FiilDAY, JULY 13, 1017 PAOE SIX 11 IK 1,'KVIEV. a:if)SVlLLE, N. c. so The Beauty Secret Ladies desire that irre sistible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to know a beautifier Viaa Vin tisprl SO theV P buy a bottle of 'Magnolia Balm Liquid fa ce po wder nJ ! ccording to limpln ditrt!licn. Improve ment i noticed at once. SooiIiiiik. coolm and (fruhing. Healt Sunburn, (tops i a. Pink . U lle, Rou-RtJ. 75c at DmggliU or ty mail JirttL Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. LrooMr.Co 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. . MUST PREVENT FIRES WHICH DESTROY FOOD You cannot continue to cat if you potentially precious. That there was eoiitinui! to hum up the food! I insurance cuts no figure for you cau- Therefore, if you want to cat - ami i not cat money, to continue U cat prevent ttie lire; "in behalf ol that are destroying vast .stores of the country's I'uod products every day. There are the. salient thought.- of a letter recently Issued by one of the lat;t..-u iiiMirunce coinpatib-s to its agents und to the insurance frater nity. The letter emphasizes the fact that the duty to serve cannot he dole gatod. "V. H. stands for the United St. it on," it says, "but it spells t'S, and with a very distinctive spelling when a 'state of war' arrives." The letter is a brion v'Jual service - personal of responsibility for wiinte. hr.v caused atid whatever it affect.; our mutual business and the higher motive of patriotism, it occurs to us to suggest that you us your war-bUtuulaiod earnestness and quickened sense of duty for serving vour country in a consecrated effort for the prevention t r loss by fire in your busines territory and plan a cam- ; paign which will make incendiarism as odious as treason and careless in difference to (li o prevt nilon require merits as nothing less than criminal! "You have the ability, the knowl cil! to iwli- ! ,.r! an,j the cxjH-riem e; y-)u have assumption the confidence of vour clients and Mot On; rata!.: f I'airfax Harrison, president of the v.i:tl:eia Railway C'oiiijmny, unnounc-. I mv':i,v that out of .-ubstnntlally IX,- 0' i passengers handled by the southern Railway for the liscal year, ii l"d June ;p, i!17. - not a single one -. killed. The inananeirf nt tukos I CJiJidren Cry for Fletcher, tall ::;'ist sa! Isfaci ion in lh'. achieve- j which it has sought to attain,' ttriy. but not quit!". atta;ned for j I years past . It re:!e. ts n.n ator human care and eiiicjem-y i ration, but the improved tacili-' hich ha1'' :'! progressively, mI on the .Southern m recent i pre Safety First With Cough and Cold "Oh j.W a cough" today m;n be come grippe or pnuenionia t oiuorro w . Thousands die from ncgl-wted cobls. Take I':. -King's New IMscoverv b" fore your cough In comes chronic .A few doH-ts cheek the cold by K : I : :; the germs. The healing bal-.nus soothe the throat, loosen ile pui y,ni and clear the air pansat;es of accre tions which provoke coughing. Con tains mildly laxative fngrc ! ids which remove (he waste that .'ifr.xravatcs tin: cold. At our druggi-st, :.(. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IRA R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LA.. Ppeclfll atteu'lon to settling estate Practice In all courts, except Reeor r't OosrC Office In Fein Huil'Mt; orer A. 8. Irice & Co 's Store. P. W. GLIDE WELL ATTORNEY A.T LAW Prompt attention to all matter -Intrusted. Practice In a.'! conn' Office Id Citizens Hank Bnlldlcf MAJOR T.SMITH LAWYER Oftca orer Burton & Pearson. ah t Btora. A general practice of th-j law Including settlement of estates a t astmnt of Insurance collection o claims, etc, tec. Practice In all court latms, etc. Practice In all cour'Ji. A. O. I VIE B. C. TROTTt JULIUS JOHN8TON IVIE, TROTrER & JOHNS TO Attorneys at Law Offlcea In the new Irrln Bo'ldlni xt to Bank of Reidsvllle. J R. JOYCE Attorney at Law. Office In old CUUens Bp"k Balldia Practice In State 0a Fedem fovto. Loans negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS Attorney and Counselor at Law. Reldarllle, N. 0. Special attention to negotiation tonus, settlement ot estates, bsyls and selling real estate. Insnran - adjusted. Practice In all coarta Office In Lambeth Building, 0 a-lffs Office. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. f yeclal attention to negotiation loans f conduct and settlements ot states; buying and selling real as tate. Office. Citliens Bank Bldg J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Office orer old citizens Bank flatld log. opposite Confederate Monameni RKfDS VTLLH, , . . . .. .. .. N. O McMICHAEL & RAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice In all eocrU Mr. McMIchael will be In the KeteV tills office on Tuesdays, Wednesday rhsrsdays, Fridays and la lfa41so en Ratardayo. WILLIAM REID DALTOI ! ATTORNEY AT LAW Reidsvllle, N. 0. General practice of the law In BUU aad Federal Courts. Money loaned on real estate. Ei tates administered on and settle! Bal estate bought and sold. ? . E. B. WARE ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Office ever Tulloch'a Store. Loans negotiated. Prompt Attention. DR. J. R. MEAD0R DENTIST oTer New CI tl sens Back. Residence Phone 279-W. Phone 281. with parth ular refiTencn to the veution of food wastage by fire. 'I'he lnsuranco compiiny's fall. Is to the agents of the company, to the insurance fruiernlty sorond; hut it applies with equal force to every man and woman even every child that handles or In the remotest lei?ree is responsible for rivaled alu4, wheth er created by man's handiwork or pro dined as the result of his labor. The letter follows: "In thu strews which confronts our country we have also the rocoKinzed iniortance of the, individual, the quan tity and quality of the personal obli gation of every citizen, which in leas trjreiiuous times Is overlooked or iKtiored. It is not a time when per sonal responsibility may be left to parties, societies, officials, aggrega tions, etc., which In "piping times" of peace anil prosperity is coo inucu our habit. Eath must now follow the flag for himself we cannot avoid or dele gate our duty. U. S. stands for the Uniod States, but it spells US, and with a very distinctive spelling .when "A State of War" arrives. "It Is a favorable feature of the war-tet, this renaissance of the Indi vidual. Boys at ones become man slza; the careless and Indifferent be come sober-minded; the sober-minded become serious, and the serious be come Intense. The man-unit reaches its bet and thus the whole people be come like a tuned piano with every wire at tone tension. Insurance men are sure to respond to the prepared ness requirements of the situation, and they know as well as any what Is needed to insure the safety and honor of the country. All will not be called to the colors, but all will be called bo share in the duties and burdens of the j times. "Never before in the war experience of this country has there been such anity tor our food supply, and tvever before has there been so much reason for this solicitude. There la abun dant evidence that we are going to be hungry! In faot, this question of food supply is the great feature of the awful European war and U will have an important if not decisive influence npon the outcome. Throughout our oountry the danger Is being understood and the demand has gone forth for the fullest produot which the lane can he made to yield. There must he no idle lots or acres or tillers of the soil for food supply takes prominence over munitions. . "Equally ..important with food pro duction Is its conservation, the saving for actual use. Scores of food lad n vessels have been sunk at sea by the Vicissitudes of war and enormous quantities have been loet by Area on land from vicissitudes that you know all about. We may not diminish con tinued loss by war, but there can and must be salvage from the loss by fire. What avails it if thousands of acres are sown and harvwrted if the produot be destroyed In such elevator flree as have recently occurred, one of them involving a million bushels of grain? Not only grain in elevators, but groin and flour in mills and warehouses; meats In cold storage and packing bouses; food In wholesale and retail groceries, canning and provision estab lishments In fact, few firea occur without the loss of foodstuffs now so Vlr i acquaintances, and you have behind ljllt ! you the critical need of your country in conserving the supply of food You know where firo dangers exist and what Improvements are needed. This fs no small matter at any time, ; but Is much eniriesied Juot . n land is worthy of your determined un (b'ttaklpg accordi-u? to plans .which are best calculated to bring results in your respective localities. Klilist the ,,tf.i-est of your competitors. our fire department, your nood citizens, your local press, ami arouse your commun ity to the prodigal wastage ot fire, which can easily be lessened. We are sure that. If the Insurance men of this country were conscious of how much they could do In this behalf and made that consciousness active along lines In which they are well informed, our shan eful annual would di minish, rates of insurance would de crease, a patriotic service would be rendered and an important contribu- j Hon to the food supply of the future , would bo made." ' There is no gainsaying the import-! ance and timeliness of this plea. The ! country is not yet awake to the fact; that we are at war. The sound of the j guna Is afar off and it is on the other j side of the world that men are dying. Yet millions In value including mil lions of value in food and hundreds of lives have been destroyed here at home in the carrying out of a war fare as real as that raging from the English Channel to the Swiss frontier and aa bitter as that which has filled the gloomy chambers of stormy seas with uncounted dead. And all because there has been, In this oountry, no adequate system of prevention, no well-planned method of protection, no general adoption of sound principles for the Accomplish ment of Are extinguishment. Individual responsibility Is a burden on all ; but it bears with a compelling force on those whose properties are destroyed, end particularly those mills where grain is ground into flour and meal, in the warehouse where food stuffs are stored and especially in the grocery store where the keeping of foodstuffs and inflammable materials noar together renders an extra hai ard. It is up to them to remove every haxard that Is removable. It is up to them to provide every means, method and facility for protection against both internal and external hazards. And, above all, if works and devices end systems and methods of prevention fall, there is the last-trench defense of fire-extinguishment. From the very nature of the problem food conserva tlonlt is neceseary that thie be ac complished, with the least possible lo or damage, which pre-suppoees imme diate detection of fire at the point f origin, immediate alarm to outside Ore fighters that fire exists, and Immediate setting to work to extinguish It. This moans that these funotlons must be automatically performed, to be of high est service. Fire prevention, therefore, for the re moval of causes; flr protection, for the safeguarding of properties and processes, and sprinkler equipment to meet the exigencies of the situation If despite ell precautions fire de velops these are the elements of the personal responsibility that must be shouldered by the food handlers of the county. What are YOU going to do about Itf - handling of these eighteen mil- of passengers n 'quired 71,775 i- composed of the average nunc of pa-i-l ni'er cars seating pas- ea' h; it tu' an 2I:i.7m pas i r cars. !ir.'-o passenger trains stood end cl on the railroad tracks they i; extend for 5,-1 ' 7 miles; more - times the distance from At- to Xew York . If one passenger ic"ii carried the total diane-e these pa-' en -ers were earried t.ur.l have gone around the world times, and had le.151) miles to travel, S "fed s4 fJ t? Arid 1 Th L.ind You Have Always Bought, and which has been Lx v.zz tor over over 33 years, has borne the signature of -7 .. ani has been made under his per- ( lsfy?tf sonal supervision since its infancy. v'a AUovr no one to deceive you in this. All ' -.t irfons, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but ::;r.-n- ; ttiat trine witli and endanger the health of : ;! Children Experience against Experiment. feat is CASTOR I A Larmiers substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. viung oyrups. it is pleasant. It coutaina C : ' J"v, v..W a; tu r uimm, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its : i s Guarantee. For more than thirty years it ha ; a . jr.T.ant usa tor tne reiiet ct Constipation, f latulency, Cc'ir ,ind Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising .EANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY thc-Nrr-H, cad byregulaLing the Stomach and Bowels, aids tu- iiuii'atior of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tnz Panacea The Mother's Friend. 'ry This! All Dandruff Disajpenrs And Har Stops Coming Out. Panacea The Mother's Friend. CASTOR I A alway ,Beais the Signature of ; Surely try a "Danderine Hail ri 'anse'' if you wish to inunediat.My . hiuble tlurt beauty of your hair. Juht j moisten a cloth with Danderine and j iraw it canafully through your hair 'aUing one- small strand at a time; ! Ii'is cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or my excessive oil in a few minutes you will be amaaed. Y'our hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos sess an icomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Kesides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves ev ery particle of dandruff, invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and fall ing hair. ; Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation.- It goes right to the roots invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life- producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful You can surely have pretty, soft lustrous hair, and lota of it, if you will just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine from any drug1 store toilet counter and try it as directed. in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TAUW COM V. MKW VOWK CITY, "W"WWWH ia STOMACH ACTS FINEI NO INDIGESTION, GAS HEARTBURN, ACIDITY "Papa's Diapepsin" Fixies Sick, Sour Upset Stomachs in Five Minutes REMOVAL NOTICE. S, Heiner & Co., will begin moving his stock of goods into the Harris building on Scales street Monday. In the. mean time they are giving extraordinary bargains on all goods now in stock in their West Market street store. Be one of those to profit by this special Bargain Opportunity. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Don't Stay Constipated, Headachy, Bilious, With Breath Bat or Stomach Sour PELLEGRA IS RESULT OF NEAT BUT FAULTY FOODS PR. JULIUS S. WELLS PCNTAL iUROlON. rct rrer Fetvsr TckWi Dr Pum. 'Phoan 1CI. That pellegra may be prevented and the cost of living reduced at the same tlnito according to Dr. Edward J. Wood of Wilmington who treats this subject fully in the June Issue of tho Health Bulletin which is just fioih the press. Dr. Wood nays that back to soil and the old water mill must be our slogan if we get away from those conditions that not only produce polKegra but many 'of the prev alent nervous dlsturhacet, which he attributing to beautiful but faulty food. "Modern milling methods are large ly responsible for pelk'gra," says Dr, Wood. "If the old fashioned mill of fifty years ago was now in use we would see pellegra disappear as rapid ly as does the ship scurvy whlen the soldiers reach port and fresh fruit. Our wheat is ground In such an ele gant way that the outside is discarded becau; of its dingy color, and eo the cattle get what our children are dying for because of appearances." Apparently it Is the lack of that dirty portion of the grain which lies on the outside, and which the mills take off, that produces ?ellegra. It Is that yet unknown but Tery neces sary t-leinent In food called vitamin. The remedy suggested by the writer that we eat whole corn meal and whole wheat flour or make our bread of corn chop.4 and our biscuits of shorts or middlings. Other factorB playing a part in thie production of pellegra, in Dr. Wood's judgment, are excessive cooking as excess heat destroys the vitamin in foods, and thie great use that is lib erated when heat is applied to soda Is destructive of Vitamin, and in or der to check pellegra at Its source, peoplle must go back to yeast raised bread or to old-fashioned hoecake or corn pone. Cook your meals less and throw the frying pan out of the window," Is the author's advice ai to the. harmful of fectht of excessive cooking. He says "Our people overlook nearly every thing fxcept those things needing much cooking, as do cereals which aiio univer4ill"y undercooked." Free of Charge Any adult sufffcring from cough, cold or bronchitis, is invited to call at the drug store of Gardner Drug Co and get abttjlutely free, a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, a soothing and healing remedy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record of fifty year. Gives tho pa tient a .good night's rest free from coughing, with free expectoration in thie morning. Regular sizes, 23 and 75 cents. For gale in all civilized countries. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach, or bowels; how much your head aches,' how miserable and uncomfort able you are from a cold, constipation Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels iyou always get relief with Cascartets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets tonight; put an end to the headache, billlousness, dizziness, ner vousness, sick, sour gassy stomach; bad cold, teffensive breath and all other distress; cleanse your Inside or. gans all the bile, gases and constipa ted- matter which Is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, hap piness and a clear head for months. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their little in- sides need a gentle cleansing too, Locomotives are the fundamental needs of Russia today, according to Professor Lemonosoff, railroad minis ter with the Russian mission in this country. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape s Diapepsin is noted for its spieed in giving relief; its harmless ness; Its certain, unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs Its quick relief in indigestion, dyspep sia and gastritis, when caused by acidity, has made it famous the world over. Keep this wonderful stomach swetet- ener in your home keep it handy- get a large bottle fifty-cent case from any drug store and. tnien if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, diz ziness and nausea, eructations of acid and undigtested foodremember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach it helps to neutralize the excessive acidity then all the stomach distress caused by It 'disappears. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming such stomach disorders is a revela tion to those who try it. What is believed to have been thie longest squadron flight of army air planes pf) far was quietly accomplish ed Monday. Twenty-three airplanes under Captain Roy S. Brown, of the signal corps, took thie air at 6 o'clock that morning, from the aviation field at Ashburn, a suburb of Chicago, and flew in one hour and twenty-five min utes, practically a mile a minute, to Rantoul. The trip was made without accident. An Ideal Country Home For Sale, Known as Poplar Hill Farm owned by R. II. Meador, deceased, two miiea east of Madison on Dan River containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres, more or less, ad joining the lands on the west of B. F. Roberson, and on the north by Dan River, east by Fleming and George Goolsby, and on the south by the Madison and Wentworth Roai. This is one of the best farms on Dan River, thirty (30) acres of good river bottom land, good meadow, well wa tered two big branches running thru the farm making it an ideal farm for raising cattle, especially adapted to grass and clQver. The south side of the farm is very fine tobacco, land, a gray soil with a yellow subsoil, also good for wheat, has two dwellinr houses, one six room house and a four room house, lextra feed barn 60x 30, shed all around, one good pack barn with basement for ordering to bacco, three good tobacco barns on R. F: D. 2, telephone line and on main Madison and Wentworth ton" BoiTroad. This, is onle of the most desirable farms on Dan River, and any one wishing to buy a country home or to invest in real estate should see this place before date of sale. This farm will be sold at auction for cash to the highest bidder on Satur- . day, July the 28th, at 3:00 p. m., be fore the Post Office door in Madison. Mr. Ferris, who now lives on the farm, will be glad to show you over same and for further information write to It R. MEADOR, 121 S. Aslie- St., Greensboro. N. C. MRS, KiESO SICK SEVEN MONTHS Restored to Health by Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. Aurora, 111. "For seven long months suffered from a female trouble, with THE BEAUTY SPOT OF THE Blue Ridge Mountains V IS Chimney Rock and Bat Cave SITUATED IN HICKORY NUT GAP The annual convention of the North Carolina Goods Roads Association was held this week in Asherllle. Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands At the cost ot a small jar of ordi nary cold cream onle can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonder ful lemon skin softener and complex Ion beautifier by squeezing the Juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of or chard white. Care should be ta ken to strain the juice through a fine cloth 60 no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every , woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three "ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint ot this sewetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage It daily Into the face neck, anna and hands. It Is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. . , .... - severe pains in my back and sides until I became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I would jump at the slightest noise. I yyas entirely unfit to do my house work, I was giving op hope of ever be ing well, when my sister asked me to try Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I took six bottles and today I am a healthy woman able to do my own housework. I wish every suffering woman would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and find out for themselves how good it is." Mrs. Carx. A- Kieso, 696 North Ave., Aurora, 111- The great number of unsolicited tes timonials on file at the Pinkham Lab oratory, many of which are from time to time published by permission, are proof of the value of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, in the treatment of female ills. Every ailing woman in the United States is cordially invited to writs to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free, will bring you health , ana may save your life, j There ore many hotels and boarding houses and country homes where board can be obtained at lower rates than at any other section where the came class of accommodation is giv en. Before you make up you mind where to go, write us for printed in formation, which will be sent free of cost. If you want a few picture post al cards of the many beauty-spots around herle, send 10 to 25 cents in stamps and we'll buy and send them to you. Teachers of Public and Private Schools who want to take special courses under the most competent instructors should write "Litterary, Arts and Handkerchief Association. Teachers who want to Join the Teach ers Outing Club," where they share expenses, and thiereby get their out ing at smallest cost Write "Outing Club." Doctors, bankers, lawyer, merchants and manufacturers can get printed in formation that is of special interest to thfem. It costs less to send your family here than any other section. Furnished cottages, single room for housekeeping, and tents can be rent ed at reasonable rates. Write for Information. Address ESMERALDA INN Bat Cave, N. C.