FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, 1917 THE RE7IEW: JREIDSVTLLE, N. 0. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION , (Conducted by the County Superln- teadent of Schools.) Opening Of The Pub'lc Schools The County Board of Education has named Monday, October 15th as the date for the opening of the public schools of this county. This does not No Home Food To Be 8eized Denying a rumor circulating gener ally that it is the purpose of the National XJoverraent to seize food supplies belonging to individual fam illes. Director B. W. Kllgore, of the Agricultural extension Service, calls emphatic attention to a recent state ment received by him from Washing' ton that the Government does not in tend to seize any) home food supplies. Many variations of this rumor have ratar in th schools that operate in special tax districts aB these schools been deliberately circulated and many -wm hHn nn Monday October 1st. tannics nave oeen prevented irom i, ia ... that the schools betrin conserving foods thereby. MiC Kil as nearly a possible at the same time, and Monday, October 15th seems to be the moat suitable date. These schools will close for the fall term on Friday, December 21st and begin for the spring term on Tuesday, January let, 1918. If the schools can begin on Monday October 15th they will close for the spring term the latter part of March. The Legislature of 1917 provides that all children between the ages of 8 and 14 years of age shall attend school regularly for a period of at least four months. - The period for the compulsory attendance will begin on the day of the opening of the pub lic schools, October 15th, and lasts for a period of four months. Attend inr officers will be appointed for each township in the county Most all of the schools are supplied with teachers and all parent are re peated to have the children in school on the opening day. There has been very little change In the text books for use in the schools for the next five years. Where the books are changed in the elementary schools aa exchange price will be al lowed at the book-stores. BUILDING NEW SCHOOL HOUSES The Coumty Board of Education has eadeavov this year to aid in build ing school houses in those communi ties where it is a public necessity New building are now being erected in the following districts: Sharon Simpsonville township. Green Saring Price township Reld Creek Madison towshlp GUdv School Simpsonville town- isMn rsnAcfal tax voted here this - year.) Saunders School Wentworth town ship, An auditorium and two recitaton gore states that this rumor has been circulated by our enemies for the pur pose of preventing people from can ning, drying and otherwise conserv ing their food products. The Extension Service of the Col lege of Agriculture and Department of Agriculture has through its vari ous divisions and field workers em phasized the Importance of saving all food possible in order that house holds themselves may have a cheap and plentiful supply of food. There has never been any Intention of the Federal Government to seize any of this. Rather, it would be more likely to further encourage the conservation of still more food in order that out put of staple tood products from their chief producing regions be available for use by the armies of this country and our allies . Some families state that they heard that all canned material over 100 quarts will be seized. Others state that all canned food will be taken and sent to England. All of this is absurd. The State and National Ag ricultural Agencies wish to do all in their power to aid In the helping to combat the high cost of living and for ths reason have furmsnea men and womento instruct the people how to can, preserve and dry perishable food products, properly. Director Kilgore appeals to all loyal citizens to aid in dispelling any mis taken Idea that may exist In regard to food seizure and to further encour age the efforts of producers to save all available food material possfble Thinning The Ranks Editors Review: Just a few weeks ago Franklin Jones, a member of Company G, 14 N, C. Regiment answered to the last roll call on earth and has passed ove. rnnmA a hninEr added at the Bethany . .. .. . r , . v7- v, ... lue nver on tne omer snore He was ecnooi. . a good and brave soldier, peaceable . T "'"5 " d ready when the bugle would isaen """ 7 " ". He was a man of firmness ta new Duuaing wm ne wwmju lime during the year.) A new two-room building has been erected this year In Ruffln township at the Happy Home School. After this year nearly all the dis tricts in the county will have good school buildings located in them. Two new buildings have been uullt for the colored people in the county. FREE TUITION Parents are notified that they can secure free tuition at five public never knew him to be engaged In Idle conversations and he seemed to have a Christian walk. I trust our loss may be his gain. We are passing over the river one by one. Just a few days ago, J. M. Harris passed over on the other shore. We will miss him so much. He and I were warm friends and spent many pleasant hours together in our boyhood days; went to school together and were in the same Com pany urlng the war and have been together a great deal since the war. He was firmness and competent to iiieh schools in the county. These schools are open to all boys and girls in the county who have certificates l,ve oa any, gubJect BUOWinK IUBV IUCY Luuiyiy the seventh grade. These schools are located at the following places: Bethany school, Sdmmerfleld, N. C, R. F. D. ' - Ruffln school, Ruffln, N. C. Stonevllle school, Stonevilte, N. C, A Madison school, Madison, C. Wentworth school, Wentworth, N. Colio Great Faith In Chamberlain's and Diarrhoe'a Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy was used by my father about a year ago when he had diarrhoea. It relieved him Immediately and by ta king three doses he was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this remedy," writes Mrs. W. H. Wit liarn, Stanley, N. Y. Brother comrades, we do not know which will answer the next call to pass over the river on the other shore. There are only five of that gallant old Company G left that I can think of 100 that left home in May 1861 for the scene of war. They are as follows: J. M. Wilson, J. J. Scar lett, E. R. Harris, of Reidsville, Jas. Swann and George Smith of this county. Brother comrades, let us all try to be ready when we are called to pass over on the other shore to meet in peace and happiness where parting will be no more. J. M. WILSON, Reidsville, N. C. Now that the government wants the people to eat more fish It will "e harder than -ever to keep Father Irom "taHnir a Anv nff " Wfl nnlrl hope that he won't neglect putting in the wheat to do so. , Peruna eases the burden of the housekeeper by keep ing away the danger of illness resulting )Jrl from colds, coughs, I and indigestion due to catarrhal condi tion. It speedily re lieves and overcomes these. Its tonic properties build op the strength of the physically weak and run down, and its use la eoovalescense. especially after grip, is remarkably beneficial KEEP IT ON HAND The wise housekeeper has Perana a hand for instant use eren t catarrhal trouble do oat call for It regular ad ministratioa. A dose or two la time Often prevents a ions Ulneas. Liquid or tablet form. Uanafin Tablet are a splendid laxative tor borne ase. AktbednuUist THE PERUNA COMPANY CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, i THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! All Dandruff Disappears And Hair Stops Coming Out Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse" If you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and draw it carefully through your hair, .W&M&. fma4lsatraJid;,..,.Bie; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any exceslve oil in a few min utes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy! nd abundant and posses an icomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying hair, one ap plication of Danderlne dissolves ev ery partcle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, Btopping itching and falling hair. Danderlne is to the head that fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots. invigoratesand strengthens them. Its exhlliarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will Just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl- ton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter and try as direct Buying wife, with tobacco at mm jim m sjji- currency, in th$ old days of Virginia ' - ; For cigarettes, Virginia-Carolina tobacco is the best ) '" ; " " ' -'" ' "" ; : : '"' ' " ; .' ii -i in "' '- : . . The sunny South Inhere cigarettes were born , The first cigarette ever made was Virginia- . Carolina tobacco. All the mellow charm of Southern sunshine itself is in Virginia Carolina tobacco. And no other tobacco has that idash" and "go" to its taste that Virginia-Carolina tobacco has. n nn in The Cigarette of Quality NOTEj 300 million pounds. That's how much Virginia-Carolina tobacco was made into cigarettes last year over 4 times as much as any other tobacco. And Piedmont it the biggest-selling Virginia Carolina cigarette in the 'world. 5cand 10c a package With rabbits commended as war diet to release beef and pork for ex port for-the Allied armies in Europe, Chatham county should certainly come into its own. Don'tbe content with doing your bit for the country; do your best ' N0TCE OF 8ALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me In a cer tain deed of .trust executed by James D. Glass and wife, Leila M. Glass, on July 5, 1916, and duly recorded In Book af Deeds No. 180 page 194 Reg ister of Deeds Office of Rocklnghm county, N. C, to secure a certain bond therein described and referred to, and default having been made in the payment of said bond which is now past due and unpaid, I will on Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m., in front of the Bank of Reidsville Building In Jhe town of Reidsille, N. C, offer for sale at public auction 'to the highest bidderr for cash, the follow ing described estate: Lying in Reidsville Township, Rockingham County, N. 1 C. Adjoin ing the lands of R. G. Gladstone, John Y. Stokes, Bud Jones etal Be ginning at a stake In the Leaksville road at, J. Y. Stokes'corner thence running with said road In a southerly direction 8 chains and 63 links (save and except 60 feet off' and sold to Bud Jones) to a stake Bud Jones' corner; thence North 86 degrees West to a stake in Ferguson's line, Bud Jones' corner 6 chains and 33 links, thence North 4 degrees West by land of said Ferguson to two ce dars In J. Y. Stokes' corner 8 chains and 62 links (save and except the 65 feet cut off for Bud Jones) thence South with J. Y. Stokes' line 86V4 degrees East 5 chains and 84 links to. the point of the beginning and containing '5 acres more or less save and exoept the lot cut off and sold to Bud Jones and being the lot con veyed to J. D. Glass under Deed Book No. 184 page 630. Register of Deeds Office of Rockingham- County, N. C. W. R. DALTON, Trustee This September 18th, 1917 NOTICE OF 8ALE Under and by virtue, of the power of sale conferred upon me In a cer tain deed of trust executed by James D. Glass and wife, Leila M. Glass, on September 25th 1912 and duly re corded In Book of Deeds No. 175 page 355 Register of Deeds Office of Rockingham county, N. C, to se cure a certain bond therein described and referred to, and default having been made In the payment of .said bond which is now past due and un paid, I will on Saturday, the 20th day. of October, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m., in front of the the Bank of Reidsville Building In the town of Reidsville, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following describe real estate: Lying In Reidsville, N.VC, adjoin ing the lands of C. A. Osborne, W. B. Wray, et aL Beginning: at the corner of C. A. Osborne's lot on West Market street running North along said street 93 feet to corner of an unknown street; thence West along said unknown street 424 feet to an Iron stake, Corner on North Scales street; thence South with North Scales street 105 feet to a point InW. B. Wray's line and thence East 423 feet to the beginning, it being part in the Gladstone land in the Northern part of Reidsville and being lot conveyed by W. B. Wray and wife to J. D. Glass (see Deed Book No. 176-19) on which premises the said J. D. Glass resided at the time of his death. W. R. DALTON, Trustee This September 18th, 1917. I have 3 counter show cases, also 1 floor case that I will jell chean before I move, also one self-measur ing oil tank. Cosmo Benson. Par lor Market : , Land For Sale The farm of the lata Josjah S.i Newnam, situated In SimpsonTllltr Township on the headwater of little Plney Creek adjoining the lands of H. R. Scott W. A Irvln and others, containing 202 acres. For further information see J. W. Newnam at Spray or J. R. Newnam at Reidsville, ' N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE x Having duly qualified a executor of the will of Mrs. Susan H. Meadows, deceased, of Rockingham county, notice is hereby given to -all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 1st day of of October, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will come forward and make Immediate settlement at once. v R. B. CHANCE, Executor of Mrs. Susan II. Meadow, Deceased This September 24th, 1917. ' -

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