'JHE REVHTttt MUDSVILL E, X. a FRIDAY MAY 11, 1917 PAGE FIVE Happiness rather than wealth Refinement rather than display characterize the home where are found Belle Mead Sweets Bon Bons & Chocolates Tempting nuts, luscious fruits and the creamiest of cream centers are coated in the world's best chocolate and then packod in boxes of such beauty an refinement as to make them the welcome gift for anyone whom you may wish to show your friendship for. 80 cents to $10.00 the pound IRetosville Cartel IRitCfKn WHO? WHAT? WHY? NEW YORK TO ASK Pamlico county, says Mr: T. B. At J. T. Hale, a I)lac3v8mith of Rocky more, superintendent of schools of Point, Pender county, was found deal that county, will grow about 300,000 with three bullet wounds in his body bushels of sweet and Irish potatoes Suicide was the first theory but It Is this year. Foar thousand acres wert now believed to be murder. D. L, planted in Irish potatoes and 60 bush- Hale, a brother of the dead man, is els to the acre Is a fair yield, he says, j under arrest. Safest Druggists Sell E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because it contains no opiates, no lead, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. All other Pile medicines containing injurious narcotics and other poisons cause constipation and damage all who use them. fi-RU-SA cures Or ?50 paid. FETZER'S DRUG STORE, R. H. TUCKER, GARDNER DRUG CO, P'EDMONT DRUG STORE ANNOUNCEMENT BABY WEEK Every Baby hose picture is made at my Studio during the week beginning: MAY 14th and ending MAY 19th, 191 r, will be given a Tinted Picture of hims If FREE MISS MARY BAKER, Photographer REIDS VILLE, N. C. The New York military authorities have completed the list of eighty-seven questions which are to be asked all male inhabitants between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five when the military census is compiled during the first two weeks lu May. Males be tween these nge will be liable to serv Ice under the first call to arms. Questions to be answered by all oth er persons In the state between the ages of blxteen and sixty-four will fol low quite, closely those for males in the nineteen to twenty-five year class, who will be required to answer the questions which follow: Name In full? Residence? Age? Height? Weight? Color or race? Na tlonality? Of what country are you a citizen or subject? Nationality of father? Of mother? How many persons are whol ly dependent upon you for support? Have you attended elementary schools 'i High school? Technical school? Col lege? A to Languages. What language other than English can you speak well? What is your present occupation? 'Name former oc cupations in order of Importance? Have you ever been in the military or naval service or had military or naval training at college, school, camp or cruise? If so, state in what coun try, when, how long, In what organl zation, highest grade held. Are you In the military or naval service now? Have you an applies lion for enlistment pending? nave you t-ver been rejected for enlistment? If so. why? . Can you drive an automobile? Oper ate a telegraph? Hide a motorcycle? Operate a wireless? Handle a power boat? Operate a stationary steam en glue? Operate an aeroplane? Handle electrical machinery? Operate a steam locomotive? Do you hold a license as engineer? Pilot? Navigatior? Have you ever been employed in shipbuilding? What'c Your Buainoasf Have you any serious physical de fect? If so, name it. Are you mar ried, single, widower or divorced? Are you a citizen of the United States? If not, how many years have you lived in the United States? If not, have you taken out your first pa pers? If so, Lu what year? Are you an employer of dlreetor of labor (other than domestic service)? State approximate number under your charge. Do you claim exemption from military service? Why? Give name of your present employer, employer's business address, employer's business, How many of each of the following do you own: Automobile? Auto trucks? Vans? Wagons or trucks? Wireless outfit? Motorcycles? Motorcycle with side car attached? Draft horses? Light draft horses? Saddle horses? Mules? Milk cows? Beef cattle? Other small livestock? Rifles? And What Do You Own? Do you own a ship, yacht, motor launch or power boat? In cases of things owned the location is asked, with particulars as to make, power and other details of automobile or craft. Iu the case of dependents, details are asked of names, ages, sex, rela tionship and residence of dependent If any, including' all children under six. teen years of age. In the case of bus band and wife living together the hus band alone is to list all dependents of both husband and wife, including chil dren under sixteen years. BARGAINS EVERY DAY AT 0 CDBuini(Bir-f OWffi PRICES NEW GOODS COMING IN DAILY We want every man and woman in the county to come to cur store and get acquainted with the. Wonderful Values we offer in High Class Merchandise. There is a Bargain . for every woman in our Dress Goods Depart ment. We have about 10,000 yards of Dress Goods Remnantscom prising Voiles, Poplins, Batistes, Skirting, Ginghams, etc., which we are selling as low as one-half the regular price. Our line of Shoes and Oxfords for men, women and children defy the present exherbitant Shoe price! Ladies' High Cut White Shoes and Pumps. Men's and Boys' Oxfords in tans and blacks; also new Fan cy T p Mxfnrd&. To appreciate our Wonderful Shoe Stock, you must . see it. CLOTHING for men and boys! Although priced lower than in any other store in the State, we sell Clothes of merit-Garments that are perfectly tailored, in a range of styles and colors, that include everything that is New and Fashionable for men and youths of every age, build, and taste. is SILK TUB SKIRTS, Attractive Patterns, Value $8.00 ......... $3.95 Amoskneg Ginghams Q 1 a Inn . VCWUs Middy Blouse Suits for M QQ Misses, Value $5.00.. V1' High Class White Shoes for Ladies? and Misses. Value $3.00 Best Percales yard wide Value 18c. - 11 l-2c $1.95 Turkish Towels, Value 20c 10c Mary Jane Pumps for Children, sizes to 2, value $1.50.. $1.00 Quality White Voile 42 in 48c 98c Pretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents.- Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. TTT' I Karons Why riot visit our store this week arid see the very Newest . and Colors in MenY and Boys' Clothing? OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE ft . in Clothing, Hats, Shi rts, Underwear, Neck wear, Collars, Hose, Pants, &c. And our prices are right. Boys' Suits, Value $1,25, in Wash Linens and Galaten Cloth.., 68c Men's $3.00 Shoes in $ 1 QQ Gun Metal Blucher.. P 1,170 $2.00 Grade yd wide Black Taf-F1 1C feta Silk ipl.lD YOU SAVE MONEY BUYING AT S. HEINER & Reidsville,N.C. -Adjoining W. P. Wares Grocery CO. W. Market St.! BOYL S BROS. CO. W. W.BOYLES, Mgr. FeicsiIl6,N.C. MT. CAR MEL The weather has "been very rainy tor the past few days and has de layed farm work a good deal. Very little tobacco has yet been planted in this section. A large acreage Is planted to corn and the prospects are very favorable iq a large yield. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sparks of near Lauders visited the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. I). Ellington, Satur day and Sunday. Mr. R. E. Ellington and family vis ited Mr, and Mrs. Edward Powell at .Vance Sunday. Mr. Roy Jarrett of Akron, Ohio, vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jarrett recently. Mr. J. V.. Ellington visited Mq. and Mrs. J. H. Adkins at Oak Ridge Sun day. . . Rev. F. L. Towusend will fill his regular appointment at Mt. Cancel Sunday at 11 a. 111. Sunday School will be held at lu a. m. Mr. Rufus Dix of Danville visited his parents, 'Squire and Mrs, V. K. I:.x Sunday. M r. and Mrs. J. M. Vaughn of Nance visited- at the home Mr. and Mrs. T. French Sunday. Mr. Robert Pryor visitied his sister. Mrs. Willie Wall in the Grooms sec tion Saturday and Sunday. Mr.. Willie Dix of Danville has now moved to the home of his grand par t uts. 'Squire and Mrs. W. E. Dix. where ho will engage in faraaing this year. Carmel Local Union No. 1643 will meet Saturday. May 12 at 7:30 p. m. All members are urgently requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. French were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stone Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Strader visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. French Sunday. Mrs. T. M. French is very sick, her iuany friends regret to learn. Report of the Condition of ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK, & TRUST CO. At Reidsville, in the State of .North Carolina, at the close of business May 1,1917. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . . . . . . ; Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . . Furniture and Fixtures .. . . , y . . . Due from National Banks . , . , . ; . . Cash items . . . . . ; Gold coin . . . Silver coin, including all mi nor currency . . . . . . . . National Bank Notes and oth er II, S.' Notes -. . . . ... . . . ..... 127, 298.17 .. 1,031-30 . . 2,370.00 . .8,388.96 1,095.53 1,005.00 53S.b3 2,807.00 Total ' . . 144,534.84 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in . . . . . , . . , . . . . .... 4 . . 20,000.00 Surplus fund .. .. .. .. .. . .... .. .. . . 2,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses 'and taxes paid .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 84.03 Bills Payable . . .. . . ............... . , ..... 8,000.00 Deposits subject to check . . . . . . . .... . . . . ... 47,973.07 Tiny? Certificates of Deposit. ..17,650.53 Savings Deposits .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 47,045.63 Cashier's checks outstanding. 1 77 70 Certified checks ... . ...... i7- ...... . rr 1 o Total 144,534.84 J Drivan to It. "You ask me for help, and I dare say you haveu t done a li-k of work siuce ' the Uay you were boin," snarled old ; Mr. Codgers. "Oh, sir." auswered the mendicant. 1 "you do me a great injustice. I had j a cruel r-areut, eir, and many a time, ! after he had walloped me. I went forth and milked the cows." Blrmlnsham Shlte of North Carolina, . County nf Rockingham, 1917. I, Scott Fillman, cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief, SCOTT FILLMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the fth day of May, 1917.--R. II. TUCKER, Notarj' Public. Correct -Attest; II. E. Link, R. S Montgomery A. P. Sands, Directors. "Boot for EeidsriUi and Eocki2ili&ri"' i Afe-H era ld- I

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