indebt ed to said estate to come forward and make immediate settlement. Those having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, on or before the 12th day of April, 1918, or .. this notice wiH be pleaded Id bar of their recovery This April 12, 1917. . WM. CUMM1NGS, A.imr., of Richael Mooney, Deceas' Reidsville, N. C, Route 2 ' BRING ME YOUR BICYCLE FOR QUICK REPAj-R. ALL WORK GUARANTEED The Defendants, Charlej G. Fs-gu-son and May Fergus n, his wife, n-v fie V. Lewis and Jerry ,L.?-v's. it husband, and Leonidas I-;jon, wMl take notice that a :."ie;la! fro ceding entitled as abov,; Ias beeu commenced before the O!or,: c! the Su perior Court of Rockingli irji Ct'iity, State of North Carolina; fr the pur Kse of having the dower of Ella Fer guson allotted to her in (he lands of William H. Fersusin dao eei. her husband, situated in Rockingham County, State of North Carolina. And the slid Defendants, CharKis G. Ferguson and May Ferg-uaon. h s wife, Besie V. Lewis and Jerry Ler is, her husband, and Leonid.: L. Fer guson, and each of them, will further take notice that they are hereby re aulred to annear beforn the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rockingham County, at Wentworth, State of North Carolina, on the 22nd day of Mny, 1917, and answer or demur. to the.Pe tltfon in said Proceeding or the Pe titioner will apply to the court for the relief demanded .in said Petition. This the 13th d-7v of Apru 1917 JAS. T. SMITH., Clerk Superier Court A. J. Burton, Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE State of North Carolina. Rockingham 'County f Superior Court i Before the Clerk. W. R. French, Administrator of ) , Ant hony Johnson, Deceased, TB. ) ) ) I ee Johnson and Manda John son . ..",,'..'! NOTICE OF ACTION The above entitled actkm la a Pro ceeding brought by the Plaintiff against the Defendants; in the Superi or Court of Rockingham County nd ib returnable on the 21st day ol, May, 1917 at ten o'clock a. in., for tne pur pose of selling a certain tract of , tend in said County In Ruffln .Township, qn the Ridge Road, adjoining th-a lands of W, K. Davis, J. D. Frenqh and oth ers and containing, 20 acres, more or less, to make assets in the bands of the Plaintiff Administrator to pay the debts outstanding against the estate, and the costs and charges of admin .stration, and to establish the Inter ests of the Defendant Manda John son in said land as widow of said An thony Johnson, the parties named as Defendants having an interest in said land : and the Defendant Lee John son is hereby commanded to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at Wentworth on the 21st day of May, 1917, at ten o'clock a. m. and answer or demur . to the Complaint in , this Proceeding , filed. And. let the said Lee Johnson take notice that if he fail to duly answer on that day the Ilaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. Given under my hand and official seal at Wentworth, this the 19th day of April, 1917. JAS. T. SMITH, C. B. C Rockingham County. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having duly qualified as administra tor of James Jones, deceased, notice it hereby given to all persons tadebs ed to said estate to come forward at once and make immediate settlement All persons holding claims agair.st the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to present them, d i!y verified, to the undersigned on or v fore April 5, 1918, or this notice wlU be. plead in bar of their recovery, y R. L. WATT. A' James Jones, V Ihia April 6, 1917. ceased.. ine last n testament of J. A Uln..' ' ' deceased, of Rockingharr AtVv notice is hereby giTen to- 1, i Tersofts indebted to s.iid estate t come forward at once and make m. tfement. All persoons holding 9a' gainst said estate are beoy not fled to present them tft the unde signed, uly verifled.on oi before Apr! 10, 1918, or this notice will be piece & in bar of their recovery. I W. R. FRENCH, Executor OC Estate of J. A. Slayton, Decease ReKTsvllle, N. C. AprU 10. 19N. Full line of Iver Johnson Bicycles I handle the best tires that are sola "Fisk Tires" J.M.ioTLEY West Market StreeL ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix c the estate of James D. Glass, decu ed. late of Rockingham County. Nor? Carolina, thl8 U to notify all ner,on having claims egainst the estate or tl taid deceased to exhllbit them to th undersigned, duly proven, en or betor the 28th day March. 1915, or this note will be pleaded In bar of their reccv ery . All persons indebted te said estat -.111 please make Immediate payment This 28th day of March, 1917. Mrs.) LELIA M. GLASS, Adm'rx. of James Glass, decatu-: J. R. Joyce, Attorney.

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