FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 Children Cry for Fletcher'G The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over oyer 30 years, has borne the signature of - - and has been made under his per-y-z- sonal supervision since its infancy. "Z J-cUcA(AA Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Espertncnto that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A ' Castoria iJ a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Trops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ftge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JO Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM C1MTAUH COMHMY, NtW VOWW CITY, Shipment of NEW PIANOS Just Received Big Bargains. Call and Sec MORRISON JEWELRY GO., THE RELIABLE YOU HEAR1TEVERYVHERE When "something to diink" is mentioned you always Ke the suggestion of rcmt Boy it in bottles! Keep a crate in your borne like scores of oar citizens are doing. There muit be sczie reason for the tmiyirsal Lking of Coca-Cola. THERE IS! i - ; Drck Coca-Cola in bottles and you II learn why. Order a crate today asd see howjrely delightful it is. . - FRED BEGROHE, Phone 183 LnJf Signature of to' JEWELERS. ma H THE REVIEW LEVER OUTLINES OUR FOOD NEEDS Hopes For Complete Federal Control by Sept. 15. SAYS SITUATION IS BRIGHTER Chairman of Houm Committee, In Charg of Administration' Program, Sums Up Problems Which Proposed Lawa Saak to Solve Control Bill Chiefly a Precaution. Asbury Francis Lever of South Caro lina, chairman of the house committee on agriculture, the man who Is feeling his way day by day In directing the ad ministration's wartime food legislation, summed up the food measures now pending and stated his case so that a layman who knows nothing of the problem of getting legislation through the house and senate of the United States could understand. "The most vital thing in the country right now, for the immediate future and for the duration of this war, is the full and complete control of the food situation in the lines of production, conservation and proper and economic distribution," said Mr. Lever. ' For this air. Lever has his bands full. He is presenting to the nation a plan of wartime food control ana reg- ulation without precedent in the his- tory of the country. He holds steadily to the major purpose to increase and conserve me nuuuu iuuu auu iu yrv videfor the allied nations before it is too late to avert what may prove a serious condition. To thousands Asbuy Francis Lever, representative, is J flat a name, and a nnmA that rnnnores the theoretical end of the food problem at that The farm- er digging away in his plowed field in the summer beat and the housewife getting ready to "put up" berries in her kitchen dub the man who is at tending to this vital matter for them A machine remote from the hardpan of living. Problem of Kitchen and Farm. The farmer and the housewife will understand when one says that Mr. l Lever has the kitchen and the farm I m . . J . i. I ena or tne enormous suujeci ui ueaiv and is as hard worked as any farmer f,"fr .E.USh 8ea80!!15i lng certain fundamental facts affecting the food situation. These are, accord ing to Mr. Lever: if That the world is existing on a basis ; of inflated currency. j That there is a tremendous gold sup ply, reducing the purchasing power of gold. ' I That in this country there Is a great-1 ly disturbed transportation system, a: poor shipping system. . j That we have a great shortage oil terminal facilities at ports. j That we are in more or less of a con dition of hysteria, causing individuals to hoard food. That there is some food speculation, with various and Biindry things enter ing into it. Mr. Lever explained the elements In the food legislation now before the lawmakers in Washington as they stand today after the hashing over they have had since being approved and recommended by the president and the secretary1 of agriculture. The first so called Lever blll.whlch has reach ed consideration in the senate as a sub- Htnto hill nrnrldoa for an n nnrnnria-1 tlon to make a rapid and wide survey of the food situation under the auspices of the department of agriculture, In cluding attention to seed conservation and live stock. So much for this im portant machinery, if the president is given the authority asked under the second Lever bill, which places in the hands of the president very plenary powers to handle the food and fuel situation of the United States both as it affects this country and the allies in this war. It Is Mr. Lever's belief that there is not In this country today an alarming situation, rather one to be taken up in due time before such a degree If reached. In brief the bill would give the president: Full Power For President. rower to prevent hoarding and mo- nopollzatlon of food; power to prevent j exioruon ana extortionate prices auu , corners; in extreme cases, auinoruy to take over storage plants, : ware houses, mines, factories, to operate them and sell the products to the peo ple under regulations; to require con L .n i cfr'0r0 I I to be licensed and to do business under ebts f the estate of Anthony John rules governing their conduct. In or-ton deceased, I will sell for cash to der to stimulate . production of the ' highest bidder, at public auction farmer, to fix a guarauteed farmer's , " th Town of Reldsville, at the Con profit; to fcandle in the most effective federate Monument, at 2 O'CLOCK way, either through regulation or by M. ON JUNE 30TH, 1917 subject absolute prohibition, the matter of. to the confirmation of Court, a tract speculation in the necessaries of life, ot land, situated in Ruffln Township, including fuel, clothing, foodstuffs: ! on the Ridge Road, adjoining the power to regulate the amount of grain j lands of William French, deceased, that may be used in alcoholic drinks jj. R, Wall, W. K. Davis and others, and even in nonalcoholic drinks or toj Beginning at a poplar W. K. Davis prohibit the nse of grain la beverages nd j. tj. French's corner; thence if he thinks It wise to do it . j North 100 poles to the Ridge Road; The bUl will carry a sufficient appra ! tnenc with said Ridge Road South priation to carry out the purposes and S3(L West 24 pg. tnence South 62d to make good guarantees to the farm- ,Vt),t 4(l nol,(I . In Mr. era. In order to obtain efficient returns It Is Mr. Lever's hope that portions of the bill at least will be in operation by Sept. 15. . . "1 believe the situation will get bet ter, that It would have improved with' out this legislation and that tt win Immeasurably improve with it," aaid Ur. Lever. . : REIDSVn.1 . S, N. C i -l- ..... ,ti, AN EASY WAY TO REDUCE FLESH Drink Hot Water and Take Tatsco Haven't you always wished for a medicine to reduce your flesh? Some thing that does not require dieting or callstenics? Well, right here you have tt In 5-graln tassco tablets which you niay secure at Gardner Drug Co. They are pleasant to take, perfectly harm less and cause no restrictions of hab it or eating, and reduce the flesh, lit tle by little, until you are down to the number of pounds you wish to weigh. Too much flesh Is undesirable, as roost quite stout people will rapidly admit, and it detracts from one's good appearance; makes one ciumBy and chort of breath. There Isn't any reason why anyone should be too stout, when there's this much-tried, perfectly satisfactory remedy at Gardner Drug Co. Tassco tablets (don't forget the rarae) are recommended by physi cians and are guaranteed to be per fectly harjielss. Refuse sufbstltues, if you cannot come to our store we will mail tassco to you. FREE TASSCO COUPON THE TASSCO CO. j I Boston, Mass. j I Send me by return mall a 60c box j i.t your wonderful obesity treat- ' I ritut. enclovi 10c in silver or ' i stamps to help pay postage and j packing. ' Croup, Whooplng-Cough Relieved Children's diseases demanded pre paredness. When the child wakes vou at night, gasping and strangling t0T breath, how thankful you are t0 naye Dr Belrs pIne.Tar- H(mey at Thls eftectlve remedy ,008ms tJw muc0U8 and freJ and natural breathing. Its soothing balsan s heal the irritated membrane and ai rests further inflamation. Pleas- ant to take. Keep Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey In the house for all colds and bronchial troubles. At your druggist J 26c FOR SALE BY Trent & T Reldsville. N. C. Gardner Drug Co., Reldsville, N. c AND ALL GOOD DEALERS Read the paper regularly. Uso "Gols-lt," Lift Corn night Off 8hrivel4 Loosens-and It's Gonet "Jusfllke taking the lid oft that's how easy you can lift a corn oft your toe after it has been treated with the wonderful discovery, Gets-It.' " Hunt the wide world over and you'll find nothing so magic simple and easy as "Oets-It." You folks woe "0-o-r End Cora ad i StopPala Quickly With Gett-tt have wrapped your toes In nandages to look like bundles, who have used salves that turned your toes raw and ore, and used plasters that would shift from their place and never ! "get", the corn, and who have dug and picked at your corns With knives and scissor and perhaps made them bleed just quit these old and painful ways and try "Gets-It" Just once. You put 2 or 8 drops on, and it dries at once. There's noth ing to stick. You can put your shoe and stocking right on again. The pain is all gone. Then the corn dies a painless, shriveling death, it loosens from your toe, and off it comes. "Gets-It" is the biggest sell ing corn remedy in the world today. There's none other as good. "Gets-It" Is sold by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of prlEe by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, IIL ... iieidsvllle. and recommend- M the world's best corn remedy by 0ardner DrUg Company LAND SALE Under an order of the Superior Court. in order to make assets to pay liam French's Dower line; thence with hter line South 40d East 86tf iolea to the beginning, and contain ing 20 acres, wore or less, known af the Islah Stewart Place. This May S4th, 1917. ' W. R. FRENCH. Admr. of Anthony Johnson. Deceased P2W i A ANOTHER REIDSVILLE CASE It proves that there's a way out for many suffering Reldsville folks. Jusa another report of a case In Reldsville. Another typical case. Kid ney ' ailments relieved in ReidsvlUe with Doan's Kidney Pills. W. L. Leath, 64 Llndeey St., says: "A few years ago I hurt my back and ever since then, I have been subject to attacks of kidney trouble. When I am bothered In that way I take Doan's Kidney Pills and am soon re lieved. I am satisfied that Doan's are the only reliable medicine for kidney trouble." t Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'e Kidney Pills the same kind that Mr. Leath uses. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON GILMER STREET At a regular meeting of the Town Commissioners of Reldsville, North Carolina, held at the Town Hall on tha 14th day of June, 1917, thle follow ing resoluMon was unanimously adopt ed: "Be It ordered by the Board of Com. mifisloners of the Town of Reldsville, North Carolina, that, whereas, A. Wilkinson, Clerk of this Board has submitted to thle Board a petition of the largi3r number of the abut ting property owners on the follow ing described local Improvement dis trict, viz: v Beglnnnlng at the intersection of Gilmer Street and Scales Street at the cornier occcupied by Burton & Pearson Shoe Co., and running east with said Gilmer Street to the inter section of Gilmer Street with West Market Street at the corner occupied by the Piedmont Drug Company (which Is hereby made a local Im provement district as contemplated in Chapter 56 P. L. North Caroliaa, 1915) and has lodged his certificate showing the Efficiency of said petition in all respects as required by Chap ter 56 P, L. North Carolina, 1915. "Therefore it is hereby resolved that the local street improvement to wit: the paving of all of said local Improvement district composed of said Gilmer Street with sheet asphalt on concrete base as plans and speci fications to be filed by a competent engineer and approved by this Board. It is further ordered that the owners of all property abutting on said street and within said local improvement district, to be paved, shall connect their several premises with water mains and sewer pipes said connec tions to be made In accordance with ordinance on sewers and water con nections located In the said local improvement district adjacent to their several premises In the manner herein prescribed, viz: They shall cause said connections to- be made or the Board of Commissioners will cause said con nection to be made and the cost thereof shall be specially assessed against the particular lot or parcel of land for in connection with which it was made, This to be done on or before the first day of July, 1917. "It is further ordered that the own ers of property abutting on said streets to be -.aved, within said local Improvement distrlc, shall be assert ed upon said Street, said assessment Bhall be payable in ten equal annual in ailments but said assessments, shall bear interest at the rat of six per centum per annum from datie of the confirmation of the assessment roll." M. P. CUMMINGS, Mayor JNO. F. SCOTT, : G. E CRUTCHFIELD. ; J. F. SMITH. N. C. THOMPSON, Commissioners A Wilkinson, Clerk. LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an order of resale made by the clerk of the Su perior Court of Rockingham County in a proceeding for the sale of land for assets, the undersigned, as adminis trator of MolUe K. Morrison, deceas ed, will on the the 30th day of June, 1917, at two o'clock P. M. in front of the Confederate Monument In the town of ReidsvlUe, sell for cash to the hlghebt bidder, subject to the conflrm i.Mn of the Couit, that certain tract or parcel of U.U in Rockingham county, adjoining the lands of J. N. Craig, (deceased) and others, and bounded as follows." Beginning at J. N. Craig's South east corner on Piedmont street in town of Reldsville, thence East with said street sixty feet to J. W. Dix on's Southwest corner on Piedmont street; thende North with Dixon's line one hundred and seventy feet to W. A. Patterson's line and J. W. Dixon's Northwest cornier; thence In a West erly direction with W. A. Paterson's line sixty feet to J. N. Craig's North east corner; thence In a Southerly di rection with Craig's line one hundred and seventy feet to the beginning on Piedmont street, being a lot or parcel of land bought by J. C. Powell of Wil liam Lindsey and wife, under date of December 15, 1900, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds ot Rockingham county Book 130, page 35. - Said lot has erected upon it a good seven-room bouse and Is desirable property. This the 14th day of June, 1917. R. B. CHANCE, Admr. Of MolUe K. Morrison, deceased LAND SALE Under the Power of the Sale con tained In a Deed of Trust of date Jan uary the 2D. 1916, by R. L. Bradshar and H. L. Bradsher and wife Nettle Bradsher, and duly recorded in tha office of Register of Deeds in, Book 182. page 478, the terms of which have ,iot been complied with, I shall, at the Court House door In Wentworth, on MONDAY, JULY, 2, 1917. sell to the l.ikn.,( V, I J . J 1 - , ' ii j , uifcucBi. uiuuci, me luiiuwing iana, sit uated In Rockingham county, Ne.v Bethel Township: ONE TRACT beginning at a ston.;. corner of lot No. 1, thence West cross ing the Branch 60 poles to a Wii o Oak, corner of lot No. 1; thence S. 41 poles to a 6tone In the Old Field. ...o corner of lot No. 1; thence West U5 poles to a chestnut In the ,!ijinal line; thence South on said line . 43 poles to pointers, Robert Ca umlngs corner; thence East on uU line 88 poles to White Oak Sapling M. P. Cutomlngs' corner; thence E.;jt 5CV4 poles to a hickory In M. P. Cuiamlngs' line; thence North 82 poles to the beginning, and containing 51 acres, more or leas. See Book Third P., page 115. AND ANOTHER tract beginning at a White Oak In the William Scott line, South 108 poles to a Stone; thence West, crossing a branch of Haw Rlv er 50 poles to a Black Oak. corner of lot No. 2; thence South 41 poles to a stone, corner lot No. 2; thence West 95 poles to chestnut, another corner of lot No. 2 in the original line; North on said line 22 poles to Post Oak; thence West 4 poles to Black Oak; thence North 127 poles to the beginning and containing 122 acres, more or less. See Book Third N., page 178. The part of the last named tract advertised for sale being an undivided half interest therein. This May 24, 1917. H. R. SCOTT, Trustee NOTICE OF SALE ' Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of : Rockingham County, made in the special proceed ing entitled George D. Williams, Ad ministrator to Joshua Thomas, de ceased. G. T. A. against Wesley Slade and wife, Maggie Slade, Mamie Doggett and otherB, the undersigned coimimtefllonier will, on Saturday the 30th day of June, 1917 at 2 o'clock p. m. In front of the Confederate Monu ment In Reldsville, North Carolina of fer for sale tc the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Rockingham County. North Carolina,, adjoining the lands of Mary Thomas, Frank Smithy, and others, and more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot No. . Beginning at a stake, corner lot No. 2 North 84 . degrees West 2 11-100 chains to a stake, South 13 degrees East 6 10-100 chains to a hickory; South 83 degrees East 2 9-100 chains to a stake; Sotuh 15 degrees East 4 60-100 chains to a branch; thence with the old branch to the large branch, thence down the branch to the Thack er line 41 50-100 chains; thence South 10 degrees West 25 20-100 chains to a staker or stone, South 18 East 1 16-100 chains- to a locust tree. South 6 degrees West 7 74-100 chains to be ginning containing 30 60-100 acres more or less. ' ' ' This the 28th day of May, 1917. . GEORGE D. WILLIAMS , v Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me in a certain mortgage deed executed by E. J, Mays : and wife, Mamie Mays, and others, on April 1, 1916, and duly, re corded in Book 182, page 685, Register of Deeds office of Rockingham County, to secure a certain bond therein, re ferred to, and there having been, de fault made In the payment of said bond and mortgage deed, . I will on SATURDAY, JUNE 30TH, at 2 o'clock p. m., offer for sale at. public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Bank of Reldsville building In the town of Reldsville, N. C, ?the following described real estate and personal property; Lying In the town of Reldsville, N. C, adjoining the lands of J. F. Koer, and George Miller and others (in the year 1897), on Branch street, beginning at a stone on Branch street, corner of lot No. 30, thence South with said . street 52 1-3 feet to a stone; thence East. through the line of lot No. 29, 45 feet; thence North 23d East 52 1-2 feet to the corner of lot No. 30; thence West with the line of lot No. 30, 470 feet to beginning, it being the Northern half of lot No. 29 in the Jno. D, Barnes survey and containing 1-2 acre, more or less. . ; Also all of the scales, ice boxes, refrigerators, tools of all kinds, knives, stoves, and all other store furniture and fixtures, Bltuated on West Market street, Reldsvllte, N. C, in their meat market stall Or store. W. R. DALTON, Mortgagee. This May 31, 1917. NOTICE North Carolina ' : Rcckingham County Having qualified as the administra tor of G. W. Irving late of said county snd State, this is to notify that all per. sons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the first day of June, 1918, or this notice will be pfcaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please settle with the undersign ed. 4 This 30th day of May, 1917. RONALD W. IRVINa ' Administrator cf G. f. Irvir J