PAGE EIGHT THE REVIEW: REIDSVILLE, N. 0. FRIDAY, NOV 2, 1917 In the from this Bolhell. No er- NEWS OF REIDSVILLE AND ROCKINGHAM . Eutterfly feature today (Thursday) at the Grand. Five parts. Go to Wentworth next Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock and enjoy the "Children's Day" exercises. There will be a pie party given at lender's School House Saturday night November 3rd. Everybody cordially invited. Mr. W. M. Stratum of Edgerton. Va spent several days this wek on visit to friends and relatives in thi section. Th State Supreme Court handed down a decision yesterday Chandller Mill dam case county of Pruitt vs. ror. Next Sunday afternoon in the W-rntworth M. K. church the Chil dren's Day exercises will be held and Rev. Mr. Smith of Ruffin will deliver the address. Everybody Invited. Mr. Pritchard Cuimnings, a ng young fanner on Route 2 called In Tuesday to enroll for The Review. Ha Is putting . In about 20 acres of heat this fall to hdlp feed tin? allies. -Private'' John Allen, member of Congress from Mississippi for 16 years until his retirement in 1901, and one of the picturesque figures of that body, died at his home in Tuolo, Miss., early Tuesday. He was a kins man of the late Mrs. F. U. Penn and had visited ReldsvUlo frequently. Mr. J. A. Tally of Route 5 call'd in to renew for The Review Wednes- j day. He averaigied nearly 4U per hundred for a big load of tobacco on the local market and was highly pleas ed with prices. " He says ho has sow ed a large wheat crop this fall and the grain is coming up beautifully. The State Food Adminstrator has requested all County Food Adminis trators to send In daily reports of all Food Pledge Cards a fast as they are signed. Therefore all committees and teachers in this county are ur gently requested to send in daily re ports to me so that I may report daily to Mr. Henry A. Page at Raleigh. Root. Halsiton, County Food Admin istrator. The National Red Cross has sent out an appeal for 100,000 handkerchiefs. Tn response to this call, Mrs. A'hn Hopper of Leaksvile is the originator of a patriotic scheme for the school children of Rockingham county to make a generous contribution to thl3 necessity of the soldiers in trenches C and camps Her plan is to iu!c all the superintendents and teachers of the county to co-operate with her in having November 9 as "handker chief day" in all the schools. Su- THE TIMES TOPICS NO. 40. Reidsville, N. C. By G, W. BRITTALN More Meat. Horse meat is sold for food in the Middle West. Which do you prefer, folks, the pacing porter house or the trotting tendrloin. Give me justice and friendship while I live, and a fig for your flow ers after I am too dead to smelt; their perfume. o I5ig line of Hair, Tooth and Scrub Diushrs all at reasonable prices jAnd nearly all thi many Dranas or of tin BEST in 'J iLET AR TICLES, on the very same scneauie. Come to tWe store with a conscience. o Teacher of Scripture Class- Yes, children, then Nero ordered his cen turlan to give the slave twenty stripes Mabel, (whose father is in camp) i.nn mum. that must 'a' made 'im a blooming Colonel. We are prepared to supply your drug store needs. Come, 'phone or write us and We'll do the agreeable. - o Some present day measures. , UMl "Why do you have all your mall sent to our office?' Harry "Because there' a censor at home." o . From the bush of useless knowl edge. The rich kick about the in come tax and the poor growl about the outgo tax. Yes Siftas, you are right about the Natural Bridge. It was jot destroy ed by fire. o Walk this way Hiram, always have a chair for you, and a stove as hot j as needs be. BRITTAIN S DRUG STORE The Home of Good Drugs and GardenSeeds. PHONE 300 Best Goods Lowest Prices. Let Britta.n fill your Prescriptions. perintendent Hlckerson gives the plan his hearty approval. Tobacco offerings have been some larger at the Reidsville warehouses this wek than last ?nd sales have lasted until the afternoon on several days. Prices continue at the very highest and the warehouse averages rnntinuft to creeD upward. Individual averages of $40 and over are of or dinary occurrence. Mr. R. O. Gamble sold a pile of to bacco at Watt's Warehouse Tuesday which he contributed to the Summer field Chapter of the Red Cross of which Mrs.. Gamble Is a prominent worker. The sale amounted to f 13.30, This is the, largest pile of tobacco so far donated by a Rockingham county farmer to this worthy cause. The new war taxes, went into effect yetierday. They Include Be on tele graph and telephone messages; 2c to 3c on moving picture admissions; 8c on the dollar on railroad transpor tation; 3c on the dollar on frleght blllls; 4c on the dollar on express charges, and many other items. The new postal rates go into ecoct today. The booking of "Womanhood" at the Grande Theatre for next Tuesday, November 6th will give to the people of Reidsville an opportunity to see the best picture ever produced, the glory of a nation. This picture is in 7 massive parts. Every man, woman and .child should see this picture. The Brat show will start at 10 o'clock in the morning, 2:30 in the afternoon and 7:30 at, night. Miss Liflle Harris, wife of T. A. Harris did at her home In Danville Wednesday morning and her remains were brought to Reidsville for burial at Greenview cemetery. Mrs. Harris formerly lived in Reldsyille and mov ed to Danville about a year ago. She leaves a huabnd and two small chil dren. Her death was caused by pel egra. Mr. W. G. Ballard brought to The Review oftlce Tuesday some nice strawberles which he picked from his vines that morning. They are well matured and of good flavor. . TWey are the "Never Stop" variety and were planted in the spring. The vines began bearing 30 days from planting: and have been on the Job er. er since. Dr. Kerr Boyce Tupper of Philadel phia will deliver a series of (Bible lectures in Reidsville next week. His first lecture wlH be delivered at the Main street M. E. chuirch Sunday morning, followed by an address at the Main street Baptist church Sun day nrtght. During the following week he will lecture each night at the Mala street M. E. church. There wim be no admission charge to any of these lectures and the public is cordially invited to attend them. Dr, Tupper has a national reputation, as a lecturer and orator and our people are to be congratulated on their op portunity of heariing this distinguish ed Biblical scholar. Dr. Russel H. Conway, well known to our people says that "Dr. Tuppers lectures are the finest I know of. They are schol arly yet popullar, up to date yet even, gelical and presented with rare elo quence. Beginning today (Thursday) the federal war tax is imposed on every person that enters a theatre. This includes the smallest of children. The manager of the Gnande Theatre is required under the statute to keep a record of each and every person en tering his place, and make a sworn statement of same at the end of each month, and pay the tax as required by law. Mr. John J. McCargO, a well-known Confederate veteran and one of the county's most respected citizens, died at his home near Cavalry church Wednesday afternoon in his 80th year. He ileaves a widow and three grown sons. His remains were burled at Cavalry church cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev. D. W. Overby conduct in the services. Mr. McCargo was highly regarded by aill who knew him. He lived an honorable, upright life and had a wide circle of friends throughout the county. The New Fall HAVE TAKEN FULL Stocks POSSESSION Code of Beauty. Our code and schedule of beauty Is, I often feel, a very formal affair. Either we are afraid or ashamed to differ from received opinions, or we have never thought of revising the code we adopted in our youth, or we do not really look at things, or we do not care about beauty at all. A. O. Benson. - BUSINESS BUILDERS LOST, WANTED, ETC. THE HELPING HAND OF 03 DO Perhaps one of the greatest lessons to humanity is GOOD CREDIT. There is hardly any of us who, at some time, do not find ourselves in need of it Here tofore, the advantages of a ' credit account have been limited to a "Favored Few," but this Store has EVOLVED A SYSIEM WHEREBY ANY ONE CAN SE CURE UNLIMITED CREDIT IN THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANNER. As to the merits of our system, we will refer you to the UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT. Although the WEALTHIEST country in the world, and having unlimited capital at its command, our Government uses its C RE PIT very largely Also, when floating its "LIBERTY LOAN," the Government offers its Bonds in exactly the same manner as we offer you our merchandise A SMALL SUM DOWN AND THE REST IN SMALL INSTALLMENTS. Come in and let us explain. We Outfit the Entire Family WEARING APPAREL FOR THE LADIES Our assortment of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments has never been better than right now, and it will be to your advan tage to come in while the stock is com plete. ' COAT SUITS in every new style, fabric and shade are waiting for you. LADIES' COATS that will please you with their beauty of design, fabric and colors. Just the style you have been look ing for. SHIRTWAISTS of all materials and styles. LADIES' SKIRTS in all wool materials that will answer any requirements. LET US OUTFIT YOU ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. CLOTHING FOR THE MEN AND BOYS We have everything in Men's Clothing and can fit the men in models that repre sent the very best that Fashion has to of fer for this season. The new belted and trench models as well as the conservative ly tailored styles. Patterns and Fabrics are entirely new. We can also tailor a suit to your individ ual measure. Hundreds of patterns to se lact from. BOYS' SUITS This is the ideal store to furnish the boy with that Suit he is needing. We have the most attractive styles and our fabrics are entirely all wool. Satisfactory wear is guaranteed when you buy our Boys' Clothing. 9 North Scales FTTST A A LITTLE DOWN AND nenhaU A DOLLAR A WEEK Opposite P.O. AH kinds of onion sets. Prices right. R. M. Gillie. Barler Ideal oil beaters sold by Reidsville Hardware Co. Lettuce for sale. Apply to Mrs. John D. Huffitaes, ,Lindsey street. Another big shipment of bicycles, standard make. Reidsville Hardware Co. ". - , ,: Just received a shipment of Ntesen wagpns and beds. Townsend Bug gy Co. . . . ' . See our line of men's and boy's sweaters. Williams & Co, The Man's Store. Wilson heaters, best wood heater on the market WMttemore-Mobley Hdw. Co. Buggies, Surrys, Harness Lap robes at right prices. Townsend (Buggy Company. ' New lot young men's Bello suits just received. Williams & Co.. The Man's Store. We still have a big stock of roof tog) and prices iright. Reidsville Hardware Co. y STOVES. See our line of cook and heatjng stoves before buying. Reids ville Hardware Co. We have Just received car of No 1 Sap and No. 2. Heart Shingles. Townsend Buggy Co. More Mackenaws 1n the newest models and patterns for men, an beys S. S. Harris. Shingles! Shingles! Shingles! We have them: Saps and No. 2 Hearts. Townsend Buggy Co. The largest and prettiest line of shirts we have ever shown. Williams & Co., The Man's Store. For twenty-four inch concrete well pipe, brick, and building blocks, call on W. T. Wooton, Mgr. Crossett and Beacon shoes for men two of the best makes sold on any market Williams & Co. FOR f ALE. Two Ford Touring cars and one Ford Runabout Ap- ly to Dr. L. T. Smith, city. When you want the best to be had in clothes for young men, old men and boys go to S. S. Harris. We sell Carhartt overalls, no better known to us tn the world. Williams ie Co The Man's Store. All the popular weights of season' able underwear in union and two piece suits. S. S. Harris. FOR SALE One second-hand rub ber tire top buggy and harness, good as new. W. E. McCoIluni. FOR SALE One 5-passenger Ma well automobile. Good as new, will seU at bargain to Quick buyer. Town- send Buggy Co. WANTED. A good tenant who has sufficient force to work a good two- horse farm on shares. Good land, good building and good stock. Call or write to S. B. McKlnney, Palham, N.. O. Telephone Pelham No. 2. W. H. Wakefield, M. D of Charlotte will be in Reidsville at the New Sou thern Hotel on Monday, November l&th, one day. The Doctor limits his practice to the medical and surgical treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases and fitting glasses. Ask your doctor about seeing him. Engraved wedding Invitations, an nouncements, visiting cards, etc.; en- bossed stationery and cards. Our samples are the prettiest In the city. See us before placing your order. The W. M. Oliver Printing Co. Has H ever occurred to you that a worn-out range wasee money In burning too much fuel and spoiling food? A range expert who will have charge of the Majestic demonstration during the week commencing October 29 will show you how the Majestic range cuts down household expenses. Cora: and sec (he many newJhings that are rea y for your inspection-including new lot Suits. Coats, Sweaters Dresses and Millinery THERE ARE MANY ADVANTAGES MAKING YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY. IN Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co., The Woman's Store Quality and Style. Hansen gloves for men now just re ceived. Williams & Co. New lot caps for an at Williams & Co., The Man's Store. Syracuse Plows once used always preferred. Reidsville Hdw. Co. Another shipment of styOiah over coats just received. S. S. Harris. You will always And the latest things in neckwear at Williams & Co. Majestic are cheapest because they last longest. See Reidsville Hdw. Co. Collars, Bridles, Harness, Lap Robes and Whips. Reidsville Hard ware Co. Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears We carry complete stock. Reidsville Hardware Co. Horse blankets, lap robes and whips Big stock and desirable goods. Whittemore-Mobley Hdw. Co. WANTED. A good farm hand, either for wages or part of crop. jj H. Walker, Reidsville, N. C. Ask us to show you our bargains in boys' and men's mackinaw coats. Williams & Cor, the Man's Store. Fatir ba ales-Morse gasolene engines and kerosene engines. Best" on the market Townsend Buggy Company. WANTED. Tenant for good tobac co farm, also some good bottom lands for corn. W. G. (Ballard, phone 264-W. ''. Large stock of cook stoves and ranges. Best makes at very reason able prices. -- Whlttemore-MobJej; Hdw, Co. " HORsfl FOR SALEf-Good work horse for farm or "dray. Apply to J, H. Lovetace, R. F. D. 5, Reidsville. (Lawsonvllle road.) Come on Boys and get your mules. I have 30 good ones out of 60 bought about ten days ago. I have any size all broken and ready. J. W. Ivte. When you buy a range that has proved to be the best, your money has been well) invested. Hha MA JESTIC DEMONSTRATOR will, dur ing the week commencing October 29, show you why the MAJESTIC is the best, and why It is the best, and why it actually eaves you money. Reidsville Hardware Co. iFOR SALE. Longefl,!ow strain, pure . bred, Berkshire pigs. Briae righit. M. E, Roberts, Practical Farm R. F. D. 4, ReidsvUe. AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WANTED. Must furnish best of reference. State salary and full particulars Address Box 272, Reids ville, N. C. Place your orders now for engraved Christmas stationery so you may be sure of delivery. See ourr Bamples and get our prices. The W. M. Oliver Printing Co. I have several hundred cords of wood on stump near town. I want it cut and hauled on shares or tor cash. I will furnish saw and split ters. W. G. Ballard, Phone 264-W. t iwantmd. carpenters) 12.50 per day and up ; laborers $2 per day.-n day andup; laborers $2 per day. Apply at new Knitting Mffl, Leaks- vlDe, N. C. J. A. Jones, Contractor. The offer of a set of kitchemware nil vlltOfln v a A JESTIC during demonstration week Is genuine. It is an outond-out gift to every purchaser of a MAJESTIC ranee and the price of this range with a reputation remains the same. See this demonstration during the week of October 29. Reidsville Hdw. Co. MONET TO LOAN ON FARM T A TrM m . . . a uAtNjjo. i peg 10 announce tnai i have made arrangements with the-: Chlckamauga Trust Co., of Tennessee whereby I have an unlimited amount of money to loan on farm lands at B per cent Loans are made for from one to seven years to suit th9. borrower. Write or' see me for par ticulars. P. T. Stlers, Attorney, ReidsviUe, N. C. y , SPECIAL NOTICE. Because of certain divisions In the work in the Uiims omca it win ne Tifwvmnarv rnr us to collect the water and light bills On or before the 10th of the month. Therefore, unless all bills are settled at the Clerk's office on or before the 10th of the month, the service will be discontinued. Please bear this in mtnd and settle promptly. We hope that you will not force us to take this action. .Collector for Town of Reids ville.. :.-.! Do You Love Flowers? Why not make home more attractive by planting Bulbs now? And have blooming plants' all win ter. Our new shipment of Narcissus has just arrived. Hyacinths and other Bulbs will be here in a few days. 'Phone, write or send us your wants. We are anxious to serve you. Tucker's Drug Store, PHONE 200 MWMMMllflMWi . 1 PRESCRIPTIONS! Are filled accuratety and with great care at Gardner's Drug Store, Competent Pharma cists and the purest and best Drugs insure satisfactory service. Bring in your Pre scriptions and you will have the satisfaction of knowing they are filled correctly. Full line of Wood's .reliable Field and Gar den Seeds always on hand. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY PHONE 14. NIGHf PH0NE:61-J. Reidsville Hdw. Co. . ' t

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