FRIDAYAPRIL 27, 1917 P A OF, FOUR 'CITE REVIEW: RElDSVIl L . N (1 Ike Reidsville Review TUESDAY AND FRIDAY . THE REVIEW COMPANY 4 (Incorporated.) ANTON OLIVER .. .. ..President R. J. OLIVER .. ....8ec. and Tress. WM. M. OLIVER .. .. W President $1.50 PER YEAR ! (Intered at the postofflce ; ) Relds H2U, N. C, as second claaa f H mat AMERICA FIRST ly Country Tie of THm, Swt Lena of Liberty." TRYING TO CRAWFISH (Continued From Page 1.) rnent in favor of turning over the whole town if necessary to the private untillties company. They are even revamping the old raw head and bloody bones tales of the moving away of industrial enterprises because aa adequate supply of electric power can cot be secured froun. the town! amount would be ample to supply our reeds for some time and there was no necessity for Investing money in ja lot of equipment which would not be used for several years. Additional transformers can be addod from Um to time as needed. There is no limit iii, to the amount of current we can I M't from the hydro electric company 1 except the limits of the production of the company itself. The utilities company which is try ing to get control of the retail distrl lution of light and power in Reidsville will get this current from the Southern I owcr Company's lines precisely as the town of Keidsville will gtt it pro- vidtnl we continue to control the dis tribution. Any limitations the town v, ould be subjected to would apply precisely the same to the utilities company as to the town. Hut there are no limitations whatever on the quantity of current .we can get. Such talk is silly and is intended to deceive the people and muddle the issue. These campaign arguments are Used on unthinking people and an im- piession sought to be made on them that unless the electric plant is sold, employment will forthwith cease. The subtle hint la conveyed to the .effect tnat these workingiiien's bread and Lutter depend on the electric light deal. Such campaign methods are unfair, to say the least. "O. what a tangled we we weave, When first we practice to deceive." The powers of dark-nesa behind this unholy scluvne of -spoliation against the town are resort! ig to one of the most desperate campaigns of deception we ever saw attempted against a free born, enlightened people. If the peo pie of Reidsville allow themselves to be hoodwinked and bully ragged into aiding and abetting this attempt to rape the town of a valuable piece of property, and show a willingness to "sell our birth right for a mess of pot tage," the day will soon co ne when they will repent In bitterness of spir it at their moment of weakness when our necks are bared to tne yose or , an alien corporation. In selling our J r ae a right to furnish additional power under the prevailing rates, which right the power company fully recog nies." They go on to say that "objoc (ions to this clause of the contiaot i;ro groundless In practice and that Ui town does not give up their Ujti id buy power that the Power Jompany has to sell up to any amount by thus singing of this contract. Tins dame Is In every contract that we know of bavlng been made with municipalltes, and we have never yet neard of the limit being called on any o'. thSm." This bears out The Revlew'r conten teion that any limits (if there w. v -r any limits) that may be Impose on Heldsvllle's consumplon of electricity through Inability of the power com pany to supply It would apply to the utilities company precisely lik-s it would to the town of Reidsvilli. The advocates of selling out now claim that the board has nothing to do with It, only to order an election. The board has everything to do with it, as they must first make a contract of sale and submit their action to the people, for ratification or rejection; otherwise, there would be nothing to ote on. If we sell out we will have to pay at least $11,000 for lighting our streets pumping our water, wtyle our to tal receipts from water will not ex ceed $10,000. So we start off 11,000 in the hole, to say nothing of the cost of superlvision.niaintenance and Inter est on the other bonds. Where is the money coming fronl to meet this de licit? There Is only one answer in crease the taxes! No Extravagant Jrrices for These Spring Clothei It is not necessary to be extravagant in pur chasing a Collegian Spring Suit or Topcoat. No better clothes in quality of material attractive patterns expert tailoring and up-to-date styles can be made for the price. ADLER 1 Collegian Clothes Now shown here in a variety of Spring Models espec ially designed for you men and young men who Know tne advantages of good clothes. The Collegian designers, style creators and tailors are master-craftsmen. You are taking no chances when you purchase a Collegian spring suitor jopcoat. fi m 16.50to35 At the town hk the other night a 'Town Ownership League" waa form al TIia nKara rt tMa IaqPIIA fifA tt fianh(oa urn ralrA o uton that 'jnnAt ' . , . . . ! protect and conserve the property and be retraced. On the other hand, if we . " , . . ., . . . , .!..., , (resources of the municipality and to retain control of this valuable posses-1 , . , , ' 4V.1 . i ........ .i i-T ,, 'combat the reckless and thooghtless -711, any ujiniaACS mac uiti uc luauc !.: m time to time can be rectified and a repltitlon of them guarded against. The Review Is glad to say that the town of Reidsville has so far met all demands for electricity from its municipal plant. It 1b being talked tat the Wray flour mill was unable te get current to electrify their .motive power. Town officials positively as sert that the electric light department is ready and willing to furnish the Messrs, Wray whatever power they tted at any time. Furthermore the town of Reidsville has pledged itself through its present board of commis sioners to furnish to any Industrial fnterprtse now located here, or which may in the future locate here, an un limited sapply of primary electric power at as low a rate under existing conditions as is given by any other town in North Carolina. A guaran teed by the town of Reidsville is as cod as its municipal 'bonds; and we have never heard of these Bellinig be low par. And to be in position to carry out this guarantee on Hgfht and power a majority of the present board of town commissioners negotiated a contract with the Southern Power Company for an unlimited supply of "juice" at a rate that would enable the town to rive as low rates as any other town. Only through the dilatory tactics of two of Mr. Plnnix commissioners Messrs. Soott and Crutchfleldwas the signing of this contract deferred The Review hope's Hat the people of Reidsville at next Tuesday's elec tion will uphold by their votes the splendid record and traditions of free born, liberty loving American citizens who have always stood up for their rights. Do not allow this octopus to get control of the town, as It is now attempting to do, and reduce us to a state of serfdom in so far as all future control of light and power is concerned It is a well known fact, as The Re view has been reliably informed, that the Public Utilities Company never "goes into" a town without first get ting control of that town through mu nicipal politics. Whenever and where- ever they get a foothold the "fire Is cut" for ever after so far as the peo ple's control of city government goes. This octopus sees to it that "friendly" men are put Into and kept in office for all time. We hope Reidsville will never get In this class of towns. Kiving away of valuable franchises or other privileges without adequate com oensation; to safeguard the town's In terests wherever and whenever Jeopar dized, and to turn on the light on all 'Jr.rk lantern schemes to put over graft and spoliation schemes of whatever kind on the municipality. The imme diate and specific object of the league is to prevent the proposed sale of the lecal electric light and power plant now owned by the city and the grant- :ag of a 60 year electric lighting and power franchise (for the ridlcuously imall sum of J30.000) to an alien cor poration. The Leagues' coin'Oidsion ers ticket is composed of strong men rnd substantial citizens who are avow edly in favor of retaining control of the management and distribution of electric light and power by the city. The League ticket; and the "Bellers out" ticket thus stand on separate platforms, the issue Is clear cut. and every voter can show by his bal lot which platform he stands on. S. S. HARRIS The invisible power behind Mr. Pin lilx'B ticket is assidiouHyy circulating reports that the tentative contract with the Southern Power Company limits the quantity of current the town can get from that - company to 450 horsepower per month There nerer was a more misleading state ment circulated The only basis on earth we can see why such a fool as sertion could bo made Is that the pres ent board of town commissioners, in I'.'annlng for necessary transformers and equipment to tap on the power company's lines decided that this It Is talked on the streets ' that if we sell ojit, the Power Company will pay $12,000 in taxes to the city. Evi dently they forget that the bulk of their proposed investment would be down below the cemetery, about a half mile outside the corporate limits. That company could hardly be expect ed to pay $12,000 taxes on the invest ment of $30,000. which they offer for our plant and franchise. - As a refutation of the silly con tention that the town is limited to the amount of current which can ba secured from the hydro electric pow r company, under the tentative contract negotiated with tha company, we quote from a letter just received by Commissioner J. ii. Sulth, chairman ( f the electric light committee, from Messrs-. Tucker & Laxton, contrac lng engineers of Ch-.trlotte which firm was employed to -assist the town otlk'lals in these negotiations and to f.irnish specifications for electrical equipment '-.for .-.the proposed sub-sta-t.oij. Messrs. Tucker Laxton say: 'Any rights that you may have now under the ruling of the Commerce Commission, requiring. them to furnish you power at the schedule rates at the voltage available would also apply " i .,,.-,., ,,1,1, : 7, " ' - N5aa?-M- m , Of course you have dreamed of some day owning A FINELY EQUIPPED NEW HOME. There need be no disappointment in the realization if you come to US for the materials. For cheat ness in rrite, high quality in materials, satisfaction in service, ccme to US. I - i - r J i The following preamble and resolu tions as a platform or chart for the i;aw league was adopted: Whereas, alternative propositions bave been tentatively submitted by the Southern Power Company and the Southern Utilities Company, re spectively, whereby the Town can buy the current and maintain its own plant, on the one hapd, or sell out the entire lighting and power fran chise for a period of 60 years at a price of $30,000, on the other; and Whereas, over 250 of our citizetjs hse already .expressed themselves by petition against a sale, while the advocates of a sale declined to hand In any petition at Sll (as asked to do by the Board of Commissioners) but chose, rather, to Carry their point bv thrusting this all Important and far-reaching question into the pres ent municipal campaign and mixing it up and confusing it with ordinary town politics. Now therefore be it Resolved, That we the undersigned, believing that it would be a fatal mistake, without opportunities for correction, to place our lighting and power privilege into the hands of a foreign corporation for any period 'much less CO years; iHid that such a sale would of neces sity require an increase in our taxes ti make up the deficit that would be proiluced In our revenue; and fur thermore, would give us only on;; source of supply for pumping our water:- - Do hereby organize Ourselves Into a League to be known as the Town tlMfiershtl1 League, with the avowed purpose, of throwing all the light pos sible on this important question, and to do what we can to foster and en courage the saving of this valuable Zranchlse to our people. Another strong argunient -nigntiist selling out to the u ilities company is that their schedule of rates is c- n tiedrably higher to small useis t f both light and power that the prc;i at rate given by the town of Reidsville For instance, the utill les company's rate on small motors Is 9c per kw. h ; whllt" the present rate here is only 6c' Thui the small Industies depend ent upon electric power woulJ have to pay an advance of 50 per cent from the day our plant and franchise was turned over to the utilities company. power by the Southern Power Com pany, have had to shut down tlmo cfter time because of trouble on tho lines of the power company. A prom inent official of one of the Spray mills is quote in saying that his establish ment has lost more time from sha' iing off of power in the p"Mt .'si nonths than in ihe previous six years whan not dependent on the Southern Power Company. The High Po'nt En terprise recently coctained the follow ing: "For four hours yesterday afi or- noon there was no power The En t'.'rprise did not get Its press started until shortly after six o'clock, ami then the power was eff again, on again for a considerable pe;lod. Other plan:s in the city," depending upon el.tric power, had to shut down a . 30 o clock. If such a happening did not tome so frequent The E-iterpri-te would feel that it was In a ocsltiji to excuse the poor service for one day, but the same has been occurin? for months and months. The Public Ser vice, to all appearances, is making, ro efort to better the service t is sup posed to be giving." with service a city of this class should have! "A thunder storm ' 25 miles or 50 miles from High Point, cuts off pow er ror mis city, wun a plant nre MR. GLIDEWELL DEFENDS Hlft BILL. Mr. Editor: It Is being circulated' In town that the hill I drew and h1 in High Point such could not oc ?.ur.M passed by the last Legislature, givee The Public Service cannot fu.nU'i . the board of commissioners of the High Point with service when tin" town the power to sell the l.ght plant source of its power is so far ramoved j without submitting the question t from the city. " It has imade excuse the people. This is untrue and the after excuse, but what is an cxcune bill admits of no such construction. I unless a speedy remedy is applied 'r fnd that this is belmj circulated br, High Point citizens ought to ask the some who are opposed to leaving the city council to provide this city with question of sale to the people at all. a municlpaly-owned plant in that the city may have service. ' order The High Point paper goes on to say: "The city of High Point holds the franchise for furnishing electric lights to the city. Because of this fact, and tVat only, High Point is giv en a rate Just one half of what Greens boro pays. The city did a wise act when it refused to surrender th9 fran chlse to the Public Service. The city will do an even wiser act if it will build its municipal electric light and power plant and furnish current to the city at what It costs to produce it, p;us a reasonable amount of profit. We have the statement of men who have studied the proposition that the city can make clear and above expenses $12,000 a year on a municipal plinr, and that it can f urinish High Point Friendly Class M. E. Church Last Sunday the class was very small, Vour preeence was missed by one and We would like to see iur board check- The bill does not provide for a sale of franchise or plant or dismantling" the plant without submitting the ques--tlon to a vote. ' I will nneet any gen tlemen or any number or gentlemen In the newspaper or in debate public ly before the people of Reidsville as tc this bill or my record as city at'or fiPy the past two years. Let them come out in the open and challenge my good faith In this matter. I drew ' ed in full, The whole class together we ought tha bill at the instance of the board to pulL , of coimmissioners of this town wltn ftlm wnlr nn th tflk fnr n.hef tn rln "e "Ception. I had Upthlng tO put Oet the new members, it is your task '' too. ' -; Ii you would come and give the class - : trial -Lcve is divine and safe ia denial. With the devil we are fighting a duel, Brimstone and fire lie uses for fueL This class ia to aid the ones that are " .: ''': lOSt, ' ..'..- bring them, to the one that was nailed to the Croaa. II you would stop to think where you - stand, ' .':. Not on a rock but crumbling sand 'Straight and narrow Is the way, t? r enter is a few, "Ihe class is waiting to congratulate you. ' "j;.; .'":-. A MEMBER Read the paper regularir ever, nothing to conceal, and I will defed the bill any where at any time. The bill provides a vote on the ques tion and that seems t5 be somewhat unpopular here at this time. a Yours, ' ". V P. W. GLIDEWELL. Clear Your Ski" In Spring Spring house cleaning means deal ing Inside and outside. Dull pimply skin is an aftermath of winter inactiv ity. Flush your Intestines with a nnld laxative and clean out the accu mulated waates, easy to take, they do not gripe. Dr. King's New Life Pill will clear your complexion and bright en your eye. Try Dr. King's New I if e Pills tonight and throw off the sluggish winter shell. At druggists) 2Ec. . . as The Review is in favor of current from the hyro-eloctric com pany, but we want to malnta'n our present steam plant as an auxiliary source to furnish current for light nd power in event of trouble on the ih.w er company's lines. We have bten reliably Informed that the cotton niiU ct Spray, which art now fuaisatd SEASOMABLE B AMI Below are a few bargains ol Seasonable Goods we are offering. Everything fresh and up-to-date: Ladies up-tc-iate house dresses, vorth $1.50, we are offering theni as long as (hey last at 98c. Ladies Pa!m Beach all white ikirts, from 98c up. Just received a beautiful line 'of ladies crepe de chene Shirt Waisff, latest styles, from $1.98 to $5 each. Real bargains. ' Children's Dresses in all sizes and colors; latest styles, from 48c up. Ladies Slippers, Patent Leathers, Merry James, special price $1.48 pair. Also White Canvas, Dull Kid Patent Leather and other kind Slippers 98c up. Btautiful Line MenVand Children's Clothing MEN'S HNTS AND CHILDREN'S KNEE PANTS, UPJ0-DATE STYLES AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Men'i and Chiluren's SL'ppers, all linds, at fery lowest pricej. Come to see n$ and be convioctd that we ran vai joa monr on ii! k'noi o! lfcr&iJise. NEW YORIv BAitGAlN HOUSE A. BANE, Prop. 5 GILMER ST.

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