PAGE TWO THE REVIEW: KEIDSV1LLE. N. 0. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1917 The Reidsville Review TUE8DAY AND FRIDAY THE REVIEW COMPANY . (Incorporated.) ANTON OLIVER PL J. OLIVER .. .. WM. M. OLIVER ., . .. ..President ,8ec and Treat. .. V- Prealdent $1.50 PER YEAR (Altered at the poetoffice t) Reids. fillm, N. C as second clui Cl mt- TRYING TO CRAWFISH The astute campaign manager of the "selling out" ticket, with his ear fc the ground, has concluded that It will not do to openly make a light In gentlemen. JACK PLNNIX, Chairman "April 19, 1917." It will be noted that the date of the above circular Is April 19th. It waa one of the hardest documents to get hold of we ever tried to secure. The Review heard of its existence Mon day morning, the 23rd. We tried our best to get hold of one and only after nix hours of hard work did we finally locate one of them In the hands of a friendly colored man who magnani mously gave up the precious docu ment for our Inspection. The quest fni 120 eold certificates its child's play In comparison to our efforts to turn up one of these circulars. The limited edition de luxe of the clarion call was evidently not Intended for general circulation. But, our clever friend Jack, You must stand to the rack! No matter how deftly Chairman 1 Jjinlx tries to muddle up the issues, favor of selling the city's electric light we are ,J0Um, to )lGw nim 8qUareiy up plant (throwing In a 60 year fran- (o them Tnere ,a il0 eva(llng tne chise for good measure) at this time. quBBtioI1, Tne ls8Ues are squarely So he is cleverly trying to side-step joned an(1 the platforms of the this Issue and muddle up the question , 0 tickets are clearly defined. Fewer Eggs are required with POWDER In many recipes the number of eggs may be reduced with excellent results by using an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, for each egg omitted. The following recipe Is a practical example: ML Chocolate Sponge Roll 14 cupt flour tcaapoon It 1 cup sugar t (quart melted chocolata 1 tabltapoona malt ad ehorteclog 4 cup hot watar I teaipoon vanilla 2tapoona Kara) Baking- . Powder by announcing a lot of other "prin ciples." such as "Progressive and Greater Reldsville," "vote of the peo- Chalrman Pinnix's commissioners ticket Is pledged and known to favor sellng out the plant; the Town Own Tka old method tailed far 4 act J bakla P"a DIRECTIONS Sift flour, baking powder and alt together three timet. Beat whole eggs. Add slowly sugar, then boiling water lowly; add next vanilla, melted chocolate and melted shortening, without beating. Sift in dry Ingredients, and fold In as lightly as possible. Pour Into large) baking pan lined with oiled paper, and bake in slow oven twenty minutrs. Whan done, turn out on a damp, hot cloth, spread with white Icing and roll Booklet of recipe which economtre In cere and other expeoeiv Ingredient mailed free. Addreta ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO. 1SJ William St, New York lie," on selling the municipal electric erahlp Leaugue ticket (commissioners only) Is pledged and avowedly (Indi vidually and collectively) in favor of municipal ownership and control of public utilities, and specifically bp posed to selling the electric plant to the Southern Utilities Company for plant, etc. lie pleads that the ques (Ion of selling the plant should be eliminated and not made an irfsue iu the eduction. Here Is the adress Is sued by him "To the Voters of Town of Reldsville: "At a meeting of a body of repre- the price offered. arntative Citizens, helieving that no uestfon is too great for the Judgment And to prove that Mr. Pinnix's tick f the people, and that they can be bt is in favor of selling, it is only ne trusted to vote upon any problem In cessary to Btate that two of the mem . which they are vitally Interested, it l ets. Messrs. Scott and Cruthcfleld, as waai decided: members of the present board of town "1st That we use this method of commissioners, strongly favor selling announcing the principles for which out and have voted regularly to con said meeting stood and the names of UumimaTe the trade. Not only this the nartles chosen to represent them, but these gentlemen out-lafolleted "2nd. That the ticket chosen, in LaFollette In filibustering to prevent Jividually and collectively stand tor the signing up or the tentative con . a Progressive and Greater Reldsville, tract negotiated with the Southern tnd in Expinsion, Conservatism and Power Company for a supply of hy doIIcv whlcn would encourage New dro-electrlc current. But for their . Knternrises o necessary to our onnositon the contract would havo rrowth aid development, and to uslplbren signed and work now well under tarrr th.i burdens of UD-to-date m i-ti- way on the new transformers and cfpnl improvement' ' sub ststlon. It Is a resonable conclu ,i , -.1 rrl k 11.. V - I I -n , onn V, ,. MaaaM Wmv .Qmlfh U . . . . .. U V . I . U If 1 J .j W . . I . W ..... ' I I ' . V. ..uj vs.hv " ...... . - - - J I that no sale of the Municipal Electric and Thompson are In hearty accord riant can be consumated exceDt by a with Messrs Scott and Crutchfield lirect vote of the people. In fact we have heard of very ear "4th That the question of selling nest arguments being made by these (hit Municlnal Electric Plant should eentlement in the effort to convince be eliminated at this time and not voters that it would be to the people's made an issue in the election. best interest to sell out the plant (and "Cth. That the following ticket was ll row In the 60 year franchise). And named for the various offices at the U till further If further proof is ne pie that Mr. Pinnix's ticket is not in favor of selling out. coming Town Election and we com lend the above to all the people for their consideration. "Dr. M. P. Cumwmlngs, for Mayor; Ira R, Humphreys, for Recorder; E. II. Wrenn, for Solicitor; N. C. Thomp son, O. E. Crutchfield, John F. Scott. W. B. Wray, J. F-. Smith, for Coinmis eioners. ... "We solicit your serious considers Hon and support of the above named cessary we will state that' a propo bition was mad through a mutual friend to the selling-out franchise fac tion that if three members of their commssioners' ticket would make a signed statement that they were op posed to accepting the offer made by the Southern Utilities Company, no other ticket would be put out. Noth ing caaie from the- offer. We think it would be hard to convince many peo- Sectional Bookcases "BuJlt-to-Kndure" I will study and prepare myself," said Lincoln, " and then, some day, my chance will cornel' YOU amtilioue young man or young woman, look about, you. You rnuat perceive, as Lincoln did, that there ia no auoceas without knowledge. Prepare youraelf. Read for recreation. Study for eucceea. A Clobe. Wernicke Sectional Bookcase in your room will Kelp you. It ia a constant invitation to read and etudy. As you add section to section to take care of incoming books, it becomes a guide post of your progress, the outward symbol of the growth wiihia. 1 Leo it in your room where you can spend those intimate hours beioro retiring in rucntul companion ship with the great minds of the world the great minds that will pr epare you for the day your tliaco will come EURTON-CHANCE WALKER CO. Furniture and Undertaking On the other hand, we have the ticket put up by the Town Ownership League as follows: Messrs. J. B Smith, Dr. J. W.McGehee. J. H. Bur ton, D. A. Hendrix, and W. S. Alien. They are all broad winded, substan t'a! citizens and each one of them stands four-square on the platform of municipal ownership of public utili ties. Even were .some voter to be n little uncertain as to how Mr. Pin nix's ticket stands on the important question, certainly no doubt can be entertained as to how the members vt the league ticket stand. Me-isr,. Smith, McGehee and Amos are the three members of the present board who opposed selling out and were in favor of buying current wholesale from the producing company. The If ague would have gladly had Mi. Amos on the new ticket; but for busi ness reasons he declined to be a can dldate for re-election. Reading Club On Tuesday, April 17th, Miss Kath erine Ellington was hostess tj the T. A. R. Clifb. German drt was the chief Bibillty in the use of Money," Rev. A topic for the afternoon ana ecti mem- g. Dixon YOUNG PEOPLE'S CONVENTION TO BE HELD APRIL 27-29 Below will be found a program of the Young People's Convention which fa to be held in the Methodist Pro testant church from April 27 to 29 This will be a representative gather l.ig of the yming people of the church In North Carolina, together with a number of the ministers of the con frence. A good delegation i Amwt, ea and a splendid convention is an tiolpated. We consider ourselves for tunate in having secured the services ot Rev. II. L. Freeman, D. D., the gen tral secretary of the Young People s Work of the entire M. P. church. This means a 'good convention. The public Is cordially invited tc uttend any of these services. The fol lowing program assures us of an inter csting and helpful convention. Convention theme: "Forward along every line." Choir leader: Prof. T. O. Pender. Organist: Miss Bessie Wagner Soloists: Misses Mabel and Ethel Harris, Mrs. H. B. Glasco and Miss Ailene Amick. FRIDAY, 3 P. M. Song Service and registration of del egates. FRIDAY 8 P. M. Devotional: Rev. N. G. Bethea. Addres "Forward," Rev. J. D. Wil liams. Address "The Challenge of the Hour," Rev. H. L. Freeman. D. D. Social Hour SATURDAY, 9:30 A. M. Devotional: Rev. A. D. Shleton. Address, "The Christian's Respon- Open discussion. Address. "The Young People's Re- ler told some item of interest con corning a German Art Gallery. Mrs Watt then gave very instructive spcnsibility to the Children's Horn sketches of the life and work of Dur- Mr. j. jh. Millikan err and Holbein.- This paper was fol- lr-wed by a comprehensive discussion f "Modern Gerran Artisits" by Mrs. rigene Irvin, Miss Birdie McKinney tave two readings: "Meyer Madonna Open discussion. Address, "Church Literature," Rev. C. L. Whitaker. D. D. SATURDAY. 2:30 P; M. Address, "Teacher Training," Rev. by Holbein, ana ingienow s neauurui c. W. Bates. poem "Nuremburg." Address, "Three Essentials in S. S. it has been decided by the club to Work," Rev. J. Walter Long. State make a study of Modern Drama next Secretary S. S. Work. year, and a competent commute is paper . "Hand-work among the Chll- AFTER GRIPPE Vinol Restored Mr. Martin's Strength Wavpakonrta, Ohio. "I am a fanner by occupation, and the Grippe left me with a bad cough and In a nervous, weak,, run-down condition, and I could not seem to get anything to do me any good until I took Vinol, which built me up, and my cough and nervousness are all gone, and I can truly say Vinol is all that is claimed for it.' -James Mabtiit. Vinol is a constitutional remedy for all weak, nervous and run-down condi tions of men, women and children, and fur chronic coughs, colds utd bronchitis, C. H. FETZER. Dnyrit OHBrCrrKKHH0HCI WAR OR NO WAR Fires Keep Coming And We keep paying My Companies Are lots more Able tobear a Loss than you are; Therefore, BE PRUDENT And insure With FRANCIS But, as stated In the last issue of The Review, so long as both tickets are composed of good substantial ci tizens, as they, fortunately are, there Is no earthly excuse for anybody to inject the "personal note" in this cam paign. Let's stick to the oiain Issue and decide this question on its mer- Those who oppose selling out the plant are in favor of buying curr;it frcm the Southern Power Company or some other hydro electric compauj provided the current can be obtained cheaper than we can produqe H by j'team. This arrangement leaves this utility in the hands of our own pe ipl j end does not tie us .ip in long pe.'tcl contracts..-:' A; tentatiive contract Uj already been negotiated with the Sou thern Power Company for current n 1.50 per kilowatt hour with a leoa'.s of 10 per cent on account of the tpv.u paying for transformers and other- iia ceysary equipment to tap on to t':4 power company's lines. This muliM the net cost 1.35 against a cost of 2.42 to produce it by steaM, a shown by tit.? cosf sheets for the opentien .if be local plant for tin;., year ending May 31st. 1916. This saving of .1.07 per kilowatt hour would enalda the towa tc greatly reduce the rate to consum ers, or greatly swell the profits of the electric light department, whinli ot course would 6ave the taxpayers that tt'Uch money to apply to the running of other departments of the city gov ernment. preparing a progran for 1917-18. At the conclusion of the program, the hostess served delicious refresh ments. The Club's next meeting will be held with Mrs. R. M. B. Elling ton. E, Re- UNSHAKEN TESTIMONY Time is the test of truth. And Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the test in Reldsville. No Reidsville res ident who suffers backache or any nnnoylqg kidney and bladder 1113 can remain unconvinced by this twice-told It-fctimony. Mrs. J. W. Pettigrew, Lawsonville nlreet, says : "I had been having tiouble with niy kidneys and it shew ed itself in different ways I was diz zy and nervous and my back hurt. I didn't sleep well and mornings 1 was all tiretl out. I got Doan's Kid ney Pills at Tucker's Drug Store and they gave me prompt relief making xe strong and well in a short time. LATER TESTIMONY. Over thre?. years v later, Mrs. Pettigrew said: "1 still think Doan's Kidney Pills are cn excellent medicine for disordered kid- dren," Miss Anna Doggett, Peper, "The Need of More, C. Societies." Miss Juanita Hammer. Business session. SATURDAY, 8 P. M. Devotional: Rev. C. A. Cecil. Address, "Opportunities and sponslbilitles," Mr. S. R. Harris. Address, "Building the Three-storied Life," Rev. II. L. Freeman. SUNDAY, 9:45 A. M. Devotional: Rev. R. C. Stubbins. Address. "Evangelism in the Sunday School," Prof.' E. J. Coltrane. SUNDAY, 11 A. M. Sermon: Rev. H. L. Freeman, D. D. SUNDAY. 2:30 P. M. Address, "The Claims of the Minis- tiy upon the Young," Rev. T. M. John son, I). D. Address, "The Claim of Missions upon the Young," Mr. J. Norman Wills Address, "How can this Convention ileach the People Back Home?" Rev. Z W. Tayor. Adjournment. The Insurance 'v.;':.V: Man. Colonel Bryan's Good Work While waiting for President Wilson to assign him to same useful war ser ucys. I cheerfully confirm my former vice Colonel Bryan is putting in his Biiuorseiiienu - ' ' in "TTE niaarrartnA aJow 1 Cioic- Warakka aactkM. Ta elaak odera broad CTpanai al writing and raarlirn aur iacav xwiaina varioua Wiani km jraot ills a4 loUa W9 4 I tba way arkaai bm ia aaa, kaak irliaai The proposition submitted by the Southern Utilities Company, (a subsid iary of the Southern Power Company hieh handler the retail end of thf electric business in towns where they ere given a franchise) offers $30,000 lor our plant and a 60 year franchti They offer only a ten year contract cr guarantee for rates to the users ci electricity, however. The plant cost the town $75,000 or $80,000 and is practically new and In a good shepe in every way. It includes a .-val.u?jle and substantial brick building, boiler', engines, dynamos, transformers, cop' per wire and pole lines, etc. At the present prices of electrical equipment ino plant could not be duplicated fo: $100,0110. The copper wire used m ihe transmission lines cost the taw 1 12 to Helper pound and coul 1 be soil today for old metal at 25 or 30c per pound. The value of the 6) year franchise would be hard to compute. It has been given as an opinion by a well informed gentleman that im .Southern Utilities Company would cap italize this franchise at a half or 1 mil lion dollars. The Reidsville el 3. -trie riant for the year ending May 31, I'JH showed net profit of over eleven thou sand dollars. Price ' 50c, at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney lemedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the: same that ?.l rs. Pettigrew has twice publiciy rr-comniened. Foster Mllburn Co.. .'rops., tJuffalo, N. Y. ; are doing.1 Charlotte Observer. But however much Mr. Pinnlx may ceslre to side-step this selling out nuesflon. thf Is no denying the fact that very strenuous efforts are being put forth by some mysterious and In visible force to "scare" up a sentl- (Conthised en Pag 1) time making speeches in which he is giving encouragement to greater ac- flvirtoa nn tha f n mi o n A In ttiar Vio fu doing good. Meantime, he Is making uso of his imieans in a practical direc tion. He has made arrangements tor a personal donation of $50 a month for Red Cross relief work, which is doing Disloyal Americans h little bit better than some men, Now and then one hears of disloyal n'ore abIe to ive th- the Colonel, expressions and every one is met with vigorous treatment at the hands of the authority. This ought to be the cuse, for any citizen that is disloyal at tils time, even to the last degree cught to be promptly separated from anions the patriotic body of Ameri cans and made to pay for his disloy- THE VERY BEST TIME to take Doctor ally, and any one of us owe it to our- Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is now. - . . . . . 1 it von 1 n .t ti vuur uiuiu ia uuii in uiutu. reives ana our country 10 repon any j,- ,t untl, on havo to dl3. ana an cases or auiayany taai cr.ies ease ; itseasiorana tx'tter to prevent it ti our attention. An i'viuocan wr.'.i With the hrst biotcnes or eruption, or k'..a---' n.i"i,h.w tn ,,, the dullness, weariness, and depression v.. ......o.. .... natare some or tne symptoms, you neea naesnaDU ciass ougni 10 ro prcmji:-? rus medicine, it win rouse every organ lv taken in charge, no matte- wheth-r u0 uoalpy action, tnorougmy c eanso he lives in Sah.l.urv or fe any oh:r Sced1,, hr,atg, and strength. It s ection ot tne country. tausDury the only reliable biooa remedy, in tne r, . most stuDDorn BKin or ocaio anecuoas; 1 . . . , o - i. . 1 We agree heartily with the Pos. li disease caused by a torpid liver or impure tills attitude. ' Le: s have x l io rer bhxxi it never falls to beneht or euro. cent, war fivst on the "stacker and The machinery of the body needs to ihe pro-Germans who make disloyal be weir oiled kept .In good condition We Will Supply Anything Wanted IN PERFECT GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING, V CRIMP ROOFING, TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUT ING; CHIMNEY PIPE, BOTH ROUND AND SQUARE; WELL TUBING AND SEWER PIPE. STOVES. RANGES, HEATERS. LAUNDRY AND COOKING STOVES, FIRE BOARDS AND PIPING. PLUMBING GOODS CLOSETS. LABORATORIES, BATH TUBS AND BATH ROOM SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. V GET OUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMB ING AND SEWERAGE CONNEC TIONS. G. Glaastone. WANTED! !2OLD JUNK FOR CASH We want to exchange for CASH for your Scrap Material, such as Baps, Bones, Feed'Bafrs, Scrap Bagging, Biass Copper, Lead, Zinc, Ola Robber Boots and Shoes, Auto Casings, Inner Tubes Carriage Tires, and all kinds of Scrap Metals and Iron. k Bring us your material. FOR SALE ' 1 One ton Truck Winton. 3 Five passenger Ford. 1 Runabout with Truck Body Fori. All in good running condition. El it er for sale or will trade. Walker Hide & Junk Co. Dry Prizery Bldg. Opp. Depot 114! country. Constipation and Indigestion These are twin evils. Persons suf erlng from Indigestion are often .oubled with constipation: Mrs. Ro bert Allison, Mattoon, 111 , writes that a hen she first moved to Mattoon sne vas a great sufferer from indigestion md constipation. Food distressed her ;nd there was a feeling like a heavy veight pressing on her stomach am! hest. She did not rest well at nlgnt, .nd felt worn out a cod part of the line. One bottle of Chamberlain's .ablets corrected this trouble so that he has since felt like a different erson. , WIu-m yt Iihi: ativtbiiit st-lJ. ii-'v.-rtis.- hi ur Bust tsa BuiMers, five cents pei nr r ene irisprtiori: 10 CPU U per Haft, for three inscrticra. To clean the sysU-m take a pleasant laxa tive, 8110 h as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. For sale by druggists 25 cents a vial. Sudden Death Before an insurance company will take a risk on your life the examining physician will test your water and report whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout, or deep is disturbed two or three times a aight take heed, before too late! You can readily overcome such con iitions and prolcng'life by taking the drice of a farr.oujp!"!c!..n, vrLi 'a if: Keep tae kidneys in good order, avoi! :x much meat, salt, alcohol cr tec. Jrink plenty of pure water and drivo he jric acid out of the system by taking nuric,'in ablet form." You can obtain Vnuric at drug store, the discovery of V rjrr ' -vr.oV. Hotel, BuSslo. HIGH GRADE " BUILDING BRICK Brick la the most enduring 1 most eecura against fire; most comfortable In all weather most oconrmical In final ust, and the n.ost beantifol of aaj building zaat3riaL If qnality appeals to yon, write Bfl and get qaotationa Shliaienti made piomptly. WILLIAMSON & - HEDGECOCK, INC MarUnsvllte. Va, RICE'S Red J" Ol NO PR ALE H. L. VICE MANTACTURER AND BOTLrlt REIDSVILLE, N. C.

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