FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917 THE REVIEW : REIDS vflLiLH N & THE NEWS IN BRIEF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE Joseph H. Choate. former United States ambassador to Great Britain, died Monday night at his home in New York. According to authoritative figures now available, the French and British armies between April 9 and May VI captured 4'J.579 Germans, including S76 officers, 444 heavy and field can non, 943 machine guns and 386 trench cannon. to avoid competition between them, he shall supervise the "purchase, stor. age, conservation, transportation, dis tribution, sale, exchange and control of foods, feeds, fuels and similar ne cessaries" to such extent as Congress shall provide. He would have the salary of a Cabinet", officer. ESPIONAGE BILL HAS BEEN PASSED BY THE 8ENATE Secretary Houston before fhe House appropriatioins sub-committee, oppos ed the joint resolution adopted by the Senate to appropriate $10,000,000 for the purchase of nitrate fertilizer, to sell to farmers at cost.' Mr. Houston charactrlzed the proposal as very impracticable. No seed for free distribution nor for pole is at the disposal of the United States department of agriculture. The ('.epartment, however, through Its coin I niittee on seed stocks, Is receiving : daily telegraphic and other reports a I to available supplies of seeds of crops for late planting, and will assist in locating seed stocks for localities . where shortage exists. "The commit tee is co-operating with State, local 'and commercial agencies in an effort . to secure better distribution of seed ( end to encourage plantings of all lm I jiortant crops. Both Secretary of War Newton D. Baker and Secretary of the Navy Jo eephus Daniels will speak at the com mencement of the University of North Carolina June 6. according to an an nouncement by President Edward K. Graham of the university. It is plan ned to make the occasion a great pa triotic celebration, and an expression of loyalty to the government. Thomas J. Burgess, for seven years a member of the Danville police force, was arrested charged with receiving stolen goods, his billet and badge were removed and he was suspended from duty and bonded uner the sum of $50 for his appearance in court. The affair created a sensation in our ister city. Brought face to face with the evidence, Burgess, it is alleged, admitted his offense to the chief of police. The selective draft system for re cruiting the army will soon be put in to effect and it will .ce a tinw if the utmost gravity and seriousness. We feel that this is truly a county worthy ot being a mother of former patriots, and now that the summons has come to us again old Rockingham county will show that she has living sons that are as firmly imbued with their devotion to their flag and country as were her forefathers. The war has openel a new and at tractive line of occupation to the boys and girls of the country through the medium of the telegraph office. At the present moment the Government iw calling for 250 boys and girls to to go Into training as telegraph oper aiors. It is supposed thit this npw addition to the telegraph force is wanted io take the place of old and ex perienced employes who will be as signed to more Important posts in war service. A bright young man can equip himself for competency In the telegraph service in three or four months, and it would seem that this call by the Government would receive the required responses. PROFIT BY THIS Two new food control bills, one authorizing the President to appoint a controller general of supplies dur ing the war, and another designed to prevent slaughter of immature live stock, were Introduced by Senator Gore, chairiinan of the Agricultural Committee. The measure proposing a controller provides that in cooper ation with other Federal agencies, and Dont Waste Another Day When you are worried by backache; By lameness and bladder disorders Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Follow Reidsville people's example Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Reidsville testimony. Verify it if you wish: Mrs. J. P. Somers, 237 Lindsey St., says: "I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills on several occasions for lame Lack. At times I have pains between my shoulder blades and I feel tired out. My kidneys were not acting as they should. Doan's Kidney Pills how ever soon made me feel like a differ- ! ent person'. I have given this medi cine to my children for kidney and bladder trouble and it has always brought relief.' Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mis. Somers uses. Foster-Milburn Co. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. After nearly three weexs of dibafi the Senate, by a vote, of 77 to 6 pued the administration espionpge bill pro j nounced one of the most drastic and ai'inclu!si"c measures in .v;i eiitan congressional history. I A similar bill has passed the il iuse and virtual redrafting of many of the most in n.) .-it provsiins is exiected in the forthcoming c iferencep During the final considers!'-.!!, the Senate stripped the .masuie if pro visions for newspaper r onsorshin and restriction upon manufacture of grain .into intoxicating liquors; and rejected an amendment designed to curb specu lation in food products, although sen timent obviously was overwhelming In favor of Buch legislation later. As completed, the Senate bill's prin cipal sections provide: Authority for the President to em barge exports when he finds that "the public safety and welfare so requira" (not in the House measure). . Authority for the postoffice depart ment to censor malls and exclude mat ter deemed seditious, anarchistic or treasonable, and making its mailing punishable under heavy penalties (not in the House bill) ; For punishment of espionage, defined in most detailed terms, including wrongful use of military information; For the control of merchant vessels In American waters: Punishment for conveyance of false reports to interefere with military op erations, willful attempts to cause dis affection in the military or naval forces of obstruction of recruiting. . For the seizure of arms and muni tions and prohibition of their Exporta tion under certain conditions. For penalizing conspiracies design ed to harm American foreign rela tions or for destruction of property within the United States. For increased restrictions upon is suance of passports, with penalties for their forgery or false procure ment; and For material extension of the power to issue -search warrants for Inspec tion of premises . The clause giving the President power to embargo exports was retain ed in the bill virtually as drafted by adminisitration officials. It was mod ified once, but the unqualified provis ion was restored after Its necessity had been explained last week in a rtav's session behind closed doors. Vigorous efforts to retain provis ions for newspaper censorship and partial prohibition, together with food stuff .conservation, during war, culml rated In final votes Monday in which the Senate voted 48 to 3. to eliminate all provisions for the press censor ship. On behalf of the administra tion forces Senator Overman, in rharire of the bill, had moved to re instate a modified censorship clause. INCREASE OF REGULAR ARMY . TO WAR QUOTA ORDERED msorshlp clause. Expansion or tne regular army to , dQ program was As the House bill contains a pro- j "e lull war strenpn comemp.aiea in aEnounced by the .. federal . shipping vision by the Jury of culpability for the administration army bill has been boar(, The contractwent to tne First Contract For Ships. Signing of the first contract for ship construction under the admlnstra- violation of censorship regulations to authorized by resident uson. ur- Angelea ShJp BulMlng and Dry pock bo promulgated by the President, the ' puliation of the new regiments were companVi mA for dellyery ta adminstration is expected to bring " - 1918 of eight steel vessels each to strong pressure for drafting in con- j i83.000 men to be added to the army .8,800' tons of cargo. ftrence of a compromise censorship "eaay nave uem i rr-1 i ll.i. VA It, also was announced the board l ctlon. -Tne immediate eireci, or me oraer tsr(ra,!n for aQJm addItlonal On the question of prohibition andl be to promote nearly two-tniras WQod tonn&se for deUTery food stuff conservation in the Senate, of the present officers of the regular fl& e 1Me gome of the by a vote of 46 to 37, reverse its ac- Hnn rf Sntiiriiav In nWAntfor Sena- wv,.. I,. . , , -JA. tor Cummins' amendment providing . st. a, ora, 011a, ooiu iu - I 1 A ...Ill ItA atatflArl n rrmy one or two grades. uHn hinH -r alneadr under con- In the Southern department the Th, hlllM(l nPOCeedin tor uummins amenameni proviums .. - , that during the war, manufacture of regiments of infantry will be raised at cereals, grain, sugar and syrup into Chickamauga Park. Ga.. from three intoxicating liquors should be prohlb- regiments of infantry from the bor wt t-rm t it tmiMr nut thft 1 der. The existing 17th Infantry regi- Cummlngs amendment offered as a'ment will be one of those to be ex- lood conservation step, but attacked fi3 really a prohibition move. without awaiting formal contracts. The shipping board plans to have built within the next next 18 months, at least 1,000 ships, steel and wood, ot more than 3,000 aggregate tonnage ment win ne one or mose to ne ex- combat tfae German BubmarlM panded. The 22nd and 23rd carn'.ry MmnIim nnia tn hA introduced in i really a prohibition move. regiuiems u ... uc u. Con?ress this week call for an addi- An amendment by Senator Thomas amauga rarK, one ex sung .(jnal approprlation of $400,000,000. j j i v. Awhnmi rrnmpni Ut?lIlK U UUKUl Utttlk llUIli llIC to suspend, during the war, exchang es and board3 of trade permitting "fu ture" trailing in foodstuffs was reject ed, 42 to 24. after threa hours' stormy ("ebate. Many senators, while ex pressing sympathy with its object and violently denouncing foodstuff speculation, felt that it was an Im proper subject for the espionage measure and should be more ade quately considered when some of the various food bills are taken up, prob ably later this week. The senate voted 52 to 29 to retain regiment being brought back from the border to the point for expansion Later an additional $342,000,000 will .rder to tne point lor expansion and ,9 not enoQUgh The 13th and 14th field nrtillery ,,, . Kt t in k ot iTvt ni " I CKiUldil'B Will UO I OlOCU W v-'t V kJp Okla., the B7tn Jiiraniry rem, jeninan. of the shipping board, "is 18th field artillery, the b4th Infantry .A, that w construction Is and the 21st field artillery also win . Amnr,oan sllCf.fi8a in the v. "The government,' said Chairman ana me ist now a.., to Amerlcan success In the war. be raised in the Southern department , . . t if it urns the balance between Tlo- at places to be designated by the de partment commander. Pulls Plow With Auto a nlnwlnsr suereestion comes from a farmer in Belmont who has rigged I . iy and defeat. If a billion lo'-lars insufficient more money trust b spent.' wl I - A J ILIa 1 ne senate voieu o& iu 4j iu mmu a rarmer in ueimont nu una ngscu inere is more vninrru m imo odv that part of the mails espionage sec-1 up a hltci by which his plow Is ' tlon of the country than all other dls- i kinl. .nntviA nnnn f riTa eo v will I 1 1 .1 v.. hi. .utAmnKlla iltK raalllla ' BAa nut fAvathav anil fni- VffftfS it J ,L. ri .w. , .1. crAOVM1 H rQ a t 1 nmllJiail KP h(KA. m... ai.nnaA tf V l H l"fl Mft TlnCtr4 powers of censorship, rejecting Sena- power. With the old plow annexed Inr Rnrnh'a mntintl to Strike OUt the tn 1h mnlnr car this farmer can tUTO clause. I over in a day nearly thre ares of ment, pronounced It incurable. CatarrB An amendment by Senator LaFol- ground against one acre with a horse; 1 1? a local' disease, greatly Influenced lette. rejected 65 to 9, would have Wth a double gang plow it would bejby constitutional conditions and there ,.,,l;i;n,l tl, ovnnrt omhArcn nrovis-' nnColhla tn fnur nr fivn acres. "The fnra refill I rp constitutional treatment Illl'UIllCU L llj v, . ' v ' . - mr- " . fUDaiuio L w " ' - " " - -- . . " . v. was suposed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly falling to cure with local treat- ion so as to prohibit the President j old change made in the car from Its hnnmlner shioments unless naiini rnnrlition for the road was to (he proscribed articles were needed in ! attach a device to the rear wheels for this country and to rorbia tne use oi the purpose or increasing tne traction (he embargo power to coerce any neu- J Dn soft ground. The plow was hitched Hall's Catarrh Medicine, manufactur ed by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is a constitctional remeJy and ia taken internally and acts thru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the ir.i notion in TvnrHrlnatA in the war. ' tn tho roar nnrine-s of the motor car by Svstem. One Hundred Dollars reward . . . il. V -Tn.tlnA m I . ... . , 1 .1 nnw I - 1 AM amv S1Q1A .' that TTft 1 1 Senators voting lor ine jjaroiioim cnain. i ne larmer ueiu iuo mi uu is uuerou iwi u; - Vardaman. striction8 were Cummins. France, Gal- tie driver guided the car. Six miles linger, Gore, Gronna, Jones of Wash- j an hour was found to be about the ington, LaFollette, Townsend and j right speed. Springfield Republican. Beit Remedy for Whooping Cough fi cad iiuav THF waste "Last winter when my little boy naa ,i... tu .-At nf whooning cough I gave him Chamber- good health, bright eyes, clear com-.Iain's Cough Remedy." writes Mrs. J. plexions, and Dr. King's New Life B. Roberts. Ea t St Louis I1L It Fills aw a mild and gentle laxative kept his cough loose and relieved nft a hat regulates the bowels and relieves 1 of those dreadful coughing spells It lie congested intestines by removing i the only cough medicine I keep in the accumulated wastes without grip-, the house because I have the most ing Take a pill before retiring and confidence in it " This remedy is also that heavy head, that dull spring fever . good or colds and croup disappears. Get Dr. King's New Life Pills at your druggist, 25c. Read the paper regularly. Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pill for constipation. Men Leave For War, Women Work. Army enlistments from Kiln, Miss a small town in which, a large lumber mill Is located, have been so numerous that It has become necessary to em ploy women for work formerly done by men at the plant More than 100 . men enlisted and It was sated negro women have been re cruited for the mill and white wo men for the stores and offices. I. , 1 ,D)lg Mc&iih in Spnn We have made some big reductions on the price of all Spring Suits now in stock and you will find some genuine bargains in this line. Please call and take advantage of this reduction. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT SPECIALS: White Shirtings, Wnite and Colored Voiles, Laces, Nets MEN'S DEPARTMENT. SPECIALS: Hart, Schaffner & Marx's splendid line of Spring and Summer Clothing, Palm Beach Suits, latest weaves. Hop kins' Straw Hats, Panama Hats, Emery Shirts, SHOE DEPARTMENT. SPECIALS: Men's, Women's, Misses? and Children's Shoes All Leathers. Latest styles. Everything in our immense stock up to date in Styles and of Depend able Quality. : ;,:V..;'--

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