FRIDAY, NOV 2, 1917 THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. C. PAGE SEVEN THE (GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE MONSTM TP AND SALE AT OUR STORE ONE WEEK ONLY OCT. 29 TO NOV. 3 COME! BEE the GREAT MAJESTIC The Range with a Reputation in its new dress. Let the factory representative show, you why the MAJESTIC Bakes Better-Look Better Lasts Longer .Heats More Water Quicker and Uses Less Fuel than any other range. We want to prove these facts to you want you to know why the MAJESTIC is so highly recommended by your neigh borwhy it is the Standard by which all Ranges are judged why it is known in every county in every State as The Range with a Reputation. FREE! SET OF MARBLEIZED AND COPPER WARE. As a special inducement during this 'week only, we have arranged with the-factory to pre sent each purchaser of a Majestic Range with a hand some and useful set of cooking ware. This is your op portunity to get something really worth while for noth ing. Ranges will be sold at the regular prices. Everbody--Don't Fail to See, The GREAT MA JESTIC RANGE in the New Finish at Our Store! REIDSVILLE HDW. CO. I Mrs. Smith Recommends Chamber - lain' Tab'eta. "I have had more or less stomach trouble for eight or ten years," writes Mrs. G. H. Smith, jBrewerton. N. Y. "When suffering from attacks of Indigestion and heaviness after ' eat ing, one or two of Chamberlain's Tab lets have always relieved me. I have also found them a pleasant laxative." These tablets tone up the stomach and enable it to perform Its functions naturally. If you are troubled with Indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay well. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tW' Most Reliable. After many years', experience In the use of It and other cough medicines, there are many who prefer Chamber lain's to any other. ; Mrs. , A. C. KirstelnH Greenville, Ills., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hat been used In my mother's home and mine for years, and we always found It a quick cure for colds and bron chial troubles. 'We find It to be the most reliable cough medicine we have used. Now is the time to subscribe GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused byt a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constlplation, sour stomach, ner- m 1 . iJ A vnnn mmeraRTinn. ieriiieuiauuu u food, pa4pltation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach and lntes tines.cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete bile and impurities from the blood. 25 and 75 cent bottles Sold by Gardner Drug Co. NOV. Have Secured For Sale Qn 9 3 at- 1 lock 1 f 0 ne of the most beautiful pieces of property in Spray i ,i This property has been held in reserve by the Spray Water Power & Land : Company for years. It ad joins Recreation Park on the Northwest, and is within reach of the proposed site ct the new depots BAND CONCERT GANDER PULLING VALUABLE ; PRIZES AND A BIG TIME GENERALLY AT RECREATION PARK Watch This Space For Further Announcement of ; Gander Pulling . - ENGLAND Realty & Auction Company ApRlffl Auctio HARRISON . CROSS ROADS .The pie pcrty given at Harrison school house FViday nilgiht was enjoy ed by all present. Mr, WeUion Gammon and Miss Bessi'e Walk were at Mt. Carmel Sun mel Sunday afternon. Mr. Oaniel Gammon visited Miss Ifiitisle Lindsey Saturday night. The dance given by Jess Lindsey Thursday night was enjoyed by all present. . Mr. Henry Carroll and Mr. Isaac Gammon vMiited friends here Sun. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shumite of near Raftla are visiting Mr.. and Mrs. J T. Gammon, their son-in-law at Halls bo ro this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stone visited their p'jopJe Sunday afternoon. Mips Mary Lee Stone and her brother visited Miss Mollie StraVler Saturday and Sunday. Miss Leila Saunders of Reidsville .visited'. Mr nd ' Mra. Oeorgo Smith of near Ruffin Saturday and Sunday. to MT. CARMEL Most everybody in thi section have flnLshi&id seeding the wheat and oa cirop and are now very busy strip ping tobacco and gathering corn. The early savings of wheat have come up and are growing very nicely. Rev. P. L. Townaend aitod his rcgu lar appointment at . Mt. Carmeli be fore going to conference which will be held in Asbeville on Novnxber 14 and 15. Her mi ny friends will regret 1-earn that Mrs. A. G. Str-der is very sick with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strader of Dan ville motord over Sunday and -spent th day with Rev. T. M. Strader Misa Mary Vaughn of Nance vis ited Mrs. Edward D'x Sunday and Monday. Mr. J. R. Mize and family of Glenn's visited 'Squire and Mrs. W E. Dix Suinday. M. (isrs. J. C. Wall and J. J. French i&lurned from an extended visit to their brother, Mr, L. H. French in Spancer. They also attended the People's Fa!r at SiTIsbury wh'le th-:y were on their trip. Mr. and' Mrs." T. 7,. Sparks of Lau ders' v',?iited their daughter. Mrs. R II. Ellington Sunday. . Mr. :nd Mrs. L. L. French visited the latter V parents; Mr, and Mis R. S. Sonnrs near Oreecn Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. J. T. Sfiarks of Lau, d?rs visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. II. Ellington, Sunday Mrs. Ilolmer ChrigmKn of ()a' Grove visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. French. recenUV. Mt. Garmel school opened Monday October 15 and is progressing nicely under thai careful supervision of Misses Annie Whitty and Clara Hud son. '.".....".. MANY TROUBLED WITH RHEUMATISM THIS TIME OF YEAR Ons Man Says For Three Years He Was Confined To Room With Awful Pains In Back .. .. And Limbs , Very Strong Iron Doses Brought Relief According to statistics in a war bulletin rssued recently by the Na tional Geo,?raphic Society from tts its headquarters, a first class private in the United States Marine Corps serving abroad, draws $41 a yearJ more than a Russian colonel; ?b4 a year more than a German lieutenant tor the first three .years; "$31 a year more than a first lieutenant of the Austrian armor, and $19 year more than a junior lieutenant in the ser vice of Italy. Corn Pain Stopped Quick "I suffered from -rheumatism for two years, and for three months waa so bad oft 1 was confined to my room The pain was fearful and I tried ev- xythjing I and my friends could get but'fct looked like I was done wiith bud nesis for the balance of my life. It gripped me im the small part of my back and in my left leg, and ait my age of 63 folks didn't believe any thinlgl could do me much good but I bought a bottle of Acid Iron Miner al and tlhe change that came over me was wondeTful," declared A. B. Wil li a ma of Peteraburg, Va. "Before I, had finished the first bot de I waa getiting better and the Iron seemed to drive the patfrn right out ot me. The second bottle of A-I-M helped me stilft more, and now, since taking three bottles I am a wll as I ever waa and have been comipletley re Meved. The rheumatism is entirely gone and I gladly recommend Acid Iron Mineral to everybody," continued Mr. Williama who like hundreds of other people In this section, find damp weather and uric acid in the blood a hard enemy to fight once it has taken hold of the system. Add Iron Mineral, (naitural Iron) is plain, everyday medicinal iron, highly concentrated. It la sofd by most druggists to either six or twelve ounce bottles under (the trade mark of the Ferrodine Chemical Corp which guarantee's its strength and quality. r It has a tendency to assist the ap petite, digestion, and kidneys, too, Whole famills use it this time of year wilth excellent results to the blood. A few drops, in a glass of water miakes a dose. Directions with each bottle. Corns lift Bight Off With "Gets-It" ' Blessed relief from corn pains is Simple as A B C with "Gets-It." 1 When you've been limping: around for days trying to get away from a neari-oruunK corn or Dumpy cai lus. and everything you've tried has Shortage In Teachers The State Department ot Educa tion announces that there Is the greatest scarcity of teachers for the schools throughout .the State this season ever known, it is estimated that s s many as 100 teachers could be placed within two hours if they were available. In some places teach ers are offlered fair salariesv says the statement, but all too many are paying something like $45 or $50 per month and then charging the teach er $20 or more for board. So many other and more profitable avenues of work are opened up under the war conditions that few new teachers are taking up the work and many old ones have gone Into other work. AtVarVithYourselfi HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT THE DISEASE IN YOUR BODY. Keep up the fight ; do not clvo up. Nature Is trying to servo you in conquer ing tho wrongs that may exist. Rod blood, vim, courago, vitality, all seem lacking. No wonder you are nerv ous and discouraged. Why not call to your aid a stron?, dependable ally? Dr. Pierce's Goli:)!t Medical Discovery has for nearly fiiiy years proven its merits as a most iiower ful tonic and blood builder to t'.m mu:iy thousands who have been returned to good health by its uso. Clear the coated tongue, get rid of unsightly skin trouble. Let this remark able remedy rid your body of tho Im purities of tho blood, let it tone and strengthen you. It often cures the linger ing chronic cough. .Dr. Pierce's Ooldon Medical Discovery is absolutely herbal, free from alcohol or dangerous habit-forming drugs. Ail druggists. Liquid or tablets. Woodfoed.Tenn. "This is to certify that I have used Doctor Pierce's Golden MedicaV nil. Discovery for my til two litMn hnva ' One hnri niwht I a Bweuis.poor appc yr tite, sallow com, piexion, ana nac quit crowing, bo.' after giving him part of a bottle o the ' Discovery he commenced to gain and grow. lie doesn't have the night sweats and looks much better. My other little boy had scrofula and this medicine cured him after the doctor's medicine had failed. 1 do not hesitate to recommend the 'Discovery at all times, Mks. Rosa Lee IIogan, Koute 1. v rr. r. v. .--i l '. PROFIT BY THIS Don't Waste Another Day When yau are worried by backache By jimeil es and Ibddpr disor ders! - Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Follow ReWsviJIie people's example. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Reidsville testimony. Verify if you wish; Mrs. J. P. Somers, 237 Lindsey St., says: I nave taken Doans Kidney Pills on several occasions for lame back. At times I have pains between my shoulder blades and I feel all tired out. My kidneys were not act ing as they should. Doan's Kidney Piilla however soon make me feel like a different (person. I have given this medicine to my children for kidney and bladder trouble and It has always broulght relief." . Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy,. . get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Somers uses. Foster-Mll- burn Co., Props., (Buffalo, N. Y. Guns, Shells and Cartridges. We make the price. Reidsville Hard ware Co, J - i ' """" h i WATER PUMPS WATER AND ltV NO RUNNING EXPENSES I If vou have a Spiuno. Flowino Well or Brook, writ fur special Factory Price. Money s wnrth or money back. RIFE RAM & PUMP WORKS, Watnbsbsbo, Va. If You Will Try Our Famous ood Morning Coffee, 25c lb No. 44 Blend Coffee. 30c lb You will say they are the sweetest and best Coffee you have ever had. only made It worse, and then you put Some "" on and the pain eases right away, and the corn peels right off like a banana akin ''ain't It a grand and heavenly feel ing?" . - "Gets-It" has revolutionized the corn history of the world. Millions use it and It never falls. Ladies wear smaller shoes and have pain free feet We old fellows and youngr fellows forget our toes and feel insKy s colts. Everybody with a corn or callus needs "Gets It." We will all walk about and enjoy ourselves as we did without corns. Get bottle today from your druggist, or sent on receipt of price br E. Lawrence A Co., Chicago, UU Sho is all you need to pay, , , Sold In Relds vine,-and recommend ed as the world's beet cora remedy by Gardner Drue Compear. CASTO R I A For Infant and Children In Uso For Over 30 Years Slgntux of ' Sour Stomach. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, abstain from meat for a few day8 and In most cases the sour stomach will disappear. It it does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tab lets Immediately after supper. Ked meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find It best to cut them out. J. MIcCOLLUM & SON GROCERS. Genasco Roofllng, put on with kleets, which is better than nails, sold 1 by Towneend Bunry Company. I Get In On This! A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED Cosmopolitan 2 years .. .. .. 52.00 Hearst's 2 years .. . . .. . . .. $2.00 Good only at thts time. Regular Price $1.50 a year. 20 cents a copj retail. Order this today. Metropolitan .. .. .. .. .. .. $1.50- Pictorlal Review .. .. .. .. $1.50 $2.25 for both. An excellent offer A few other good ones, 2 years for $2.00. Good Housekeeping Everybody's Delineator McClure's Modern Priscilla Magazines are lower now thaa they will be again for years. Act Now. Get yours. I supply any magazine at lowest prle. I will meet or beat any special offer yon receive. U12SCL5I .UPION Q WILSON , The Cheerful Cripple M AVISOS, i . C.

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