FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917 TOE REVTKW: RLTDSVTTI.IC, m. U WENTWORTH The Bethlehem young people pres entedjhe play. "Miss Topsy Turvey," Thursday night at the. Wentworth High School building and a neat sum was realized which will be used to paint the Bethlehem M. K. church. The cast was well selected. Miss Luclle Moore being the Btar, acting with ease and effect. She was well supported by Misses Nellie Moore, Elolse Mobley and Aliens Dallas, while the English Lord of Wealth was portrayed splendidly by Mr. Ernest Jarrell. Mr. J. Oscar Thom as as "The Deacon," won applause a3 did Mr Chprls Burton, '''opay'B brother." Mr. James Duncan as "Ned," the colored servant,' entered into the spirit of hi lines and pro duced real enjoymnt. The young folks deserve praise for their enter prise -exhibited in euch a deserving cause. Court commenced Monday. His Honor F. J. Adams of Carthage Is presiding. Among the cases to be tried will be the- case of State against Har ry Lindsay, ex-Policeman at Draper. Mrs. James D. Mitchell continues ill at the home of her -sister, Mrs. Samuel Ellington. Her friends are anxious about her. Mr. Will Julian of the R. J. Rex-, nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem.'is spending his vacation at Wentworth. Mr. Rcid Ray of Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., is at home on a five day furloug'i and visit?d relatives here last Friday. Mis?. Minerva Allen of the Oxford Orphanage, visited relatives here last week. Our two soldier boys, Earle Mo Michael and Jaims. Hickerson are now at Henderson, N. C. in the Hos pital Corps. MT. CARMEL The weather ha been ideal for the past week and crop are loklng fine. The tobacco crop has begun to ripen up and some have begun to cut and cure while others are priming it up and curing it. Those that have cured any say that the color and quality is far better this year than last year. The corn crop is the best that we have seen in the past ten years. Now Brother Farmer have you' sown your turnip crc? - et? Remember that now is the time that it should be done Mr. R. H. Ellington and family visit ed his brother, Mr. J. H. French the past week. -,, Mrs. C. W. Sheffield of Reidsville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ellington, recently. Mr. Tom French and son, Jesse, vis ited Mr, W. J. Vaughn In the Lau der's section Sunday. Mr. C. P. Ellington and family of High Point are spending a few days with relatives In this and the Oak Grove section, Mrs. Mary Hopper of Altoona, P., is visiting friends and relatives in this and the Oak Grove section. Mr. and Mrs. Holmer Chrismon of Oak Grove visited the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. French, the past week. Mr. George Strader and family of Danvile visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Strader, Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Sparks has returned to her home near Lauder's after an ex: tended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ellington. Mr. Loyd French and family of Bethlehem visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Evans Sunday. GLENN'S BRANCH The farmers throughout this sec tion are very busy keping their suck ers pulled. Some few have primed a little and prospects look fair for a good crop. A good many of our people attend ed the meeting at Mt. Carmel last week. Miss Cora Robertson of Draper spent last wejk, with her friends and relatives in this section. Mr. Bryant Chilton and sister, Mi?s Ella, of near Thonipsonville spent a few days of last week with their sif ter, Mrs. A. F. Powell. Mr. Pink Stone of near Wolf Is land epent Sunday with his grand daughter, Mrs. E. R. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cox and son, Elwood, 'spent Sunday near Nance with the former's brother, Mr. Joe : COX. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Strader of the Carmel section spent Sunday (here with their daughter. Mrs. E. P, Robertson. The pound party given at Mr. E. R. Robertson Saturday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Strader spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Billie Jarrell. Harrisson's Cross Road. and Glenn's Branch boys met on the latter's dia mond Saturday with a resulting score of 35 to 9 in favor of Glenn's Branch. The apple peeling given by Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Strader Friday night was a big success. All present reported an excellent time. Misses E'eanor French and Cora Robertson spent Thursday night with the former's sister, Mrs, C. B. Evans near Oregon. The times are getting more livelier around here at present. STONEVILLE , Dr. and Mrs. Lem Taylor and little Louise of Siloam are visiting their parents for a few days. Miss Hilda Mcore of Roanoke Is visiting Misses Nellie Taylor and Ruby Thrasher. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Kemp, Miss Evelyn and Francis Kemp, of Reids ville spent Sunday with Miss Fan nie Scales. Mrs. Hallie Price and daughter are home from Moore's Springs. Mrs. James Combs of Greensboro visited her sister, Mrs, Jane Fagg, here last week. Mrs. Sam Pratt and little daugh ter of Roanoke spent several days with Mr. J' M. Tar lor. They are in the country now with Mrs. Pratt's mother. Mrs. Fred Pratt. This is Of Interest To Women France has two women locomotive engineers. More than 12,00.0 women are en gaged in the military business in New York City. The largest safety razor company in' the world has a woman as adver Using- manager. , In one of the largest lumber yards in Chicago women are doing , men's work and receiving men's pay. President Van Hise, of the Univer sity; of y.'scons!n, predicts world wide woman suffrage after the war. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is an instructor in the cooking school for naval reserves at Newport. Negro women as section hands made their appearance in , the Balti moij and Ohio railroad yards at St. Louis. King George has instituted two new orders of chivalry open women, in recognition of their manifold services during the war. The secretary of war and the secre tary of the navy have agreed to pre- fe women employes henceforth in ap pointments to the clerical force of the war and navy departments. In a suit brought in the federal court St. Louis under the contract labor Jaw the jury decided that dressmaking is not an art and that a "premier dressmaker" is only a laborer. During the past thirty years nearly 10000 patents have been granted to women in the United States, their in ventions including almost everything from a baby Jumper to a deep-s?a telescope. Mrs. D. V. Whitney, of Kansas City lj a member of the American Phar maceutical Association and the Kan sas Pharmaceutical Association, and first vice president of the Missouri Pharmaceutical Asociation. Mrs. Christopher W. Collier, wife of the pastor of a church at Lexing ton, Mass., has undertaken to per form the church activities during the absence of h?r husband, who has gone to France for service in the American Ambulance corps. The honorary degree of LL.D., which has been conferred by Ford-1 ham University on Sister Mary Pau lina Kelligar, president of the college of St. Elizabeth, comes to a nun for the first time in this country, and to a woman for the first time in the three hundred years of work of tha Je.'.uit order. LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Cirl! Make This Cheap Beauty Lotion To Clear and Whiten Your Skin. her first visit here for twenty yeas t Squeeze the juice Of two lemons into Mrs. Nannie Herd -ot Washington City its visiting her mother, Mrs. Jane Fagg. ;"' Mr. Noel Newman, wife and baby, of Ba-ssett are visiting Mrs. Jim Mr. F. I J'. Kemp and daughter. Mien EveSyn Scales Kemp, Miss Bet Hall of Reidsville, and Mrs. Luclle Re4d of W'entwortb, were in Stonevllle a short while Monday. Mr. Tom Nolan and family of Buf falo Ridge, Va., spent the week end with kii brother, Mr. Charlie Nolan. ROUTE 3 The play, Topsy Turvey was en Joyed by a large crowd at Bethle hem. Mr. W. R. Anderson of Reids ville spent Sunday with his parents. Btilehem won easily from Draper ob August 4th on the former's dia mond with a score of 14 to 0. Cala- hii ef Draper was pounded unmerci fully for seven innings. Burch reliev ed him but didn't fare any better. Score: It H. H. Bethlehem .... 14 11 0 Draper . .. . . 0 5 7 Eateriea: Williams and Walk", r; Calaaan, Burch and Calahan. a bottl:- containing three ounces of orchard" white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautl fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toih-t counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few Cents. Maseage this sweet ly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arni3, and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Patronize ove aerrruaeri Summer Complaint. During the hot weather of the sum mer months tome member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowels, and It rs of the greatest im portance that this be treated prompt ly, which can only be done when the medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F. Scott, Scottsville, N. Y., states: "I first used Chamberlain's Colic an i Diarrhoea Remedy a much as five yoars ago. At that time I had a se vere attack of summer complaint and was suffering Intense pain. One dose relieved me. Other members of my family have tinea ustJ it with like rjsslls. STACY Misses Grady and Gladys Burgess spent the week-end Danville visiting friends. Miss Esse Tally Is at home on her vacation. Messrs. Walton and Claude Llllard of DanvlHo were in town Sunday. Messrs. Turuner Golden and George Brown visited in Danville Sunday. Mr. E. T. Burgess joined his broth er, J. W. Burgess in Greensboro and will look over the quarries in their charge. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Before His Rockingham County. Honor, Henry P. Lane, 11th Judicial District Nettie May Fagg. ) Service of vs ) summons by Jesse Hughes Fagg, ) publication Th-ei defendent above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rockingham Coun ty, North Carolina, before his Honor, Henrv P. Lane. Judtre of the 11th Ju- Mrs. u. n. lauey nas returned ( dIcfa, Dlstrlct to secure support for to tmuimore alter a snort visit the plaintiff and her two infant child relatives here. ren; and the said defendent will fur Sunday School is progressing nicely tner take notIc0 tnat he ,s re(luired with a large attendance every Sunday. J t0 appear at the Law Qffice Qf j M Stirp in Reidsville, N. C"" before IPs Honor, Henry P. Lane, on the SIM day of September, 1917 at 10 o'clock a. m. and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintlg. JAS. T. SMITH, Clerk SuterIor Court poinimsnt noes not oeeray a cnange Thi 4th day of AugU8t, 1917 in system. Germany's press is decldely luke warm in Its welcome to the new oc cupants of the ministerial bench, and characterizes the 14 new-comers to executive and minor posts as a cab- inet constitued of officials whose ap-i Subscribe Read the paper regularly. (3, An Accommodating Hostess. OurNw Modal Hyd.Ram 1 j fV? " t ' Louise as to have her first birthday . orld'" Lttand bmt. I i $ foijr. iur Sut-is iiuu noi arnveu ana flowing- well or brook. ner morner wns instructing Louise how i Sr ruPnin xpiutt. -..... . - - We replace other Rama une musr De piensant nnd swet tv her i Special Factory Price. X little guests, and so make them have a good time. When her mother had fin ished, Louise said : "If they knock me down. I'll grin." . For Sale by Druggists Everywhere III III III v 'Tl ct you home THE new Fisk Cementless Patch for auto tires has the strength where you want it. It's thick in the center. Covers a larger cut, but because all waste rub ber is eliminated costs less. Most efficient and best value tire patch on the market the best insurance you'll get home. This patch is one of the many standard value Tide Sundries There's no higher quality any where. No motorist should be with out them. Among the best known Fisk Sundries are Fisk Emergency Patches, Pure Fine Para Cement in' tubes and cans and Fisk Repair Material. Fhft Tires For Sale By AMOS MOTOR COMPANY. and SATURDAYv AUG. l l th At 1.30 P. M. ON THE PROPERTY The A. G. GARRISON Home Place Sold for division of Heirs the A. G. Garrison farm-, located 4 miks of Glenco and 8 niiles of Burlington: First tract: It's acres 5 room cot tage, Granary, Feed Barn and Stable, 3 tobacco barn:?, one tenant house, land level, productive soil well watered with stream, an if! farm well located on good roads and near best of mark et for all farm products. Second tract: 6," acres contains do improvements- but is wall located and Of godd productive soil, known as the Mary Garrison tract, both of the above tracts lie on Buttermilk Creek, first tract adjoining the lands of X, C, Garrison, J. 11. Ifley. G. Mc. Garri son and others. Second tract adjoins the lands of N. C Garrison, J. H. Walk:r and other. This is ,jour opportunity to'secure a nice farm well located at your own price and on the very reasonable terms of one third CASH, balance in 1 and 2 years. Remember the date, place and hour. For further particulars, addrss or see . C. H . Q A R R ISON, Agent For Hfirp Pe!d.vHle. N C. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ON SCALES STREET, ANQ SET TLE SRTEET. North Carolina liookingham County Town of Reidsville. The undersigned Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Kjidsville, North Carolina, hreoy give notice of the completion of the assessment roll of the property. ov ers abutting on Scales Street and Set tle Street. l'ursuant to proper resolutions heretofore passed by the Board, P??!est Street, besinning at th's inter section of Morehead Street with said Scales Street and running South with said Scales Street to the intersection of said Stales Street with Gilmer Street was created a local improve ment distridt, and settle Street, pe ginning at the Intersection of Settle Street with Main Street and running East with said Settle Street to the intersection of said Settle Street with East Market Street was created a local improvement district. And pursuant to said resolutions the said streets have been paved and assess ments have been duly made and as sessment roll completed and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Reidsville, and the same is now subject to inspection by all parties interested. All parties owning property abut ting on. said streets so paved and Im proved are hereby notified that a meeting of th Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Reids ville will be held at the Town Hall in the said Town on the 21st day of Au gust, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. for the hearing of any allegations and objections in respect to special as sessment against the property abut ting on said streets. Any person failing to appear at this time and make objections to the spec ial assessment will have this notice pleaded in bar of their right to ob ject to euch assessment hereafter. This the 3rd or August, 1917. '. M. P. CUMMINGS. Mayor JNO. F. SCOTT N. C. THOMPSON G. E. CRUTCHFIELD J. F. SMITH. W. B. WRAY, Commissioners. Wilkinson, Clerk. W stand Ht miarantju. fc T&iiJ'-li i. Ymir money w worth or your rmrnoy hack Write to RIFE RAM A PUMP WORKS. aynesboro, Virginia, for Catelog NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICA TION. North Carolina, Rockingham County. In the Superior Co;-. ; Before the Clo?:. . Mrs. Anne Uobcnr ti: al VH. The heirs of Joan W. ( aru I to wit: --, M. . I .Var . J. A. Cirter, v..ooius, '."IMUrc?, will Re'aie 1 . Innian, M.--lock.Mrs. Geo;ge Bra Carter, K. M. Carter, T ' James V. Carter, L..: . Jennie J!tchell. Ch.-:-George Cox, and the tr Carter, to wit: . The defendants abcc lake notice that an act inn n::tl:d aa above has heen c-or.Kapr.tcl in r.h Superior Court of Kafk'r.jbsm Coun ty, to sell certain lands (k-u-ribed In Ih; petition belonging to the estate of A. J. Carter, deceased, fur partition; and the said defendants v,-:! further fake notice that '.they are repaired to appear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Rockingham County, at a court to be held in Wentworth, North Carolina, on the 2tth day of August, 1917, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 23rd day of July, T917. JAS. T. SMITH, : Clerk Superior Court A, NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by John R. Carter to H. W. Scott, Trustee, and also by virtue of, the power of sale contained in a cer tain chattel mortgage executed by J. W. Bullard to Ira R. Humphreys, mort gagee, the undersigned will on MON DAY. AUGUST 13th. 1917, in front of the Court House Door in Wentworth, N. C. at 12 o'clock M. sell to the high est bidder for cash the following per sonal property: One boiler and engine, one saw mill with saw, bolts attachments and fix tures complete, same being located at j. W. Bullard's Saw Mill yard In SlmpsonvIIle Township, Rockingham county, on the lands formerly known ' as the "J. M. Jones' Place." For ref erence see Book No. 134 page 486 in the office of Register of Deeds ell Rockingham County, This saw mill outfit Is in very good condition and parties desiring to purchase a saw miH will be shown this property at any time. ' This 18th day of July 1917. II. W. SCOTT, Trustee Ira R, Humphreys, Mortgagee. LAND SALE. Under an order of the Superior Court, in order to make assets to pay debts of the estate of Anthony John NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted on September 10th, 1916 by M. BOn' deceased, I will sell for cash to L. Rice, trading under the firm nametne highest bidder, at public auction, and style of Celery Cola Bottling Co. ,n tne Town of Reidsville, at the to Robt. P. Mitchell, Trustee, the ' Confederate Monument, at two o'clook terms of which have not been com- P- m- n Saturday, September the 1st, plied with, the undersigned will, on 1917 subject to confirmation of Court, Friday, August 31st. 1917. in front of ,a tract of land, situated inRuffin Town. the Rockingham Savings Bank & Trust Company, in the town of Reids ville, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing prsonal property, to wit: One Carbonator, Qne Bottling Table, One Filterer, One Gas Gauge, One Washing Outfit, One motor, One Meter the entire stock of Crater Bottles. ; ,"2 J. West 40 Poles to a Stone In Mrs. Extracts, Coloring Matter, Syrups, an 1 William French's Dower Line; thence all other goods and fixtures in the ; v. '.ih her line South 40d, E. 864 poles ship on the Ridge Road, adjoining the lands of William French, J. R. Wall, W . K . Davis and others : Beginning at a Poplar, W. K. Dav is' and J. D. French's corner; thenee North .100 Poles to the Ridge Road; 1 hence with said Ridge Road South 83 ('.gree3 West 24 poles; thence South building now occuppied by said M. L. Rice a3 a Bottling Plant. It being in the first; story of Building on West Market Street in said Town Of Reids ville, and known as the "Old Watts Warehouse Building," and owned by I'll. II. Williamson. Also one Ford Motor Truck For further reference see Book 1&3, page 111, Hegis'er of Deeds Office, Rockingham ('unty. This July 31st, 1917. ROUT. P. MITCHELL, TruMee EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having duly qualified as executor f of the last will and testament of Mrs. W. R. French, deceased, notice is j hereby-, given -to all persons holding I claims against said estate to present j them to the undersigned duly vcri l Red, on or before August 6th, 1918, I or this notice will be plead in bar of j their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make settlement at once. W. R. FRENCH, Admr. of Mrs. W. R. French, deceased Reiduville, N. ,C, August 6th, 1917 to the beginning and contain'ng 20 acres more or less, known as the Ljian Stewart Place, the bidding to begin at $148.50 . J July 23, 1917 W. R. FRENCH. Admr ' of Anthony Johnson, Deceased ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Eliza McAden, deceased, of Rockingham county, N. iC, this is to notify all persons haring claims against the said estate to present them tq the undersigned, duly verified on or before the 12th day of July 1918. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rcovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please make settlement at once. y W. S. WINDSOR, Asmr of Eliza McAden, Deceased. Reidsville, N. C, July 12. 1917. ," NOTICE . Having qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rockingham County as administrator of Mrs. T L. Evans, deceased, all persons hold-, ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent them to ma for payment on or before the 31st day of Jury, 1918, or this notice will be pleade m bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of the deceased are re quested to make immediate payment Benaja, N. C, July 19th, 1917. J, II. RICHARDSON, Administrator of Mrs. T. L. Evans, deceased. A: .T. Burton. Attorney. PptrlcvlH. ... . . - w - - - " X. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of John H. Mlllner, decfcased, of Rockingham Connty, N. C. this is te notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the ISth day et July 1918, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said e , tare will please come forward and make immediate settlement. J. R. MOORB, Admr. rf John If. Mlllner, decease. Reidsville. X. C, July 18, 1917. FOiEY KID?JBY PIT"1 iO 6ACIUTH KlkNCTS A0 6 LAO . .

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