FRIDAY, APRIL 27.' t9-7 THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. Ct Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh and pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave It un able to resist the sudden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your act ivity. Neglected they soon become that dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't neglect them. It's costly as well as dangerous. PERUNA Will Safeguard You Have a box of Peruna Tab lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sys tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to nor mal, take careof yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now be gin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help she needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well Peruna has been helping people or 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, cold and indi gestion. It's a good tonic ft the weak, as well The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio THE NEWS IN BRIEF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE 1 he Florida Senate by a vote of 23 to 7 passed Joint resolution to sub mit the equal suffrage amendment to the voter In 1918. The resolution goes to the House for consideration C. Kent Lewis FOR Electric Signs, Road Signs, Calen dars, Summer Fans, Fly Swatters, Yard Sticks, Ice Cards, Aluminum . Business Cards, Novelties In Leather, Telluloid, alluuiinuin and wood. Our office is now equipped with a Piintype Oliver No. 9, and we make off statements, write business and love letters, and do special steno graphic work. Also carry a full line of paints, oils and leads, and are now selling deal ers iu Reidsville all the fish and oy sters they handle. Our office is quiet and businesslike pnd any and all work is strictly con fidential. Phone 296-J. Office over Rockingham Vulcaniz ing Co. Roo.u No. 1, If it's made for advertising, we either have it, make it or can get it. Official notification of the Turkish government breaking off diplomatic relations with the United States was leceived by the State Department f-om a dispatch framl American Min ister at Berne Switzerland. Despite German submarine cam paign, American exports in March reached a value of $551,278,000, which has been exceeded only once, last January,; the best imionth of the coun try's history. Imports of $270,484,000 tot a new American record- According to the Berlin Vor.waerts, 1h3 strikes continue everywhere in Lerlin and Chancellor von Bethiinann Hollweg's reply to a deputation of workers from the Seutsche -Waffen and Muntlons fabrik of Berlin, was a declination to assume the task of arbitrator, ' The. United States battleship, New Mexico, was successfully launched at Ir.e Brooklyn navy yard Monday. The New Mexico is said to be the first bat ileship to Je equipped with the elec tric drive, and will have a displace ment of "32,000 tons, and carry 12 inch guns. She is a sister ship of the Mississippi now being built at Newport News, ' . ot interest that will be paid for this debt Proposed change of Durham's alder nanlc form of government to aman ugerical form was defeated in an electicn Monday. Opponents' on the managerial form rolled up a majority ui 205 votes. The managerial form voted upon is known as plan D of the new municipal bill passed in last gen c ral assembly. Charlote voted by a majority of 422 to adopt the comimissioa form of gov ernment. The new charter will be come effective in May, the city to be governed by a mayor and two com missioners to bo chosen by election May 8. The election was held under a new State law allowing cities to choose which charter it shall adopt from among several authorized by the legislature. was the belief that it was planning a separate peace, the dispatch said the revolution would expediate the defeat .of Germany and the establishment of a general peace. The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com pany has made the very gratifying announcement for its thousands of operatives that, beginning with the text pay day, all eiployes in the manufacturing depart rents would re ceive an increase of 10 per cent in wages. This will aiply to every man, woman and child. This will mean a to'al increase of te company's pay roll 'of about $7,500, or $390,000 per ; ear, counting 52- weeks, Rheumatic Pains Relieved "I have used Chamberlain's Lini ment for pains in the chest and lame ness of the shoulders due to rheuma tism, and am pleased tc say that it has never failed to give me prom'! relief," writes S. N. Finch, Batavia, u: y. . The reserve of the Episcopal church fund of which $5,000,000 was sought originally, has passed $7,500,000, Bish op William Lawrence announced at a dinner given him by the Episcopa lian club at Boston. The exact use to which the overflow will be placed is uncertain, because the insurance department of the State of New York must pass on the proposition. In time. Bishop Lawrence told the club, the overflow would go to aged or dis abled clergy or to the widows and or phans of clergymen, and probably would be used toward bringing them Into the full benefits of the system sooner than would otherwise be pos sible. ' I John A. Lamb, who shot himself through the head in his home Monday tl-ed In Richmond in Stuart Circle hospital. He did not regain conscious J l ess the time his body was I found lying on tha floor in his room. ' Ho was about forty-two years old, married, a successful lawyer and had been in poor health rr soma time. Fe was a son of Capt., John Lamb, for two years a menrler of Congress from that district No cause is known for the shooting other than that his health had been poor for a long time. The fact that the banks of the coun try oyerscribed the two billion dollar treasury certificates indicates that there will not be a real deal of trouble in getting the money with which to fight this war with Germany, Some of the big bankers a few days ago expressed the opinion that the govern ment would have trouble In financing the war on such a big scale. Of course the bond issue for five billion dollars may not go so rapidly, but the free dom with which the. banks made bids for the certificates of Indebtedness indicated that the banks of the coun try were very anxious to lend the gov ernment money even at the small rate "There are a million colored men in the Uniited States awaiting the call in ndrvfpfi thpv nrft reailv foT a. loner 'or short war, hesitating at nothing," declared T. W. Thurston, coloed at IC'npton. Tfturs,ton, 8 superintend ent of a local manufacturing plant, holds one of the biggest industrial po- I uWUna In tiA Qnnth f rtiS. a mart" nf ht lace. They are saying to the Presi dent, call us, anmi and give us a place at the front and we will make Amer ica proud of her colored citizens or 'report to God the reason why," he said. Further encouraging reports from Russia came in a dispatch to the State Department telling of the ef fect of President Wilson's war ad dress and declaring that Russia under i the new democratic provisional gov ernment is no more likely to abandon J the, war without achieving her object t than is the United States. Recalling . that one of the impelling causes for the overthrow of the imperial regime assH I UP s pnn I TT TT s fiere People are "dressing up" today, all over the country. Dress up is the spirit of the times. And no wonder-because it pays Pays not only in satisfection, but it pays to look prosperous it helps to make you prosperous, and it gives self-reliance and poise.-'-;:' The new colors and fabrics are now . ready; the new models and styles. New variations in the "Clothes Beautiful." Smart effects in light weights. Just come in and look if you want to, the lookings are verv good. The prices are from ' $7.50 TO $25.00 WILLIAMS & ' THRIFT 'By J. Oscar Thomas, Spray High School First Prize in Thrift Contest) The common short definition of thrift is "frugality", which means vi little something different from mere economy or saving. But this does not make the term clear enough to serve ac the basis of a discussion. The word thrift imeans more than economy. It means intelligent economy. It has a much broader meaning than saving money for it also covers the conser vation of other valuable things. It Is poor economy to save dollars, and then carelessly permit the destruc tion of property that it takes dollars to replace. . . . , Thrift is not miserliness, for it con templates discrimination. It is not ( tnrift to spend ten cents worth of lime gathering up some wasted ma terial that is worth but five cents. Thrift Is, consistent and sustained. It profits nothing to save small things to spend in periodical sprees of ex- A. ... imvagance on larger tnings. , Thrift involves the intelligent use of aoiiey and necessities a good un derstanding of the real value of money Money is useful only for the things it will secure. Just as the sun stored up energy in the ages past, and the squirrel hordes its stock of nuts for the coming winter, so we can conserve our own energy by sav ing a part of our earnings. The main objects for which men save money are to protect themselves ' from poverty in old age, to give their ' .children a start in. life, and to secure same or tne comrorts of life for them selves. In early life the most lntellii gnt object for which one can save his money is to secure an education or technical training which will en able him to increase his earning ca pacity and wield a greater influence in all walks of life. It is not thrift, but fooish extrava gance, to use poor or dull tools to save a little anoney, when good tools would increase the profits far beyond the mind to which the most wonder ful of all instruments, and which r bponds to training as readily as an edged tool does to sharpening. In order that the plan of saving may be a success one must begin in a methodical way. Form the habit of saving a certain amount in a given purlod of time and it soon becomes natural to reserve a part of your funds to the savings account. This not only adds to ones financial ability, but also develops within a person manliness and self-reliance, and gives him a fix ed purpose In life. One should use judgment in invest ing his savings. Thrift means noth ing more to a man who permits some Echeming fellow to come along and persuade him to invest his savings m some wild speculative enterprise. Savings should be invested in real estate or some business which is ab solutely safe. In short, thrift may be summed up as the art of getting most out of life -In a material way in the best man ner and for . the longest tiime. And while this ha3 nothing to do with the spiritual side of a man's nature, it is true that the self-denial necessary to save, and' the sound business judg ment to guard one's savings and utilize them' wisely afterwards are verjr material helps in the develop ment fo steady character. Vegetable Crops for Winter Us4 Fanners Should pay particular at tention to putting in crops, not only for summer and fall use, but also crops that can be utilized to advan tage during the winter. Any surplus es of Tomatoes that are grown can be easily canned for winter use In the trdinary Mason preserving jars. Pole snap beans make excellent green snaps, and the dried beans of these can also be saved to advantage for winter use. Of course, anv surnlusM of butter beans or blackeye peas can also be saved to advantage in this way. . It is also advisable to plant crops like carrots, collards. brussels late cabbage, beets, salsify, and tur-, nips liberally, as all of these crops make excellent winter vegetables, and it is during the winter that the scarcity of vegetables is most felt and when vegetables sell at the highest prfces. Hubbard and delicious Squashes are very desirable vegetables to grow for winter and can be stored so as to keep well through the winter and early spring. Some of the varieties o pumpkin, also make an excellent vegetable for cooking, as well as sfock feeding. It is advisable to plant seed sweet potatoes extensively. Indications are that, there will not be anything like enough Irish Potatoes to plant for late crop for winter use. Seed sweet potatoes can be obtained at the pres ent time without any difficulty, and fs they make an admirable winter food crop. and are likely to be very Sensitive Throats need careful treatment from within more than they need bundling wraps during changing seasonsJ The pure cod liver oil in sawnrs is helping thousands to strengthen the tender linings of their throats; while at the same time it aids the lungs and improves the quality of the blood. Throat Specialists endorse SCOTTSEMULSION-Tryll Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N.J. I6-U profitable, farmers should put in as large an acreage as possible. Sweet potatoes are also one of the surest crops the southern fanner can grow. Wood's Crop Special. The Review and Bryan's Commoner $2.00 jer year How about your subscription T SPECIAL NOTICE TO COUNTY CROP REPORTERS 2 About twenty-five citizens of Rock- Ingham County have been selected for their special fitness to give an accu rate account each month of crop con ditions, Forms will be furnished them and the reports will be forward ed, in envelopes, also provided, to Mr. J W. Dunn, Secretary of the C. & A. Association, who wHl in turn tabulate these figures and forward the final re sult to the Department of Agriculture at Washington. The results will also be on file in the office of the C. & A, Association, for inspection by any who arc interested. We want to assure these gentlemen who are to furnlish these figures that iu the present condition of our food fupnly. it Is of the utmost importance .iat accurate information be furnish ed from month to month t6 the U. S. Government, so that should a failure or partial failure, occur at any one point, special effort may be at once made at that, or some other point to meet this condition, to the end hat we may as a nation avoid the horror of hunger n the part ot any of our citi zens. It will be seen therefore that the collection of this data is not merely a fad by some department Official with at taste' for the accumulation of fig ures. It is a serious and organized effort to meet the existing condition of food shortage in the United States, and the gentlemen who have been trusted with the important work of reporting conditions in Rockingham County have a work to prfoii which, while it will take very little time, will be Just as important to the nation as would their carry arms to defend the fag. : We trust that not one of these citi zens of our country will fail to meas ure up to the full performance of the duty he Is called upon to perform. Ileal th paper regularly. I Just 1 Received A Beat u if ul New L i ne o tl tl o erv iiiuin Trirnmed Hats from $1.50 up. If you want the latest styles ( come to us. We will not be undersold. THE Minnie Lee Jones HAT SHOP Ware & Somers Building MyCa The most palatable and refreshing drink on the market. Made from ' the original coco-cola formula. Call for it.- For sale everywhere. RED BIRD GINGER ALE ' A delightful and' sparkling bever age. Try it. Purity Beverage Co., Bottlers and Distributors J. B. HAZELL, Manager Reidsville Branch.