FRIDAY, NOV 2, 1917 THE REVIEW; ilETDSVILLE, N. a PAGE TE LKEJJ Always Have PERUNA Mrs. L. A.'ratterson, 1399 Kentucky St, Memphis, Tennessee, writes: "I have been a friend of Peruna for many yeart. I have used it oft And on for catarrhal complaints and found it a very excellent remedy. I have a email family of children. Times are hard with us, but I can scarcely afford to do without Peru na, especially during the season of the year when coughs and colds are prevalent We always recom mend Peruna to our neighbors, for the benefit It has been to us." For Coughs and Colds in the Home. Recommend It to Our Neighbors. f - P Us 1 -J Those who object to liquid medi cines can procur Peruna Tablets. w,,i...e odi cwnin had a rtebt to sell the little pile of uuu-c dt .Dc-pKicpoRO1 Bhineles for $21.00. without making (Continued from Page Two) highest commendation in volume af ter volume until the 169th, and in one of the cases it is referred to as a cumulating' doctrine whdch all offl clajs of North Carolina should have catted to their attention, that this As .th high standard of conduct re quired of them, when they come , to " dispose of public property. They $21.00. any further to-do about it. And as the Court says, nobody questioned their honeuty. The question is, "Did thev measure up to the standard ot duty required ot them?", Suppose it had turned out in the Chatham coun ty case that some one ha4 come to the Board and offeted Jiem $31.00 or $41.00, and out of partiality of the man who had offered $21.00, they had said "No, I cannot Cake your $41.00 or your $31.00, because someone has told me I am under obligation to this man because they bring up a large body him under the table and all wound, . .lii.i it. nni.r,nUffva Kir rr ni Inir in i,.h lone netitlon of 100 or 200 ! offering $21.00 and I will take that men, saying they are men of good character, It is no defense to slay thtfyi are men of honesty and integ rity, because honest men and men ot integrity may be guilty of want of care willful neglect in the disposition of public property, just as the Board ot Coramisaioners of hntham County, men of as high character as these de fen lants, were they found by a jury of their countrymen ulltlj of dispos ing of property of little worth, it Is true, but nevertheless guilty, as the Court says: : ' That is not a new doctrine. Here is the same rule stated by Bigetow on Fr:.ud, under the head of Collusion, vol. I. page 576: 'Cases falling under this head might be dismissed with the statment that they turn, nofupon fraud prop er, but upon constructive fraud. That is, i: is not necessary to relief in a cae based upon deception accom X'fehed by collusive conduct between one standing in a fiduciary or confi dential relation towards the plaintiff, and another person, to show that the parties intended to defraud the plain tin; enough that there has been misconduct. "That is not all; the case differs still further from a suit aglainsit a person standing in no fiduciary or confident! relation towards the plaintiff. The, trustee, agent or em ployee would have to prove hta own integrity and Justify his seemingly improper conduct; and this upon slighter evidence on the part of the plain tiff a than would be required in other cases." Just as my brethern got confused In (their arguments because we say the effect of this neglect on the ipiart of these defendants has resulted in a fraud upon the town, that it is con ctructive fraud, so they say we charge them with all sorts of corrupton and rascxilitx which we do not, because it is not necessary. And even if it was necessary we did not do It because we know they are not men of that kind, we know they are nen of hon esty, integrity and uprightness, but in this case we say they exercised par tiality, however honestly they may have thought they had a right to do It, just as the Commissioners of Chatham County never doubted they CONSTIPATION INVITES DISEASE A rUatl laxative is necessary to tho comfort and health of any well-ordered household, becanss conatlpatlon Is a. condition that affects, In greater or less dogrroe, practically every member of the family. When the howols refuse to act the entire system Is af fected; digestion Is Impaired, . nerves oearin to twitch, foal g-ases and poisons sanerated by decom posing; substances In the Intestines are distributed throughout the body, and often result in serious Illness. A prominent Trench sci entist says ninety-five percent of all human disease Is directly traceable to lnactire bowels. m nor than quarter of a cen tury ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell pre scribed a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that Is now the standard remedy in thou- Hlon Is sold by drngglsts for fifty vsjMiw SSJ uvkhi) UUUVf HV H f rn f vi Sr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin. A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing- to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 456 Washlngtoa St Monttcello, Illinois. what would ithat have been? Would it not have been something more than legai neg'tect? Would it not have gone beijond that? And yet that is what has been done here. In this Hatch will find the facts stated that the sale of the shingltis was linade by the chairman of the Board. The other two merely assented. The active sale was miade by the chairman himiseiiif, and they held the other two guilty because j they assented to the act of the chair man. When Mr. Wray was talking to Mr. Tfllbobt, shown from these re cords and declarations by the defend ants themselves, he siald, "The propo sitions are substantially the same, what you offer and what the. Utilities Co. offer, the schedules and prices are just the same," and he makes no ques tion of their financial responsibility. After debating the matter with Mr. Talbott, chasing him as Mr.: Brooks said, they badgered him. but they never chased the Utilities Company, Vhere was no bedgering there. No, f,he attorney for the city and two others with him get on the train and ride down to see the Utilities Com pany, all the way to Charlotte 125 milesv They go im and take off their hats and bow, no doubt, it is just 25 miles to Danville where Mr. Tal bott lives, and neither of them goes there to talk to him, or to their own townsmen, Mr, Richardson and Mr. Wfettit. They absolutely refuse, to give them the information which like gentlemen they called for. Yea, Your Honor, tlheir hostility Is shown in every word and In every act. When Mr. Wray asked the question of the cfmlparatiye dependability of electri city generated by steam and by water power, and Mr. Talbott in a f rank and candid way was proceeding to explain it, what does Mr. Glidewell do? It evidently made hiim mad. He said. "Are you making a campaign spfeech?" That is the way they chased hdnx. After calling upon him for in formation and explanation, when he was proceeding to give it, having, de. tenmined that he should not have this contract, they badgered and browbeat him, showing their hostility in every word and every act. Yes, they were chasing him ; no doubt about that. Th-'tv. chased him under thio table and around the table and everywhere else, but Mr. Talbott stood there and gave them the information every time. He said, "Gentlemen, fwllglve you any sort of bond you want, to furnish you all the electricity this town needs now or will' her. filter need.'! And1 the truth of it is if some one had not moved to adjourn then, I expect there would at jeasit have been soma di vision upon the proposition as to whether or not thtey should turn his bid down, because I judge from Mr. Wray's declaration he had asked ques tions until he seemed to have become satisfied that this bid of Mr. Talbott'a was a better bid, and there was notn ing efltse to do from what appeared than to accent it. Then somebody moved to adjourn. Something was about to be done they did not want done, and so thtey take an adjourn ment. Then what happens? The next day there is not a word said about these resptective bids, which is bet ter, or anything of that kind. We find en entirely new tack taken, some thing instituted there in order to ovejrawe or to influence this Board, V ji Natural r Fortiiteatian If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh! if subject to headaches, nervousness or listl essness, by all means start today to build your strength with IIB which is a concentrated medicinal food and building- ft. tonic to put power m the blood, strengthen 'h ine me iorces ana lone up me appeuie. iff No alcohol in SCOTT'S. - 1 ' A The imported Norwrm'ao cod liver oil used tn Scott's Cmmlmiem U now refined in our own American laboratories which euarantrrs it free I rota impurities. cid a Tn-n . rM V. ?. A M of men who belong to the Oommer ois! and Agricultural Association, and the city-attorney calls th;m up one by one and puts thorn through a se ries of examinations as to whether or not theV think the. new Board was bound by what the Commercial ana Agricultural Bo:rd had done, that is to nay,, that they had promised Mr. 1'enn or they had rvromlsed the Ame loan Tobacco Company if it would nut ud a cigarette factory tlure it should have power from the Southern Power Company. Seme of them said, "Yes, we told -them we would get power fiom the Southern Power Com pany, but Mr. Duke said he did not c,ajw where wengot our power." "But," they were asked, don't you regard this Board committed to the Southern Power Compaay?" Souie siid they did and some said they did not. Mr. Joyce took a very sensible view of it. He said, "That Is a matter for this Board to detremlne; you -are charged with a duty, end that duty is that you make the very best contract and get the very highest price for this prop erty possible; you are. the ones charg with that rsiptonsibi'Wty." Then they say that in the election that was held in May 1917, the Issue v:t whether the property should be sold. We have nothing to do with that, we do not care; we are not cha flengtog the right to sell, we are ch.l ltinginaj the manner .in which they ha to sold it, and we are saying ths't was due entirely to partiality and faioiitism, and jthat favoritism, as Judge Strud wick read to you, is but one form of fraud. That election they say shouM have some bearing 'on it because the Board said, "If we are elected we are going to sell." Suppose they said they were going to sell to thet Utilities Company, and that they were going- to sell to them for ,$30,000.00 Grant all that. Had our preposition teen made then?, Not at all. Our proposition to pay $20, 000 more was' not made until August afterwards. And so we come in and say, "Gentlemen, we will not only give you $30,000.00 but we win glv you $20,000 more," it did not make any difference what had been said at the election or at any other time, the duty presented to the Board of Com missioners was.what shall we do now; here is a new etfement, that has puj. a new phasei on the matter. Here is a man who offers to give us in cash $50,000.00 for this (property,: what' shall we do? That was the question. Nothing that the Commercial and Ag ricultural Club had done could effect that. Tbat; imposed a duty 'on the city commissioners as the trustees of the town. No hing done in the elec tion proceeding -could bind them, be cause - when they eame into "power and took the oath of office these duties devolved upon them and they had to measure up to the high standard which has been marked out by our Supreme Court. It must Impress Your Honor that they concealed from Mr. Talbott all information be was seeking to get, In order, as he says, that he mfelht put in an intelligent bid. All th information contained In this little no tice Is that they are going to sell the pl;nt. They do not say anything In that advertisement about what they want thei purchaser in h:s bid to say he will) do with reference to the oper- ation of the plant or the building of a new plant, or enlarging that plant. Nothing of the kind. AM it says that we are going to have a regular meeting and consider the question ot the sale of this specific property, and all w ho are interested may be present, and If anybody has a proposition they do not say what kind of propo sition they had better put it in writ ing. They did not even do that much until July 25th. I do not want to characterize their conduct, I merely call Your Honor's attention to the fcpt, but it appears that in June and July they had been privately dealing with the Utilities Company, and had actually forwarled to them a carefully prepared contrtfct, which had been prepared after having been submitted to them, and certain things elimi nated from it, and it comes to the Chairman of the Water & Light Com mittee, not adressed to the Mayor or Board, because no advertisement for bids had been made, and the Chair man of the Water and Light Commit tee takes irdown tuid puts it in his private file in the mttl, and there it e days until after our bid was opened, and it was disclosed that we offered more than they offered, and then they bring it up and put It on file. It wits at our request that this little notice was given, though they did not publish what we wanted. We wanted them, to state the terms and condl tiorus, and just what they desired done, and then they put in this little notice 1 referred to. After that was published, we wrote them ai very re spectful leter and called their atten tion to the fact that it Was impossible to make an intelligent bid, and asked that they give some informettlon a to what they wanted the person who bought the plant to do, requesting that they set forth the conditions, stipulations and terms, and informing them that it was impossible to bid intelligently until we knew what they were going to sell, and what they wanted done. . They did not even do us the cour tesy of answering that letter, or acknowledging receipt of it. Then "when we come before them (for not satisfied with that, Ur. Talbott goes to the meeting) Your Honor heard manifesting their hostility, complain. ing when he undertook to explain matters, that he was making a cam- pai&u speech, t nd would not give him the information he wanted. That Js,what theae gentlemen have done. They have not only put forth no efforts to get bids, but they have tried to keep; from igjetting any bids. This evidence shows that they did not want any bids but the one which w;s on file with Mr. Scott for $30,000. That is all they wanted. When they opened our sealed bid and found it was for $50,000.00 and that it was the only bid ou file, they hurried to get this other t-nd bring it up. And then at the meJtlug did you hear how they tried to get Mr. Talbott in a hota? Mr. Wray said, "Do you want to re new your bid?" Mr. Richardson said: "It la not necessary to renew 1, the bid Is on file." Why do they ask that? They thought, "If you renew yours, then Mr. Scott cs.n put .in the Public Utilities bid," but Mr. Rich ardson was too smart for that, he said, "No; I do not want to renew my bid, you have It in writing and Children Cry for Fletcher's 4 m how, as Mr. iBrooka eaid, they chased Why I Believe in Nuxated Iron A Strength-Builder for the Nation By B. Bauer, M.D. Probably no remedy has ever met with such phenomenal success as has Nux. ated Iron. It Is conservatively estimat ed that over three million people annual ly are taking It In this oountry alone. It has been highly endorsed and used by former United States Senators and Mem bers of Congress; Physicians who have been connected with well-known hos pitals have prescribed and recommended It; Monselgneur Nannini, a prominent Catholic Clergyman, recommends it to an memners or the Catholic Church. Former Health Commissioner Win. R, Kerr, of Chicago, nays It ought to be used In every hospital and prescribed by every physician. Sarah Bernhardt "the Divine Sarah," the world s most noted actress has ordered a large quan tity sent to the trench soldiers to help ' give them strength, power and endur ance. Dr. A. J. Newman, late Police Sur geon of the City of Chicago, afid former House Surgeon, Jefferson Park Hospital, Chicago, says Nuxated Iron has proven through his own tests of It to excel any preparation he has ever used for creat ing red blood, building up the nerves, strengthening the muscles and correct ing digestive disorders. Dr. N. H. Hornstlne, for ten years Physician in the Department of- Publlo Health and Charities of Philadelphia, says that tests made with Nuxated Iron on a number of stubborn cases where other tonics had failed absolutely con vinced him of its remarkable and Un usual power. . If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming ureu. long .iwu live-grain tauletS of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. : NOTK. Nmated Iroa, which hu dmo luad b? foraier MmilMrt of th United Btatai Bentta ad Hitum of BepreamtatlTM. and other prominent people wiin eucu eunuimiie reauiw. ana wnica u pre Kiibed and reoommended ft bore by pnrelclan In euca a re Tineir or cute, u not a patent medi cine nor eeoret remedy, but one whloh la well knows, to drtvflite and whoea Inn eoneUtuenta ara widely prescribed by eminent phyeielau everywhere. Un like the older lnorianlo Iron product. It ll aailly atelmUated. dote not Injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stoniectu on the eontrarr It la a moM poiani remeoy in neany all rorme of in dlgesUon aa weU ae for nerroua, run-down condi tions. The manufacturers bate such great soa Adence In Nuxated Iron, that they offer to forfeit 1100 to any charltebla InatltuUon If they cannot take any man or hums under 6t who lack Iron and Increase their strenfth 100 per cent, or orsr la four make time, provided they bare no serious organ lo trouble. : They also offer to refund your money If it does not at least doubls your krfwittli and endurance In tea days' Ume. It la dUpanaed by all food druulsta. BRITTAIN'S DRUG STORE FETZER DRTJO STORE GARDNER DRUG COMPANY R. H. TUCKER The Kind You Haye Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. AH, Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. r What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant us for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature tiegnature of r In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought MST CtNTAUW COMANV I W W VORK CITV. It is on file awaiting your action." After they could could not make him do tha'tv then aa Mr. Brooks caid, they began the chaseand showed their hostility. 'Then when' it came down to that laet meeting, the date on which this transaction was completed, what recson did they give? Why did they say they rejected a bid of ?50000? Did thay comiplliain to Mr. Tf Ibott that there was any defect in his contract? Did they ask him to amend it? Did they suggest anything about pump ing? Nothing of the kind, They laid all that laside and said, "We havet got to turn down this f 50,000 offer because the C!ommercJal & Agricul tural Association b.a promised the American Tobacco Company v to get the power from the Southern Power Company," Mlay It please Your Hon or, we can get power from the South ern Power Company as well as any body ele. It is a public ser vice company and must furnish it toi anybody who offers the price. There was no relation In the contention these gentlemen were maklngi and Mr. Tal bott explained that to them. He said, "I can get .the power from the South ern rower LJompany if lt Is neces sary." But they did not want Talbott to get it from, the Southern Power Cmpany for some reason, They had to have the Public Utilities Co. to get it from the Southern Power Com pany. They criticised Mr. Richard son's corporation for being' a New Jersey corporation, land they make in quiries abut it, but what on earth the Public Utilities Co.ia nobody knows so , far as this case Is concerned, except it owee its. corporate existence to the State of Maine. They make no in quiries About that, they ask nothing f rem the Utilities Company except ther privilege of putting into its pocket $20,0000 in cash. No questions aslC ed for it.' We will chase Talbott un der the JJable and out from under the table and leverywhere eillse.but Wd wiU take off our bats to the Utilities Co. we have no questions to ask of it, what ita capital eitock 4a we do not Inquire what its financial responsi bility is we do not ask, al we ask is, "Gentlemen, let us giw you J20.000; will you accept it?" Of whose money? Money that belongs to the taxpayers of the Town of Reldsville, bedauso these decisions say that the selling of property for an adequate price IS equivalent to taking money out of the treasury land giving it away. That la what they did, and yet they come here fa ml- denounce Mr. Richardson and, Mr. Talbott in all sorts ot affidavits, when Mr. Richardson Is not even a party to this suit. They criticise him because he had the temerity to enter into competition with this favorite (Continued on Page Six) New Arrivals in The Goat Seetion 1 if by any chance or for any reason you have de layed during the past week to purchase your coat, bet ter see to it immediately. Selection is new and styles individual rarely two along the same idea. Velour Coats in a Complete Repre sentation of Models and Colors $25 At this price, there is choice of quite a large number of individual styles every one effective and will give splendid service. Particularly pleasing when worn with black furs 'and a large velvet sailor; and we must admit that it would be difficult to se cure such a rich and striking combination, for such a small price as these entail. Stunning Coats of Velours. Cheviots and Mixed Fabrics $19.75 When you consider this price and are familiar j with present day costs of mate rials and cost of labor involved, you will say that here is a value EXTRAORDINARY. And indeed it is; workmanship and styles have all the earmarks of the finest designing -and tailoring. They have the large cape collars and full flaring lines typical of the new est models. '' C A Timely Hint About That Needed Sweater Cold weather is already with us, and there has been more tjian a hint of Winter in a few of our recent days. At this season the sweater fills a peculiar need which only the sweat er can. When it isn't cold enough for the dress alone you NEED a sweater. To fill that sweater need of yours- we have an assort ment of beautiful sweaters, in .wool or fibre or silk; in many designs,, colors, and color combinations; in slip-on or coat effects. A v Price $2.98 to $13. Yarns and Necdlesof All Kinds" for Knitting 4m ! !( . !! 9v 3SSi A I I Ik A M7Ti i',y We Give Yellow Trading Stamps . m

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