titf. NEWS IN BRIEF SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE At Dallas Texas by a large majority .i. - .i .aumhiv of the Presby- terin church In the United States adopted a resolution declaring for women suffrage. H nner&tion Of a W1US"UWIVU t floAt of barKes to move grain down the Mississippi rivter to tldewa ter and thus relieve railway congtw Hon la under consideration by the government. After killing her husband and his mother at their home in uaiumorw, Mrs. Anna M. 6mith, 50 ytears old. at on the front steps and kept a throng at bay until overpowered by the police. The Corporation Coumlsslon has Bet May 31 for the hearing of the railroads which have asked for the privilege of raising their intra-State frieight rates. The carriers cuui-em- plate a 15 per cent, increase. nnrana wAr.pi given by Secre- tary Baker that the American Press ko. aiinwo n liberal represen tation as prcticable with thte first . A. ' La n An t t rt Trance under Major General Pershing. It is announced that Marconi, the Ttun wJrniABH man has perflected a device which will destroy the German submarines, and along wim.mu nouncement comes one that Edison has a devioe which will do tWe same thing. .,, ODDITIES IN THE NEWS Indiana man has pensioned goose that retired. after twenty-one years of usefulness; Chinese regiment, using sticks for guns,, drills regularly at Columbus, N, M., and Is eager to fight Germany: Rntrh. a fox terrier, erabbed hand of pickpocket before be could get It out of pocket of dog's owner at San Antonio. After a few days' rest a Jersey po liceman who tried to break up a United States soldiers recruiting meeting will be able to return to work. Didn't know he had a wooden leg, al though she had sat on fiance's knee for three years, Pittsburgh girl testified In breach of promise suit Overalls for housework have been adopted by women of Racine, Wis. Shaving may be prohibited in Paris because of a shortage of soap. Weiehiner machine, once Instrument of amusement, has become a dally ne cessity In Germany because people lose so much weight under war rations. Sugar so scarce In Paris the ladies are carrying it In new fad Jeweled boxes holding two lumps. Indiana woman found In potato note from farmer saying he had sold at GO cents a bushel and asking purchaser to write him how much was paid. She bad given $4 a bushel. WILL TAKE A YEAR TO TRAIN AN ARMY "A United States army to be of any service whatever In France or on any Seventeen persons were killed and several seriously injured when a tor ,.ir AnrtniA. Kan. Of the . . , th nrtifion of at other battle front of the European war flftl9en injure I oTjt be thor ItVwL BIA ouyvi v r property damage was large. Andale has a population or at. oughly trained. This is a matter of a year or more. It is idle to talk about sending a small, army to France for sentimental reasons. It would not be a drop In the bucket." This statement was made by a mili tary expert who is giving close atten MArloo. hoiise from a iMa.kine' tour of Middle and Central wat(.m cities. In the interest of the Liberty Loan declared in a statement tlon to the developments of the war KundaV that the people were oenmu wlth Germany. Continuing, he said the admistration's program of raising "There still are a lot of people who i-pproximatelyi $1,800,000,000 lor -.jji think a man becomes a soldier the mo vuraoses by taxation. I ment he gets into a uniform and puts " a gun on uis snoumer. inis is non- Rnresentatives of Andrew Carne- sense, even if the man happens to be rie have notified the town of Hickory au American. t.f it will donate $11,000 for the "Every man must be drilled and vtnn of a library building there iralned before be is a soldier. In mod ts soon as a site Is selected and the eru trench warfare he must have a nlana agreed upon. The question oi uuieit-m, ikuhui irvui iui oi uere ' . w o vnntttoic nrohlem torore. w ny, tne situation in isurope S Hlie UiiXJ uia " -" ' I . , , . ., . .. than the voting of a special tax. , ? , 7"' v crinri a i otau til iuc nai una uau . u D.kvtoH.n ftoneral c cl'aP r tne rules ana prac- 'I'Uft INOriUOlll i t.o,7 v. . . 11.- i -i. t. . . , f riallaa Texas, "ces.ii umi wueii iue gii-ai iruKKR' Assexw, m - " ' " ' -gUrted, tn. ht disaooroved the use of to- Must B. Perfect Machine, v. in nv form. The resolution "Assuming that we have a real providied that the board of education army thoroughly trained and fully Jlf ,t. rhurch refuse aid to any stu- buu n io nance, vi v& . . . I ftfVl nan I r n-At-l I ft I.a r r initn (il H dents who use tobacco or intoxicants. ' V "' , '7 Atnoripfin ai'irtv waii11 hn on iTrtnaiL rinhn. will imoose a tax on sugar oi " . . nmmd.0. It nut menace. e can senu "eiuy ccul TZ1 1 " k,L fpha Perfect military machine to Europe wasannounueu ny.iue.i. if , snfflf!pnf tm--tn mennr- it. rt CIW rkU r I d- - - -: y - A " I -7 - - news bureau, in iuuhuiu vh, . - - , i au Auiiuiuii ciiluj vi pcinai uuu ban sugar companies u W.u.v dl.ed thol,sand men if piaCed in France It was statea; mat me pu"- " after having been thoroughly acdl bag of sugar is $9. I mated would be worked Into a section of the lonsr battle front, lust as new Another loan of $75,000,000 was f ra fro, England or France or madJe to Great Britain by tne unueu RUsaia are worked in-a little at a States bringing up the total loaned time( a complete section ultimately that nation thus far to $400,uoo,oou being turned over to the American con and the total of loans to all the allies tlngent, $745 000.000. A pyiment of $75,000,otio I "Before this is done it would be tlso was made to Italy as part of the! necessary for the American field com- $100,000,000 loan announced somei manuer to estaonsh his own lines or time! agt. Thie Italian Kovternraeni i communicaiiuii, ins owu uuses tor bup- had received $25,000,000. Pes and, In short, assume complete i control or everytning military on nis two denartment of labor announced section of the front. AH of jthis would Saturday that it had rented the Moun- ... T y. t Hot Snrines. N. C, "There Is every indication that pub lng of troops to France before they are prepared to go. This will never be done with the consent of our mill tary men. We are absolutely opposed to sending a small contingent of the regular army, the only force now pre pared to go, To do so would be suicidal since we have not nearly enough officers as Four days before the American de- it is and shall need every officer and stroyer flotilla arrived abroad Berlin I competent enlisted man that can be knew it was on the way and to what spared for the training: or now troops port it was going, and the day before Ysar at Lsast Needed, the little vesrrilB steamed Into "The countrv Is In for a distinct dis Oueenstown German submarines had uppohitment If the people generally ex strewn audnes about the harbor en-1 pect to see American soldiers rushed to house some of the Interned German civilians now held in various parts ot the country. Them are about i.ooo t then mostly malors from German n.erchant shins. All who cannot be taken care of on government land In Western North Carolina as soon as quarters can be made ready. trance. The startling mrormation, realizing that German spies not only fctill are at their work in this coun try, but that they have a swift and ure means of communicating Ameri ca's war secrets to the fatherland, came to the Navy department in a cablegram from Rear Admiral Sims at London. From the deliberations of a distin guished group of scientists gathered around an oaken council table in the nary annex, imay emerge the device which means death to the submarine. From all parts of the country they gatt3red ianinent engine.ts. scien tists and inventors, members of the aval consulting board to lend their efficient brains to their government in Its hour of need. Marconi, wireless wizard of Italy, was to be present, but he was ill and could not attend. ThoTea A- Edison was also absent, but was represented by his aide. Dr. M. R. Hutchlneom Hudson Maxim Senator Overman has secured froca was there. He is said to have a means the War Department 3,000 "steel cot for combating the U-boat and he land 6,000 blankets for uate of the Con-( placed his discovery and made his I federate veterans at the June reunion trgument before the board Saturday, in Washington. -I to Europe immediately nnd put Into the trenches on the other side. Every man ought to have at least one year's training and should have more. -"It must be remembered that the German army is composed of veterans and that the k.niser's best troops thick ly line .De' western front, which is the most vital to both sides. American soldiers of our regular army, who have had no experience in trench warfare, would not be a match at the outset for German veterans. They, too, must learn the game. The Germans, like the French and the British,' now know the game from the bottom of the trenches up. "France and Great Britain want an American army sent to Europe, but they want a trained army and would hare no use for any other kind. If not fully trained here before being sent acrosd such an army would be detained far behind the trenches until the Brit- lsh or French authorities deemed It fit for trench work." - USE MORE CORN AND LESS WHEAT AND SAVE MONEY "Begin today to eat more cornmea! and hominy grits in place of wluvit flour and wheat breakfast foods." the messnge the United States depart ment of agriculture is sending out broadcast to housewives. "Try a wheatJess breakfast tomorrow -J't1 ' then extend the wueatless idea to uU er days or meals," the dietary spe cialists suggest. Corn, a great natural breadstuff of this country, the department's special ists point out, has not been used for human food nearly as much as Us valuable nutritive qualities warrant. This is due largely to the fact that many persons with a wheat using habit never have taken the pains to learn to use com. There is no im portant dietetic difference between corn and wheat as sources of body fuel." To those who wish to try wbeatless meals the department suggests the fol lowing for a wbeatless breakfast or dinner: As a substitute for wheat breakfast foods try white or yellow cornmcal or hominy grits, served with cream and sugar, butter, sirup or fresh or dried fruit. As a substitute for wheat biscuits, rolls or toast the housewife, can em ploy a dozen 'dlfferenC tflrtnS of corn bread, such as hoe cake, dodgers, soft or spoon corn bread, hominy bread, com meal and rye Boston brown bread, Zuul Indian bread, etc. Fried cornmeal mush, fried hominy or cornmeal pancakes made with very little wheat flour will be found a pleas ing variation from wheat cakes. Cornmeal codfish cakes, cornmea) scrapple, cornmeal croquettes, corn meal or hominy cooked with meat, figs, cheese, eggs or milk, will sup ply nourishing dishes for the hearty courses. Hominy grits and coarse hominy (Homt-t lines called samp) may be boiled and used like macaroni or other wheat pastes to serve as side dishes with meat For dessert Indian pudding, corn meal aiui fig or apple pudding, apple dumplings, cornmeal doughnuts, gin gerbrecd, cake, fruit gems, etc., will contribute variety as well as nourish ment to the bill of fare. The housewife who wishes to sub stltute corn for some but not all of the wheat flour can make excellent raised or light bread, pnncakes, waf fles, muffins, roils, graham flour, Indian bread, etc. Wheat, rice, rye. bailey, oats, corn and potatoes are largely Interchange able as sources of starch In the diet. "and the paper regularly. mm OF KcdxidQ OoQJtd ONLY $7.50 Panama and Straw Hats Just! Received Boyles Bros. 5 . 7i the satisfied, customer A -JSTjf It I L. :. 99 Jlljm A Cold: Refreshing Pure ' lllim Fruit Drink ; fill I In Orange JooJ is one of Nature's best offerings. ' I II j III IB It is made from fresh ripe oranges, sweetened . I l lll 111 wit1 pure cane sugar to give it just the : I II I II Ih right blend. I j '" l Jn When hot and thirsty you will find it most : I N yX delightful and satisfying. f Jn Sc at all drink stands ' L mm "If you like Orange, you'll likm Oranf JooJ'l JB CELERY COLA BOTTLING Tjr llnTrTvIn REIDSVILLE, N..C. (M I ai's Cloudy K4T Thai!? the Fruit" : 1 ill lililii imjI FOR YOUR CHILD'S COUGH Here's a pleasant cough syrup thai tvery child likes to take, Dr. Bell's l'ine-Tar-Honey. It your child has deep hacking cougn that worries you give him Dr. Bell's-Pine-Tar Honey the soothing pine balsams relieve tht cuiigh loosens the phlegm and heai the Irritated tissues. Get a bottle at your druggist and start treatment at once. 25c. ANIMATED CARTOON FILM ADVERTISING I 'Toying Piclures Tbal Actually IA" Result getters, to be sure. Suppose you C. KENT LEWIS Or Phone 296-J. -1 . . We are always anxious to save money for our customers hy showing them how to get more years of wear from their paint jobs. That's why we recommend LEAD and ZINC PAINT rCWEJt CAUjONS - WIARS LONCES It contains no whiting, silica, china clay or other such stuff. It is made of the same pure ingredients that the eld-time painter used: Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Pure Linseed Oil. and HOthiivi ehe. DEVOE is mixed by machinery, 500 gallons at a time. That makes it absolutely uniform in strength, color and covering capacity always. Let us tell you how little it will cost to paint DEVOE. VQU HEAR IT EVERYWHERE When "something to di ink" is mentioned you always hear the suggestion of rccai cia i I Buy it in bottles! Keep a crale in your home like scores cf our citizens are doing. There must be some reason for the universal liking of Coca-Cola. THERE IS! Drink Coca-Cola in bottles and you 11 learn why. Order a crate today and see how truly delightful it is. Whittemore & Mobley Hardware Co., Inc. REIDSVILLE. N. C FRED DEGROTTE, Pione m

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