I A OE EIOHT TUB EE VIEW: EEID8VILL E, N. CL Tuesday, May 22. 1917 NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM List your taxes! Parl of the Army today, Monday, at tbe Grandte. Every mall order catalog in this town is a leak. Don't nnHsB the second episode of Pearl of the Army. Tbis town will never grow on money thit is lent to some other town. A good way to drive children away from home Is to tell them what a poor town this Is. Mr. J. O. Hines, an influential far mer of Route 4, was in town Friday snd gave us an appreciated call. Large numbers of county people were in towu Saturday. Our mer chants enjoyed a splendid trade dur ing tbe day. Many persons from this immediate community have been attending tbe Primitive Baptist association at Spray the" pTst few days. Wouldn't It be a line thing if the fellow Who talks about eliminating the merchants of this town would some day fall into his own eliminator? Mr. Jambs Bailey, an aged citizen living on Mr. Ja-rea Butler's place East of Reldsville died Saturday, aged 83 years His death was caused by paralysis. Mrs. Polly Hayden, an estimable lady, dlled at the home of her cousin. Mr. John A. Benton at Ruffln, Sunday night. The burial took place yester day afternoon . You never can enrich your farm by putttlng the fertilizer on somebody clce's land. You never can build up this community by sending your mon fcy Botnewhlere else. The Ladies Aid Society of Salem church will give an ice cream supper en the church lawn Saturday, May 26th. beginning at 8 o'clock. Every body is cordially invited, Mr. R. J. Martin, a successful far mer of the Oregon section, was in ! town Friday and gave us a pleasant i call. He says his people are strongly 'aroused over the importance of in ,' creasing food crops this year. A big Sunday School picnic con . ducted by four neighborhood churches was held at Prospect Hill, in Caswell county, Saturday. Our townsman, Mr. E. F. Hall delivered the principal address. A largto crowd was in at tendance. . Mrs. John M. Calloway, of Madison, spent tbe day yestrday at her cottage at Piedmont Springs. She was trav eling in bier handsome new Cadillac end was accompanied by several of her lady friends. Mrs. George Mar tin of Madison who accompanied the party stopped over In Danbury and pent the1 day with friends. Danbury Keteporter. " . ' ' Register of Deeds J. P. McMIchalol Is Just In receipt of a letter from the State authorities at Raleigh In regard to the fact that the law requlrtos that sign bords or guide posts be erected at the various road crossing and forks cf roads In the county by August 7th. Mr. McMlchael is instructed to call the attention of the commlstoners end road commisslonlers to the tact. Mr. Geo. W. Fowler of Baltimore, snd Miss Mamie King, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Alex King of the Ben Jehem section were united In mar riage at the home of the bride's par ents, the 16th Inst. 'Squire W. E. Dlx performlod the ceremony. Many friends and relatives were present and an elaborate wedding supper was served. The bride and groom left the next day for Baltimore, their future home. . Miss Halite Allen of Reldsville will rectelve the degree of A. B. from Sa lem College on May 29th. Miss Allen Is Vice-President of tbe class, and has taken an active part In college affairs being Business Manager of thle Ivy, the Undent publication, one of the editorial staff of the college annual and Treas-. nrer of the Athletic Association. The (exercises of Commencement Week Will begin on Saturday, May 26th con tinuing until May 29th. The musical feature of the week will be the grand conoert on Monday night given joint ly by the faculty and students of the college, the Thursday Morning Mu sic Club and the Apollo Male Chorus of Winston-Salem. On Tuesday Lieu tenant Governor, O. Max Gardner of North Carolina will addass the graduates taking as his subject: "The Limitless Sphere of Woman Useful ness." rant W. H. Mlllner asks us to fay that there are a limited number of rnrAnrles in the Reldsville company thoHe young men who do not want to be conscripted should make appli cation to hlrai at once for membership thereby being assured of leaving honiii with friends Instead of being sent, per haps to the water or flying squadrons, thousands of miles from acquaintances and friends. The necessary cards for registering those who are subject to army duty have been received here for Rocking ham county. The cards contain quej tlons and blanks for giving a full de scription of each man who registers, together with his occupation, address, r ationality, etc. All male persons, in lulling those of thra colored race, be- u -jen the ages of 21 and 30 years, are cqulred to register. V. Perkins, a well Known farmer of near Lawsonvllle, died at his home Saturday, aged 57 years. His death was caused by cancer on the stomach. The funeral was conducted from thle residence at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and inter ment was made at Wolt Island ceme tery. Mr. Perkins was of a sunny, cheerful disposition and was highly regarded by all who knew him. Mr. George Rogers, the noted ten or who visited Reldsville a flew days afco, In a letter to Miss Rohr, wrote or Miss Mary Womack: "Miss Worn- ack who played is certainly a won der as an accompanist and is wasting hr time In Reldsville." We are sure It is of interest to the Reldsville peo ple to know what so prominent a musician thinks of our own Relds ville talent. Mr. Rogers is Madame Sembrich's favorite pupil and has quite a reputation. A delegation of Reldsville citizens will go to Yanceyville today to try to construct a new sand clay road from Yanceyvile to the Rockingham county line near Lenox Castle. Caswell coun ty will receive a Federal approprla tlon of about $7,000 toward building a road. This amount will be duplicated by the comimlHsioners of that county Prumire Ih belne brought by four towns to have the road lead In their respective directions Reldsville, Bur lington, Mebane and Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burus of Char- lotte announce the marriage of their daughter, Edna May, to Mr. Lemimde P. Carlson of Kansas City, Mo., the weddinar to take place in June. Miss Burrus Is a native of Chicago, 111., but has resided In various parts of North Carolina for the past few years. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burus, the former being Superintend ent of the Atlantic Bitullthlc Com pany's Quarry, an I J well known in and around Reldsville. Mr. Carlson is Assistant Chfief Engineer of the Kansas City Railway Company of Kan sas City, Mo. Under instructions from the War Department at Washington, an order is Issued for Brigadier Genral Lau rence W. Young, of the North Car olina National Guard, to make per sonal visitations to the home stations cf all the units constituting his com mand. The colonels of the First, Sec an and Third regiments are ordered to accompany the brigadier In the visitations to the companies of their respective commands. Thle desire of the miliary authorities is that each of the towns having military compan ies that are visited there shall be pub lic meetings arranged so that the people may become as far as possible enthused In the cause of recruiting their respective companies to full strength. It Is in the hope that these visitations will quicken enlistment of men that the tour of the companies Is ordered and it Is all in preparation for the impending order mustering the brigade back into service, Which It is expected will not be long delay ed The visitors will come to Relds ville on Wednesday, May 30, and fitting teception should be accorded them. . The weather has been quite sum merish the past week and fine on growing crops. Rain U needed, how ever. Judge Harding at last term of Su perior Court signed judgment In favor ot tho plaintiffs in the Bethel Mill Dam case. The Judgment, however, will be stayed pending an appeal by the defendants which will be hratrd at the fall term of the Supreme court. The grand Jury at last week's term of Superior Court brought in a true hill against Harry Llndtsey of Draper lor the murder of T. J. Murphf same time last year. Lindsey was chief of I -.lice at the time of tin i:iil ng and It was claimed for him that he shot Murphy accidentally while trying to arrest him. Rev. J. T. Strader has accepted an invitation to address the mlembers cf the Sadler Local Union at the Sadler Schoolhouse in Friday eve ning, May 25th, at 5 o clock sharp. Ids subject will be on a very Impor tant question which is now being dis cussed in all Ijocais of the county AH nihmbers are urgently requested to be present and it is hoped as many visiting jmenters of possible from other Locals can arrange to be present. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC WaiTDitcBd 9 o Laborers, Carpenters, Masons Healthy Outdoor Work for Six Months YOU NEED OUR HELP WE NEED YOURS Let ut get together and build new cigarette factory Apply immediately at office The American Tobac co Company. F. R. PENN BRANCH. FOUND. Bunch of keys. Apply at this office. Cole fertiliser distributors are the test. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Iron Age Cultivator hoes wear sharp. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. We want fat veals and pas cash for them. Cosmo Benson, Parlor Market r New lot Shirt Waists, Sport Skirts and Summer Millinery. Mrs. Cornie Irvln & Co. New lot of neckwear received In all he newest shades. Williams & Co., Tbe Man's Store. LOST. A front light from Ford car Please return to J. C. Barber at Cli max Barber Shop. STRAYED. Boar pig wltn streak of white down back. Reward if return ed to June Jeffiries. Don't forget to call on us for any thing you need In shirts. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Pretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents. Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. FOR SALE. Onto good second hand McCormlck mower. Will sell at a bargain. Townsend Buggy Co. Hogs, cows and v6Hs we want them and give highest prices for them Cosmo Benson, Parlor Market. : Be sure and see our line of straw hats before imaking your purchase. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. LOST. Double case 7 Jewel Wal tham watch with, fob and heart at tached, between Giles French's and W. II. Gillie's. Reward if returned to Brooks Jones. Our ladies hats, no higher this year than usual, sales heavy and new hats coming In every week. Came to see us before buying. Mrs. Turner at Tur ner's 5 & 10 cent store. TAX LISTINO at the Town Hall from May 8th to 31st inclusive. State Graded School and Town Taxes. Come early. Signed W. S. Somers, P. H. Williamson, W. L. Gardner, Tax List ers. : See those nice lots with plenty of shade and fruit trees, a good garden and splendid spring of water. Only soven minutes walk from A. T. co.'s plant Prices right. TennB reeaon- able. See me quick. F. S. Miles. DON'T THROW YOUR OLD AUTO CASINGS AWAY. HAVE THEM DOUBLE - TREADED. TREAD GLUED AND SEWED ON. 2,500 MILE GUARANTEE. PRICES REA SONABLE. DOUBLE-TREAD TIRE CO. PHONE 215. WANTED. Ladies or men with rigs or automobiles to represent a Sou th em Company. Those with selling experience preferred though, not ne cessary. Fast selling proposition. Crand new article; Excellent pay for bustlers. Address Mr. Gregory, 160- 4th ave. N. Nashville, Tenn. Owing to the very heavy demands on us this year for meats, we find it very hard to get out all of our or ders (especially supper orders) as f arly as we would like to do, we want to ask all of our friends and customers 1 to order as early as possible In the afternooon so that we may have time to get them filled and out before you need It. We have tartee delivery boys or.d with your help we can always get it to you when you want it Call us early. Yours to serve Parlor Mar ket, Cosmo Benson. TAX LISTING. I will at the fol lowing places on the following dates L.r the purpose of taking the list ot your real estate and personal property for taxation; Ruffln, May 1 and 2; Sadler, May 3; Oregon May 4 and 5; Lawsonvllle, May 7; Powell's Store, 8; Mayfield, May 9; Hopper, May 10, morning, Cook's Store, afternoon; Chandler's Mill Friday, May 11; Rock Quarry, May 12, morning, London's London's Store afternoon; will close a Ruffln Monday May 14th. The law requires you to meet me at the above designated places and list your proper ty. Failure to do so will result in your oeing double taxed and also subjects jcu to a misdemeanor, section 80 Machinery Act. 1911. M. D. Holderby, List Taker for Ruffln Township. FOR SERVICE. Fine boar hog. Elmo Morricle. Phone 125-J See our line of low cut shoes before you buy. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Avery's Joy Rider Cultivator with pivot tongue. Sold by Townsend Bug gy Co. New lot of Panai.ua hats Just re ceived. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. See our line before you buy that opring suit Williams & Co., . The Man's Store. Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet. Keiasvllie Hardware Co. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, big stock at right prices Reldsville Hardware Co. Now is tbe time to get bargains in Coats, Suits and dresses. Mrs. Cor nie Irvin & Co. Caps and straw hats in all the new, shapes and shades. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best makes at the right price. Reldsville Hardware Company. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wooton, Mgr. Big stock of screen doors and screen v-ire. We can make the price. Relds ville Hardware Company. Pretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents. Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. Our line of hats, both in felt and ttraw goods, are hard to beat. Wil liams & Co., The Man's Store. Pretty selection of cut glass and fcliver for wedding presents. Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A good, heavy, gentle work horse. Ap ply to W. G. Ballard, Phone 264-W. See my children's hats before buy ing elsewhere. Prices 60c and up. Mrs. Turner, Turner's 5 & 10c Store. Morrison Jewelry- Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents. Just received a new shipment of Hummer hats. They are beauties. Call and see them. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents. FOR SALE. One second - hand threshing machine in good shape, will sell at a bargain. Townsend Buggy Co. Beautiful line of silks and ginghams ribbons and all kinds of notions. Ev erything fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. vCome to Fels' Store for the latest and best goods and biggest bargains. Our stock is fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Shirts new lot Just received in all the newest patterns. Prices range from 65c to $3.50. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. New lot ot those nice blue serge suits just received in pinch-backs and regulars; either way you want them. Williams & Co., The Man's Store..": "; 20,000 HHD. HOOPS WANTED. Vz TO 7 CENTS FOR FIRST-CLASS WHITE OAK HOOPS. EXPORT EAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS- TON, BUYER. Southern Railway System, will oper ate a special train from Charlotte and other North Carolina points to Wash ington, D. C, Monday, June 4, 1917. Train will consist of Standard Sleep ing Cars and First Class Day Coaches. Baggage will be checked under usual conditions. The round trip fare from Reldsville is $6.15. TAX LISTING for Wentworth town- ship. I will be at the following places on dates named: Wentworth, May 7 and 21; S. P. Thomas' Store, 10 and 17; Bethlehem,' 14; Pleasantsville, 23; Stone's Store, 25, (morning). Settle's btore afternoon; Calvary School House, 18, afternoon. J. A. Gunn, Tax Lister. TAX LISTING. I will be at the following places for the purpose of listing taxes : Monroeton, May 8th ; J. M. Hopkins' Store, May 9th; Gen try's Store, May 10th; Wall's Store, May 11th; Shreve's Store, May 12th, morning; Apple's Store, May 12th, evening; Benaja, May 14th, morning; Cunnngham's Mill, May 14th, evening, l-.ease meet me promptly at my ap pointments. T. F. Rankin, Ll3ter for Stapsonville Township. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LISTING TAXES. Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Section 20 of the Ma chinery Act to all persons in this Township required to list property or poll for taxation, must list their taxes during the month of May. I can be found at the times and places (men tioned below for the purpose of re ceiving their list: At Citty's Store on May 1; Thompsonvllle, May 2; S. P. F&schal'i Store May 3rd; J. W. Max well's on the morning ot May 4th; at Prltchett's School House afternoon of May 4th, and after the above dates 1 will be at home until May 31, when the tax list for this township will be closed. Attention la called to the fact that failure to list will result in your being double taxed as required by Sec tion 80 of the Machinery Act 1911, and the taxpayer falling to list also tebjects himself to a misdemeanor. Section 80. Machinery Act 191L Please do not fall to see ns before the expira f.cn of above dates. J. E. Garrett, Listtaker for Williamsburg Township. BIG REDUCTIONS In Coats, Suits and Dresses We Have Jost Received a Beautiful Line of SHIRT WAISTS, SPORT SKIRTS AND SUMMER MILLINERY Make Your Selection Today Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. DO IT NOW Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 r vR TOBACCO " Madison, N.C., Jan. 27, 1917. I used 2917 bags of ZELL'S SPECIAL COM-' POUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far hare sold about $60,000 00 worth of tobacco grown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni ormly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs rell and brings the money. I will certainly use well's again this year J. M. GALLAWAY. FOR SALE BY . KING & COBB, Pelham. J. H. GLENN, Sfonerille JNO. Y. STOKES, Reldsville J.H.HOLLAND & C0.,Price W. 0. DOGGETT,Brown Summit, T.B.WILSON, Madison Pilot Mountain Grain Cradle, Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. FLOWERS Plants. Do you remem ber the poet's words: "If I had two loaves I would sell one and buy a hyacinth upon which to feed my soul"? Order your bedding plants now. Scarlet sage, verbena, cannae, asters, coxcomb, gieranium, etc., from Mrs. W.T. Barber & Son, Phone 112J. Fine Lettuce, ready for use, and transplanted tomato plants of best Ta riety. A. H. Waycaster, Lindsay street, Phone No. 253-J. LABORERS WANTED. Wanted, fifty laborers. Will pay 15 cents per hour. Permanent work for several months. R. M. Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors, ReidsviUle, N. C. - . ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REPAIR SHOP where the mechanics are not time pirates? Do you want men to work on your car "who know the mechanism of an automobile as a physician knows the human me chanism t We employ only that kind of mechanic. Send us your, car the next time It needs atten tion. ' ; WOMACK MOTOR COMPANY WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". The When The Pinch Comes flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely ''keep the wolf from the door". Uet your Garden Seed from V I GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGHf PHONE 61-J.

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