FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1911513 tee REvnrrr? heidstit;ehl h. a Annual Convention OF THE NEWS OF EEIDSVILLE AND EOCKINGHAM Globe Tailoring Co. GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY HELD LARGE MEETING On Thursday and Friday of this week, The Globe Tailorlay Company, one of Ciaeinnatti's largest enter prises, and whose activities spread to the four corners of the country, held its annual convention of Officers, Ex ecutives, Salesmen and other co-workers, and many' interesting subjects were discussed. One of these fea tures of the first day's business ses sion was the tribute paid the com pany by Bruce Reynolds of The Cin cinnati Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Reynolds said: "The Globe Tailoring Company with its tremendous distribution and the sending of its fifty or more sales men broadcast over the country, es tablishing thousands of agents, Clo thiers, Haberdashers, and Merchant Tailors, is doing as much to adver tise the city of Cincinnatti as any organization of a similar character. Cincinnatti owes a debt of gratitude to The Globe Tilortng Company for reflecting it In (manufacturing a pro duct so high grade as to be nationally faimous, and thereby helping to make Cincinnatti a great clothing center. Samuel Rosenthal, president of the company in responding to Mr. Rey nolds, said that the present year, the company anticipated the greatest bu siness in its history, due to its tre mendous advance purchases of ma- j terial which would enable the giving, of special values. The garments tailored by this con cern are sold under the well known tatxte of "NEEDLE-MOLDED" which is now practically a household word Rouda designer, considered one of the foremost men in his line in the country, and authority on style. Mr. Rouda received great applause when he promised the salesmen not only the very latest styles, but to give each individual order his per sonal attention, and to follow any special Instructions of the customer. Mr. John S. Duley, sales manager then gave the salesmen, a "ginger talk" that roused them to the high est pitch of enthusiasm. Mr. Duley said that there was nothing too big to promise in the way of quality and service, and that every man connect ed with The Globe Tailoring Com pany would take a renewed personal interest in pleasing customers as they never were pleased before. After another noon day luncheon at The, Business Men's Club, and a fast afternoon session, there followed the main event of the convention: the president's dinner. Mr. John S. Duley again distinguished himself as Toast Master, and Mr. Samuel Rosenthal, president, delivered the principal ad dress. Mr. Rosenthal spoke of the Company's ideal to give the greatest clothing values in the country, and thereby make every suit! Bold, sell another upon the voluntary recoro mendation of the purchaser. Interesting talks were also imade by Messrs. Wm. H. Rosenthal, Vice- President and Walter Roosenthal of the firm, Mr. L. M. Rouda, Designer Mr. Leo Heilbrun and Mr. G. L. Thorn as and a number of the department heads and shop foreman. Fifty or imore of the Company's salesmen will start leaving Cincin natti for their respective territories today, and! it' is said will carry with in thousands of localities throughout, the country. ; them the most striking line of woolen The Thursday session was devoted i samples and fashion plates ever put to the reports of the salesmen and an ' out by any tailoring company in the inter-change of experiences. Then tbeV: '"ere also executive conferences it" special drills, interspers.ed by a r-on. luncheon at the Business Men's Club. At 6:80 P. M. a dinner was served at th new Hotel Gibson, fol- country. List your taxes I , Make this town better and it will get bigger itself. Remember the farther you send a dollar on an errand the longer it will be getting back. The weather has turned warm er this week and vegetation is begin ning to grow. All crops are unusually late this spring owing to cold weath er. Judge H. P. Lane, who was as signed to hold Superior Court at Al bemarle this week, adjourned court after one day's session, owing to busy. times on the farms. Miss Lucile Brown leaves today for Greensboro where she will spend commencement week with friends at Greensboro College from which she graduated last year. Considerable tobacco is being trans planted this week. The season is good for planting and a good stand will Kobably result unless the cut worms become too active. Superior Court is in session at Wentworth this week. A number of unimportant cases have been disposed of. but no cases of genteral interest have been tried so far. ' If you think you have finished plant ing corn, plant a few more extra rows. It will do you and the country good. txrn will prevent starvation. Corn if a good thing anyhow. Mr. G. C. Murrell of near Benaja called in to see us yesterday. He says the tobacco acreage In his section will be reduced fully ten per cen this year and a corresponding Increase In food crops is being put in. Mr. Wm. T. Pickard died at his home in the South end Wednesday, 8ged about 65. He leaves a wife and several grown children. The burial took place at Speedwell church Ceme tery yesterday morning. . the local banks are receiving sub scriptions to the two billion dollar Liberty Loan now being offered by, the American government. The bonds are offered in denominations of 150 and upwards and bear 3 per cent inter est, payable semi-annaully. The bonds are offered on easv Davmenfa md BARGAINS EVERY DAY AT So DilcsDLrDcsLr eSs Ccd, LOWER PR The above well known firm is re uresented here by J. S. Hutcherson, who carries a full and complete line of the woolens handled by the Globe tr,wiwt hw "nartv'A.t Keith's Theatre, i Tailoring Co. Don't forget the lact Tiia aonnrl Aair nf hn prvnvftntinn that. Hutcherson nOW has On hand a was devoted to drills ' on measure- complete line of summer suitings ments under the supervision of Mr. Leave your orders, at once. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE LADIES! If you have bought your will pay you come and look not already Slippers it to at least ours over. We have decided to dispose of, regard less of price, all the smaller s;zes in our stock and will give a substantial reduc tion in the larger sizes. Shoes kept over horn last year are better today than the ones you can buy made this year and the prices art such that you will be satisfied. COME EARLY BEFORE YOUR SIZE IS GONE nearly everybody ought to subscribe to one or more of them. Either of the local banks will gladly receive and forward subscriptions free of cost. Mr. J. E. Latham' returned from Virginia last night. He had been at Danville attending a meeting of the stock holders of the Danville & West ern road, being one of the directors, and tells us that in taking a trip over the road he visited the new site where the Marshal Field people are making arrangements to build their new mil lion dollar cotton mill.. This will be located about three miles from '. Mar tinsville. They have bought about 17,- 000 acres of land near Smith river and this will be one of the big mills in the South, although already at Spray they have several millions in vosaexi. Mr. Latham reports crops looking good in that section of Vir- f inia and the war spirit high. Greens horo Record. Irish potatoes on the local imarket are selling for $9.50. A gentleman wanted a peck. The merchant (meas ured them out and handed them t the customer and stated the Drice. My, my," stated the customer, "I just arrived f rem Norfolk and I can get all the potatoes I want there at J8 the barrel." The merchant re marked that he would like to buy a ew barrels at that figure and the customer in turn kindly ft f lished him 'the address of a wholesale mer chant in Norfolk, and the potatoes were at once ordered. In less than twenty-four hours the local merchant learned to his sorrow that potatoes were selling in Norfolk for $10.50 the barrel, but he managed to get three small baskets of new potatoes from the Norfolk house, which set him back the tune of $7.50. NEW GOODS COMING IN "DAILY We want every man and woman in the county to come to our store and get acquainted with the Wonderful Values we offer in High Class Merchandise. There is a Bargain for every woman in our Dress Goods Depart merit We have about 10,000 yards of Dress Goods Remnants-com-prising Voiles, Poplins, Batistes, Skirting, Ginghams, etc., which we are selling as low as one-half the regular price. Our line of Shoes and Oxfords for men, women and children defy the present exherbitant Shoe price! Ladies' High Cut White Shoes and Pumps. Men's and Boys' Oxfords in tans and blacks; also new Fan cy Top Oxfords. To appreciate our Wonderful Shoe Stock, you must .. sec it' CLOTHING for men and boyi! Although priced lower than in any other store in the Stat we sell Clothes of merit-Garments that are perfectly tailored, in a range of styles and colors, that include everything that is New and Fashionable for men and youths of every age, build, and taste. SILK TUB SKIRTS, Attractive Patterns, Value $8,00 ......... $3.95 Amoskneg Ginghams Q 1 o -Value 15 SJ IZC Middy Blouse Suits for fc 1 Q ft Misses, Value $5.00.. P 1 uo .Value 15c Best Percales yard wide Value 18c... 11 l-2c Hijrh Class White Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Value $3.00 $1.95 Turkish 20c..-.. Towels, Value 10 c Mary Jane Pumps for Children, sizes to 2, value $1.50 ....... $1.00 Quality White. Voile 42 in.. ...... 48c 98c Boys' Suits, Value $1.25, in Wash Linens and Galaten Cloth... 68c Men's $3.00 Sl)oesiui t1 QQ Gun Metal Blucher- 1,s7 $2.00 Grade yd wide Black Taf-(P11C fetaSilk ...,P1.10 3 YOUR SISTER EXECUTED TODAY," CENSOR WROTE YOU SAVE MONEY BUYING AT S. HEINER & ReidsvilIe,N.C. Adjoining W. P. Ware's Grocery CO. W. Market St.! A Lesson In Manners We have neglected certain obligation Albeit Jn a purely social way. . One should return a neighbor's salutatlonl And make a party call a certain day. America has failed In manners. I It A trifle that we lack In etiquette? Surely 'tie time that we returned the visit Of Lafayette. Our social calendar Is much neglected. And "busy" Ib not always an excuse. Some adequate return might be expected, And courtesy may rust for lack of use. Suppose, In manner both polite and hearty, Before this suitable occasion goes, We manage to return that little party Of Hochambeau's. Theodonia Garrison of the Vigilantes. GUS CLARK & CO. Au account of Ueriunu cruelty that is almost .unbelievable auie tnrnugn the mails to a resident of Vilui':iii.,t'iii, Del. That It was allowed to im.-.-. :l:e German censor, it is believed, is dun to the-fact that... the. individual .'bundling, tula piece of uiaii desired to impress upon the world at large the punish ment the German government imposes -upon those who question the kaiser's authority or opinion. The letter came from a German wo man whose sister is one of that city's wort respc' ted residents. The writer said there was a lak of food of all kinds in Germany, that what they had was of an iuieritii' ijiiaKty and that old people were dying because of a luck of nourishment. The writer referred to the pitiful sights -hi (Jc-ruiau homes where there are children. the said the leople were aroused to a point of des peration over the food situation and that they felt that their loved ones were being nacrinVed to Prussian pride. They placed the blame ou the kaiser. : Further on the writer taid she had suffered so much and her family had been a reduced by the want of food that she felt as though she could kill the kaiser if she found the opportunity. All these details the ueruiun ceusor permitted to pass. Then at the bottom of tbe letter was a line signed "The Censor. "Your sister was executed ibis morn ing," this line read. Shrewd Bobby. "Here's a nickel, dear, for doing that errand for me." "Make it 5 pennies, please, auntie." "Why, child, the amount is the same." "Yes. but a nickel comes in too handy when mamma wants to go and telephone somebody." Doton Tran script. ; When Hurrying Back Your Train, Drop in to See Us For a Quick Lunch. ftUR MOTTO In the Minute Service UU1V ill VI 1 V Sanitary and wholesome prepared- kept food. Also Candies, Fruits, Cakes, Ice Cream, Cigarettes and Cigars. Tour Nickel goes furthest with ns than with any other Eating Place here sTsTsTsTsjasMSMMasTs . . . . ATLANTA WEINNIE STAND, "Jim's Wace" I NUX IRON PEPSIN and SA R SAPAR I L LA Effective Combination.' As comprised in Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Peptiron Pills, these .valu able remedies possess unequalled health-value, for the alleviation and cure of a Ions train of ailments com mon among our people. In these days of rushing and push ing, beyond the endurance of even the most robust, nearly every man and woman needs and must have the aid of the health-giving powers of this combination of medicines to sup port and sustain normal health tone. If it is not supplied, the depletion of the blood and the broken-down nerves will soon give way to perma nent invalidism and ruined healfb. The very best remedies for blood purifying and nerve-building are . found in Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pepti ron Pills. You know well the ( great tonie properties of iron. They are much increased and improved in this combination Hood's Sarsapa- rilla to be taken before meals. PeDt- j iron Pills after meals. ZELL'S USE tuR TOBACCO Madison, N. C, Jan. 27, 1!H7. I used 2017 hajrs of ZKLL'S 'SPECIAL COM POUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far hae sold about $i0,000 00 worth of tobacco 5'?rWTD.2V7it I J?riCM whi?h are hih,y P'easinir. b starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni- ormly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weichs rell and hr.njrs the money. I will certainly ase well again this year J. M. GALLA WAY. FOR SALE BY KING k COBB, Pelham. J. H. GLENN. Stoned JNO. Y. STOKES, RetdsTiHe J.H.HOLLAND 4 CO. Price W. 0. DOCCEn.Browi Summit, T.B.WILS0N, Madiso, ill ii

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