f AQB BIGHT NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Services at tho Episcopal church Sunday night. Public invited. Mr. J. D. Biven& of Albemarle spent . Sunday here. Mr. Frank Kernodle is in Florida on a business trip. ) . ' Mrs. E. II Wrenn, Jr. is visiting her parents at Mt. -Airy. Mrs. W. W.'Boyles is visiting re latives in Stokes county. Mr. Charles Denny, Jr. of Greens boro is visiting relatives here. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Y S. Mitchell, on June 9th, a son. Mr. Broughtori Stokes of Crens)boro was herte 'Saturday' and Sunday, Mr. Thurber Hufflnes of Akron, Ohio, is visiting his parents here. Miss Luclle Mitchell of Greensboro spent Sunday here with her (mother. Miss Ruby Freddy of Grieensboro fepent Sunday here with her mother. Miss Josephine Harrison of Rich mond is the guest of .friends In fields ville. Mrs. Annie II. Smith has returned to Danville after a short visit lo friends here. Mrs, Maude Stockard has been sntending a few days in (Jrei'iisboro with relatives. Mrs. E. A. Troxler of linrlington was a weektend guest of hr parents, Mr and Mrs. S. N. White. Mr. WHmar Walker. of Winston-Salem has bebn spending the past few days here ' with his mother. Miss Frances ilanilln has returned to Columbia, S. C.,. after spending her vacation here with hi'r parents. Mrs. R. L. Watt and little son will go to the "Meadows" this week to spend a month at the Scales home. Mr. Eugene Walker, formerly of Reidsville has joined the aviation ber vice and Is now at Fort Sloeumb, N . Y- ' ' . .-, -'.' Mrs. F. B. Kemp has returned from St, Luke's hospital, Richmond, where she underwent an operation oiwe time ago. Dr. J. W. McGehee accompanied Mrs. L. II. Hardy on Sunday evening: to St. Leo's hospital, Richmond, for an operation The registration board at Pelham reported that 131 eligible imen regis tered on Tuesday, 46 of this number being negro men. The Rockingham Volunteers will meet with Mrs. II. R. Scott on Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. A full attend. ance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Rasc-oa and children left Saturday morning on a motor trip to Kiernersville, Winston Salem and other points. If It Is a hair cut or shave you want get It at the Climax Barber Shop, next door to Fred DGrotte's Our motto Is polite, sanitary service. Barber & Pettigrew. . Miss Marguerite Penn left last week for Danville, Va., to take training as "nurse's aid" and will join Htoveral young ladles from that place who will do Red Cross work. Mr. W. W. Dick of Greensboro se cured the contract last week to install a steam heating planting in the coun ty court house at Wentworth, to cost around $2,000, and the Job to bo com pleted by September 1. The assessment roll for street pav ing on Main, Lindbey and Gllmtr streets, which was advertised for a hearing on Friday was eonflrmod by thte board of commissioners, except a lew complaints as to measurements. Mrs. P. II. Williamson sustained a fall Friday which resulted in the breaking of an nnm and the disloca tion of a shoulder. Her Injuries caused a great deal of Buffering, but we are glad to learn the good lady Is now resting easy. Miss Annie Hopper of Iluffln left last week to visit relatives at Klkton, and Roanoke, Va. She will also at tend the summer normal for teachers at Harrisonburg, Va, Beforto return ing home she will visit Luray caverns and Natural Bridge. Mrs. W. L. Price, who for some time past has been tho eiliclont long ! distance operator in tho local Bell THE REVIEW: 'unsviLL EV N. a TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1917 f l . Jovous ; II 1 I II I (fvfri a uir if k 'tttti'iT P" W w W W Vi VJi Time to Buy That Season Ticket Same Old Price, $2 " '1 cessful in locating their man last night and lodging 'him In jail. The W. C. T. U. will observe Flow er Mission Day at the home of Mrs V T. Barber Thursday at 4:30 p m. I'lease bring your cut flowers as we want to send them into every home where there is sickness and sorrow, a coruial welcome awaits all. Don't forget the Red Cross fete on Friday night, June 15, on Mrs. J. N. Watt's lawn. Liet all who want to show their appreciation of our gallant soldier boys come out and help. Our friends all over the county are cor dially invited to be present. A good time and a good cause are combined We look to you our, frllends to aid in this noble work. Reidsville friends have received in vitations reading: "Mr.! jand Mrs. George Washington Sparger request the pleasure of your company at thie marriage of their daughter, Helen Gil mer, to Mr. William Samuel Dickson, on Wednesday afternoon, June the twentieth, at three o'clock, Onle hun dred and seventy-six Cherry street, Mount Airy, North Carolina." The remains of Mrs. Mary Callaway of Madison, were buried at Mon Vue near Leaksville Friday at noon. The funeral services werie conducted by Revs. Wm. J. Gordon and Howard Hartzoll. Mrs. Callaway, who at the time of her death, was in Danville at tending a mieetlng of the Episcopal church. Saturday she underwent an operation for locklcd bowels. Miss Margaret Berry, an attorney at law at Charlotte, and who has fre quently visited Miss Louise (Valg in Reidsville, is spending a few days 'at her home at Chapel Hill before beami ng clerk to a base hospital unit bound for France. Miss Berry graduated froini the University of North Carolina wo years ago and securing her A. B, egree she studied and secured her degree In law, opening an office about year ago in Charlotte, where she Teiepnone exenange, has gone to De-J has Ueen quite successful In the. prac- iroir, Alien., to join ncr Husband who tire of her profession flas been in the autombile business in that city for some time. Mr. J. 11. Lea, a splendid farmer pf near Lawson'ville was in town Sat urday and gave Thr Review olllce a pleasant call. He says the wl "nt crop in his faction is very good ivd -d and Is rlpenlc? 'up -n!ce!. . Sonn- rt it will be ready tyr th reaper thl week. Beginning today (Monday V tho peo ple of Reidsville will be given the best program of pictures for everyday, of any tbJeatre in tho State running two Paramount, two Triangle and two Metra feature a week. In addition to one serial and two Keystone com edies, giving a show each day worth while, A fpbclal from Roanoke says: John The board of education has about decided that the teachers' institute for the white teachers of the county will commence on some date the Lit "ter part of July. Probably the I'rd, ,but the date has not, as yet, been ; finally determined. This institute promises to l ono of the most inter esting the county has ever had. and will l)o among the first conducted un-df-r the new regime. Two conductors m ale and female, from the State board of inhtitute conductors will ,in con junction with the local superintend ent of county schools supervise the work. The institute will be held in the county court house. During the absence of Dr. J. A. PInnix of Caswell county, who was in Washington attending the reunion, a cided she should take the Pasteur treatment. Mrs. Joe Smith has entered a Rich mond hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs Hunter Scales of Cali fornia are guests of relatives herte. Mr. John Mitchell of High Point has been spending" a few days here with relatives. Mr. II. L. Hurdle is at Mt. Airy White Sulphate Springs in the inter est of his health. Lieut. Sidney E. Buchanan of Spray has been orderted to report to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., On July 20 to take a three months' training in the medical service, . , Copious rains have fallen all over the county the past few days and all crops are doing1 well. Some com plaints are miadte that too much rain has fallen in some sections. Mrs, M. B. Tracy well known here, died at her home in Llexlngton Thurs day night of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Clodfelt- er, age ahou. 90 years. The deceas ed had been an invalid for a number of years. It is especially requested of all cit izens to promptly report to phone 92 or 142 any leakage in water com ing under their observation or any repairs needed in the electric light line, thereby assisting the authori ties to give first class service at min imum cost Beginning yesterday in every city, town vi' ago and himlet the bells of schools, churches and tewn halls will rl-ifi- a mighty cull to Americans to .strvico in tho case of freedom by in vei.tii'jr In liberty bonds. They rang four times last rifcht, for four days yet remain in which to make subscrip tions; Tuesday they T ill ring three times; Wednesday they will ring twice and Thursday they will ring the last call The Messenger had a letter from its good friend, Nathan Case, of May odan Route, telling of the tragic death of his brother and son, J. P. Case, at Charleston, 111., the other day by onle of the tornadoes that swept the western part of the country last week. Mr; Case was sending his brother The Messenger and writes us that it Is no longer necessary to do so, from be distributed into their boxes during the- process of distribution." Mayor M. P. Cuiumings has receiv ed the following telegram, from H. R. Luuk, Red Cross Secretary: "You as highest official in Reidsvilto are aked by war council appointed by President Wilnon to lead the movement in your, community to help rajse hundred mil lion dollar Red Cross war fund. Great national responsibility. Appoint com mittee. Wire reply." The committee appointed to work in conjunction with the local Red Cross chapter is. R. 15. Chance, T. W. Andrews, Robt. Hairston, P. W. Glidewell and J. R. Joyce. Misses Sarah and Rebecca Wall chat aiingly entertained Wednesday afternoon, May 31, at 4 o'clock in hon or of Miss Margaret Spurgeon. This was the first of a series of parties to be given in honor of Miss Spurgeon, who on the twelfth of June will be come the bride of Dr. A. J. Warren, of Hillsboro. The decorations were duM'-s. The idea being carried out in the attractive score cards. After several exciting games a salad course ice tea and sandwiches and an ice cours-"':? were serveu. iuihs spurgeon was presented with dainty gold pins. The guests were Misses Margaret and Pat tie Spurgeon, Sue Hayes, Sue Rose croud, Mildred Durham, Mabel and Ellen Jones, Edna Caviness, of Ash boio, Virginia Parris, Emma Robert son and Margaret Rosemond. Hills boro Cor. Mr. Itobt. H. Smith a well known former citizen of Reisdville died in San Francisco, Cal., the fifth inst. For several years past he has been a' resident-of Pheonix, Arizona, where he conducted a successful real estate business. He had been in declining health for some time past and went to San Francisco for treatment. As a last resort his physician gavte him a transfusion of blood furnished by his faithful wife. His body was Car rie to Pheonix for burial. Mr. Smith was about 70 years of age. He was a resident or neiasvuie ior many years and was highly regarded by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow and a nephew, Mr. Will Isley, of Pheonix. Mr. Sam Smith of Danville, a brother and two sisters. Mrs. Armibtead Jones and Mrs. Tally of near Reidsville. BIG REDUCTIONS In Coats, Suits and Dresses We Have Just Received a Beautiful Line of SHIRT WAISTS, SPORT SKIRTS AND SUMMER MILLINERY Make Your Selection Today Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. DO I T N O W Plant English Peas, Lettuce, Radish, Cabbage, Tomato, Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums. Our New Seeds just arrived. Call, 'phone, send or write us your wants. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC Something new at the Grande every day this week. We have a big line of MoCormick's repairs. Townsend Buggy Co. Big reductions on all Ready-to-wtear hats. Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co Tell your troubles (electrical) to Irvin & Hall, "The Electricians." FOR SALE. One second hand two horse wagon at bargain. Townsend Buggy Co., Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet. Reidsville Hardware Co. We have just received car sap shingles and prices are right. Town send Buggy Co. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best makes at the right price. Reldsrille Hardware Company. Big shipmient of grain cradles Just received. Prices reasonable. Reids vlllf Hardware Co. FOR RENT. Newly painted and re paired 5 room house on South Main street. Eugene Irvin. Big stock of screen doors and screen wire. We can make the price. Reids ville Hardware Company. See Pettigrew Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Agency ad. and win yoursfclf $15.00 In gold. During the sumnaer months Miss Lucy Hall will teach a limited num ber Jf pupils from any grade. Terms reasonable. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. New car, new service, new price Call "Doc" Mieador, Amos Motor Co., phone 94, night phone 4502. Kool coats and pants madje to yodr individual figure. These fit right, are aade right. They are cheap. No washete. Hutcherson. Pettigrew Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Agency is giving away $15 in gold for a few minutes' work. See ad. In today's paper. Are you getting one hundred per oent efficiency froaa that electric iron and fan? If not, stop the waste by seeing Irvin & Hall, "The Electri cians." , ' FOR SALE. At a bargain, one young horse, three years old partially Sili MILE AFTER MILE your auto will skim over the road with never a halt if it is tequipped with our long service tires. It isn't how much or little you pay for tires that fixes their value. It is the number of miles they are good for. Ours have records that make them really the cheapest tires on the market. WOMACK MOTOR COMPANY Jarrell was arretted In Norwich late fow on his plantation developed what last night by local police officers on , a capla issued from Aeidsville, N, is believed to have been hydrophobia. Tho row after plunging wildly over C. Jarrell, who is a horse trader, 'tho grounds of the farm was shot and lias been convicted of larceny In tho North Carolina city, and Jumped his bail. Th officers of that locality thought-that possibly Jarrell would h"a;l this way as he Is said to have relatives in Norwich, so they notified 'h cfT.cerg here. After investiga i.r.g the case and working on clues for he past two days, officers were sue thrt head was cut off and eent to Ral eigh to be examined. In tliio mean time Mrs. Tinnlx Is very anxious as to the state of her own health. She has been tending the Cow and has a bad sore on her hand which she fears may have became Infested. Dr. Wal ker of Burlington accompanied Mrs. PInnix to Baltimore, where it was de- tho fact that the home was swiept ' broke to work, perfectly gentle See R. E. Turner one half mile east of County Home. Well it has been kool and kold, but Sistler June Is with us now. Whew! Great Scott; it's hot! Kool Suitings at Hutcherson's, washee and no wash ee. Get right. Hutcherson. Get right; stay right; do right! Buy your kool clothes from Hutcherson and your fttyle and taste will not be questioned. It is a known fact that you will be right Hutcherson. The Grande Theatna has stepped up. on the' top round of the ladder in book ing the program that It now has for its patrons. There is no change in price. Children 5 cents; adults, bal cony 5 cents; orchestra 10 cents. Big reduction In millinery. We have made big reductions in the prices on all our spring millinery. Every thing is new and of the latest styles. Sou will find big bargains in our en tire stock. Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. away, his brother and his son belns killed, while the Wife w?s badly hurt and Phe will probably die. Mr. Case left this section several years ago for Illinois and has many friends hjere who will regret to learn of his death. Madison Messenger. The postal laws and regulations with regard to the Sunday work at postoffices havie been amended as fol lows: "Postmasters at first and sec ond class postoffices shall not require morts clerks and carriers to be on duty on Sunday than are requisite to collect and prepare mail for dispatch and to make such distribution of In coiiuing mail as is necessary to mteet the requirements of the law as to special delivery mail and to perform stuh distribution as may be necessary to prevent congestion or accumula tion of mail that would prevent prorrpt deliveries on Monday. Rent ers of lock boxes may be permitted to obtain on Sundays such mail as may .LOST 1916 class ring, Return to this office for reward. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, big stock at right prices. Reidsville Hardware Co. Fine Creamery Butter, made at Jeff Penn's "Corn Jug Farm," for sale by Trent & Trent. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. FOR SALE. One second - hand threshing machine in good shape, will sell at a bargain. Townsend Buggy Co Pettigrew Real Estate, Rental and Insurance Agency wants to give you $15 00 in gold. See offer in today's paper. . Always fussing! Too kold or too hot. Do right! Let Hutcherson make you a kool suit. No washee, but kool kooler, koolest. Hutcherson. Let Irvin & Hall, "The Electricians wire that house. Will save you money and guarantee all work to meet the requirements of State Fire Insurance Laws. 'Phone us or leave your order with Whittemore-Mobley Hdw. Co., and same will have our best attention. Pilot Mountain Grain Cradle. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. You are liable to a fine of $5.00 a day if you are running your automo bile without first obtaining State and county license for hire from the Sher iff and making application for your number plate. See Revenue Act of 1917, Page 30, Section 59. The ones who have paid will assist me In find ing you out and I am going to enforce this law. If you are going to run your car for hir at all get your license and avoid trouble. T. L. Gardner, Sheriff, Reidsville, N. C, May 31st, 1917. :, ANIMATED CARTOON FILM ADVERTISING "Moving Pictures That Actually Talk" Result getters, to be sure. Suppose -you C KENT LEWIS Or Phone 296-J. Old Garments Cleaned or Dyed by our, process will make them look equal to new. R. L. HUBBARD, Agent, Reidsville, N. C, Phone 246-W. POWELL'S DRY CLEANING & DYE WORKS, " DANVILLE, VA. WAR AND HIGH PRICES may cause a "pinch". The flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. If you get them from us they will surely "keep the wolf from the door". tet your Garden Seed from When The Pinch Comes GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGHT PH0NEI61-J. a o o a a a o a o S