FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1917 PAOE SIX THE EEVIEW: REIDS VtLLK, N. 0. IVOiJEN! HERS! DAUGHTER VJVUlt noil f t r a i fa V o u w h o tlr easily; ara palt, hag card and worn: nervous or Irritable: who arc sub ject to fits rtf melancholy or ttia "blues." (at your blood examined for Iron denvt ney. HVI1TID tmoir taken ihree time a i y after via will increase your atren ranco 1(M ptr cent In tw xh4 i tJn 1- WT?. T- " M IT n r 'Ai IF. Kir many caaaa. Ferdli UXATEO IRON gutrM)te thm llm .' King. hot k) Money r. nv-rln It FETZER DRUG STORE BRITTAIN'S DRUG STORE R. H. TUCKER GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PROFESSIONAL CARDS Sweeping Powers Given Wilson When Congress Passed Food Bill Establishes Government Control and Prohibits Hoarding and Speculation - Provides For One Administrator, Who Will Be Herbert C Hoover. IE A R. HUMPHREYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Special atteation to settling estate JPrftctlc In all courts, except Record AT! Govt Office in Fela Bulldim ftvar A. 8. Price L Co.'s Store. P. W. GLIDEWELL ATTORNEY 4T LAW Prompt attention to all matter Intnutad. Practice In ail count Offlo In Citizens Rank Building MAJOR T.SMITH :J LAWYER OfflM trw Burton & Pears' n.a tin Ctora, A general practice of thu law Including settlement of estUea, ad Justmant of Insurance, collection o claims, etc, tec. Practice in all courts alaim. etc. - Practice In all court. A. 0. IViC B. C. TROTTkr JULIUS JOHNS I UN , mE, TROTrER & Johns ron Attorney at Law OSoes In the new Irrln fioiMiai ftxt to Bank of Reldsville. . J. R. JOYCE t Attornsy at Law, ' oace la old CUlaen Bnrk Bulldta ' , Practice In State ana FtStct thrttx . -!."" Loans negotiated. PERCY T. STIERS ! Attorney and Counselor at Law. t ? EMdavWd, N. 0. Bimetal attention to negotiation Swnt, settlement ot estate, boyla. an4 selling real estate. Iataran adjusted. Practice In all coarU OSlce in Lambeth Building. Or-Pa-Hs Offlo. HUGH R. SCOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW. ajjeotal attention to negotiation ': l.iaaar conduct and settlements a' estates; buying and selling real m Uta. Office, Citizens Bank Bid J M. SHARP ATTORNEY AT LAW Offlca orer old altisens Bank Build tng, opposite Confederate KETDSVTLLE, ,. Monument N. G - av McMIOHAEL A RAY ! ATTORNEYt AT LAW i Practice la all eomrta : Mr. McMlchael will be In the Rail MHa offlca ob Tuesdays, Wednesdays rkoradays, Friday and la Ifadlsot mm Saturdays. WILLIAM REID DALTOH ATTORNEY AT LAW ' ' Raldsvllla, N. 0. ' flemaral practice of the law In flat a-ift Federal Court. ' Honey loaned oa real estate, Ps administered on and ettl4 estate bought and sold. E. B. WARE ATTORNEY AT LAW Offlca orer Tulloch's Store. Loams cegetlated. Prompt Attention. DR. J. R. MEADOR DENTIST fi Hea Tar New CitJsens Bank. " EftMenc Pnoa 271-W. Pbon 181 DR. JUNIUS S. WELLS ' ' PINTAL tURQZON. r rc orer Fetter ft Tack Dra, "lore. 'Pboaa 1M. DR. F. C. SHARP OSTEOPATHIC rilYSICIAN Aeuta and Chronic Dlseasea Treated OsteopathlcaUy . Telephone 131 ' REIDSVILLE, N C. FEATURES OF FOOD BILL, NOW A LAW Establlnhea governmental control over foods, fpeila and fuel. Prohibits hoarding and speculation affecting supply, distribution and movement of foods. Provides for one admlnlvtrator, who will co-operate with other agencies of the government. Authorizes seizure of hoarded nec essaries. Prohibits the use of any food mntn rials In the production of distilled liquors except for governmental purposes; provides against Impor tation tf distilled liquor during the war; directs the president to take over all distilled liquor In bonded warehouses. Authorizes the president, whenever he considers It necessary In emer gency, to fix a "reasonable" price for coal and coko. 1 Provides for a system of federal licenses of production, transporta tion nnd distribution. Authorizes the president to lit I minimum price of wheat at $2 per bushel. WHEN th the ho tlie food control bill passed ouse nnd tteuate and wbh signed by the president It mark- the completion by congress of all im portant war legislation under consid eration wkh one exception the reve nue bill. Leaders assert that when the revenue bill is finally passed there will be nothing to prevent congress from adjourning. However, tlie debate on this measure is expected to require a long time. The passnge of the food control bill was another victory by President Wil son over his opponents In both the house and senate. , In its final form the bill embodies practically everything that Mr. Wilson asked for and omitted all features which he objected to. Provisions of Measure. Tlie measure carries drastic prohibi tion features. Summarized, It makes these provisions: Forbids government agents from using their influence In letting con tracts to concerns In which they are interested. Declares it unlawful to destroy, waste, permit preventable deteriora tion, hoard, monopolize, discriminate, make unfair rates, conspire to limit transportation, production, harvestiug, manufacture, supplying, storage or i dealing, restrict the supply or distribu tion, prevent manufacture or produc tion or exact excessive prices with re spect to necessaries. Requires licenses to do business un der regulations to be made by the pres ident...'': Provides that hoarded necessaries may be seized and sold by the gov ernment. Authorizes the president to requisi tion supplies for the army and navy. Puts Wilson In Business. .Authorizes the president to buy nnd sell wheat, flour, meal, beans nnd pota toes. ; ' ' Authorizes the president to requisi tion nnd operate uny factory, packing house, oil pipe line, mine or other plant and sell the products. Authorizes the president to prevent Injurious speculation and regulate ex changes. Fixes a minimum price of $2 per bushel on next year's wheat crop. Prohibits use of foods, fruits, food materials or feeds in manufacture of distilled spirits for beverages, .-leaving to the president's tlLscret ton the quan tities to be used in beer and wine. Authorizes and directs the president to commandeer distilled spirits In stock or bond for military needs. Makes Appropriations. Appropriates $102,500,000, of which $150,0K),000 Is for general administra tion of the act, $10,000,000 Is for pur chase of nltrnte of soda and $2,500,000 is for sundry expenses. No person employed under the act hall be exempt from military service under the draft law. Requires a detailed report from the president the first of each year of the proceedings under the act. Authorizes the president to assume control of coal mines, fix the price of roal nnd coke and take charge of and sell tho same. Forbids manipulation or destruction of necessaries to limit the supply or affect the market price. Makes the act cease to bo In effect upon proclamation by the president at the end of the war with Germany. In establishing government control the bill authorizes the president to en ter into any voluntary arrangements, create or use any agency or agencies, to accept services of any person with out compensation, to co-operate with any agency or person, to utilize any de partment or agency of the government and to co-ordinate their activities. To Name Hoover. In pursuance of such authorization President Wilson plans to appoint Her bert C Hoover food administrator. Control of other necessaries named may be accomplished through other agencies. The house provision for an Individual food administrator was en acted only after the president had pre- With the Exception of the Rev enue Measure This Is the Last Important War Legislation Be fore Congress- Fight Against Act Occupied 100 days. railed upon the senate nnd house con ferees to eliminate a senate amend ment, Inserted by two overwhelming votes of 03 to 19 and ISO to 23. Comprehensive iowers are given in the bill, passed as a war measure, to assure adequate supply and equitable distribution of the named necessaries, to facilitate their movement, to pre vent, locally and generally, scarcity, monopoly, boarding, Injurious specula tion, manipulation or private control affecting supply, distribution and move ment. , Smoot Amendment Edited. Other provisions of the bill fix a minimum price for wheat beginning next year at not less than $2 per stand ard bushel; provide for coal and cok price fixing, commandeering and gov ernment operation of factories and inines producing necessaries; for gov ernment purchase, sale and requisition of various necessaries aud for federal licensing of agencies producing and handling them. The prohibition provisions, a compro mise for "bone dry" prohibition pro posed by the house, prohibit manufac ture aud Importation of distilled liquor for beverages during the war, author ize the president to suspend manufac ture of malt, fermented and vinous liquors or to limit their alcoholic con tent and "authorizes and directs" the president, in his discretion, to com mandeer distilled beverages in bond or stock when necessary for redistillation lng and there would be grave food ' riots next winter unless conditions i were changed. ' Examination of the measure as it has passed congress leaves no ques tion that it conveys powers which, If exercised, will redound to the public benefit. At the same time It is im fiortant to remember that the countrj this year has a tremendous crop of foodstuffs In the aggregate much more than it needs and thnt if this is not wasted nor manipulated and Is wisely distributed there will bo enough for home use and enormous quantities for the allies and American troops abroad. Need Not Be Disappointed. If the profits on distribution are held down to moderate figures there Is reason to believe that the two desir able results of large shipments abroad and reasonable prices at home can be achieved. ' That Mr. Hoover Is sincere in his desire to achieve these two great ends is not doubted by those who know him, despite all the attacks made and the current talk that the food control measure will be a . disappointment to the people. . The government, by the strict en forcement of the anti-loarding pro visions and by exercising its right giv en under the bill to buy and sell fuel, wheat, flour, beans and potatoes, to regulate simulation and to license agencies engaged in production, trans portation anu distribution or necessa ries, can undoubtedly revolutionize the cost of living in this country, to say nothing of other broad powers which are granted. rana3K2"!' a i ta 'Nct Contents 15 PH'lf v.q j-.jje $100 R sward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional condi tions requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Meidcln Is ta ken Internally and acts through the blood on the mucous surfaces of the KEo'S' 53 U seta 'So? L W F Avertable fteparafionfofAs-I simiiaunmciovu uj s--linthcStomadtsandjgvg!" mm msmm ' Thereby WJonDestt - . ... a i?nct rmiAins neither Oplum,Morphlnenor ; Mineral. Not Narcotic Jhmpk Sua Mil For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Signature ,infiil Remedy for F.rfshncss ana ff t Air Sleep fM-Slraile Signature of A, A. the HTaW' .V In Use For Over Thirty Years VMWl IHECEKTAXIHCO H Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMB OCNTAtlR COMPANY NIW YORK ITT. svstem thereby destroying the foun- in to alcohol for military or other public 'dation Of the disease, giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and "assisting nature to do- defense purposes or to conserve food stuffs. . . Congressional lenders understand the president does not intend to comman deer distilled spirits or to curtail their consumption unless military exigencies require. The so called Smoot amend ment, directing federal purchase of dis tilled beverages In bond at cost plus 10 per cent profit, was eliminated. Will Control Coal. , Sweeping powers to control coal prices also are provided. The bill au thorizes the president, through the Federal Trade Commission or other agency, to fix coal aud coke prices at the mines nnd among wholesalers and retailers, to regulate methods of sale, shipment and distribution among deal ers and consumers, and to requisition and operate mines or other coaling fa cilities. A system of federal licensing of all agencies related to the production, transportation and distribution of the designated necessaries also Is provid ed, nnd rigid provisions against board ing, speculation and monopolization es tablished under heavy penalties. Farm ers are exempted from the hoarding provisions, lng its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curatve powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & C, Tol edo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Cat's Standing In Rome. In Rome the cat gave the first evi dence of predatory instincts and his value as a mice destroyer. Agathicus, whose pet partridge had been killed and eaten by a cat, denounces him as one of the devouring dogs of Actaeon. I Pliny and Palladius praise him for his destruction of mice and rats, while Caesar's soldiers carried the faces of cats emblazoned on their banners. INCREASES THE STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE Of weak, nervous, care-worn, haggard-looking men and women in a re markably short time. Thi8 is fouml to be the effect of the new medicinal The bill also authorizes the presi-j combination, Hood's Sarsaparilla dent to requisition for military or puh lie defense needs all necessaries named and, to guarantee reasonable prices te producer and consumer, to buy and sell fuel, wheat, flour, meal, beans and po tatoes. The bill also authorizes the president to requisition and operata any factory, packing house, mine or oil pipe line, at Just compensation, for military or public defense uses. Regulation of grain and other food stuff markets to prevent injurious speculation or undue enhancement of prices, is another power conferred upoi: the food administration through the president. Another clause, Inserted by the sen ate after much criticism of alleged kale by members of the advisory commis sioners of their own products to the government, prohibits federal agents from soliciting or Inducing contracts with the government In which they are interested. Herbert Hoover and his aids are es tabllshed at their new quarters In the notel Gordon, Washington, and Mr. Hoover soon will make public the procedure which he has decided upon Enough is known of Mr. Hoover's pur- j pose to warrant the statement that he is not going to be content with any merely perfunctory enforcement of the law.. It Is palpable that if the law Is car ried out with the exercise of even half the authority conferred by congress the noover food administration soon will find Itself battling against the tremen dous opposition of the great special In terests which so loug have fattened on food distribution and manipulation. Also It Is obvious that If the public Is to get relief the opposition of these In terests must be expected, and It would be a waste of time to try to get along with them peacefully. PuMic Must Help Out. Mr. noover Is going to do a great deal, as he has already done, through the voluntary efforts of the people to conserve food and prevent waste. He also Is going to rely to a large extent on the force of public opinion to back him up In the enforcement of the new law. It will be with this In mind that he will give out before long a series of statements covering his plans. One thing which cannot be overlook ed Is thnt while the bill was pending leaders In congress were told repeat edly It must be passed and something must be done to effect lower llTtn cost, because the unrest among tht poorer families In the cities was grow- and Peptiron Pills, one taken before eating and the other after. . These two medicines, whose great merit, has been fully established everywhere, are made from the best formulas for the blood and nerves. All druggists. Price, $1 each. v-:i C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. When You Come to Reids ville Hungry and want some thing to eat, see SAM MITCHELL AT THE RORER HOTEL ' When you come to Reldsville with your wife or friend and want a nice club eandwlch, Bee O. WYGWYNN AT THE ROYAL CAFE When you come to Reldsville and want some drinks see Lice fruits or" Iced A. D. JONES AT THE IDEAL CAFE - ' '' . 'A ' ..."' -' When you come, to Reldsville and want recreation see COSSIE ADAMS AT T. L. BORER'S NEW BILLIARD PARLOR . Respectfully, W. S. Mitchell ..... -.j - PEACE INSTITUTE Raleigh, N. C. . For the Education and Culture of Young Women. Session begins Sept. 13, 1917. For catalogue and Information ad dress MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President On Golden Hinges -BY , MRS. F. L TOWNSEND AUTHOR OF In The Nantahalas. This Is Mrs. Townsend's new book and Is receiving high praise at the hands of Rev. W. E. Abernethy and other competent ok reviewers. On Sale at . SMITH BOOK STORE, Reldsville, N. C. LAW UNIVERSITY" OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW SCHOOL Excellent Faculty Reasonable Cost Write For Catalog , THE PRESIDENT, Chapel Hill, N. O. 1W av. I; "When you pay more than Fik prices, you pay for something that does not exist " C4 mi 2 4. tpfFT No Wonder This Man Smiles! HE has found a real Non-Skid tire one of the few tires with tread so constructed that it actually protects against dan gers of wet pavements and muddy roads. And the price is fair and right. s.r&?.f!X-. IA I : Standard of Tlr VaJua JL Fbk Tires For Sale By AIJ0S MOTOR C0LIPANY. J - v-- : 1 -. a- ' - I tJ '. ' ' " T ... I II . II ... L -i '"