PAGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1917 NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROOKING II AM Coal bills are a large part of your livinK expense reduce them by uslnt; Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. The Ladles Aid Society ot the Bap c ,' tut church will hold their annual bazaar about Noreniber 1. Misses Margaret Womack and Sue Howard have resumed their studies at Converse College, Spwtanburg, S. C. The Ladies Aid Society of the Main street M. E. church will hold a bazaar about the first week in Decem ber. ; Revival services will begin at the Main Street M. B. Church, South, September 30th, Rev. L. Berge Ab ernethy of Charlotte, brother of Dr. W. E. Abernethy, will usist the latter in the conduct ot the revival. The Wnstou-Suloia Fair will be TiHld October 2 5th. .Secretary Car land Wobb assures us that this will be one of the bast of the of the Win-Hton-Salem fairs. Hon. "William Jen nags Bryan will speak at the fair grounds on the afternoon of the first day October 2nd. Send The Review to your soldier boy. It's tw ice-awe ok visits will be welcomed by him as a letter from hime. The Kevl'w fin Yi" sent to them whereever they may go. Vou ranuot write thi.m all the news from tha folks back home, but you can send them The Review and thus they will be able to keep up with the news, and the price is so low you would fcanily miss it one year, $1.50; six months 75 cents; four months, 50 cents. All eoruinunicatlos of eveny char actor must hive the name of some responsible person signed to them before any attention will be paid them in this office-. This name is not required for publication, but In rJer that we may know who Is the author. A note of . appi eolation was received last week which we will gladly publish in our next issue if the author will furntah his or her ame.( Tlese remember this ana always sign your name. The Relsvllle Library Association la hoping to help the soldiers by collecting readjng matter to be sent to the camps. All the libraries In the State are doing this work. We rge all who have magazines of this year's date which they have already read to send them to the Public Li brary on Wednesdays or Saturdays as those are the library days. Mrs. TV'. B. Wray will receive them and see -that they go on to the camps. Good books are also desired. Books of travol, adventure, love, etc., ere acceptable. Do your bit and help lighten many a lonely hour for the boy in camp. On Sunday morning, September 80, Pastor Abernethr will preach the first sermon Jn the revival meeting at the Main Street Methodist church. At 7.30 in the evening Pastor E. N. Johnson will preach In the Methodist church, having no service at the Bap tist church. On Monday evening at 7:30, Dr. L. Borge Abernethy, broth er of the pastor, will preach. Later announcements will follow. Carefully Treat . Children's Colds Kagleet of children's colds often lays the foundation of serious lung trouble. Ou the other hand, it is harmful to contiou. ally dose delicate little stomachs with in. temal medicines or to keep the children always indoors. Plenty of fresh air in the bedroom and good application of Vick's 'Vap-O-Rub' .Salve over the throat and chest at the first ign of trouble, will keep the little chaps free from colds without injuring their di fc'estions. 2Cc, 60o, or $1.00. BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. REPORT ell the news happen ings that come to your attention to this office. It will be appreciated for every piece of news will make the paper more interesting for you as well as others. We want and with your help will print all THE NEWS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having duly qualified as adminis trator of the estate of J. M. Jones, deceased, late of Rockingham county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them duly -verified, to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of of September, 1918 or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. A. P. SANDS, Admr. of J. Mi Jones, Deceased Reidsville, N. C, Sept. 26th, 1917. WANTED. A good farm hand. II . P. Brown. Nissen and Spach Wagons sold by Townsend Buggy. Pickling spices and other preserv ings at Harris & Price. Big stock of shoes at reasonable prices. W. D. Hightower. Roofing at the old price and the good kind. Reidsville Hdw. Oo. Syracuse Plows once used always preferred. Reidsville Hdw. Co. All kinds of harness and prices are right. Townsend Buggy Co. PIGS. A lot of fine pigs. Apply to W. D. Foster, 142 Lawsonvllle Ave. FIGS FOR SALE. Apply to Mrs. c. H. Overman, or R. D. Oapen. Fairbanks Morse engines are the best. Sold by Townsend Buggy Co. Spike and disc harrows, plows and plow casting. Townsend Buggy Co. Buggies, surries, buggy robes and horse blankets. Townsend Buggy Co. Guns, Shells and Cartridges. We make the price. Reidsville Hard ware Co. FOR SALE. Seed Appier Oats, $1.25 bushel. J. L. Brannock, Rfd 1, Mclver, N. C. FOR RENT. Storerooms in West End, formerly occupied by Trent & Trent. W. M. Oilee. JuOaT. At southern depot, open face, 7-Jewel nickel case Illinois watch Reward. Jack Hopkins. FOR SERVICE. A full bred Ger rlnger bull; terms reasonable. J. B. Chilton, Mclver, N. C. FOR SERVICE. Thoroughbred Jersey bull at W. E. Trent's farm. Fee $1.50 cash. Cecil Trent. NOTICE. I wish to say that I am geting in a stock of shoes, dry goods and notions, end will be glad to serve the public P. A. Paschal & Son. Full cream cheese, F. F. V. hams and breakfast bacon in jars, lunch tongue, shad roe, cooked beans, chip ped beef, corn beef, and many other good things to eat at Harris & Price. NOTICE. We have ordered 20 tons of Thomas phosphate that will get to Reidsville in about eight days. Most of it is engaged, and any far mer who would like to use it caa write me and I will hold the number of bags he wants and notify him when it comes, as it will hare to be removed from the car.. A good many farmers think that Thomas Phosphate is the best wheat guano that can be bought and it can be got at a very reasonable price conslderl ing the high price of other fertilizer John R. Williams. WANTED 10,000 boards rived. H. P. Browf . Plenty, of good shingles on hand. Townsend Buggy Company. Nissen and Spach wagons are th best. Sold by Townsend Buggy Company. Collars, Bridles, Harness, Lap Robes and Whips.-Reidsville Hard ware Co. Biggest gtock of Bicycles we ever bad. Look thera over.. Reidsville Hardware Co. Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears. We carry complete stock. Reidsville Hardware Co. Just received & car load of sap and No. 2 heart shjngles. Townsend Buggy Company. FOR SALE. One second hand disc grain drill at a bargain. Townsend Buggy Company. FOR SALE. Good beef cow. Ap ply to Mrs. Jack Porter, Summerfield N. C. Route 1. Genasco roofing put on with kleets which Is better than nails. Town send Buggy Co. STOVES. See our line of cook and heating stoves before buying. Reids ville Hardware Co. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Woo ten, Mgr. LADIES We make a specialty of children's halrcutting of all kinds. Sharp's Barber Shop. See W. F. Burton before buying your grain guano. He has something good at reasonable cost. FOR RENT. My home on Pied mont street; possession given Octob er 1st. Mrs. J. N. Craig. FOR SALE. At a bargain, pony. phaeton and harness. Apply to W J. Irvin, Reidsville, N. C. For best lighting use tha celebrated Mazda electric lamps sold by Whit-temore-Mobley Hardware Co. WOOD Dry pine sawed in blocks 11.25 ner load for cash. Please do not ask to charge. Lytt Gardner. Southern Queen grates are the most satisfactory, grates sold. Call and see them. Whlttemore-Mobley Hdw. Co. We want a nice lorot beef cattle, also veals. Let us know what you have. Cosmo Benson, Parlor Mark et, phone 62 or 63. FARMERS We cator to your trade We have all experienced barbers and your trade is highly appreciated. Sharp's Barber Shop. TO MY FRIENDS: I take pleasure in announcing that I am now witn PInnix's Warehouse and will be glad to have my friends bring their to bacco to us. I will at all times work for their best interest and can assure them of the very highest prices. Lester Somers. - III ffM 1 WW Modern Monthly Income Coupon Bond Policies Issued Exclusively By the GEORGE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In addition to the Income Bond Policies we issue all the standard forms used by other well managed insuring in stitutions together with other special forms, such as the New Family Indemnity Policy, Birthday Endowment, Old Age Annuity Endowments, and others, all at mini mum rates. For further particulars see one of our agents or communicate direct with . : BUFORD R. STONE GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Reliable Agents wanted in unassigned territory. Engines and Saw Mills Peerless and Gciscr UdUUl Portable Engines and - Saw Mills kaswuauK New Peerless Steam Tractor The New Geiser Belt Feed Sawmills, best and most accu rate on the market. Full line second hand Tractors and Portable Engines. Write for new catalogue. M. G. NEWELL COMPANY GREENSBORO. N C. t--- 7 y t I r . .J ' v .... ' v : . . . , y " S t 'in i t v. v. ... WIMST 0 N JOHN SIMPSON The ffi Market Off$A Don't Take Our Word For it, But Gome and See and Then You know We sold at least 20 loads out of Rocking ham last week that brought above $500.00 for each load. It does not take a big load of Rockingham tobacco cutters to bring $500 to $700. Our averages on Rocking ham tobacco at least $35 per hundred. 4 . i i .is $ -,i. . ft -"t . 'i i' 7 JOE GLENN 00R SALE TODAY, MONDAY, 58,042 Pounds for $18,380:38; Grand Average $31.66 Three Sales run ning every day now and you can sell and never have to wait. We shall look for you soon. We want our own county folks to get all the money possible out of their tobacco and to do this you must come on to Winston and sell at BROWN'S. . We are selling one-third more Rockingham tobacco than ever before. Why? Because when a man copes with a load he never fails to come back. You are losing money when you don't come. We guarantee you the highest prices ever be fore known much more than you can get! on any other market It is a duty you owe yourself to come and see. wm ii m 'roprietors of BROWS mm WAR