1 AGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. CL NEWS OP REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Mis Marguerite Penn la visiting in Danville. Tills Hf is what we make it, so is this town. Mrs. Alvta Mlllner is visiting la Greensboro. Mr. T. J. McCann is spending a few days In New York. Mrs. J. W. Mllner is voting rela tives at Stokesland, Va, Miss Lou Boyd has gone to New York to epend some time. This is tax listing time. Better list now while listing is good. Mr. Dudley Withers of Greenville, S. C, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pettlgrew of Jacksonville, Fla., are here to epend, tame time. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Staples of Wilson are spending some time here with relatives. Mr. John Benson of High Point baa been spending a few days here jwith his parents. It is better to help the town accom plish one good thing than to point out a dozen poor onea. "Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come." This day is your best opportunity. - So Is this town. Dr. T. E. Balsley is critically ill at a Richmond sanitarium. Ills wife and children are at his bedside. Mies Margaret Crutor of Greensboro was the attractive guost of Miss Hen rietta Halrston the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Robinson and Misses Henrietta Reid and Wilson Watllng- ton are in Spartanburg attending the May Music Festival. Dr. J. W. McGeheo has returned Tranv St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, where he recently underwent an op eration for appendicitis. Dr. D. I. Craig and Rev. Carl Craig attended the sessions of an adjourn- , ed (meeting of Orange Presbytery at Alamance church this week. Attention is called to the Atlanta Welnle Stand advertisement in this Issue. "Jimmie's Place" is fast build ing up a fine trade. He deserves it. Dr. A. E. Worsham, who served with the 2nd Infantry on the border, has 'opened an office at Ruffln for the practice of denistry. See his ad in this Issue, Southern Railway System will oper ate a special train from Charlotte and other North Carolina points to Wash ington, D. C, Monday, June 4, 1917. Train will consist of Standard Sleep leg Cars and First Class Day Coaches. Baggage will be checked under usual THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 16. Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTAIN .Somehow the ilreat . American (Jalmblers are getting a Jolt, We re fer to the gamblers in food products, C blcago has a heart and when a city like that softens up even a little, it's high time the rest of the world cut Its grasping claws. Mr. Hoover says that he can remedy the trouble, even to saving the people nearly half the cost prtce. Herefs hoping that he will show us we are not from mis souri, but it behooves us to urge hicn for restoring the great American dollar to a full seventy-five cent value once again. o Love's breath is wafted with a sigh, We know not when or why. We know not whence comes loves sweet thrills, Until we start to pay the bills. PARTY at Boston, And everything Is lovely don't cher know, deucedly clevuh by Jove. JCis Is ze place for zo grand feed said Monsleiur le Bom bastus. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1917 We compound prescriptions exactly as your doctor intends them. Brit tain fills all the prescriptions entrust xl to us. We have a heart. o Sister Susie Is baking big brown biscuits for the soldiers. We haven't heard of another TEA Lizzie The United StatGs may put the Actors and Convicts in the front line of battle. Bridget And, for why do you think so? Lizzie Just to keep the Stars and Stripes together. o Walk this way MarmeJuke, takf home a can of PACK'S TALCUM, it's very fine, any odor you want and at 15 cents the can. As good as the best, caai across. A man always stands ready to grat jify his wife's smallest wish, provia cd it is small enough. Raise less rain and more beans, we have the seeds that do grow. Canta loupes, carrots, cucumbers, cymlins. Beans, beets, and such, v t ome again Silas, tell Hortense to try this on her piano, Wanxer weath er coming. BRITTAIN S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best Goods Lowest Prices. Let Britta.n fill your Prescriptions. conditions. The round trip fare from Reidsville is $6.15. The man who begins to plan for this 'town will soon be calling it "imy" town. Next Sunday is Better Sunday School and Go-to-Church Sunday in KoMaviilft. Get vour friends to at tend same Sunday School and church on that day. 1 Instead of the generous bunch of former davs. the farmer, is now do ing up his spring onions in cute little jinHnnnifirfiR but. of coursre. he is getting the big bouquet price. There was never a time In the memory of this generation when the rnnnlA of Rocklnebam county were buying and laying by such stores of fruit Jars as at present. For once in the history of the country the farm ers have fully made up their minds to reserve all their surplus fruits and veg tables. Every farm home in this section should be converted into sort of fruit and vegetable cannery this summer and fall, and nothing thnt la worth reserving should be nnrmlttftd to ko to waste Families Wann (t2tfl 9 O Laborers, Carpenters, Masons Healthy Outdoor Work for Six Months YOU NEED OUR HELP WE NEED YOURS Let ut get together and build new cigarette factory Apply immediately at office The American Tobac co Company. F. R. PENN BRANCH. who do not need all they preserve for their own use will be able to dis pose of it in the market at handsome profits. Leon Rice, the great American Dra matic tenor, sang his way straight to the hearts of a large audnience Satur day night at the Graded School One seldome hears a voice of such power, range and beauty. The paving contractors are (making fine progress this pretty weather. Morehead and Montgomery streets have lately been completed and work Is going forward rapidly on Scales, Gilmer and Lawsonville streets. A larger number of the younger people of the town participated in a very enjoyable dance at the C. & A. hall Modnay niKhl. The proceeds from the dance went to the local Soldiers' Relief Society. Mr. T. L. Lambeth, an influential farmer of near Mclver, was in town Tusday and gave us a pleasant call. He says crop prospects are good in his section and farmers are working harder than ever before in their lives. ' , jlJfomeBank tliatpayr Interest The Question of Safety ; is never of greater importance than when place money at interest. By depositing your surplus funds in the Savings Department of this strong, old-es- tablished bank, which has a capital and sur plus fund of $115,000, you make certain not only of complete safety for your principal but a liberal rate of interest as well. We welcome deposits from One Dollar up and pay 4 per cent compounded quarterly on them. The government is in need of hun dreds of stenographers and typewrit ers. The entrance salary is ?900 to $1200 a year. The postofflce can give all necessary information. Both imen and women are wanted. One must have reached the eighteenth birthday. Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Motley, Jr., of London, England, formerly of Reids ville have arrived for an extended vis it to relatives here. At the earnest solicitation of his many friends here Mr. Motley has agreed to make a talk at the C. & A. hall some time in the near future on war conditions as he saw them in Europe. Coming home ht was en route fourteen days. He was in sight of U-boats a number of Unites and the passengers as precau tionary measure slept in their clothes, he said. 'V : ' ' ' UljtlU BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. Cole fertilizer distributors are the best. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Iron Age Cultivator hoe wear sharp. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. New lot Shirt Waists, Sport Skirts and Summer Millinery. Mrs. Cornie Irrln & Co. See our line before you buy that Spring suit Williams & Co., The Man's Store. New lot of neckwear received in all he newest shades. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. LOST. A front light from Ford car Please return to J. C. Barber at Cli max Barber Shop. STRAYED. Boar pig wttn streak of white down back. Reward if return ed to June Jefllries, Don't forget to call on us for any thing you need in shirts, Williams & Co., The Man's Store. LOST Silver mesh bag; Initials "M. C. T." on same. Reward if re turned to Tucker's Drug Store. Tretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents. Drop In and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. Be sure and see our line of straw hats before making your purchase. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Our ladles hats, no higher this year than usual, sales heavy and new hats coming in every week. Come to see us before buying. Mrs. Turner at Tur ner's 5 & 10 cent store. TAX LISTING at the Town Hall from May 8th to 31st inclusive. State Graded School and Town Taxes. Come early. Signed W. S. Somers, P. H. Williamson, W. L. Gardner, Tax List ers. See those nice lota with plenty of shade and fruit trees, a good garden and splendid spring of water. Only suven minutes walk from A. T. Co.'s plant Prices right. Terms resaon able. See me quick. F. S. Miles. Pilot Mountain Grain Cradle. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. FOR SERVICE Fine boar hog Klmo Morricle. Phone 125-J. Pee our line of low cut shoes before you buy. Williams & Co., The Man Store. Avery's Joy Rider Cultivator with pivot tongue. Sold by Townsend Bug y Co. New lot or ranaiaia nats Just re ceived. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet. Reidsville Hardware Co. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, big htock at right prices. Reidsville i lard ware Co. Now is the time to get bargains in Coats. Suits and dresses. Mrs. Cor nie Irvin & Co. Caps and straw hats In all the new shapes and shades. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best l makes at the right price. Reidsville Hardware Company. For twenty-four inch concrete well ripe, brick, and building blocks, call i.'u W. T. Woo ten, Mgr. Dig 8 took of screen doors and screen v-ire. We can make the price. Reids ville Hardware Company. Pretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents. Drop in ai:d see. Morrison Jewelry Co. Our line of hats, both in felt and straw goods, are hard to beat. Wil liams & Co., The Man's Store. Pretty selection of cut glass and siiver for wedding presents. Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A pood, heavy, gentle work horse. Ap ply to W. G. Ballard, Phone 264-W. See niy children's hats before buy ing elsewhere. Prices 50c and up. Mrs. Turner, Turner's 5 & 10c Store. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents. Just received a new shipment of summer hats. They are beauties. Call I and see them. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Morrison jeweiry vo. nas just re c?ived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re- cpived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents FOR SALE.--One second - hand threshing machine in good shape, will sen at -a bargain. Townsend Buggy Co.- Beautiful line of silks and ginghams ribbons and all kinds of notions. Ev erything fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Come to Fels' Store for the latest and best goods and biggest bargains. Our stock Is fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sum Fels & Co. Shirts new lot Just received In all the newest patterns. Prices range from 65c to J3.50. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. WANTED. Same good homes on breeding proposition for some Collies and Airedale Matrons. W. G. Bal lard, Phone 264-W. Fine Lettuce, ready for use, and transplanted tomato plants of best va riety. A. H. Waycaster, Lindsoy street. Phone No. 253-J. New lot of those nice blue serge suits Just received In pinch-backs and regulars; either way you want them. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. 20,000 HHD. HOOPS WANTED. 6J TO 7 CENTS FOR FIRST-CLASS WHITE OAK HOOPS. EXPORT EAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS TON, BUYER. LABORERS WANTED. Wanted, fifty laborers. Will pay 15 cents per hour. Permanent work for several months. R. M. Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors. Reidsvlllle, n. c ; FLOWERS Plants. Do you remem ber the poet's words: "If I had- two leaves I would sell one and buy a hyacinth upon which to feed my soul"? Order your bedding plants now. Scarlet sage, verbena, cannas, asters, coxcomb, geranium, etc., from Mrs. W.T. Barber & Son, Phone 112J. TAX LISTINQ for Wentworth town ship. I will be at the following places on dates named: Wentworth, May ? and 21; S. P. Thomas' Store, 10 and 17; Bethlehem, 14; Pleas ants ville, 23; Stone's Store, 25, (morning), Settle's Store afternoon; Calvary School House, 18, afternoon. J. A. Gunn, Tax Lister. NARROW GUAGE, NO. 6 Mrs. E. A. Craddock has returned from Alliance, Ohio, where she has been spending a month or so with her son Mr. O. G. Craddock and was accompanied home by her son, Mr. Dove Craddock, who has been at City Hospital at Alliance for an opera tion. His condition Is very much Im proved his many friends will be glad to know. Mllsa Ora Craddoock of Auburn, TIL Is on a visit to her grandmother, Mrs E. E. Jones, and other relatives. Mrs. John Rich and baby from Mayodan, are visiting her aunt and snele, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jones. Miss Elizabeth Rich Is Tlslting her cousins, Misses Bert and Nellie Jones this week. Quite a large crowd attended the meeting at Wolf Island Sunday. The Review and Bryan's Coismoiier 2.00 rer yeax BIG REDUCTIONS I In Coats, Suits and Dresses We Have Jost Received a Beautiful Line of SHIRT WAISTS, SPORT SKIRTS AND SUMMER MILLINERY Make Your Selection Today Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. DOIT NOW Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 Mew S tyl es! In Women's and Misses' SPRING CLOTHES Spring is blooming in our stocks. AH the beauties of nature are revealed in these charming creations for Womankind and her daughters. And all to be had on such pleasant pay ing terms. A LITTLE SUM DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK That's all. It's delightfully simple and easy, and it permits you to wear the same styles that the correct dressers of New York are wearing. Q Nnrth A LITTLE DOWN AND s TANENHAUS A DOLLAR A WEEK Opposite P.O. WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". When The Pinch Comes n a pmcn . ine flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely "keep the wolf from the door". Let your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGHI" PHONE 61-J.