GB EIGHT THE EE VIEW: RELDSVLLU . N O TUESDAY, MAY 29.1917 NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM i List your taxes! And register Tuesday. Florida watermelons have reachted ton! '.,.,.' fcunday, June 4th, Is National Fatfr ei'n Day. Strawberries are in demand htere tt 60c. gallon. H:ar the speakers at the armory or Wednesday. Subscribe to the Liberty Loan and Ruckineham-Caswell road! j Volunteer or conscription? If you i prefer the former, join yojr home j ieary carr-pany. I Attention is especially directed to the articles on canning, etc., in this Issue. Read them, f Born, May 18th to Mr. and Mrs. 11. I C. Hall, Boylan Heights, a daughter. r-Raleigh News and Observer. Next Sunday aftrnoon at 3 o'clock at IVentworth. Special sermon to Juniors j ty Rev, W. E. Abernethy. Go. Don't think less of your town be- f caue It is small. The biggest town ! in the world's history was Hothlohb.m. i This community is ready to say a good word for the unian who is ready f to say a good word for tho conimuni- ' ty. . r ' The way to get money out of land i3to Improve it. The way to . get ; Rood out of this comi:i:iiiiity is to de- 1 The vacant rooui in the Webster building on Murelu'ad street is being i fitted up for a pool room. It will be 'j run by T. L. Horer. i Mrs. J. A. Wall, of Madison, w ho un- f derwent an operation several days J acgo at St. Leo's hospital, Is .recover- i Jng very satisfactorily. ;. Corn $1.93, soy beans, $5. of), cow-peas $3.60, and sweet potatoes $2AD a bu- fthel. Irish potatoes $!.f)0 a barrtsl and ; Hive hogs $15 a huudrel. ' Mr. W. S. Smothers of Wentworth i township was mingling with friends ? here Saturday. He called in to re sew 'for the Old Reliable. ' Mr. Geo. W. Kraker of Spray has I keen elected a menuber of t hie board cf governors of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association. Mr. J. R. Butler, who has beien re ceiving treatment for blood poison at St. Leo's hospital, is improving and hopes to be able to return to his home in Reidsville before many days. The tobacco manufacturers are sure1- ly "humping It" these daiys. Sales of revenue stamps o far this month have more than doubled the sales for the month of May laet year. Mr. B. F. Sprinkle has recently pur chased an International tractor for use on his farm on the Monroleton road. He will use the machine for ploughing, hauling, and other kind of farm work. Light showers fell In this vlclnty Sunday night and yesterday which re beneficial to all growing crops, Practically thq entire tobacco crop has beien set out and prospects are fair for a good stand. Young men between the ages of 21 and 31 had better pay the registrar a visit nlext Tuesday. : If any one has liny doubt whatever as to whether he should register, he should see the registrar and get his opinion. Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock June 3) Rev. W. K. Abernethy will preach a special sermon to Wentwortb Council No. 438 Jr. O. U. A. M. in the Wtentworth Methodist church. Every- j body cordially Invited to attend. All Juniors especially asked to attend. Uiev. E. N. Johnson Is assisting in Evangelistic services at the Baptist church at Leaksvllle this week. There Will be no (mid-week prayier meeting at the Baptist church here Wednes1 day evening. Rev. R. K. White of Leaksvillo will occupy the pulpit for pastor Johnson next Sunday. ; That was a eplondid address by Rev. W. A. Lambeth at the graded school finals Wednesday evening; and best of all, It was a practical, helpful, common sense talk. Mr, Lambeth more than miado good the advance promises his friends made for him and it was a pleasurto to have him in Statesville. States villo Land orark. The county fann demonstration apents throughout the State have lists of farmers In tho Statio who need ex tra labor. Men and boys who aro will ing to serve their country in this ca pacity should gk;t in tou It w ith these agents, or with the Food Conservation Commission of their county, ur write to the State Food Conservation Com mission at Raleigh. Invitations reading as follows have' been received here: "Mr. and Mrs. Winfleld Jefferson Hliio request tho Jionor of your presence at the mar llago Of their daughter, Sadie Lillian, to Mr. Howard Dunklin Held on Tues day evening, June the twelfth nineteen hundred and seventeen at nine o'clock Christ Episcopal Church, New Bern North Carolina." Miss Rice was at one time a member of tho Graded School faculty. , The Impression seems to have bo come current among the colored pop ulation of the city that the colored win of the propter age will not he re quired to register for the army draft on June 6, but this is Incorrect Ne groes will be required to register, as will all other races residing In the X'nited States and a Jail penalty Is provided for falling to do bo, Bucb tdiH-3, should tberte be any will come under the attention of the United States district courts. Miss Pearl R?ld of Franklin street is visiting relatives and friends in Winston-Salem. All secret orders of the town are requested to get in the patriotic pa rade here Wednesday night. The pa rade will start from the Confederate monument at 8 p. m. sharp. Several of the big tobacco compan ies have advanced prices on cigar ettes. This advance is due to in creased labor costs; further advances will be made later to conform to the proposed increase In revtenue tax. Mrs. Nuina Mitchell returned Fri day night from Hot Springs, Ark., where she has been spending the past ronth in the inttjiest of her health. Her condition shows marked improve ment her many friends will be glad to learn. Married, at the office of 'Squirt? W. I). Hightower, Sunday afternoon, Miss iAnnie Bell Strader and Mr. Wm. E. Gibson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Strader and th riDora is a well known and popular young farmer, both of the Carmel .neighborhood. 'Squire W. I). High iowr officiated at the ceremony which united thw happy pair. The fruit crop throughout this sec lion promistU to be a good one, and in vitw of the great food scracity and ife ruling high prices it will be well to -ave eveiu- bit oi n-.can it, lry it, en nave every bit of it--can it, dry it, preserve it, make apple and peach "Miitz" with the peal on, and apple butler, etc. It is all cheap, easily piopared and saved and i.iidghfcy good. Next Tmsday is registration da-y. There will be some young men who will hesitate about going up, but if there are any such they should re number that Uncle Sam has many ways of ascertaining Infon.nation, and woe be the man who fails to do his duty at this time. Better take the medicine and run the risk of escap ing duty than to levade and run the risk of imprisonment and dishonor. Get a gun, grab a hoe, buy a bond or Join the Red Cross. There is something available for everey able bodied man or woman to do in this war. If you possibly can do so, buy a Liberty Loan bond. Every Individual 's urged not only to purchase one (they arie sold in $50 denominations or lar ger) to the limit of his or her financial ixoans, but to become a salesman for the bonds and urge others to buy them, v.': Carolina Council No. 9, Jr. O. U. A. M., attended services in a body at the Main Street M. E. church Sunday morning. Morte than a hundred Ju- ilors were out. Pastor Abernethy preached a powerful sermon which was especially appropriate for the oc casion. The Junior will also attend the patriotic rally at the graded school auditorium Wednesday night. Every member Is requested to mt(at at the lodge room and join in the pa rade to the school building. Some of the boys in training at Fort Oglethorpe write thoir friends that they never knew what real work was before. This Is the schedule: I get up t 5:15, go through some physical exercises, and have breakfast at 6 o'clock. At 7 begin to drill and work until 11:30. Diinner comes at 12 o'clock and at 1:30 go back to work again until 4;v0. At 5:30 have supper and work again from 7:30 to 9:30. All must be In bed at 10 o'clock.' They insist that it It doesn't kill it will make imen out of them. And it doubtless will. Mr. J. L. Shumate of Route 5 gave us a very pleasant call Friday. Mr. Shumate Is 79 years bid and Is still hallo and hearty. lie is a brave Con federate veteran, serving throughout the entire period of the war and was wounded on thrtoe different occasions during the bloody conflict lie says ho Is not able to go over to Europe to help lick the Germans, but if any lighting is to be done on our soil hh can be counted on to tako a hand, ren, and great grandchildren and would lead the entire bunch against a German invasion. Mrs. Annie Avery Scales died at her homo "rhornneld," In tho "Meadows' at 2 o'clock Saturday at tc moon. Her death was sudden for when fileemingly In good health she was seized with paralysis during the morning and died a few hours later without' recovering consciousness. .Mrs. Scales was born in Morganton, N. C, GS years ago. Her husband, the late Joseph II. Scales, died about u year ago. She leaves three child ren, Joseph II. Scales, of Sault Ste Mario, Mich.; Mrs. Frances Rogers, cf Whiting, 111, and Walghtstill Scales of tho American Tobacco company, who was on. a. visit to his mothur at tho time sho was taken ill. The fu neral will be held at "Thornfield" on Tuesday morning. Perhaps the most Interesting evient of the Graded School commencement was the recital given on Friday af ternoon by th very young pupils of Miss Marion Womack. The program was divided Into, two parts. The first part comprised piano solos, and duets, closing with a sextette. The second part consisted of a delightful play, "Hansel and Grtotchel," interspersed with descriptive music by the more advanced members of the class, and closing with two dances by groups of children in costume, "The dance of tho witches" and "The Ginger-bread dance." Each dimlnuitlve performer showed the effects of careful training and several ot the numbers exhlbltrd nnusual talent and grace. Miss Wo mack is to be congratulated upon the Sold lesult of the painstaking care which1 pilot Mountain Grain Cradle, has been given to these litltla chin by Townsend Buggy Co. dren during the past year. FOR SERVICE. Fine boar hog. Mrs. Ernest Pettigrew was carried ' Elmo Morrtcle. Phone 125-J he to Greensboro yesterday where will undergo an operation. Mr. J. I). Matkins of Mclver called in to see us yesterday. He saya crop prospects are quite promising in his section at present. The Reidsville School of Music, conducted by Mrs. R. M. B, Ellington, will give its annual recital in the audi torium of the graded school Thurs day night at eight o'clock The pub1 lie is cordially invited. Mr. A. G. Williams, a prosperous farmer of New Bethel township, was in n ii .vc-rterday and gi-vu us a pleas 'ant call. He say a full crop of 'to bacco will be planted in his section He estimates that about three-fourth of the crop has already been set out Mrs. T. P. Jernian, State organltfar of the Red Cross Society, will be in Reidsville Thursday to meet with the lades at tho C. & A. hall at 4:30 p. m A Soldiers' Relief Society will be formed and Mrs. Jerman will tell how to procure the best ifieuRs. Every lady is cordially invited to at tended the meeting. A telegram was received here from Raleigh announcing the death this (Monday) morning of Lieut. I), Cru der Sullivan of Reidsville. His death was caused by pneumonia. He was a member of the supply company of the 3rd Infantry. A more extended no tida will appear in our next issue. Last Tuesday morning, Miss Mignon Smith graduated at the Greensboro College for Womian taking her A. B. Degree. Also Senior honors, Sumina Cum Lauda, (highest praise) of her class. Also valedictorian of her class of 1917. Her four yiears' work made a remarkable average of 96. This Is a fine record for this youn lady and is worthy of praise by all. She is a field svnie product weing me aaugn ter of the late Mrs. Julia Smith A large crowd was present to Wear the piano recital of thle pupils of Mrs. Mary Womack at the Graded School auditorium. The applause during the evening was enthusiastic at all times The lnterpreptatlon of the pupils showed not only had they redelved pro per and skillful training from a tech nical standing but they had also learn ed the deeper and hidden meanings cf the music. At rartely any exercise of this kind in this city has the audi ence shown more appreciation. The teacher deserves great crtedit for the successful manner in which the pro gram was rendered and shows her to lye a teacher of unusually high merit. That before long cigarette packets will contain eight Instead of 10 cig arettes and 16 Instead of 20 was the assertion made by men Interested in the tobacco trade. The raiamifactur ers will do this on account of the provisions of the war revenue meas ure. It is also said that nickel cigars will Boon dlsapptear from the market and that bags filled with smoking to bacco will contain less than at pres ent. Several dealers report large sales of tobacco to individual buyers who are large consumers and who wish to gtet in as much of the present stock as possible. Most of the dealers real izing that the revenue bill would im pell the action now proposed by the (manufacturers have laid in big stocks. Mr. Martin Durham, the well known brick mason, died Friday afternoon and was burled at Green view ceme tery Saturday afternoon. He was 72 years old and leaves a widow but no children. Mr. Durham was taken sud denly 111 while on his way home Frl nay afternoon. Mr. R. II. Pleasants overtook him and carried him home m his buggiy. He told Mr. Pleasants that he was a hard working man and people would say he was under the influlence of liquor, but that such was not the case as he had not drank any l'quor for some time. He died in short time after reaching home. Mr. Durham was a har working iman and j vlery competent brick mason. lie was well regarded by all who knew him. Avery's Joy Rider Cultivator with pivot tongue. Sold by Townsend Bug gy Co. Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet. Reidsville Hardware Co. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, big stock at right prices! Reidsville Hardware Co. Now is the time to get bargains in Coats, Suits and dresses, Mrs. Cor nie ii vin & Co. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best makes at the right price. Reidsville Hardware Company. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. Big stock of screen doors and screen vire. We can make the price. Reids ville Hardware Company. Pretty selection of cut glass and sliver for wedding presents. Drop in and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. Pretty selection of cut glass and sliver for wedding presents. Drop In and see. Morrison Jewelry Co. Hogs, cows and veltls we want them and give highest prices for then. Cosmo Benson, Parlor Market FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A good, heavy, gentle work horse. Ap ply to W. G. Ballard, Phone 264-W. See my children's hats before buy ing elsewhere. Prices 50c and up. Mrs. Turner, Turner's 5 & 10c Store. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents. Just received a new shipment of summer hats. They are beauties. Call and see them. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver ware suitable for wedding presents FOR SALE. Onie good second hand McCormick mower. Will sell at bargain. Townsend Buggy Co. Morrison Jewelry Co. has Just re ceived a nice line of Sterling Silver- waie suitable for wedding presents FOR SALE. One second . hand threshing machine in good shape, will sell at a bargain. Townsend Buggy Co. Beautiful line of silks and ginghams ribbons and all kinds of notions. Ev erything fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. Come to Fels' Store for the latest and best goods and biggest bargalna. Our stock Is fresh and stylish. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. New car, new service, new price Call "Doc" Mieador, Amos Motor Co., phone 94, night phone 4502. Fine Lettuce, ready for use, and transplanted tomato plants of best va riety. A. H. Waycaater, Lindsoy street. Phone No. 253J. FOR SALE, Lot second-hand 6-foot poultry wire, now up and in good con dltlon. Bargain to quick buyer. See Wm. Young or Wm. Oliver. , STOLEN My "Revino" blcyclle on Saturday. Liberal reward for capture B G REDUCTIONS In Coats, Suits and Dresses We Have Just Received a Beautiful line of SHIRT WAISTS, SPORT SKIRTS AND SUMMER MILLINERY Make Your Selection Today Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. a BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, KTC Subscribe today Read the paper regularly FOUND. Bunch of keys. Apply at this office. FOR SALE. 8 fresh milch cows. Dr. W. A. Johnston. Route 2. FOR SALE. Fresh milch coow. W. L. Sheffield, Route 3, Ruffin. Cole fertilizer distributors are the best. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Iron Age Cultivator hoes wear sharp. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. We want fat veals and pas cash for them. Cosmo Benson, Parlor Market. FOUND, Bunch tof keys. Owner can gtet same by paying for this no tice. ,",'.;','..'.." New lot Shirt Waists, Sport Skirt and Summer Millinery. Mrs. Cornie Irvln & Co. LOST. Pink cameo- brooch. Re ward It returned to J. Will Burton, Piedmont street LOST. A front light from Ford car Please return to J. C. Barber at Cli max Barber Shop. FOR SERVICE. Thoroughbred Jer sey bull. Fee fl.50 cash. Cecil Trent. Thone 3302. STRAYED. Boar pig wttn streak ot white down back. Reward if return ed to June Jeffirles . Pretty selection of cut glass and silver for wedding presents. Drop In tiid see. Morrison Jewelry Co. thief or return of the bicycle. M. W. McDonald, Reidsville, N. C. WANTED. Settled women for nur- bing and light house keeping. Prefer one who would llvte on premises W.. J. Pettigrew, 129 Scales street. 20,000 HHD. HOOPS WANTED. Va TO 7 CENTS FOR FIRST-CLASS WHITE - OAK HOOPS. EXPORT EAF TOBACCO CO., ROBT. HAIRS TON, BUYER. LOST, Double case 7 Jewel Wal thaa watch with fob and heart at tached, between Giles French's and W. H . Gillle'a. Reward if returned to Brooks Jones. Our ladles hats, no higher this year than usual, sales heavy and new hats coming in every week. Come to see us before buying. Mrs. Turner at Tur ner'e 5 & 10 cent store. LABORERS WANTED. Wanted, fifty laborers. Will pay 15 cents per hour. Permanent work for several months. R. M. Hudson Construction Co., Paving Contractors. Reldsvlllle, N. C. See those nice lots with plenty of shade and fruit trees, a good garden and splendid spring of water. Only suven minutes walk from A. T. Co.'s plant Prices right Terms resaon- able. See me quick. F. S, Miles. DONT THROW YOUR OLD AUTO CASINGS AWAY. , HAVE THEM DOUBLE .TREADED. TREAD GLUED AND SEWED ON." 2,500 MILE GUARANTEE. PRICES REA SONABLE. DOUBLE-TREAD TIRE CO. PHONE 215. Southern Railway System will oper ate a special train from Charlotte and other North Carolina points to Wash ington, D. C, Monday, June 4, 1917. Train will consist of Standard Sleep leg Cars and First Class Day Coaches. Baggage will be checked under usual conditions. The round trip fare from Reidsville la 6.15. - Owing to the very heavy demands on us tnis year tor meats, we nna it very hard to get out all ot our or ders (especially supper orders) as early as we would like to do, we want to ask all of our friends and customers to order as early as possible In the afternooon so that we may have time to get them filled and out before you teed It We have three delivery boys and with your help we can always get it to you when you want It Call un ewly. Yors to serve Parlor Mar ket, Cosmo Benson. DO IT NOW Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 Old Garments Cleared or Dyed by our process will make them look equal to new. R. L. HUBBARD, Agent, Reidsville, N. C., Phone 246-W, POWELL 'S DRY CLEANING & DYE WORKS, Danville. foR TOBACCO Madison, N. C, Jan. 27, 1917. I used 2917 bags of ZELL'S SPECIAL COM POUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about $00,000 00 worth of tobacco grown over it at prices which are highly pleasing. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely, and ripens it uni ormly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs rell and brings the money. I will certainly use well's again this year J. M. GALL AW AY. ' - FOR SALE BY KING & COBB, Pelham. J. H. GLENN, StoneviHe JNO. Y. STOKES, Reidsville J.H.HOLLAND &C0.,Price W. 0. DOGGETT.Brown Summit, T.B.WILSON, Madison ARE YOU LOOKING ." FOR A REPAIR SHOP where the mechanics are not time pirates? Do you want men to work on your car who know the mechanism of an automobile as a. physician knows the human me chanism? We iamploy only that kind of mechanic. Send us your car the next time it needs atten ' tlon. . : . WOMACK MOTOR COMPANY WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". When The Pinch Comes The flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely ''keep ' the wolf from the door". uet your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHQNE 14. NIGH f PHONE 61-J. '. m f a

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