TUESDAY, MAY 291917 THE REVILW: HElDSvlLLE, N. . THE NEWS IN BRIEF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE Eighty-eight corporations and indi viduals were indicted by the federal grand Jury in Boston for .conspiring 1o imonopoliize interstate romnierie. It was announced by the war dla parbrment that the army needs 5,000 doctors immediately and that by the tnd of the year twkte that number will be required. Ten medical officers are needlad for every thousand men. The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany announces that it will take $5, 000,000 of the Liberty. Loan bond is sue, and that the employees of that company will take another fStfOO.OOO making a total of $10,000,000 account-; cd for by this corporation a lone. Nathan Straus of New York, the noted caultallpt and philanthropist, has advertised his handsome city home for sale. It is valued at $350,000 The proceeds of the sale will be turn ed over to war relief. "Sacrifice ev erything for war, evten the roof over your head," he said in announcing his decision. A new donation by John D. Rocke feller of $25,000,000 to the endowment of the Rockefeller Foundation was snnouncted by Dr. George E. Vincent, formerly president of the University of Minnesota, who assumed the pres idency of the Board of Directors. The ntew gift increases the resources of the Foundation to $125,765,000. The' number of women who are act ing directly as substitutes for men in field, office and work shop has now passedthe million mark, according to fcgures printed by the board of trade labor gaziatte yat London. Allowing tor displacements from 6ther indus tries and domestic services, it is es timated that 100,000 women have gone out to work who did not do so before the war. The women have been sub stituted for men in various kinds of employment. ' The fire losses of the country during the last year totalled $214,530,995 as compared with $170,033,200 for the previous year, an increase of (more than $44,000,000, according to a report made at the opening session of the national convention of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The loss per capita lncreasled, as a result, from 1.71 to $2.10 in New York. The re port submitted by the committee on statistics, attributed the extraordi nary Increase to habitual "Amlerioan expansion of the munitions manufac turing industry." Japan has sent a fleet of major' war ships to Mediterranean waters to help the French and British fleets in com batting U-boat warfare. Announce ment to this effect was made in the House of Commons soon after the loss of 458 lives in the torpedoing of two large vessels, one the British ship, Transylvania, of nearly 15,000 tons, had been made public officially. De termined, -it Is believed to try to fitarve out the allied Saloniki expe dition and to cut it off from reinforce ments, Germany has of late carried on In the Meditrrranean a submarine campaign of extreme vigor. , At the suggestion of President Wil son, the Boy Scouts are planning ational campaign to help float the Liberty Loan, June 11,12, 13, and 14 have been designated as Liberty Loan days for the boys and every scout will be ordered to do his utmost to persuade his friends to. subscribe. The President's suggestion was stent last week' to Calvin II. Livingstone president of the National Council of Boy Scouts of America, who announc ed plans for the campaign. The scouts will be provided with thousands of application blanks for bonds and will ndertake to line up particularly the small Investors. Emphasis was . laid by Provost Marshal Crowder on the fact that no man within the prescribed age limit except those already in the regular army or navy, the National Guard in Federal service or the reserve divis ions of the naval service, are excused from registration for (military service. "Even convidts and alien nfemjes are required to register, says a state ment issued adding, however, that those liable should not confuse regis tration with actual drafting for army. The statement also points out that ihe application of the draft and the falling of the selected men to the colors will furnish an opportunity for those who believe they should be ex empted to submit their claims. The process of selection can be carried out, it adds "by the fairest system that can be deviated." Dr. Arthur Warren Walte was ex- ecuted at Sing Sing prison for the murderof his father-in-law. John E. .Peck, of Grand" Rapids, Mich. The young: dentist walked calmly and with a firm s6ep from his cell to the death chamber, accompanied by the Rev A. N. Peterson, Protestant Chaplain of the prison. He faltered, however, as be neared the electric chair, but recovered quickly and nodded to the Croup of physicians, prison officials and others who had assembled as wit nesses. Walte submitted quietly to tair and went to his death without word of protest or good-bye. Three shocks were administered within four minutes.- As a result of an attempt of three I banana 10 too. we f irm state iuun ai iTuskahoma, Okla., one of the robbers was shot to death in the bank by the cashier and the cashier and two other bandits are dying from wounds. President Wilson is , determined that unnaturalized Germans in this country shall not be mo Bested or dis criminated against so long as they mind their own business and do not show antagonism toward tWe govern ment's war policy. . r Mr. Hoover's Plant ' In announcing thte appointment of Mr. Herbert C. Hoover as food admin istrator of the United States, the President (made a long statement, and in acdeptll? the appointmtent, Mr. Hoover made an even longer an nouncement of his plans and his ideas. ; While thtese are lengthy they should be of interest to every man, woman, and even the older children of the country. It is interesting to K'ur.v that Ir Il'wver will ive wkhcut pay. Ho l!k)ewise expects to get he larger part of his help in administering thi food supply of the counln from.lisl of men who are able and willing to serve the country without pay. The appointment of thte man-who fed the starving Belgians for three years, head of the new national -food department, came as no surprise to the country. The news dispatches for several days had anticipated and predicted the appointment. He has already come to be familiarly known to the reading public as the food "dic tator." But in reality, nleither the of fice nor the man who now fills it con templates any dictatorial powers. The whole object of the new office will be to centralize the efforts of the nation to conserve its food supply to Increase the available supply, pre- vent a small minority from hoarding food supplies and speculating In food products during tne period., or inra shortage, and seeing that the distri bution of the food supplies is as even as possible. " The present basis of the Job is thte co-operation of the people of the coun try. The proper cooperation of the ! women of America and the men as well, will prevent the necessity of a food "dictator" in reality." Should the American people refuse to learn the lesson of economy, should they refuse to conserve the food supply of the nation, should they refuse to give up eolme of the sensual pleasures of the stomach for the general good of the whole country, the enactment of laws as strict as those other belligerent countries 'have enacted regarding their food supply may be necessary. Whether Mr. Hoover or any other man will be in reality food "dictator" is strictly up to the American people. WONDERFUL STUFF ! .. LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS! Apply a Few Drops Then Lift, Corns Or Calluses Off With Fingers'' No Pain. No humbug! Any corn, whether - hord, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out, without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and Is a compound of ether discovered by a Cmcinnatti man. '. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callus. Instant ly the soreness disappears and short ly the corn or calus will loosen and can be lifted right off with the fin gers. This drug freezone doesn't eat out the corns or caluses but shrivels them without even irritating the surrounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no soreness or smarting when applying it or afterwards. If your druggist don't have freezone have him order It for you. Beef $1 a Pound With the inauguration of the regime of two meatless days a week, beef went to on dollar a pound today and vegetables and fish followed the upward tendency. The rush for mteat supplies to cov ct over until Wednesday swamped the butchers although they had extra amounts. There was a good deal of crowding and some sharp who paid heard against rich buyers who paid any price the dealers asked, sending the- quotations too high for modest purses. Paris Special. Proper Food for Weak Stomachs The proper food for one man may be all wroig tor another. 'Every cue should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak stomachs need to be especially carefully and should eat slowly , and masticate their food thoroughly.: It Is also Important that they keep their bowels regular. When they became constipated or when they feel dull and stupid after eating, they should take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the etomach and move the bowels. Th Eeview and Bryan 'l Commoner $2.00 ficryeai HAPPENINGS IN THE OLD NORTH STATE ' North Carolina will furnish roughly 39,000 of the necessary 2.00,000, The War Department hopes to have first of thle drafted men under canvas by August 1, next. One i Illlorr men will be drafted in two lota each. In an address to the Durham Ste nographers' club Judge John H. Kerr told thle young lady members to see lo it that the next legislature require every man applying for marriage 11 tenses to put up $5,000 bond to; be re newed every two years to be forfeited for desertion or non-support.'' Reliable information has been re ceived in this city to the effect that the National Guardsmen will not be mobilized atCamp Glenn near More head City as had been planned but instead will be combined With the Na tional Guardsmen of two or three other States, the men numbering in all about twenty-five thousand, and will be sent to another point, not yet designated. y Discontinuance of same of the pas senger trains on the Southern Rail way system in order to conserve the coal supply, to release men and equip ment and to clear the tracks for the efficient handling of troops and sup plies forthe Army ajid Navy is asked of the various railroad commissions in, the states traversed by the South ern's lines in a letter forwarded Wed nesday to the Individual commission ers by E. H. Coapman, vide president in charge of operation. Governor Bickett honored requisi tion for the extradition to Haw Jersey sey of James Reavis and Edgar Gill, two Henderson negroes, wanted in Atlantic City in connection with the disappearance of a diamond pendant valued at $8,000, The jewelry was recovered by Henderson authorties, before the arrival of officers ftom New jersey . The pendent "consisted of 5(rdiamonds. one of 13 carats and one of 12 carats. It is said a large reward was offered for the return of the jewelry, and it is understood the chief of police of Henderson will re ceive this. Both negroes claim they did not steal the jewelry, claiming they found it in a purse on the floor of a saloon in Atlantic City. ' Cutting Out "Red Tape" ' That there is an excess of 'govern mental "red tape" at all times must he obvious to anyone who studies the matter at all, but it is especially Irri tating in time of war. Sotae way should be devised by which military and other measures could be nut into 'effect more speedily when quick action is necessary. Secretary Baker, of the war depart ment, is One of those who realize the I'lsadvantages of this "red tape" and be seems to have a' rather effective way of meeting "thle situation. The New York Sun says: "Secretary Baker, in explaining to the House Cotxmittee on military af fairs the difficulties that had confront ed him, did not htesitate to say that he had 'broken a great many laws' since adjournment of the last Congress, but by cutting ited tape', and going ahead he made his department ready for leg islation that would produce 500,000 men in two months and 1,100,000,00 in tight 'months." While commissions of various kinds are- investigating almost everything under the sun, would it not be a good idea to have one devoted to the task of cutting governmental "red tape" In an effective manner? AH public officials do not seem to possess Secre tary Baker's facility! in getting rid of it. Western Sentinel. CASTORIA For Infants and Children . In Use For Over 30 Years Uwayf bears the Signatur of MAMMA! DON'T YOU SEE YOUR CHILD IS SICK, CONSTIPATED? Look at Tongue' .. Move Poisons From Liver and Bowels At - Once. Mother! Your child is naturally cross asd peeTish. See if tongue coated; this is a sure sign its littlo stomach, liver and bowels need a tlensing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should al ways be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea- spoonful, and In a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you havo a well and playful child again. AH children love this harmless, delicous effect a good "inside"-cleaning Di rections for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A lit tle given today, saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a EO-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look and see that It is made by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co." Again in Troubl Dr. George Carr of Durham who had a somewhat checkered career figuring in a divorce suit and hasty second marriage, seems to be in trou ble of another kind, according to the following from the Durham Sun. "Dr. George Carr, dentist, was rob bed of $280 in cash and a valuable diamond stick pin while attending the Elk 8' convention at Raleigh last week and is now confined from nervous 111 uess to his room at a hotel in that city under the care of a physician, ac cording to reports received in Durham ham Tuesday. "Howard Osborne, who was employ- ed as chauffeur by Dr. Carr during the B. P. O; E. convention, is suspected of stealing the missing property and Capital city police are now attempt ing to locate him. "The young chauffeur spent last Friday night with the Durham dentist and the following day Dr. Carr missed the money and other property. Os borne left the city immediately after the discovery of the theft and his whereabouts are unknown. "A negro bell boy at the hotel, ac cording to reports from Raleigh, saw Osborne remove the pin from the tie at Dr. Carr's request early Saturday morning and the diamond was never seen afterwards. "The robbery was reported to Ral eigh police Monday and every effort Is being made to locate the thfef. Durham people have been notified and are aiding in the search." UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU DEATHLY SICE Step Using Dangerous Drug Before It Salivates You 1 It's Horriblel You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you need vile, dangerous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of Dod- son's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your Ii7er ,nd straighten you right up better than aloinel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow jou will feel weak and sick and nau seated. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless vegetable Dod son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great It's perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can't salivate, so let them, eat any Uiing afterwards- ' '" if f hm m 11 - Mill 1: rjrA i vw& ft I' r. I -Vi STOMACH Mr. Marion Holcomb. of Nancy, Ky, says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with butter. oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S mem 1 recommended very highly, so began to use it It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of I I throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys j! tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel IJ sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to ll morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT Safest Druggists Sell E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because It contains no opiates, no lead, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. AH other Pile medicines containing injurious narcotics and other poisons cause constipatfon and damage all who use them. E-RU-SA cures or 50 paid. o FETZER'S DRUG STORE, R ri. TUCKER, FERTILIZER COSTS REDUCED CROPS GREATLY INCREASED , This is the year for big crops. Insure maximum yield by inoc ulating all seed with Pure-bred Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria. Earp-Thomas Farmogerm Products. Farmogerm for Legumes; Alfalfa, Clovers, Cow-peas, Soy Beans, etc. All Crop Farmo germ: For any crop, Grain, Potatoes, Vegetables. .-t.. FRANK M. BUNCH, Raleigh State Agent. 'THERE are two very excellent reasons X why you should place your order for a Paige Linwood "Sixo" immediately. First, the present volume of orders, from all sections of the country, indicates that we shall not be able to supply more than one' third of the demand for this car. Second, the scarcity and steadily advancing cost of manufacturing materials can result in only one tiling a price higher than Stratford Fatrfitk) Linwood -Six-Jr -Six-46" -Six-W irven-pawngcr, even-pasengcr. five-passenger. our-pasvngcr. 2 or J-passengi-r. even-paw rmer. aeven-passeriKer. five-pa tenser. even-passenKcr, II4P5 f. o. b. JI375 f. o. b, JII7f.o. b. I6Q5 t o. b. JII75f. o b. J2750f .o. b. $23f0 f. o.b. $1775 f .o. b. $2750 f.o. b. Brook lands Six-51" Dartmoor Limousine Sedan Sedan Town Car "Six-W" Six-J I" Six-51' Six-W" Sx-51" Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich. J. B. FAULKNER, AGENT EEIDSVILLE, N. a Gfl? A DOSE GARDNER DRUG CO, PIEDMONT DRUG STORE W. F. BURTON, Reidsyille Local Agent. Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit , . ... .

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