FRIDAY, Al'lUli 27, 1H7 NOTICE TO SICyOHEN Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieves Suffering. Bridgeton,N.4. ' I cannot peak too highly of LydA . Pinkham's Vegeta- i Die compound io . inflammation and other weaknesses. I was very irregular and would have ter-! rible pains so that I could hardly take a step. Sometimes I would be so misera ble that I could not j sweep a room. l doctored nart of the time but felt no change. I later took Lydia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound nd soon felt a change for the better. I took it until I was in good healthy condition. I recommend the Pinkham remedies to all women as I have used them with such good results." Mrs. Milford T. Cum mings, 322 Harmony St., Perm's Grove, N. J. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women such as , displacernenta,inflarnmation, ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and kindred ailments. CLUBBING OFFERS The following clubbing offers are good for a limited time. Owing to the high prices on print paper these rates are liable to be advanced In the near future. The Review and Tri-Weekly New York World .. .. .. .. .. ., $2.15 The Review and Atlanta Constitution one year each . . .. .... , . $2.25 The Review and Progressive Fanner one year each ....... .. $2.00 The Review and Bryan's Commoner, one year each . . . . . . -J .. $2.00 The Review, 'Metropolitan Magazine, Woman's World and Farm and Home, one year each $2.10 The Review, Everybody's Magazine and Woman's World, one year f 2.T5 miiiiiiiiimiiiinii FOR TOBACCO Madison, N. C, Jan. 27, 1917. T used 12917 baes of ZELL'S SPECIAL COM POUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about $60,000.00 worth of tobacco crown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni formly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs ell and brings the money. I will certainly use well's again this year J. M. GALLAWAY. FOR SALE BY KING & COBB, Pelham. - J. H. GLENN. SloneviHe JNO. Y. STOKES, Reidsville J.H.HOLLAND & CO. Price W. 0. DOGGETT.Brown Summit, T.B.WILS0N, Madiscn Big In DRESSES and SHIRTWAISTS We have made a deep cut in the prices on these goods and you can get some Bi? Bar gains by calling at our store. This Reduc tion Sale STARTS AT ONCE. We have just received j a lot of new mid summer White Hats and other Stylish Millin ery. Also a beautiful line of Summer Dresses for grown-ups and children. Please call and look throughlour attractive stock. MRS. SAM At War v The nation has entered the war. Men differed as to the wisdom of go Is Into war, but ths government has acted, and there Is no longer diviscm. The people are one.they will stand be hind the President and Congress who bear the grave responsibility of lead ing the country through war to peace. Our lives, our fortunes and sacred honor"-n these are pledged to sup port of the government through every hour until the end.-W. J. Bryan. The first census of the kind ever tuk en In Denmark, which bus about one third the area of Wisconsin, credited the country with more than 5,400,000 fruit trees. "Kio-Yio-Yio! Got Ho 'GotsJf Quick!" 2 Drops Make Corn "Pair Off! 'Tvs Joined the Never-Agaln Club. Never again will I use anything for corns but 'Gets-It.' Put 2 drops of Gets-It' on, and from that sec ond the corn begins to shrivel. Oh. Don't Touch It! It'a So Sore!" lee "Geta-It" and It Will Never lie Sorel Instead of swelling up like a little white sponge. Then it loosens from your toe and, glory hallelujah! the corn comes off as though you d take a glove off your hand!'r Tee "Gets-It" is the corn discov ery of the age. More "Gets-It" Is sold by many times than any other corn remedy in existence. Try it and you'll know the reason why. It takes-two seconds to tpply It. and It dries at once. That' all. Don t experiment follow the experience of millions and use "Gets-It." "Gets-It" Is sold everywhere. ISo a ' tattle, or sent on receipt of price by K. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. 111. Sold in Held s ville, and recommend ed ae the world's best com remedy by Gardner Drug Company. All FELS k CO. 9 v wri THE REVIEW President's Spade In Campaign Probably Mr. Wilson Will Break Ground on White House's Half Acre Commission Gives His Staff Seeds For Planting. PRESIDENT WILSON may take the lead In tie national cam paign for increased food pro duction by breaking the ground on the White House furm at Pennsyl vania avenue and Madison place, Washington. The National Emergency Food Gar den Commission presented the White House executive office force with seeds, which will be used to start the White House farm. Secretary of ibe Treasury McAdoo made public an appeal to the thou sands of employees of the department to cultivate as much laud as possible. "Millions of men httve been with drawn from tie Holds of production and sent to the fields of battle," said Secretary McAdoo. "The world's sup ply of fcywlstuffs has diminished In the face of an Increasing demand. Relief Is Imperative. "With ur own country ut war, the calls upon the usual tillers of the soil, which have been groat In the past, will be onorinous in the future, and it Is most desirable that every possible stop be taken to relieve, even in the slightest degree, the tremendous pres sure upon the world markets at this time." , - ' Secretary of the Interior Lane In a letter to Chairman Taylor of the house irrigation committee outlined a plan for the .creating of a traveling corps of farm laborers to work on the Irri gated lands of the country. Secretary Lane pointed out there were consider able areas of Idle arable land In the WEST POINT GRADUATES GET MONTH'S FURLOUGH Class of 191 7, Consisting of 1 39 Men, Fourth to Finish Ahead of Time. - Wheu the class of 1917 of the West Point Military academy graduated the other day the 130 members departed for their homes on a month's furlough with every prospect of seeing active service inside of a year. This Is the seventh time since the civil war began In 1801 that a class at West Point has been graduated prematurely. The social features of the annual June commencement were omitted and a brief program commensurate with the gravity " of the situation substi tuted. One concession which is ap proved by the superintendent Is the graduation ball, which was held in the gymnasium. , The first emergency graduation was In May, 1.801,. when forty-five members of the first class Were com missioned as officers. II. A. I)u I'ont of Delaware heuded the class. In June of the same year the second class was graduated for field service. Among its members was George A. Custer, who was killed at Little Big Horn. . It was not until ISOS that another emergency caused the premature grad uation of a class. On April 20 of that year lifty-niue members who were to have graduated in Juno were commis sioned for service in the Spanish war. E. N, Bcnchley and Clark Churchman of this Hnss died at Sun Juan 11111, J Cuba. . ... ' following year the seriousness I Of the Filipino insurrection led tn th;' , graduation of the first t'la oif Feb. ! On Fob. 1, lSXJl. seventy-four cadets j were grndnated to till vacnueics in tliO f ranks of conmiixsiencd -officers, and a similar situation in -IIKIS led to tlmj graduation of 108 cadets on Feb. 11. ; , When the class of '17 entered West r Point it consisted of 20O men. lis number bas been cut down by failures , In scholarship, resignations and oilier, causes. The honor man is Harry Jones , of Clayville, Oneida county, N. Y who-: stands far ahead of bis class. .Among; the graduates was Luis y Savosa Uada. a Filipino the fourth of his race to, graduate from the academy. . '" WAR'S HARD BLOW AT AFTERNOON TEA " ' . - " Lord Devonport, the British food controller, has Issued an or- der prohibiting the sale of light pastries, muffins, crumpets or tea . cakes. Cakes, buns, scones and bis- I cults can only be sold If they conform to the drastic restric- tlons respecting the amount of wheaten flour and sugar used. 4 Tea shops, which are so popular In England, will suffer severely by the new order. The war office bas ordered a return made of all horses, mules, cattle, sheep, pigs and agricnl- tural implement In Great Brit' tin. ' ; : BEIDSVTLl.a, N. C. to Start Nation to Increase Food Lane Outlines Plan For Travel ing Corps of Farm Laborers. Proposed Prohibition of Ex ports Not Embargo. United States. He proposes that mo bile companies of farm expert should .visit all such Idle arable land and that they should call to their aid in tilling It the farmers near such tracts, j Chairman Adamson of the house com ' mittee on interstate and foreign com merce has introduced bis bill to allow the president to prohibit exports from American ports wheu he deemed It ad visable. The only change was In the ' title, which makes it plain that the bill Is not liitomled as an embargo measure. Not Embargo Measure. - Mr. Adamson said the bill is pri marily for the purpose of allowing a proper distribution .of the supplies of the country. The title of the bill as reintroduced was, "To authorize the president in time of war to give direc tion to exports from the United States so iih to Insure their' wise, economical and 'profitable distribution to other countries and for oilier purposes." Representative Ratbriek of Ohio in troduced n bill to provide an agricul tural army under military control to supply deficiencies in farm labor and to obtain food for the people. It is provided that the president may enlist and equip an army -of not to exceed 300.000 men and women. An appeal to the farmers to increase the production of 'corn in the United States to the fullest extent this yean in order to meet the Increased demand result ing from the war emergency was made in u statement Issued by Secre tary Houston of the department of agriculture."'''' . BONE DRY UNITED STATES PLAN OF PROHIBITIONISTS Members of Defense Council Want All Liquor Barred During the War. Certain members of the Council of National Defense are considering seri ously the advisability of urging Presi dent Wilson to take drastic action Im mediately to stop completely the manu facture and sale of liquor throughout the United States. ' -' Reports based on figures for the fis cal year of 1916 show that action by the government to bring "war prohibi tion" would mean the closing of 1,332 breweries, and 005 distilleries. The National Defense Council says it be lieves more and more strongly that the nation's imperative need of the 0,000, 000,000 pounds of foodstuffs that go into the manufac ture of liquor is suffi cient reason for the government to take the stop that some European belliger ents have been forced to take In order that their armies and people may have sufficient food. , A decision as to the president's pow er to stop liquor manufacture is under Stood., to be in the hands of Attorney General Gregory. If necessary it ap pears probable that legislation author izing the president to act will be intro duced In congress. In this event the president would then be empowered to take the drastic action whenever he saw fit'. Whettier he would take it immediate ly or later probably would depend on the report made by Chairman Hoover of the National Economy Board, who will mate-a' thorough, study of food. conditions -In the country ana recom mend conservation measures.. BRITAIN TQ TEST DIPLOMATS. Highest Honor In Service to Be Open to Competition. A sensation has been caused by the announcement at the London foreign Office thut regulations will be drawn up soon ojioulng the highest honors in the diplomatic service to merit and com petition. Heretofore for many genera tions these places have been reserved for membeis of the "first" families. Social importance counted for much, and except in the rarest instances it was useless f,r outsiders to apply. A notable exception was made in the case of Viscount Bryee, '.whose siiocIhI qualifications gained for him aiiK)int ment to the British embassy in Wash ington. WAff PAINT FOR U. S. LINERS. Neither Flags Nor Identifying Marks' to Be Shown. J The war paint for American steam-j ships will be sea gray. The Orleans. ' first American freighter to go unharm- j ed throngh the German submarine zone ; to Bordeaux, will hare the Stars and j Stripes on her sides painted over and when she sails hence, armed, will look ' like a mert hantnian of any other bel ligerent " Red, white and blue decorations make fine targets. There will 1 noth ing to identify American liners sod freighters, sot even flags flying fro 23 PEPSIN MIX IRON and Sarsaparilla Fine Course of Medicine. Physicians and pharmacists have lonpr known the desirability and dif ficulty of combining iron a super lative tonic in a blood-purifying, appetite-giving medicine. The combination of the iron with Hood's Sarsaparilla has now been secured through the happy thought of prescribing Peptiron Pills in con nee t ion with the Sarsaparilla the latter to be taken before eating, Peptiron Pills after. In this way the two medicines work harmoniously, giving four-fold results in blood-cleansing and up building, in very many cases. Peptiron Pills include pepsin and iron, note the name, Peptiron Pills, nux vomica, manganese, other tonics, digestives and laxatives. What better course of medicine can you imagine for this season? You get blood-purifying, appetite giving, liver-stimulating qualities in Hood's Sarsaparilla and preat strength-makers in Peptiron Pills. Buy these medicines today. THE KAISER'S N(W PLAN TO CRUSH AMERICA We give herewith an excerpt from a speech made by the Kaiser,, which was sent to this country by W. Ham- ucoa uiicus, t .-uuon correspondent and published March 14, 14, 1915: "It is too eirly yet to fix the exact date when the blow shall ha struck out I will say this; that we shall strike ca soon as I have a sufficiently large fleet of Zeppelins at my disposal. "Ycu desire to know how the out break of hostilities will be brought about. I can assure, you on this point. Certainly we shall go far to ffnd a Just cause for war. My armies of spies scattered over Great Britain and France, as they are over North and South America, as well' as all other parts of the world where Ger man interests may come in clash 'frith a foreign power, will take good care cf that. I have already issued some tune since secret orders that will at itia proper moment accomplish what we ' desire. "Even now I rule supreme in the United States, where almost one half theopulation is either German or of German descent, dential elections. No American could remain in power against the will of the German voters, who control the destinies of the vast republic beyond the seas. "After the war it will be time to set things right in America, and to teach my friends over there that I have not forgotten the object lesson which Ad miral Dewey saw fit to give me some yeasr since when we had that little al tercation with Castro. ' "If God will help me, as I am con vinced He will, I trust that at the end of the coming year the Imperial treas ury will be filled to overflowing with the gold of the British and French war indemnities. '" : ' "Then -but not before-the moment will come to talk of disarmament and arbitration. With Great Britain and France in the dust; with Russia and the United States at my mercy, I shall set a new course to the destinies of the world a course that snail ensure to Germany for all time to come a leading part among the nations of the globe." Macon, (Ga.) News. Whatever else may be said of the Kaiser, he is a puffeck gem'man what knows what he wants, and when he wants it. We know some gem'men ourselves, too, who would like to see him, and have to tea when he comes over here to run things. But we still have some gem'men in this town who would like to entertain him in rpecially prepared quarters at Went worth the county seat is the place for so distinguished a guest. Wlgg Your' friend the actor seems rather eccentric. Wagg He's the per sorjlflcati'ii) of eccentrli ity. Why, that map aptnally'.iidinlpV there are other actors Jusf. as god as. ho is. Sore shoulders, lame back, stiff neck, all pains and aches yield to Sloan's Liniment. Do. not tab it. Simolv aoolv to ST I the sore spot, it quickly penetrates! ana relieves, leaner man mussy j plasters or ointments, it does not 1 stain the skin. j Keep bottle handy for rheumatism, : 1 : . .1 1 1 .. r - . . 1 pi.iui, uiuim, iwuiaiuc, neuralgia, uui lumbago and tore stiff muscles. At all dru&itts, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. pljl'f.jiiisisl: p' PAOT? SEVEN Stoinadi Germ; Stomac poisons breed millions i I rerms that eu.t into your vital a, c... -mg Gas Pressure, Indigestion, Cons -pation, Torpid Liver,Auto-Intoxicat: i Yellow Jaundice, Gall Stones, Ac dicitls, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, ot., e: Thousands of sufferers ravt fcer. re stored by Mayr'e Wonderful Fiorued;.:, among them Justice of the Sjprema Court, Congressmen, Doslors. Law yers, Bankers, Mlnlsterc, ."Jurses Far mers, Mechanics persons of every class probably your own neighbors. Stomach troubles are due mostly to catarrhal poison. Ma rr's Wonderful Remedy removes that poison, thor oughly cleanses the system, drives ' out the disease breed fng germs. , 1- ;nys inflammation and ends suffer ing. Unlike any' other remedy. No .lcohol nothing to injure you. One lose convinces. FREE book on Stomach Ailments Write Geo' H. itayr, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago, or btain a hrttl of Mavr'a Wonrlnrfiil Remedy from any reliable druggist, who will return your money If it falls. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION Upon motion lan election for mayor md commissioners, recorder for the recorder's court and solicitor for the r.cwn of Reiidsville, N. C", Is hereby ordered to be held upon the 1st day1 of .slay 1917, a provided by law and Mr. Jas. D. Wonaack is appointed as registrar of said election, Geo: W. Biker and J. B. Hazell for Judges of caid electioln . It is further ordered that the tickets for mayor, recorder and solictior be Ix3 inches, aa4 tickets for comimflssloners be 24rt inches, printed on white paper. ' By order of the TOWN COMMISSIONERS Reidsville, N. C, March 29th, 191 1. FOR MAYOR The "Cummlngs Club" hereby an nounces the candidacy of M. P. Cram mings for reelection to the officer of iv. ay or of the town of RefclaTllIe) la the coming municipal election to bo held May 1st, 1917 , - The Club also desires to thank er- ery one-who so loyally supported him two years ago and will greatly appre ciate any support In obtaining his re election. . ; THE CUMM1NGS CLUB April 18th, 1917. FOR RECORDER. I announce my candidacy for re-eleo- tion for Recorder. Very respectfully, ,IRA R. HUMPHREYS. Reidsville, N.'C. ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to announce that I am a can didate for re-elctionv to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of the Record ers Court of the town of Ridsvllle. Any mid all support will be duly ap preciated.' ' EDGAR H. WRENN, JR. Reidsville, N. C. March 26. 1917. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to eay to the voters of Reidsville that I am a candidata for the office of Prosecuting Attorner of Recorder's Court of said town, end will appreciate your support in the coming election to be held May 1st. I desire to -thank those who loylly spported me two years ego In my un avoidable absence. If elected to 4Ald! office I shall endeavor to do iy fali duty and fulfill to the best ; jt my abil-- ity every trust imposeo Ih me. P -?cttuUy , ,. -Jv M. SHARP This the t r0 Marcn 19n to the Voters of the town of reidsville I hereby announce myself a candi 6Rte for the position of Solicitor or the Recorder's Court for the town Pt Reidsville, N. C I will appreciate very much your active support, ,and if elected I pledge you a faithful impartial administration ot th" P. TV IJTIERS H , BRING ME VOUR BICYCLE FOR QUICK "REPAIR. ALX, WORI? . GUARANTEED Milted W Fall line of Irer Johnson Bicycles I handle the best tires that era sok "Fisk Tires" J. M.LIOTLEY Wssi Market Street ; J