AdE EIGITT THE REVIEW: EKIDSVILLE, N. a FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917 1 to NEWS OF EEIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM Reidsville vs Stokesdalo Saturday. Bill Evaua ts. Pep-am Saturday! Double-header with Maywlan on the Glorious Fourth. The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mm. Early Grain of Wear Benaja died Tuesday night. The ix months old son of Mr. and Mr. J. Wl. Mosley on JMedmon reet died Tuesday, Stokeadale has won nine straight AmM. Reidsville will mndeavor break the etreak Saturday. Children ! Day will be observed a Carmel church ntxt Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Everybody invited. See Bill Evans' submarine drop in Saturday's game. He is the only man in hABflhall circles who can do the "stunt" Mrs. B. Frank Mebane of Spray has been appointed chairman of the Wo man's Commission of the National Defense for North Carolina. Weather conditions have been good this week. Now is the vlery busy time with the farmrs and there iAirss loafing on their Jobs than ever before. Married by P. II. Williamson.Mr. Willie Smith and Miss Annie Kimbrow on June 25, 1917 at P. II. Williamson's residence. Both young people are of Reidsville. Rev. Livingstone Johnson of Rocky Mount, succeeds Rev. H. C. Moore as editor of the Biblical Recorder. Rev. Mr, Johnson is the father of Mrs. E. N. Johnson of Reidsvilk). Xhe remains of Mr. J. T. Brann were brought from l)anvll!l and car- ried to Lowes' for interment. Mr. Brann died Tuoday from heart trou He., He was about G5 years of age. We are requested to announce that all members of Ruffln camp N016932, M. W. A., are requested to be pres ent July 13 at 8 o'clock p. m . for Installation of officers and other busi ness of camp. With only two more days left during which time to receive liquor by ex- press the local office of the Southern Express company has been taxed severely with the heavy shipments that are coming in. The numerous friends of Mre1. R. S. Galloway are happy to know of Wer Improved condition. Mrs. Galloway has been seriously 111 for eeveral days at her home on West Fifth street.- V,"ln on Sentinel "They're hungry for it." Wednes day the American Tobacco Company shipped by express two hteavlly load ed drays of chewing tobacco. The buyers had sent In rush orders and the goods were hustled out by the fastest express. Boldsville tobacco is used everywhere and lota of it fli that W.'C. Ruffln of Mayodan, A. D. Ivie of Leaksvillo and Dr. M. P. Cummlngs of Reidsville have been appointed members of the registration board of this county. These gentlemen will pass upon thte advisability of name drawn for the army by selective draft They were appointed by President Wilson. Mr. C. L. Sands, National repre sentative of the Jr. O, U. A. M., has returned from a pleasant trip to Asheville where he attendled the bi ennial meeting of the National Coun cil held in that city last week. The next meeting will bte held in Milwau kee in 1919. North Carolina made the greatest gain In membership of Juniors the past year of any State in thte Union, and now stands third in enrollment. Have you bought your Chautauqua tickets yett Sale Is limited to 775 tickets and none can be had after the opening day and they may be all gone beforte that date. Two dollars for "Seven Joyous Day" including twelve programs of the most refined and high est clase entertainment and instructive lectures that comes to Reidsville dur ing the year. Tickets from the ladles THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 22. Reidsville, N. C. By G. W. BRITTA1N So often do we see in the many, many paper the prophetic claims of Tom, Dick, and Harry. Tom claims that the war will last two years. Dick claims it will last three years, and Harry says perhaps ten years. Now In our humble opinion we declare that any man is a.l capable of really know ing as is Tom, Dick or Harry. And if you asked us, we'd frankly say, "we wot not." Now while the war is pretty nearly what Sherman claimed it to be. it might be even worse and let's hope the worse is In Vght. And we have added so many cousins across the eea to our American Family that we can hardly hope to know them in dividually, but we have 'em just tne same, and our power lbroad enough and strong enough to encompass ev ery one of them. o It's better to plant potatoes than wild oats. Walk ginla. Why not travel Silas? this way Jesse. . o ' Now should CongrefJ decree that all single girls between sixteen and thirty must register, and go to Eu rope. There'd be more volunteer for the same route. o One of the most popular light exercise is )) forma, of falling In love. Going away this summer? If you are, we have the Toilet items you should carry. If you are not going away why not get your summer com fortables from us? , We have the stock, we have the experience, we have a heart. Lei us Oil your preemptions. Brlttaln fill1) them and he knows how. Ha does. 4 O Marriage license fifty cents in Vir- Let us supply your Drug Store needs. Satisfaction or your money back. o Oh! where is the swing of the swoonful s wish? And the land of the spingful )role? Must the blue mist blur on the tinklers drale, and freight with their fraught my soul? Listen! For the best answer to tin above auerry. we will give one dol lar's worth of Toilet articles. An swers to reach us not later than July the 10th. BRITTAIN S DRUG STORE 'he Home of Good Drugs and Garden Seeds. PHONE 300 Best Goods Lowest Prices. Let Brittam fill your Prescriptions. DOLE DOLLARS An idle dollar is as thoroughly use less as an idle clock or an idle man", Put your dollars to work In the ROCKINGHAM SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY and let them brin? you prosperity and peace, com fort and contentment. ' N.w Interest Period In our Savings Department Starts July 1st. All de posits made by July 5 bears interest as of July 1. $1.00 Opens An Account of the Library Association or at Tuck er's Drug Store. Children's tickets (under fourteen) half price, Members of the Boy Scouts are re quested to be at the Monumnt in uni form Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Good progress has been made in the Superior Court this week in clean ing up a rather large docket. Quite a number of minor cases have been disposed of . Court adjourned for the. term yesterday. Mr. R. W. Hutcherson returned this week from a trip to Eastern Car olina. Hie says the tobacco crop East of WIlBOn is very good, but West of Wilson is) not so promising. Mr, Hutcherson will leave for Pamlico, S, C, next week where he will run a tobacco warehouse. The South Carr olina market opens July 10th. The crop is eald to be very fine in the Palmetto State. Invitations reading as follows have been received by friends in the city: "Mrs. Beulah Amley Cavitt requests' the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Catherine, to Robert Evans Denny, on the morn ing of Wednesday, June 27, 1917 at 11 o'clock in the home of Mrs. James Harvey Mitchell, Wheelock, Texas." If flff 1 1 I JlHomeBank that payr Interest A Checking Account is the SAFEST, MOST ECONOMICAL and MOST ACCURATE method of paying bills and keeping track of expenses. The constantly increasing number of satisfied customers is conclusive evidence that the people of Rockingham County regard the Citizens Bank as the best place in which to carry their checking accounts and to transact their financial affairs. Let us add your name to this list ' Mr. Denny 1J a former Reidsville boy and has hosts of friends here He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Denny, of Greensboro. For a num ber of years he has held the portion of secretary of the Y.' M. C. A. at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacks. burg, Va. After the marriage Mr, Denny will take his bride to Blacks burg, where they will make their fu ture home. Plans are under way for a big dele- d ration to De neid at LeaisvMe on July 4. Company G, of Reidsville, will spend the day there and will march from Leaksville through the Boule vard to the park, where the day will be spent. The business men of the Boulevard are planning a program for the evening that will outdo anything of the kind they have ever undlerta ken. A -famous war picture will be shown. This picture will be in the open air, will be free and It is expect ed that hundreds of people will doe it. A fiddlers' convention will also be a feature of the evening when 30 fiddlers of Rockingham and adjoining counties assemble for the first time in ten years. Other features of the evening will be the athletic? parades refreshments, mercantile window ex hibits, band concerts and public speak Has a Good Opinion of Chamberlain's Tablets "Chamberlain's Tablets are a won der. I never sold anything that beat them, writes P. B. Treesy, Richmond, Ky. When troubled with indigestion or constipation give theaa. a trial. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. All millinery at greatly reduced prices. Mrs. Sam Pels & Co. FOR SALE. Good young brood mare. A. P. Sands, Reidsville. Guerritiio 'prInKs water, 10c gallon delivered anywhere In town. Thone 310. Harvey Ware & Co. Just Received, a lot of Arsenate of Lead, for spraying tobacco and other plants. Townsend Buggy Co. FOR RENT. Three-room house on Piedmont street, city water. For white family. W, L. Gardner, 'phone 149 or 198. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. New car, new service, new price Call "Doc" Meador, Amos Motor Co., phone 94, night phone 4502. CABBAGE PLANTS 50.000 cabbage plants for sale, for fall heading. Ap ply to C. W. Perkins. Rfd 1, or orders can be left with J. I. Vomers, city. When in need of letter heads, bill heads, statements, visiting cards, en velopes, circulars or anything In the Job rrintlng line call on the W. M. Let Harvey Ware & Co, Phone 310. . - A splendid line of silks at Mrs. Sam FeW & Co. , ' Let Will Laster get your thresher engine right. Moving and hauling. Call 310, Har vey Ware & Co. See Will Laster about repairs on Gasolene engines. Big reductions in Millinery! Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co. - Newest and fashionable goods at Mrs. Sam Fels & Co. We have a big line of McCormlck's repairs. Townsend Buggy Co. lour own price on ready to wear Hats. Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co. ; Will Laster sharpens saws, fits keys etc. Over Waynick's carriage shop. If you want your piano or organ moved, phone 310. Harvey Ware & Co. FOR SALE. One second hand two horse wagon at bargain. Townsend Buggy Co., Roofings are still going higher, but we have big stock yet Reidsville Hardware Co. Lewis Lead and Lucas Paints, biz stock at right prices. Reidsville Hardware Co. Fine Creamery Butter, made at Jeff Penn's "Corn Jug Farm," for sale by Trent & Trent. vve nave just received car sap hingles and prices are right. Town end Buggy Co. Call 'phone 167-J or 173-W if in need of any stenographic work, or for regu. iar employment. , FOR RENT, A nicely furnished room with private family, close in P. O. Box 8, city. Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, best makes at the right price. Reidsville Hardware Company. Call for Rett's special. A eatis factory malt drink, with the pop flavor Sold at all stands. Big shipment of grain cradles Just received. Pricee reasonable. Reids ville Hardware Co. Gularrants Springs water, 10c gallon delivered anywhere in town. Phone 310. Harvey Ware & Co. FOR RENT. Newly painted and re paired 5 room house on South Main street Eugene Irvine For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wootcn, Mgr. Guerrants Springs water, 10c gallon delivered anywhere in town. Phone 310. Harvey Ware & Co. FOR SALE Or loan, 20 or 25 bar rels of corn at my farm. Apply to P. D. Watt, Reidsville. Guerrants Springs water, 10c gallon delivered anywhere in town. Phone 310. Harvey Ware & Co. Big stock of screen doors and screen wire. We can make the price. Reids ville Hardware Company. FOR HIRE. Automobile, anywhere, any time. Call J. C. Barber at the Climax Barber Shop, phone 267, FOR SALE. One second hand threshing machine in good shape, will fell at a bargain. Townsend Boggy Co. CHICKENS. I pay highest market prices CASH for all kinds of poultry Phone or see me before selling. Cecil 112-J. Ladies, send your children to us for their hair cutting, also ladies' sham pooing and massaging. Call phone 267. Barber & Pettlgrew, next door to Fred DeGrotte. Harvey Ware & Co. are distributors for the celebrated drink, Reif's Special, one of the most palatable and satis factory drinks on the market. Sold at all drink stands. Don't forget when you want a good shave or hair cut to come to see us at the "Climax." We appreciate your business and give you good sanitary service. Four barbers to serve you. Phone 267. Barber & Pettlgrew, next door to Fred DeGrotte's. W. II . Wakeleld, M. D., of Char lotte, will be in Reidsville at Rocking ham Hotel on Saturday July 7th. The doctor limits "his work to medical and surgical treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat troubles and fitting glass es. No charge is made for glass fit tingif the glasses are ordered from him. Messrs S, Heiner & Co., now located on West Market street will move into their new store on Scales street, now occupied by Harris Bros., about July 15. In the meantime they are offering their seasonable stock of goods' at prices that will astonish the most ex acting purchaser, about 60 per cent be low the regular price. TOBACCO IS TOO HIGH to let the Horn worms eat it up on the bill. The quickest, surest way to kill them is with Arsenate of Lead, used either with a spray or dust gun. We have It by the ton, but be sure to get your order in early to have it time. All sise packages from lib cartons to 600 lb barrels. Madison Grocery Co., Madteon, N. C. TAX NOTICE. The tax books have been placed in the hands of the deputy sheriffs. The sheriff has instructed his deputies to settle all unpaid taxes by July 15, 1917. Therefore- the depu ties will have to enforce collection by.fcgal process. -Those who do not want to be embarrassed by levy and advertisement should see me and the ther deputies at once. W. R. Drown C( !!.Ttor f-r Tto:!rl"V er.J V.'iU'vr.s- DRESS FABRDCS. 11 In all the new weaves and colorings. It is a ' 5??iSGm wfuSTmembracinff WASH GOODS, rnnn ITE. GOODS and WOOL DRESS uuuDb. You will want to see the new ideas in Beach Cloth, Organdie, Cantenex Oxford, Seed Voile, Lace Cloths, La Jerx Skirting Velour Te'rn??n Baskct C,oth Tiiue Stripe, Norfolk Linen, Pagny Stripe Voil, Sport Cloth, Organdie Jonquille, Golf Cord, Campus Suiting, Silk Nebuleux, Silk Tricon ette, Lousisine Silks. t diTe,C tr0rm tbe mills and are always in position to oiler you PrfcS q ty0f merchaDdise and th "west ideas at the lowest Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. SAFETY FIRST! ueuer words are "SAFETY ALWAYS." The b?st practice is to bring every single prescription to our Drug Store where "Safe- y Always" is ever and constantly our We want and appreciate watchword. your trade. Tucker's DrugStore, PHONE 200 Do You Want to be a Well Dressed Man? Don't let the matter of money prevent you trom buying Tanenhaus' easy payment plan makes it easy for you to get a handsome new suit. All you have to do is to come to our store, open a charge account and Pay a Small Sum Down and a Little Sum Weekly We have everything that you can desire in fashionable clothes. We have the same handsome styles you see in New York and other cities. Prices of Men's Suits $10 to $25, or we will make a suit to your order $20 to $35. Boys' Suits $5 to $12.50. Q North A LITTLE -DOWN AND scales TANENHAUS A DOLLAR A WEEK Opposite P.O. MttHCHHHKHKHOBara When The Pinch Comes WAR AND HIGH PRICES .may cause a "pinch". The flourishing green in the gar den will help considerably. But see to it that the proper seeds are planted. Jl( you get them from us they will surely "keep the wolf from the door'. uet your Garden Seed from GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGIIf PH0NE;61-J. "

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