FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 TIT. REVTEvy : KEIDZmXU, H. CL nj' .VHr r- ROUTE SIX The condition of Mr. George T. Walker wno has been very sick showjs some Improvement hla man friends -will be glad to learn. Mr. Elson McKlnney and Miss Sue Manly spent Sunday at Mclver the guests of Miss Be:le Standfleld. Mr. W. R. French and family vis ited at the home,,pt Mr. J. H. Wall Suaday. Misses Flossie and Blanche Barbara visited f rlenda' In the Lowes section Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Garaper Walker has returned to his home at Gastonla, N. .C. af ter a few days visit here with his parents. Mr. Dunn and Mis" Nellie Haldllp end Miss Katherlne Martin of Spray wetb recent visitors at th home of Mr. B. F. Halsllp. Mr. and Mrs. L. Manley and Miss Lottie Manley Tlslted relative at ReMsville Sunday visited relatives at Reidsville Sunday. Miss Ella Chhilton Is In the Mt Car mel section for an extended vkttf. Mrs. John Walker of South Carolina visited relatives here the past week Mr. Aurillous Saunders and mother of Lenox Castle visited here the past week. . , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimbrow and lit tle daughter of route 5 is visiting the latfcer's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Manley were In Rellsville one day last week Mr. J. H. Walker and uiothor, of Route 5 vhVed here thii week. MT. CARMEL The weather has been fine for tho past week and crops have made rapid growth. The fanners have almost killed the crab grass In the tobacco crop. Corn and other crops are look ing fine at this writing-. wneat harvest win soon be over in this section and tjomo of the ma chines wll start to threshing next Mrs. L. H . French and children of Spencer, Va are spending the wetek with Mrs. J. C. Wall and Mrs. L. L French. Mrs. Halnter Chrlsman of Oak Grove 14 spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. H. French. Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Sparks Lauders visited thielr daughter, Mrs R. H. Ellington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon of Ruffln Route 3 visited the former's brother, Mr. R. L. Dixon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sparks of Lau ders visited the latters'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ellington Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Vaughn of Nance visited her slater, Mrs. Edward Dix Sunday, The writer wishes to say that was reported to him about Children' Day being held at Mt. Carmel laft Sunday. It is to be held Sunday, July 1 at 10 a. m. of of H. 8TACY Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Burton Greensboro visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Burgiass here. Misses Sadie and Carrie Burton vi ited in Lauders section Sunday Miss Lillie Card well entertained Saturday afternoon in honor of hter cousin, Miss Rosa McDonald of Ken tuck. Va. Numerous games were played, refreshments served and with a few selections from the famous Quartette the guests departed, declar ing Miss Cardwell a delightful hos : tess. Mr. W. F. Tate, who has been quite sick, left for Danville General hospital this week: Mr. H. E. Eagan, assistant mana ger of the Harris Granite Quarribs Company, was down last week look lag over the plant. He seemed to be well pleased with the work that is fising don. Miss Bessie Wright of Pelham is vtVting her aunt, Mrs . Robertson here Mrs. Oacar Boran of Sp sneer, vis ited Mrs. C. J, Wiarriner here recently. Miss Etta Brown ' visited Relatives In Reidsville the past week. DRIED VEGETABLES BETHLEHEM There was the usual farge crowd out to hear Mr. Townsend Sunday morning. Some of our people will attend the Children's) Day services at Mt. Carmel Bxt Sunday, Mra. Smith is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Moore. Mrs. C. M. Billings fa visiting re latives in our precinct, The Bethlehem boys play a double header Saturday on the home dia mond. R. I. Mills V: Bethlehem." Bethlhem won against Leaksville last week.. They will play Leaksville at Leaksville next Saturday. The Y. P. A. Society of Bethlehem church are getting up a play "Miss Topey Turvey" to be, given the 28 of July at the school house. Admit j Ion -will be 10 and 20 cents. The pro ceeds will go to thle church. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morphia visited at the home of Mr, J. M. Burton Sunday; afternoon. For Sale by Druggists, Everywhere Bead tie paper regularlx Hoosier Wonder ' ' ' ': . " " I - Easy Terms The most unusual bargain we can offer low prices and easy terms. The greatest labor-saver ever mnde for a kitchen. A. P. Sands Dried vegetables and fruits thaat do not taste like hay. Such a product is possible and will be turned out in North Carolina this year by this thou sands of pounds. The high prices'.and t'.ie scarcity of tin containers and glass jars suitable for canning vegetables' and fruits, together with the necessity for the conservation of ev-ry pound of bdible products possible, several weeks ago, turned attention of food experts to improved methods of dry Ing or evaporating these vegetables and fruits. ' So great ha been the inteitest in North Carolina in th!3 matter that the Department of Agriculture re cently sent State Horticulturist W, N. Hutt and Assistant Horticulturist C. D. Matthews to New York to in ve&'tigatle the most improved and ap proved methods of conserving perish able food products by the various drying process, whether described as)( evaporating, aonyraung pr aessica- ting. All of these variously described methods! have for their object the drying of the products at low enough temperature to avoid driving off the essential oils which contain th& flavor and yet at a sufflcllently high temper ature to drive off the moisture quickly and thus avoid deterioration. Vegetables and fruits' dried and saved by these modern methods have a dlellcacy of flavor that wouldnot be euwpected jjby anjij who has been accustomed to product dried in the sun. Messrs, Hutt and Matthews, after investigating ' the. . - commercial plants and a number of J nailer out fits for homte drying, decided that any intelligent housewife could turn out just as good products as the commer cial plants. Mr. Matthews has pre pared a bulletin describing the im proved methods of drying and giving directions for making an evaporator for home use. This bulletin will be available within a few days and can be secured by anyone in North Caro lina without cos. It la interesting to note in this con nection that while this country has been backward in the matter of im proved methods of drying vegetables and fruits there were 425 commercial dehydrating plant, in Germany before the beginning of the war. The num ber has no doubt increased since thlen. It is also Interesting to note that one New York concern some months ago filled an order for 80,000 pounds of dried cabbage for the French Army. 80,00 pounds? of dried cabbage is equivalent to 800,000 pounds of green cabbagje. Experts of the Department of Agriculture at Washington and of the State are con fident that a large volume of vege tables, by themselves and in soup mix tuites, and of fruits will hereafter be saved through improved methods of drying. 0 Si .0, and Co Jiossai iLJiearamice STARTS TODAY DON'T MISS THIS SALE One of the Greatest Collection of Bargains you have ever seen. S. EEIES Now on West Market Strtef, will move into I heir new building, 27 Scales Street, formerly occupied by Harris Bros , on or about JULY 15TH The Publics Bargain Opportunity before Remsval. REIDSVILLE'S GREATEST BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY , S The Market is Going UP, UP! FrU..Tw. But Our Prices Are Being Marked DOWN, 1WWU Down Space permits the mentioning of but a few of the 100 BIG VALUES actually being offered at greatly reduced prices. Lad is' Waists in many at tractive styles, Val- 7 ue up to $1.50. Good Gingham Dresses, Val ue $1.50 98c Q All Linen Toweling,! f Children's Stockings value lFc. LIMITED I vC. in black and white, QUANTITY, 1 Soisettes, all colors, value 35c. Black Mercerized Petticoats, Value $1.50 88c fcO QC Silk Skirts, Beau tpJ . OO tiful Patterns, Value $8.00. 3c. Lace and Embroider ies, odds and ends to close out. values up to 10c. value 15c. 12 l-2c. White 40 in. Voile, beau tiful quality, value 20c. 1 1 1 On Pt yd. I I I'U value 18c. 91 O-, Amotfkeg Ging "X"aC. hm," all-patterns, value 12 l-2c. AQn Gingham Dresses, TOU izes to 14, value $1 Silk Dresses, val ue $10.00. Ex traordinary Bargains. $4.85 Best Bleach and Cambrics, value 16 1.2c. 10c. 91 0- Curtain Goods, I tC beautiful qual ities, value 12 l2c. MEN Buy Yoijr Suit Now You can save $5 on any Suit you (elect during this Sale. Prices range from $4.95 to $15. The truth sometimes appears exaggerated.-- Worth $10.00 to $20.00. Buy your Suit NOW. SHOES and Oxfords for Men and Women 25 per cent, below our reglar low prices. Prices rahge $1.25 to $3.85. This offering- includes many Famous Makes which we bought under price, classified as "Fac tory Rejects." The Classification simply means that these Shoes are not absolutely perfect here and there ou may find a little scratch or so but nothing that will in any way hurt the style and service. Taking into consideration the present condition of the Shoe mar ket, no one can afford to overlook this bargain. The Bachelor HaH The Bachelor's Club held its regular meotlng at the Bachelor's Hall Mon day evening, June 25, from 8:30 until 10:00 o'clock, during which time a few urgent matters were taken up in de tail and adjusted. Having attended to all businees that came beforb the club, it was moved and seconded that each mem ber forget all troubles and enjoy him jlf with velvet ice cream and loving thoughts. . ' The club is proving a sucde'ss to the young bachelors participating and since each member is striving to dp his bit, thla club feels that it can eadlly accomplish its purpose .though a broad field is staring it in the race. YOU SAVE MONEY BUYING AT --S0iONER COMPANY Adjoining W. P. Ware's Grocery W.Market St. REIDSVILLLE, N. C Later: 27 Scales St-Harris Bros. Old Stand Appalachian Training School The Second Summer term of the Appalachian Trainlnng School wiH be gin July 10 and continue six weeks. Instruction will be given in all tl n public :hool studies. Art, Home Eco-1 ; nomlcs, Vocal and Instrumental Mu sic,.;' GIRLSI LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a flew cents. The juice of two lemons strained t Into a bottle containing three ounces TllSJ50UTllEnrRAIlV1fSGG:iFArJY A pleasant outing in the mountains is for you. Address, D. D. DOUGHERTY, Boone, N. C. To the Colored Teacher. There will be a summer school held beginning on the first Monday la July in Winston-Salem. N. C, at the Sla ter Industrial and State Normal School. Arrangements havto been made for all the colored teachers in this county to attend this school for at least two week a without any tui tion or enrollment fee. Any o' the colored teachers In this county who desire to attend should apply to S. . Atkins. Winston-Salem, N. C. All of the colored teachers who Ih tslbly can should attend thla school. I ' . L..N. mCKERPON'. Cc' Supt. cf . Niver Neglect a Cold A chill after , bathing, cooling off suddenly after exercises and drafts, give the cold germs a foot-hold that may lead to something worse. Safety requires early treatment. Keep Dr. King's New Discovery on hand. This pleasant balsam remedy always allays tnflamation, soothes the cough, re pairs, the tissues. Bettjer be safe than borry. Break up the cold with Dr. King's New Discovery before it is tco late. At your druggist 50c, $1.00 Have you bought your Chautauqua tickets yet? Sale is limited to 775 tickets and none can be had after the opening day and they may be all gone before that date. Two dollars for "Sev-en Joyous Days" Including twelve programs of the most refined and high of orchard white makes a whole quar ter pint of the most remarkable lem on skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for s small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Inlca ia tisad to bleach end remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is j I the ideal skin sooftener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the fade, neck, arms and ' hands. r i i An Ambition and a Record ! THE need of the South are identical with the needs ! of the Sooibcra iilwr Uwrivwtk mu uccaof aoc aeui Uw pbldiAr the other. - The toothers Kmllm, uk m Uu mt fcUd rririlect Mt i accorded to ouen. .M.- '. ' ll. mL t.llM. 1. M M th S malty .f Inltmt that if bora of co-opefarJoai betwrai the public an J i the nilroadi; tm perfected that bir ana frank Dolicr la tbeaunate. ,j aunt of railruad. which hmica the eooiileace of rreniamual i afcndcii to araliz that liberality of treatment which will enable k I to obtaia the additional capital aeeoea roc toc acqmnuon or ocnrr ana enlarred tadliriea Incident ta the aVrainH for laoeaaed and bcDet aerrket and, f aallr- To lake Its atrhs ta the body politic of the tooth aloarelde of other treat Industrie wkh ao nm. But with equal libemca, oqual nt-bct aad canal ocpottanitata. . " " The Southern Serves the South." Whooping Cough In this disease it is Important that the cough be kept loose and expector ation easy, which can be done by giv- est class entertainment and instructive ing. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. lectures that comes to Reidsville dur- Mrs. P. II. Martin, Peru, Ind.. writes ing the year. Tickets from the ladies "My two daughters bad whoopin of the Library Association or at Tuck-' ccugh. I gave them Chamberlain's erts Drug Store. Children's tickets Cough Remedy and it worked like a (tinder fourteen) half price. eharm. Southern Roilway Syctcm