PAGE EIGHT -'STn THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLP. N. O NEWS OP REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Born, to Mr, and Mrs. C.'W. Shef field on April 20. 1917, a son. Rev. Howard Hartzell will conduct services at the Episcopal church here Sunday night. Miss Annie Sloan of Winston-Salem has been spending a few days here with relatives. , Miss Clara Stuart has returned to liei home In Burlington alter a visit cf several days to Miss Madge Thomp- son. Mr. D. Eugene May stopped at the hom of Mr. G. M. Thompson en route from Richmond to Burlington this j week. Miss Mattle Delancy, who has been spending some time with her sister, Jrs. L. W. Wfngfk'ld, at Martinsville, Has returned home. Mr. 8. E. Burgess of Charlotte, the sfiable division passenger agent of the Kmthern Hallway, spent Monday in the city in the interest of his com pany. Little Doris Rogers gave a birthday pirty to her little friends and can- panions Tuesday in honor of her I birthday. " Dainty ' refreshments wore served the little folks. Home coming at Fairview Church Funday. Two services wi;ti dinner on the grounds. Everybody invited, it In especially desired that, all who have moved away from th he community to come back and e ijoy the day to gether.'' . Rev. E. L. Bain, l. U, the scholarly pastor of West Market str.'t church at Greensiioro will preach the com mencement sermon to the Wentworth .High School next Sunday afternoon at , 3 o'clock. Public is cordially in cited to hear him. The Atlantic Hot Wenny Stand is name of a new concern which will open up Saturday morning in the toreroom on West Market street. re cently vacated by the Southern Ex I ress Co. Mr. J. G. Xolnls. formery connected with the Clegg's lunch room Is the manager of the new lunch stand here.' ' At a recent meeting of the stock holders of the Reldsville Motor Co., Mr. J. W. Mlllner was appointed to (eke charge of the mechanical depart ment of their garage. He will take marge June 1st and therefore will not be an applicant for superintendent ot the local light and water plant, which position he now fills. Attorney J. It. Joyce has been noti fied by Mr. Santford Martin, private wetary to Governor Bickett, that Bud Casstevens of Reldsville has Deen granted a pardon. Casstevens was convicted along with young Jar jrell, the Caswell county youth, who wrote the famous "hunger" letter to ! Governor Bickett some time ago, The Reldsville ball team goes to Wayodan Saturday, April 28th, to play 'he first game of the season. The coys have been at hard practice the past month and are now In good trim. Everything looks toward a winning team this go-round. The season will c pen here Saturday, May 6th with Stokesdala Get your soason ticket The following pupils of the fourth grade have had perfoct written spell ing lessons for the month of April: Susie Sharp, Francos Wray, Margaret ' F els, Louise Tosh. Isabel Hubbard, Julia Hasklns, Virginia Whltsett.Anna Montgomery, Virginia Newell Emmu Pillar. Janie Sands, Llndsey Smith, liable Perkins, Mary Strader, Virginia W'aynlck. Mr. W. W. Dallas of the S urn mer le! d section called into to see us Monday. He tells us that Mr. Charlie Harris of his neighborhood has a calf with only three legs which Is quite a curiosity and has attracted consider ivble attention. The calf is now five weeks old and Is active and healthy. It has only one front leg the place here the other leg should be being Dly a short nub. In; deciding this great question of future policy of town government municipal ownership of public utilities, or private ownership of public utilities our citizens should not bo influenced ty ties of friendship or even of blood kinship in. voting for town tomiHls aioners in this particular election. Vote tlit'tlcket that, represents your Individual views on the specific Iksuo row before the public! At tho regular meeting of the Ir ving Literary Society last week the fa mous Trial Scene froiu "The Mer 'ant of Vuice" was presented by THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 13. Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTA1N The "You're in Love" company up to the Immediate present, has not es tablished a recruiting station in Relds ville, but is perhaps on the way. Why not try the plan? New York has found it the very thing for gaining recruits. ,.Pd if they in the East have done so well, why not try it here In our Southland where we have greater at tractions? The plan of the "You're in Love" company is that "Three little Maids" from school or not, who are l.atrlotic and not over shy, to daily at tend the recruiting office and offer a kiss for a recruit. o Vive la France! Welcome Monsieur V'tviani wlz ze grande assure of THE BEST COl'XTRY in all the world. Walk this way, Stella, for a good complexion, sparming eyes, rosy cneeks, and graceful POSE, take Brit aln's Tonic Laxative. The Snap Beans are coming. hHra ho, heigh. ho, o Every man to bis trade. The car- renter can't always drive a bar?a;n ai;y more successfully than the busi ness man can drive a nail. We are ex perts In the drug business,, and natur ally we can supply vour drug stoi needs to your best interest. Coni-3 to i;ee us, Silas. o Fro ii the plowing and planting no-', gcing on, we will want Buck Bailey'.; big boy's big bushel basket to gather 'cm in. o Summer and Talcum Powder go t l-ether; we have a great stock of iiii best, the odor you want and at price? . , to fit even a wartime pocket book. J . o ' . , . Watermelon seeds In big variety , Wipe your mouf Ellzer, good days are ; coming. i . ' ' i The nurse girl may not wear glove.-'. but she sometimes has a couple of u:i dressed kids on her hands. 1 o I Good Ice Water all the time for our j friends and others. Drink with us I Have a seat Itainases. BU I TAIN S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best (foods Lowest Price.--, Let Brittt n till vonrjPierript.ionn.' '. this class of Americans tends to In crease th'i belief that America is to wage a 100 per cent. war. Come to Pels' store to see the new line of Summer Hats and Dresses Just received. Fels sell for less. The Grande Theatre played to full houses at every show Tusday at the great picture. "War Brides." Th-,s pic- .ure ih one of those great war pictures tnat brings to our own home the nor rors as they are actually happening In every day life in the war stricken countries of Europe. This picture showed actual facts and not fiction fnd those who were io fortunate to gain entrance will not forget the nor rors of war any too soon. M, Minis, the oldest resident of Cas well county, 97 years of age, and who lives near Yanceyville, was in Danville today to see some of his friends, now few because of the farmer's longevity. Minis, who incidentally has been a lubscriber to the local paper fo"? forty years, was born in 1820 and is as ac tive today as many a man of forty or hfty. He is a Confederate veteran, be ing wounded four times in the war. He does not consider that he has pass td his fighting days, for he stated this morning that he was ready to do Lis bit If he should be required to Danville Bee. Miss Sadie King was at hame Wed nesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Henry Clark and Miss Edna King, a bride of next month. The house was beautifully decorated in flowers. Rook and bridge were played, at the con clusion of which, Mfss Kitty Mae, Irvin rnd Miss Susie Stokes tied for the prize. Miss Irvin proved to be the lucky one, and was presented with a box of dainty handkerchiefs. Both honorees were also given handker chiefs. A delicious salad coursre was bervod, followed by fee cream and cake. The invited guests were: Miss es Blair Sponcer, MinnJe Lee Whitte- more, Ruth Rawley, Kitty Mae Irvin, Lucy Wray, Marguerite Penn, Susie FtokeH, Gladys, Ruth and Kate Bur ton. . :'''"' Your Bank Account IS THE YARD-STICK BY WHICH YOUR CREDIT IS MEASURED. A MAN WITHOUT A BANK AC COUNT SELDOM HAS EITHER CASH OR CREDIT. MEASURED BY THE WORLD'S STANDARDS THE MAN OR WOMAN WITH THE BANK ACCOUNT IS WORTH FOUR MEN WITHOUT ONE. Bring Your Account to Us WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, AND SO LICIT CHECK ACCOUNTS. Rockingham Savings i Bank & Trust Co. fctudn.. nts from the 9th grade. The . ste ot haracters was as follows: The Duke ot' Vonfce, King Carter; An .tonlo, Ardile Wilkinson; Bassanio Wrnon Link; Salt'io, Joseph Fels; Fhylock, Frank flail; Gratlano, Wil ;iam Hster; Clerk, Jasper Roberts; Portia, Mary Stokes; .N'erissa, Nina Rochelle. A trip to the country today -would convince the most hardened pessimist ihat the farmers are doing their share to relieve the threatened Bhortago In fr-c-d muffs. Practically every foot ot iacd is being plowed and cultivated :by the farmers of this county and action of the State. New land has een brought Into cultivation by r Wring off rubbish, and la some c-ses, forest lands. The farmers have (utered into the Bplrit of prepared Less with a vim and apparent earn ihtnefeg that will produce the greatest ) -eld in the history of the country. ;bey have learned that the soldier on ihf battlefield Is n6t to carry oa tb var alone, and the spirit shown by Bad Cough? Feverish' Grlpy. You need Dr. King's Now Discovery to stop that cold, the soothing bpisata ingredients heal the irritated mem branes, sooth the sore throat, the an tistmtlc qualities kill the germ and your cold Is quickly relieved. Dr. King's New Discovery, for 48 year? has been the standard remedy for coughs and colds in th us.iml ? 1 omes. Get a bottle toit'ny- jtiil'h.'iv.i it handy in your medicine chest fr . . U aaI.1. n.l..rv A n11 UUfcU ; T ,, a I Sadler- May 3: 0ron, May 4 and 6; bronchial affections. At your drug vll. .,-, '., .""j Sixth chapter, "Wrath" in five parts at the Grande. y Lot flower pots Just in at Burton Chance-Walker Co. If it is shingles we have them, Townsend Buggy Co. rerils of the Secret Service in tw rarts, seven reels in all. run SAL.K Fresh milk cow, or will trad for beef. W. R. ' Brown, Reldsville. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, big stock at right prices Reldsville Hardware Co. Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet. Reidsvllle Hardware Co. FOR SALE A few thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Hens at 90 cents each foi quick gale. Mrs. Chas. L. Jonos, -13 Lindsey Street. : LABORERS WANTED Wanted, fiity laborers. Will pay 15 cents per nour, Permanent work for several months. R. M. . Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors, Reidsvllile, n. c. ; i TAX LISTING. I will at the fol lowing places on the following dates fir the purpose of taking the list of your real estate and personal property for taxation: Ruiiln, May 1 and 2: gist, 60c, BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC Wlu1: you have anything to sell, advertise in our Busi ness Builders, five cents pei line for one insertion; 10 cent? per line for three insertions Don't miss the show tonight at the Grande. See "Wrath" tonight in the Seven ioadly Sins. FOR RENT Five-room house on South Main Street. Apply to Eugene Irvin. ' You can get the newest things and for less money than elesewhere. Coma and see at Fels store. Just received two car loads of hard trick, Prices rlght. O. S. Fulk. Con tractor and Builder, Reldsville, N. C. I have Just received car good Ken lucky mules, all broken and ready for work. Havo some good size teams; Ulso some niedlujin farm mules. Will le glad to serve you. Come and see fiie. J. W. Ivie TAX LISTING. I will be at the following places for the purpose of lifting taxes: Salem Church, May 2; Benaja, May 3; Turner Store, May 4; Martina Store. May 5; R. W. Clack's, May 7th. Let everybody meet me at the above places. . W. S. Som crs. Tax Lister, Reldsville Township. 8; Mayfield, May 9; Hopper, May 9. morning, Cook's Store, afternoon; Chandler's Mill Friday, May 11; Rock Quarry, May 12, morning, London's London's Store afternoon; will .close at Rutfln Monday May 14th. The law requires you to meet me at the above designated places and list your proper ty. Failure to do so will result !n your jjeing double taxed and also subjects you to a misdemeanor, section 80 Machinery Act, 1911. M. D. Ilolderby, List Taker for Rutrin Township. SPECIAL NOTICE , FOR LISTING TAXES. Notice Is hereby '-given, in accordance with Section 20 of the Ma chinery Act to all persons in this Yownship required to list-property or poll for taxation, must list their taxes during the month of May. I can be found at the times and places men tioned below for the purpose of re ceiving their list; At Citty's ''Store on May I; Thompsonville, May 2; S. P. Faschal's Store May 3rd;r J. W. Max well's on the morning of May 4th; at Pritchett's School House afternoon of May 4th. and after the above dates the tax list for this township will be closed. Attention is called to the fact that failure to list will result in four being double taxed as required by Seo uon 80 of the Machinery Act 1911, and the taxpayer failing to list also subjects himself to a misdemeanor. Section 80. Machinery Act 1911. riease do not fall to see us before the explra t cn of above dates. J. E. Garrett. Listtaker for Williamsburg Township. Nissen and Spach wagons sold by Townsen Buggy Company, Hoes, rakes, pitchforks, and potato diggers at Townsend Buggy Co. FOR SALE. Farm horse. Cash or terms. J. H. Burton, Reldsville. I WOOD FOR SALE. 12.50 per cord. Apply to R. I). Gapin, Thone 211-W. Genasco Roofing put on with kleets Letter than nails. Sold by Townsend liuggy Co. I FOR RENT. 9 room house newly 1 repaired and close in. Reldsville Hardware Co. Cole Fertilizer Distributors and irrn planters, sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Buggies from ?45.00 up, and a great many styles to select from. Town- send Buggy Co. WANTED. Ten good drivers. Ap ply to J. T. Plott's oamp at R. P Richardson's place. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best makes at the right price. Reldsville Hardware Company. Boss Self-Working Washer will clean the clothes in five minutes. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. For twenty-four inch concrete well ripe, brick, and building blocks, call ri W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. Big stock of screen doors and screen v ire. e can make the price. Reids , v.lle Hardware Company. Blackman's Medicated Salt Brick Is 'the best. Take no substitute. -Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. j FOR SALE. Scotch Collie puppies, ?:i for females and $4 for males. jj R. Mclntyre, Route 1. j if you want a jitney any time to j go anywhere, see or call J. C. Barber at tne Climax uarber snop. We have a few corn planters at o'a prices. Buy now before they are :ili gone. Reldsville Hardware Co. FOR SALE. One horse Nissen wagon and set of single wagon har ness. Apply to J. A. Pettigrew, city. Fine lot W'eekley's Improved seed torn for sale. State tests prove it is best corn for this section. R. M. Gillie. We have made arrangement! to store fertilizer for farmers at Rogers tnd Cook's lumber yard. Jno. R Wil liams. Fairbanks Morse Oil Engines are tne best. We have sample. See It before you buy Townsend Buggy Company. Have your wagon and buggy tires set while you wait. We nave a new cold tire setter and can do your work at once, Smith Bros. Heaistitching and picoting ten cents per yard. Best work, prompt service. Mail work to O. J. Denny (Specialty Shop) Charlotte, N. C. LOOK for the "Climax Barber Shop" when you want a first-class hair cut or shave. We guarantee to please you. Barber & Pettigrew. Weekly's Improved seed corn. Es pecially suited to the .Piedmont sec. tion, and is proven by actual test the greatest yielder corn. For sale by R. M. Gillie, Phone 254. FOR SALE One pair of Money weight computing scales. Registers f' om half an ounce to 90 pounds. Good condition. Absolutely correct. Price $20. Half cost W. S. Allen. FOR SALE. A standard bred Shet land pony, well broke, raised by Mr. Banks Holt Graham. Also cart, har. ness and saddle. All in good con dition. Apply to S. C. Penn, city. Weekley's improved seed corn, field selected acclimatized, nubbed, tipped and hand shelled for sale. Best corn and highest yielding for this section proven by seven year test. R. M. Gillie. - The regular quarterly meeting of the Rockingham County Farmers Union will be held at Wentworth on Saturday, April 28th. AH Local Un ions In the county are requested to send delegates.-r-W. E. Durham, Sec. and Treas. I have a fine lot of seed corn and hope every farmer in the county will be certain to plant some of it as am convinced tt is tne best corn for this section and will go a long ways twords solving the bread and meat situation here next year. R. M. GUlle. .... ' MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES I represent the Continental Marble and Granite Co., of Canton, Ga., and will be pleased to submit estimate on memortaJs. tombstones and marble work of all kinds. Lowest prices ai d satisfaction guaranteed J. H Ben r.ett, Jr.. ReldsvJle, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1917 COMPLETE DISPLAY OF SPRIG SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND HATS THE STYLES ARE CHARMING Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. D O I T N O W Lettuce, Radish, Sweet Peas and Plant English Peas, Cabbage, Tomato, Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 1 Men Who FETZER'S DRUGSTORE HEADQUARTERS FOR DR. HESS Stock & Poultry Tonic Think of it! Eggs 40c per dosen and four liens not layiu?! Feed them Dr. HcssToultry Panacea Erery package guaranteed. "Ask us Charles Fetzer THE DEPENDABLE DRUGGIST AT IT FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS Want to be Well Dressed Come to TANENHAUS. Our . stock of New Spring Suits FROM $15 UP Comprise everything that is .new, fashionable, and what New York men are wearing. Pay A SMALL SUM J)0WN AND $1 A WEEK. No store in North Carolina can offer you better in ducements as to style, wear, and paying terms. Come and have your name put on our books. 0, A LITTLE DOWN AND W TANENHAUS A DOLLAR A WEEK ir Opposite P.O. 11 When The Pinch Comes WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". , The flourishing green in the gar den will help considers bly. But see that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely ''keep the wolf from the door". Uet your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY NIGHi PHONE 61-J. PHONE 14.

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