FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1917 TAOE SIX THE REVIEW: HEIDSVILL K, N. CV Don't Cough mm -a I ntil -N Weak Foley's Honey and Tar HELPS COUGHS QUICKLY Foley's Honey and Tar ta!tc ri;,!.'. hold of an obstinate cough a;iJ gives quick relisf. It putt a healing contin oa the in filmed membranes vr;t :'. rr.:r:: and air pasage. It eton- tV. loosens and faiao phlegm ;:. il. . i m just splendid for brnpch-i "; ;m . grippe co'hs, ujid U&u, trifathing Mr. W. b. fiilcy. I.aocairr. Kv. .- 'rrir' contriuont.ty day or ! n.i : : kK i 'ji.iy 6 Honey .nd far. Mt;. -m. . I , lr court' l.'C-m ! ' '- ; . -fcV .!:.;.- e.irr- t..v.jre-U !... 1: GARDNER DRUG CO PROFESSIONAL CARDS EDGAR H. WRENN. JR. LAWYER Reidsville, N. C. fflce Over A. S. Price & Coa Store IRAR.HUMPPIP.EYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Bpeclsl attention to settling estates practice In all courts, except Record ay's Court Offlre In Fels Building otst A.' 8. Price & fo.'s Store. MT. CARMEL The weather has been Ideal for 'arming the past week and all far crers have spent the time well nig and planting their coin crop From all reports and the best In clination the writer can learn. It is safe to say the acreage to ba planted n corn will be Increased about 6 J per cent and the tobacco acrsago will be decreased about 40 per cent, nn.I in addition to this a large crop of hil food products will be raised in this section this year. Rev. V. L. Townsend filled hi reg ular appointment at Mt. (,'armel Sun day and a large crowd was out to hear him. He also has an appointment at Alt. Carmel next Sunday at 11 a. m. and we hope a large crowd will be jut to hear this fine man. A large crowd from this section at tended the County Commencement at Wentworth last Saturday. Mr. George Ellington visited friends in Reld.nville last week-end. Mrs. C. I). Kllington is spending (lit? week with her daughter, Mrs. C. V.. Sheffield in Reidsville. Mr. J. It. Stone and family Houte 3 visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Pixon Sunday. Mr. Robert Dixon and family Itridsville visited Mr. and Mrs. R. lixon Sunday. Mr. Robert I'ryor visited his broth' f.-, Mr. John I'ryor at Coles Saturday iir.d Sunday. Mrs. J.-U. Dye and Mrs. J. A. I'ryor vMted Mrs. T. M. French Monday. Miss Mary Vaughn of Nance visit (m! her sister Mrs. 11 ward Dix the past week. GROOM'S The farmers, are busy planting corn. Tobacco plants are plentiful In this fcctlon and we think there will be a bumper crop planted in 1917. The birthday .. party given by Miss J-arah Wall on Saturday night was en .eyed by a large crowd. Messrs. F. W. Wall and J. Early Shumate of this section spent Sunday H Reidsville. Mr. Otis Haizlip of Spray spent Sun flay with home folks here. ' '- Mr. Ellison McKinney of Mclver was a visitor here recently. Mr. George McKinney of this sec tion was a visitor at Mclver recently, .diss Maude Wall spent one day last week in Reidsville shopping. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wall of this section were the guests of Mr. W. S. Somers of near Thompsonville Sunday. P. W. GLIDE WELL ATTORNEY KT LAW Prompt attention to all matter Intrusted. Practice in all court Offlc In Citizens Dank Bnilding. v MAJOR T, SMITH LAWYER Office orer Burton Pearson.s Sh t Store. A general practice of tha law including settlement of ' estates, ad Jastmrat of Insurance collection ol claims, etc, tec. Practice in all courts claims, etc. Practice in all courts. JULIUS JOHN8TON ME, TROTrER & JOHNS row . Attorney at Law Offices) In the new Irrln fiu'ldlni mmxt to Bank of Retdsrilla. . J.E. JOYCE ' Attorney at Law. Office In old Citleens Br' V BuUdln. ..Practice In State nu Feder fowtf.' , Loan negotiated. STONEVILLE Mrs. Kiivna I'rh'e visited her sister Mrs. Mary Clay brook . this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Price of Beaver Inland spent this week with their son, Mr. R. B. Price. Mrs. Forrest Ray of Iloones Mill Is visiting relatives here. Mr. F. B. Kemp, Miss Evelyn and Fixed Food Prices By Law If Secretary Houston H Mirtoti. of the department of agrleultui. ge.r. what he asks from Congron, North Carolina will have several federal f , farm experts to help the State nu'hor- L. I ities promote the production of food I crops. He will also have food prices Of; fixed. L. I Mr. Huston In a report to the Sen ate, recommendod that Congress em power the council of national defense tc fix maximum and minimum food prices. Secretary Houston made quit an ih' borate report to the Senate in re sponse to aresolutlon, telling what the department of agriculture is doing to meet the conditions that will come with war with Germany, and the needs tp make a better and more ef fective organization. Mr. Houston said that C. Hoover, head of the food committee of the council of national defense and the department chiefs cf live great farmer organizations will confer with him Monday with a view of formulating plans to meet any food situation that might develop. He asks for $25,000,000 to carry out Recruits Wanted For the Navy The secretary of the C. &IA. Asso ciation is in receipt of a letter from (Jo v. T. W. Bickett, from which it ap I ears that North Carolina Is asked to furnish 400 young men for the U. S. savy. This is a small number and .sf ought have no difficulty furnishing mr quota especially when it is borne b: nuind that our State has already fur ; ished five Secretaries of the Navy, uiil the present Secretary Is a citizen cf the State. I'll navy offers a splendid opportuni ty for young men. The fight for posi tions in the Navy in Brittain, France, and all European countries, Is tremen dous, and the standard of education In these countries Is exceedingly . high ai.d exacting. It must also be borne in mind that the European navies ara c'ficered by legalized aristocrats, I. ".. young men whose fathers either iMive money or position, whereas In he I'nited States Navy the standard f education is cut own to essentials, nut it isnot an essential that a candi-1 : .late be "able to speak four languages instead of a millstone, as in other na at once, while performing on the Jews ' yj harp with his toes. Democracy Is the ruling passion la the navy, and be- Booklets containing full informama efius'e a man rises by a merit to a com-, 'n relative to the naval service are mission is held to be a proof of worth, to bo had from the secretary of the I. ftfMuev co. or tit tor ntc C. & A. Associativa. We have . one hundred counties in North Caroliua. The navy asks for four men from each ctunty. Who will constitute the four from Rockingham? 7 PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. RsidcTllle, N. 0. Bpeclal attention to negotiation loans, settlement ot estates, baytaj and selling real estate. Iasnnnet adjusted. Practice In all coarta. Office In Lambeth Building, Orr 8hffs Office. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. 5eclal attention to negotiation e loaasf conduct and settlements v estates: buying and selling rel tate. Office. Citiiens Bank Bids J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over old citizens Bank, riuUd tag, opposite Confederate Monument HJUDSVILLE, . . . ... . . S. O McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW PracUce In all ooort . Mr. McMlcbael will be In th End. fllle office on Tuesdays, Wedneedayi rhtrsdays. Fridays sad In IfadUo? en Saturdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOI ATTORNEY AT LAW Rtldsvllls, N. C. General praalce of the law In BtaU and Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Bs tates administered on esd settled Raal estate nought and sold. E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Tulloch's Store. Loans negotiated. Trompt Attention. DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTI8T Office ow New Cltlsnns Bank. Residence Phone 9085. 0 Tbone J81. DR. JULIUS S. WELLS I f NTAL SURGEON- 1K. jtor Fetiar ft Tnckera Drr -eijra. Thou 109. O S. FULK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER AH Work Guaranteed Phone 63. P. O. Box 204. ReidarUlo. N. C, - their aunt, Miss Fannie Scales. Mrs. Weathersbee made a business trip to Mayodan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Trogden of Wentworth came - over Sunday morn ing to meet their cousin, Mr. Patrick Henry of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Carter of Molina Florida are visiting friends and re latives here and in Virginia. Messrs. George and Frank King find James Martin and some others made a business trip to High Point last Thursday, - -; Mr. George Kemp s putting up a nice cottage for Mr. John Price. Miss Nellie Taylor attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Oscar Smith at Bassett last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Stone, sons and aunt, Mrs. Mrs.. Hinston, spent Sun day with' Mrs. Carrie Rhodenhlzer, Mrs. Stone's sister, near Leaksvillo. Mrs. Jane Fagge and daugEter, Mlsa Cassie, attended the marriage of Miss Ruby Sagge, the former's granddaugh ter In Leaksville last week. : Mrs. John Eggleston and daughter spent Wednesday In Spray with re latives and friends. Mrs. Olivia Stocks returned from Greensboro Wednesday after spend ing two weeks with friends, Stonevllle High School closed Fri day.';. Mrs. Clara Baughan attended the Piesbytery In Winston this week. Master Francis, s'nent a short while In Stonevllle Sunday evening with l"6 program of the department now outlined. Mr, Houston suggested that the 2, 000,000 boys between the ages of 15 and 19 years in cities and towns not engaged in productive work vital to the nation In the present emer gency are available for produclnng loud.:,'"." "In the federal department of ag Iculture, the State departments of ag riculture, and the land-grant colleges tne nation already .possesses official organized agencies which, for many years, have been actively studying all agricultural problems," said Mr. Hou ston. 'These agencies are , working in very close co-operation and are actively directing their energies to the handling of problems presented by this emergency. The nation Is al to fortunate In possessing many Im portant farmers organizations, such as the Grange, the Farmers' Union, the American Society of Equity, the Cleaners, the Farmers' Natonal Con gress, the American National Live Stock Association, the National Wool Growers Association, and many oth ers. It Is bellyed that additional ma chinery should be created, and steps already should have been taken to develop it' along these lines. ' GROW "Top Price" Tobacco With F(ErQ;aDQZ(Eir Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot rbach the diseased portion of the war. There Is only xme way to cure catarr hal deafness, and that Is by the con stitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deaf ness Is caused by an Inflamed condl Uon of the mucous lining of thi Ku ctBchiaa Tube. When tcis tube la in flamed you have a rumbling Bound or imperfect hearing, and when It U en tirely closed, Deafness is the rctmv Unites th ioSamation. can iih i. od and l.i i tube res, u. ' i ,rir!;. . imaa, condition, hearing Is .citioyed forcv tf. Maiy cvses of deifnreb ar cauj by ci 'rn, whirv I mi in'lamcd condition of the mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts through 'he blood on the mucous surfaces of he system. . We will give One Hundrod Doll.irs for ajiy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medlclpe. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J; CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sprains and Strains Relieved Sloan's Liniment quickly takes the pain out of strains, sprains, bruises and all muscle sorenesa. A clean, c!ear liquid easily applied, It qulcklr penetrates wlthouit rubbing. Sloops Liniment does not stain lihe skin or clog the pores like mussy plaster and ointments. For chronic rheumatic pains, neuralgia, gout and lumbago have this well-known remedy hindv. For the pains of grippe and folowlng itrenous work. It gives quick relief. At all druggist, 25c. fOLEY KIDNEY Pttlb Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the There is an old saying bat "Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee," but as everyone knows you can help Na lure very much and thereby enabte It to effect a cure In much less time than is usually required. This is par uularly true of colds.' Chamberlain's Ccugh Remedy relieves the lungs, li quifies the tough mucus and aids m Ks expectoration, allays the cough and aids Nature In restoring the sys tem te a healthy condition. "What became of all the buds that were here two seasons ago?" question ed the tourist. . . "Some have grown Into bachelor's buttons and some Into wall flowers." Exchange. VIRGINIA GIRL Gained 15 Pounds By Taking Vinol Norfolk. Va. "I suffered from ner vousness, bad no appetite and was very thin. Nothing I took seemed to help me until ono day a friend told me about Vinol. I have now taken six bottles and have gained fifteen pounds; have a good appetite and can eat anything." Mat tie Denninq, Norfolk, Va. Vinol is a constitutional remedy with its . formula on every bottle, It creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes pure, healthy blood, .-fry it oa our guarantee, C. IL FETZER, Druggist Tobacco grown with Armour's Fertilizer com mands TOP .PRICES because of its splendid tex ture and silky finish. Armour's Fertilizers always produce best results because they are made right. k Armour uses SULPHATE OF POTASH in all tobacco brands. This is necessary for best burning quality. r's Fertilizers are always dry, clean and in best drillable condition. Our reputation for producing best tobacco fertilizers is the result of years of profit making tobacco crops. Armou Agents in all parts of Rockingham County See our Local Agent BUY NOW Its an investment, not an expense, that will invariably pay big profits. Plain orse Sense Gentlemen, we want you to understand the vaiue oi buying from B. S. Motley & Co. in Danville. For that purpose we're going to tell you something about this big conctrn every week in The Re view for tome time to ccme. We've recently bought the entire stock of Hodnett, Ad kins & Mobley Co., and that, added to our already immense stock of hardware, gives us approximately a $115,000 set of merchandise for you to make your selections from. We' want you to know that it's iust "plain, common, horse sense for you to do your buy ing at the store with the largest stock. We sell Vulcan Chilled Plows-can't beat 'em, can you? We sell corn planters, mowers, farm tools of all kinds, paints, varnishes, fencing, roofing, Cream Separators, Gas and practically everything ibat any GOOD herd ware store carries-and some things none of them tell. In feme lines of the New Stock we've got a little morg than we want to carry and we're making good sized reductions. Fetter a&k us abctt it wbrn heie B. S. MOTLEY & COflPANY, Danville, Va.