PAGE SIX TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1917 TTFK REVIEW; 'KIJ)KVLLE.'N. C. The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charma good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of gnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER mJ im according to simple diretf ioni. Improve ment ii noticed at once. Sooihinf, cooling and eircthing. Heal Sunburn, atopu 1 an. Pink. W Vfc. Rou-RtJ 75c at 'Dniifttt or fa mail JlrtcL Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mf. Co.. 40 South Fifth St., Brooklyn, N.Y AMERICA'S REASON FOR FLAG ACROSS THE SEAS returnbd Ma E. A. NARROW GAUGE .Mr. Dove Craddock has to Mahonlngtown alter a a. ,nn for nendlnir her stav with his mother, Mrs A w I r. I i tt o . ....... - - . - ... il l II. I. .... J.Hm.A.1. VAnl.l airaiimt the fire or the enemy craauocK. tie ims impiu. In uwno . . .. LI.. J .1 the sea and the purpose sne very mucn since ui ui'iiiuu iu Al liance City hospital several weeks ago . Mr. Velina Craddock. who has been employed as "clerk in a Durham hotel, spent several days with' his STONEVILLE Mrs. Jane Fagg and daughter. Miss month's , CasaH i9 in we from Loaks'illo arlar flag racross !seeks were' stated 'anew .by President (Wilson in a Flag day address beneath 'the Washington monument. ' Germany's military masters denied the United States the right to be neu- ftral, the President said, and by extra ordinary insults and aggressions "left I us no self-respecting choice but to 'take up arms In defense of our rights n a free neonle and of our honor a.i a sovereign goernment." , mother, Mrs. Cornelia Jones, who was Now that America has been forced ' operated on for a cancer on her to war, declared the President, she face. She is glutting on as well as can bids her men go forth to fight on fields be expected, of blood far away for the same old fa- j Mr. and Mrs pending two or th.lee week with Mrs. Fagg's sons, Messrs. J. B. and John Fagg. Mr. Peter King died at his home iieur Stoneville and was burled at tin old Ilendterson Jocye burying ground . . Mrs. Sue Stone left tyesterday for Niver Neglect a Cold A chill after bathing, cooling off suddenly after exercldes and drafts, give the cold germs a foot-hold that may lead to something worce. Safety requires early treatment. Keep Dr King's New Discovery on band. This pleasant balsam remedy alwaiys allays inflamation, soothes the cough, re pairs, the tissues. Uettter be safe than sorry. Break up the cold j miliar heroic purpose for which it !has seen its men die on every' battle I field upon which Americans have ' Nirr? a,' ms sine" the revolution for democracy. A sinister power, he said, which has the (Jerinan people them selves in its grip, "now at last has stretched forth its ugly talons and drawn blood from us." '"Die whole world is at war," he 'added, "br cause the whole world is. In the grip oi' that power a:id is try- ing out the 'great buttle which shall determine whether it Is to be brought I mother here. He left last week ror i j.ruksville after spending two weeks the north with his brother, where i.,e with relatives and friends. whe-3 they will try out thuir luck. j Mr. Willie Carter has had a very Mr. John P. Jones of Greensboro s,tk child, but we are glad to report spent a few days last week with his j t)lat he is improving a good deal at I pivsi nt. j Mr. Frank King is la South Caroli na on business. .Mr. Busick Taylor of Winston spent one day here last week with his par euts, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Taylor. Mr. Spencer Roberts' HttJe son fell from his wagon and broke his leg sev eral days ago Prof. Sharp and Mr. Orein Hodgin t Corum visit ed relatives near Lwaksville Satur day and Sunday. I We regret to learn of the death of Mr. It. II. Smith of Pheonlx, Ariz, lie was an uncle of Mrs. E. A. Craddock and visited her and other relatives here not very long ago. Mr. WJllIe Isley is on the sick list regret to learn . War is all that we hear now and we pray that it will soon end. We ha vie been blessed with good rains and crops are looking fine, but we hate to think of what a fight we ! las with Dr ude.r its' mastery or fling itself fiiee. ' i have got to make on Mr. Crab Grass. King's New Discovery before it too late. At your druggist 50c, $1.00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS IRA E. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special attention to settling estate Practice In all courts, except Recoro ri Court Office in Fels Bulldin over 8. Price & Co.'b Store. that Germany P. W. GLIDE WELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Prompt attention to all matter tn trusted. Practice in all court Offlet. In Citizens Bank Bnlldlnf. MAJOR T. SMITH LAWYER Offlee over Burton & Pearson.s Bh tor. A general practice of th Ian Including settlement of estates, ad jnstment of Insurance, collection o claims, etc, tec. Practice In all court elaJms, etc. Practice In all courts. A. D. I VIE B. C. TROTTIr JULIUS JOHNSTON IVIE, TROTrER & JOHNSTON Attorneys t Lw Offices la the new Irrln Bu'ldlm Sext to Bank of Reidsrllle. la m giving wariiniiift actually have carried Into execution their plan to thrv a broad belt of military power across the center of Europe and into the heart of Asia, rejecting the idea of solidarty of races and the choices of peoples, Mr. Wil son spoke of the "new intrigue for peace now appearing in many guises at the behest of the Berlin govern ment, "It cannot go further; it dare not go back," he said. "It wiahtea to close its bargain before it is too late and it has little left to offer for the pound of flesh it will demand." Several hours before the President spoke, Washington had beien, drenched with rain and pelted with hail. All through the speech rain came down softly and a secret service man held an umbrella over the President's head, whits hundreds of umbrellas hid the faces of most of the hearers. Cherries and dewberries are ripe now and we guess there Is a small cost of living for the present. Miss Blanche Craddock has acctept ed a position with the Southern Bell Telephone Company at Winston-Sa-lein. She will join her sister who went there recently to take a similar position. J. R.JOYCE Attorney at Law. Office In old Citizens Bf-k Bulldlm Practice In ritate na Feden : foarta. ,'' Loams negotiated. PEROY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. ReidsTUle, N. C. Bpeclal attention to negotiation toens, settlement ot estates, bayla; and selling real estate. Iasarane adjusted. Practice lr all coarta. Office In Lambeth Building, Orr Sh1ffs Offlca. . HUGH R. SCOTT ATTONIV AT LAW. adal attention to negotiation tt loans J conduct and settlements at estates; buying and selling real a tate. Office, Citizens Bank Bldg J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW OSes orer old citizens Bank Build ing, opposite Confederate Monument RXTDSVILLE, . . . . . . , ,. .. N. C McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW PracUce la all eoarta Mr. McMIchael will be In the XeM 1U office oa Tuesdays, Wednesday fkarsdays, Fridays and la ladleo m 8atnrdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOF ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Reldsvllle. N. 0. ' General prartlce of the law In BtaU and Federal Courts. Money loaned oa real estate. BH tote administered on and sa.".!! tal estate txurht and sold. E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW Office orer Tulloch's Store. Loans negotiated. Prompt Attention. DR. J. R. ME AD OR OENTIST " fflce o?er New Citlswne Bank. Residence Phone 279-W, Pbone 181. - DR. JULIUS S. WELLS" tfc orer Fetser Tickirt Dr " "tore. Thra 10. Dr. A. E. W0RSHAM, DENTIST HuCa, N. c. Newspapers Censor Themslelves Military information of value to enemies is being divulged 1 one per cent of the American newspapers, which are not Regarding the volunteer censorship being respected by the other 99 per cent, the committee on public Information announced in an appeal to all to suppress publication of matter of that nature. Thie com mittee said: "While 99 per cent of the papers of the country are scrupulously observ ing the rules of voluntary censorship a certain few are printing dally Infor mation that may expo American sol diers and sailors to deadly peril." A request to newspapers not to pub lish the names of armed merchant vessels which lencounter submarines was issued by the committee on pub lic Information . "A prime concern of the voluntary censorship Imposed upon itself by the press," said a committee statement, "has been the suppression of thie iden tity of armed merchant vessels that may engage in the defense encounters with eubmarlnes. The captains of thesle vessels not being 4 part of the recognized naval organization of the United States are outside the protec tion of laws of war as the German em pire interprets them. In even of thtelr capture, death would be their fate. The judicial murder of Captain Fryatt, makes clear the German attitude to the men. The peril of the destruction of the vessels themselves In subsequent voy ages also Is Intensified by establishing the Identity as thie destroyer of a sub marine. The added danger to the pick ed gun crew of the fine young Amer icans is equally apparent. "The agreement of Boerecy was shat tered last week by cable dispatches from France naming the Silver Shield as victor over a German submarine. The act was unintentional and the government of the United States has since been assured that both the Brit ish and French governments wilt co operate In the future for the protec tion ot our merchant ships and their" captains." Fresh Vegetables For Winter Use In addition to canning every con ceivable foodstuff for winter use It Is most desirable, nay, absolutely, ne cessary, that every possessor of a garden spot and every farmer In our country, prepare now by planting the seed, for his winter crop of vegeta bles. From the can, and out of his gar den, and from these two sources only, will be available the necessary vege table food to maintain good health druing the winter of 1917-18. Our city population, and our boys on tha firing line, will take all the surplus canned stuff raised in the States this summer. WTe must not depend upon getting any, unless we put It up our selves, and a winter passed on a bare meat and cornbread diet, without the necessary blood corrective In the shape of vegetables, will leave us In bad shape. Therefore, wte again urge that reference be had to our article on winter vegetables in our Issue of the 11th inst.. and seed be put down now for transplanting In July, in preparation for an unlimited supply of life giving vegetables during the winter. ai t tided Trinity commencement v.. k. - Messrs. Hamlin and Thomas Baaz are her to spend their vacation. Mr. Clyde Pratt is spending some time with his grandfather, Mr. Joseph (daybrook. U'e have had fine rains the last ten i lays which were vtery much needed No doubt thte farmers are through planting tobacco. Mrs. Grace Matthews of Germanton is visiting Mrs. Hannibal Simpson. MAMMAI DON'T YOU SEE YOUR CHILD IS SICK, CONSTIPATED Look at tongufe! Move poisons from liver and bowels at one. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK GIVES ADVICE ON BLOOD TROUBLE Warns Against Alcoholic 'Patent' Medicines Injurte Kidneys Says Writer Below Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver and you lose a day's work. There no reason why a person should take sicUenlng, salivating cal omel when 50 cents buys a large bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver, just as surely as calomel, but It doesnt make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel Is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty caldxtel today and you will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and ,you will wake up Heeling great. No more bilious ness, constipation, sluggishness, head ache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist saya if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money. Is wait ing for you. Mother! Your child isn't naturally cross and peevish. See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels 'need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleJep or act naturally, has stomach ache, diarrhoe, remember a gentle bowel cljanslng should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the systam, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleansing. Di rections for babies, children of all age end grown-ups on the bottle. Keep it handy in iyour home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. ' Ass your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "Californi Syrup of Figs,"- then look and see that is made by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. A NEW SUGGESTION AS TO THE USE OF D0G8 Anent our proposad var tax on dogs, Mr. John G. Logan, president of the Southern Road Machine Co. of Knox ville, writes the Manufacturers Re cord ...'. "We have read with interest your ar ticle on the useless dog. We agree With vou that the,v nrn worno than nan. less, but sugvest that they be made useful by killing and making them Into fertilizer, leather, and glycerine for making nitroglycerine." Manufac turers Record. . TWO RICHEST MEN IN WINSTON AND DURHAM . Bware ' A German, posing as a nleutral, has been arrosted In Sweden upon his re turn from Russia, where he secretly spread hog cholera and inflections dis eases among hogs and cattle. He car ried the poison germs in lumps of sugar, imitation lead pencils and in other harmless looking devices, it a possible that recent outbreaks of chol era in the corn belt are due to a sim ilar caustoT Why may not contagious diseases among humans be secretly distributed T Would that be any worse than aeroplane attacks on denfenselesg women and children, or the work of submarines ?-Farm and Home. Sour Stomach This is a mild form of Indigestion, ft is usually brought on by eating too tepidly or too much, or fiod not suit ed to your digestive organs. If you will eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, eat but little meat-and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stomach without taking any medicine what ever. When you have sour staxach lake one of Chamberlain's Tablets to sM iudigestlon. Many people taking Iron in one form or another seeking1 richer, better blood strength and vitality, make a serious mistake, according to a well known writer on the subject. "If people realize that the kidneys are intrusted with the duty of filtering the blood of impurities, uric acid and other poisons, they would certainly not take alcoholic 'patent' medicines as recklessly as they do. Alcohol is very bad for the kidneys, not to men tion stomach, nerves and liver Any doctor will tell you that. Go to the nearest druggist and get a fifty cent or dollor bottSe of natural iron known as Acid Iron Mineral. This is pure, highly concentrated and goes twice to ten times as far. One half teaspoonful in a glass of water is a dose. Take after meals and on going to bed. NOT PATENT MEDICINE Nautre in her own Inimitable way mixed Itkept it pure, down In the earth. Acid Iron Mineral is not a patent meidclne. It helps Instead of injuring the teeth, stomach, kidneys, blader and nervies . All druggists, of course, have it. STACY Will Tate is laid up with lameness caused by a bruise while at work at the quarry. He stood the doctor's knife well. . Gteorge Brown Is lingering with a mild case of appendicitis. The wheat crop Is fine. There Is a plenty of it with 3 and 4 grains to ' mash. Corn is looking fine, and tobacco is starting off nicely since the rains of last week. Our farmers are beginning to live high. Plenty of pteas, snaps, Irish po tatoes, beets, etc. Mission Coming From Japan Japan will send a mission to tha United States. The mission will have broad powers, especally in dip lomatic consultation and is expected to leave Japan during the first part of July. . The mission is regarded as offering an unpleasant opportunity for a clos er understanding between the United States and Japan through a full dis cussion of tha many complex ques tions of the un'settiid Far East;"; The thange through the eradiation curtail ing of British, French and Russian power, creating a new community of interest between the United States Japan and China, will be gone into fully. Viscount Kirkujiro Ishii will head the Japanese mission. He formerly was minister of foreign affairs . Vice Admiral Takeshita who is well known In the United States, heads the naval section of the mission- The army section is headed by a Major General Sugano. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER S. R.'Wlnte a in his Durham corres pondence to the Raleigh News and Obsever says: , Thb ownership of over $3,000,000 worth of real and personal property gives to George W. Watts the distinc tion of being Durham's wealthiest cit izen, and the second largrest indl- vlual tax-payer in North Carolina R J. Reynolds, of Wnston-Salem, alone claims priority for his bulk contribu tions to thie state tax lists. The com pleted tax books of Durham county re veal the riches of the Durham man whose philanthropy embraces aid to schools, colleges and the Presbyterian church. The taxable wealth of Mr. Watts rbal and personal property "has shown a phenomenal jump from that of 1916. The Increase, accord ing to the tax sheets for a 12-month period, has been in excess of one mil lion and a half dollars. Stocks in for eign corporations are his principal as sets, and he is a director of the) Sea board Air Line railway. He contribu ted In actual taxes toward the upkeep of the" county and state something like $30,000 and around $40,000 to the city of Durham. r ' How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a tew cents. V The juice of two lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lem on skin beautifier at about the cost me must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemcn juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin sooftener, whltener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make an a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage It daily Into the fade, neck, arms and hands. Wlin you have anything to soli, advertise in our Bnsi- s Builders, five cents pei ue for one insertion; 10 cents - r line for three insertions. Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Mon tana and ex-Senator Chas, A. Towne of New York will be speakers at the meeting of the State Bar Association in Asheville July 3 5. GAINS 2 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS Remarkable Experience of P. G. Clark Builds Up Weight Quickly "I was all run down," writes P. O Clark. "I had to quit work I was so W cak. Now, thanks to tonolinie, I look a new man. I gained 25 pounds In 30 days." "Tonoline has put 10 pounds on me in 14 days," states Chas. Brackett. "It hasmade me sleep well, enjoy what 1 ate and enable me to work with Inter est and pleasure." If you would like to put on a few pounds of good solid flesh, we wilf send you Free a 50c box of tonoline to prove what it will do for you. Address the American Proprietory Co., Boston, Mass, eucloslng 10 cents to help pay for postage and packing For sale by Gardner Drug Co. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, o! Palmer, Okla., writes: "From the time I en tered into womanhood . . . I lookeel with dread from one month to the next. I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. I would think 1 could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . 1 decided to TAKE jil The Woman's Tonic "I took four bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . "It has now been two years since I tookCardui, and I am still in good health. . , I would ad vise any woman or girt to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you sufferpain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up your run-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists J.6S 0 You Cannot Imagine , The Goodness of ORANGE JOOJ You Must Taf Itl W rI!jr bcliev you ar mis. Innn delight whan you dsn jr jrouraalf tha pleasure of thia . wondarful fruit drink. A a cooling and Invlgoratlnr refraahmant, it is plaaaing many, many paopla. Won't you try It? 5c of all drink itandi Laaa by th caaa ' you tiko Ormngn, you'aiihm CELERY COLA BOTTLING CO., r.cidsvllle, N. C. How Do Your Clothes Look? There's no reason for a man to go about in ill-fitting clothes in this day of ad vanced, artistic tailoring and reasonable prices. You'll find, here, smartly arid correctly styled, and hand-tailored suits of relia ble fabrics in every good model for men and young men including the new Belters. Only the finest of mer chant tailors could dupli cate the genuine Schloss Bartimore Suits we're show ing now at J16.50 and up. Come and see them! .Hams & Co., "The Man's Store."